// $Id: map.h,v 1.8 2004/09/25 11:39:17 MouseJstr Exp $ #ifndef MAP_HPP #define MAP_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include "../common/mmo.hpp" #include "../common/timer.hpp" #include "../common/db.hpp" #include "script.hpp" #include "mob.t.hpp" #include "skill.t.hpp" #ifndef MAX # define MAX(x,y) (((x)>(y)) ? (x) : (y)) #endif #ifndef MIN # define MIN(x,y) (((x)<(y)) ? (x) : (y)) #endif #define MAX_PC_CLASS (1+6+6+1+6+1+1+1+1+4023) #define PC_CLASS_BASE 0 #define PC_CLASS_BASE2 (PC_CLASS_BASE + 4001) #define PC_CLASS_BASE3 (PC_CLASS_BASE2 + 22) #define MAX_NPC_PER_MAP 512 #define BLOCK_SIZE 8 #define AREA_SIZE battle_config.area_size #define LOCAL_REG_NUM 16 #define LIFETIME_FLOORITEM 60 #define DAMAGELOG_SIZE 30 #define LOOTITEM_SIZE 10 #define MAX_SKILL_LEVEL 100 #define MAX_SKILLUNITGROUP 32 #define MAX_MOBSKILLUNITGROUP 8 #define MAX_SKILLUNITGROUPTICKSET 128 #define MAX_SKILLTIMERSKILL 32 #define MAX_MOBSKILLTIMERSKILL 10 #define MAX_MOBSKILL 32 #define MAX_EVENTQUEUE 2 #define MAX_EVENTTIMER 32 #define NATURAL_HEAL_INTERVAL 500 #define MAX_FLOORITEM 500000 #define MAX_LEVEL 255 #define MAX_WALKPATH 48 #define MAX_DROP_PER_MAP 48 #define DEFAULT_AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL 60*1000 // [Fate] status.option properties. These are persistent status changes. // IDs that are not listed are not used in the code (to the best of my knowledge) #define OPTION_HIDE2 0x0002 // apparently some weaker non-GM hide #define OPTION_CLOAK 0x0004 #define OPTION_10 0x0010 #define OPTION_20 0x0020 #define OPTION_HIDE 0x0040 // [Fate] This is the GM `@hide' flag #define OPTION_800 0x0800 #define OPTION_INVISIBILITY 0x1000 // [Fate] Complete invisibility to other clients #define OPTION_SCRIBE 0x2000 // [Fate] Auto-logging of nearby comments #define OPTION_CHASEWALK 0x4000 enum { BL_NUL, BL_PC, BL_NPC, BL_MOB, BL_ITEM, BL_CHAT, BL_SKILL, BL_SPELL }; enum { WARP, SHOP, SCRIPT, MONS, MESSAGE }; struct block_list { struct block_list *next, *prev; int id; short m, x, y; unsigned char type; unsigned char subtype; }; struct walkpath_data { unsigned char path_len, path_pos, path_half; unsigned char path[MAX_WALKPATH]; }; struct script_reg { int index; int data; }; struct script_regstr { int index; char data[256]; }; struct status_change { int timer; int val1, val2, val3, val4; SkillID val1_sk() { return SkillID(val1); } int spell_invocation; /* [Fate] If triggered by a spell, record here */ }; struct invocation; struct skill_unit_group; struct skill_unit { struct block_list bl; struct skill_unit_group *group; int limit; int val1, val2; short alive, range; }; struct skill_unit_group { int src_id; int party_id; int map, range; int target_flag; unsigned int tick; int limit, interval; SkillID skill_id; int skill_lv; int val1, val2; char *valstr; int unit_id; int group_id; int unit_count, alive_count; struct skill_unit *unit; }; struct skill_unit_group_tickset { unsigned int tick; int group_id; }; struct skill_timerskill { int timer; int src_id; int target_id; int map; short x, y; SkillID skill_id; short skill_lv; int type; int flag; }; struct npc_data; struct item_data; struct square; struct quick_regeneration { // [Fate] int amount; // Amount of HP/SP left to regenerate unsigned char speed; // less is faster (number of half-second ticks to wait between updates) unsigned char tickdelay; // number of ticks to next update }; #define VERSION_2_SKILLINFO 0x02 // client supports full skillinfo blocks struct map_session_data { struct block_list bl; struct { unsigned auth:1; unsigned change_walk_target:1; unsigned attack_continue:1; unsigned menu_or_input:1; unsigned dead_sit:2; unsigned skillcastcancel:1; unsigned waitingdisconnect:1; unsigned lr_flag:2; unsigned connect_new:1; unsigned arrow_atk:1; unsigned attack_type:3; unsigned skill_flag:1; unsigned gangsterparadise:1; unsigned produce_flag:1; unsigned make_arrow_flag:1; unsigned potionpitcher_flag:1; unsigned storage_open:1; unsigned shroud_active:1; unsigned shroud_hides_name_talking:1; unsigned shroud_disappears_on_pickup:1; unsigned shroud_disappears_on_talk:1; } state; struct { unsigned killer:1; unsigned killable:1; unsigned restart_full_recover:1; unsigned no_castcancel:1; unsigned no_castcancel2:1; unsigned no_sizefix:1; unsigned no_magic_damage:1; unsigned no_weapon_damage:1; unsigned no_gemstone:1; unsigned infinite_endure:1; unsigned unbreakable_weapon:1; unsigned unbreakable_armor:1; unsigned infinite_autospell:1; unsigned deaf:1; } special_state; int char_id, login_id1, login_id2, sex; unsigned char tmw_version; // tmw client version struct mmo_charstatus status; struct item_data *inventory_data[MAX_INVENTORY]; short equip_index[11]; int weight, max_weight; int cart_weight, cart_max_weight, cart_num, cart_max_num; char mapname[24]; int fd, new_fd; short to_x, to_y; short speed, prev_speed; short opt1, opt2, opt3; char dir, head_dir; unsigned int client_tick, server_tick; struct walkpath_data walkpath; int walktimer; int npc_id, areanpc_id, npc_shopid; int npc_pos; int npc_menu; int npc_amount; int npc_stack, npc_stackmax; const ScriptCode *npc_script, *npc_scriptroot; char *npc_stackbuf; char npc_str[256]; struct { unsigned storage:1; unsigned divorce:1; } npc_flags; unsigned int chatID; int attacktimer; int attacktarget; short attacktarget_lv; unsigned int attackabletime; int followtimer; // [MouseJstr] int followtarget; unsigned int cast_tick; // [Fate] Next tick at which spellcasting is allowed struct invocation *active_spells; // [Fate] Singly-linked list of active spells linked to this PC int attack_spell_override; // [Fate] When an attack spell is active for this player, they trigger it // like a weapon. Check pc_attack_timer() for details. // Weapon equipment slot (slot 4) item override StatusChange attack_spell_icon_override; short attack_spell_look_override; // Weapon `look' (attack animation) override short attack_spell_charges; // [Fate] Remaining number of charges for the attack spell short attack_spell_delay; // [Fate] ms delay after spell attack short attack_spell_range; // [Fate] spell range short spellpower_bonus_target, spellpower_bonus_current; // [Fate] Spellpower boni. _current is the active one. //_current slowly approximates _target, and _target is determined by equipment. short attackrange, attackrange_; int skilltimer; int skilltarget; short skillx, skilly; SkillID skillid; short skilllv; SkillID skillitem; short skillitemlv; SkillID skillid_old; short skilllv_old; SkillID skillid_dance; short skilllv_dance; struct skill_unit_group skillunit[MAX_SKILLUNITGROUP]; struct skill_unit_group_tickset skillunittick[MAX_SKILLUNITGROUPTICKSET]; struct skill_timerskill skilltimerskill[MAX_SKILLTIMERSKILL]; int cloneskill_id, cloneskill_lv; int potion_hp, potion_sp, potion_per_hp, potion_per_sp; // [Fate] Used for gradual healing; amount of enqueued regeneration struct quick_regeneration quick_regeneration_hp, quick_regeneration_sp; // [Fate] XP that can be extracted from this player by healing int heal_xp; // i.e., OTHER players (healers) can partake in this player's XP int invincible_timer; unsigned int canact_tick; unsigned int canmove_tick; unsigned int canlog_tick; int hp_sub, sp_sub; int inchealhptick, inchealsptick, inchealspirithptick, inchealspiritsptick; // -- moonsoul (new tick for berserk self-damage) int berserkdamagetick; int fame; short view_class; short weapontype1, weapontype2; short disguiseflag, disguise; // [Valaris] int paramb[6], paramc[6], parame[6], paramcard[6]; int hit, flee, flee2, aspd, amotion, dmotion; int watk, watk2, atkmods[3]; int def, def2, mdef, mdef2, critical, matk1, matk2; int atk_ele, def_ele, star, overrefine; int castrate, hprate, sprate, dsprate; int addele[10], addrace[12], addsize[3], subele[10], subrace[12]; earray addeff, addeff2, reseff; int watk_, watk_2, atkmods_[3], addele_[10], addrace_[12], addsize_[3]; //二刀流のために追加 int atk_ele_, star_, overrefine_; //二刀流のために追加 int base_atk, atk_rate; int arrow_atk, arrow_ele, arrow_cri, arrow_hit, arrow_range; int arrow_addele[10], arrow_addrace[12], arrow_addsize[3]; earray arrow_addeff, arrow_addeff2; int nhealhp, nhealsp, nshealhp, nshealsp, nsshealhp, nsshealsp; int aspd_rate, speed_rate, hprecov_rate, sprecov_rate, critical_def, double_rate; int near_attack_def_rate, long_attack_def_rate, magic_def_rate, misc_def_rate; int matk_rate, ignore_def_ele, ignore_def_race, ignore_def_ele_, ignore_def_race_; int ignore_mdef_ele, ignore_mdef_race; int magic_addele[10], magic_addrace[12], magic_subrace[12]; int perfect_hit, get_zeny_num; int critical_rate, hit_rate, flee_rate, flee2_rate, def_rate, def2_rate, mdef_rate, mdef2_rate; int def_ratio_atk_ele, def_ratio_atk_ele_, def_ratio_atk_race, def_ratio_atk_race_; int add_damage_class_count, add_damage_class_count_, add_magic_damage_class_count; short add_damage_classid[10], add_damage_classid_[10], add_magic_damage_classid[10]; int add_damage_classrate[10], add_damage_classrate_[10], add_magic_damage_classrate[10]; short add_def_class_count, add_mdef_class_count; short add_def_classid[10], add_mdef_classid[10]; int add_def_classrate[10], add_mdef_classrate[10]; short monster_drop_item_count; short monster_drop_itemid[10]; int monster_drop_race[10], monster_drop_itemrate[10]; int double_add_rate, speed_add_rate, aspd_add_rate, perfect_hit_add, get_zeny_add_num; short splash_range, splash_add_range; SkillID autospell_id; short autospell_lv, autospell_rate; short hp_drain_rate, hp_drain_per, sp_drain_rate, sp_drain_per; short hp_drain_rate_, hp_drain_per_, sp_drain_rate_, sp_drain_per_; int short_weapon_damage_return, long_weapon_damage_return; int weapon_coma_ele[10], weapon_coma_race[12]; short break_weapon_rate, break_armor_rate; short add_steal_rate; short spiritball, spiritball_old; int spirit_timer[MAX_SKILL_LEVEL]; int magic_damage_return; // AppleGirl Was Here int random_attack_increase_add, random_attack_increase_per; // [Valaris] int perfect_hiding; // [Valaris] int unbreakable; int die_counter; short doridori_counter; int reg_num; struct script_reg *reg; int regstr_num; struct script_regstr *regstr; earray sc_data; short sc_count; struct square dev; int trade_partner; int deal_item_index[10]; int deal_item_amount[10]; int deal_zeny; short deal_locked; int party_sended, party_invite, party_invite_account; int party_hp, party_x, party_y; int partyspy; // [Syrus22] char message[80]; int catch_target_class; int pvp_point, pvp_rank, pvp_timer, pvp_lastusers; char eventqueue[MAX_EVENTQUEUE][50]; int eventtimer[MAX_EVENTTIMER]; SkillID last_skillid; int last_skilllv; struct { char name[24]; } ignore[80]; int ignoreAll; short sg_count; struct { unsigned in_progress:1; } auto_ban_info; time_t chat_reset_due; time_t chat_repeat_reset_due; int chat_lines_in; int chat_total_repeats; char chat_lastmsg[513]; unsigned int flood_rates[0x220]; time_t packet_flood_reset_due; int packet_flood_in; struct in_addr ip; }; struct npc_timerevent_list { int timer, pos; }; struct npc_label_list { char name[24]; int pos; }; struct npc_item_list { int nameid, value; }; struct npc_data { struct block_list bl; short n; short npc_class, dir; short speed; char name[24]; char exname[24]; int chat_id; short opt1, opt2, opt3, option; short flag; union { struct { const ScriptCode *script; short xs, ys; int timer, timerid, timeramount, nexttimer; unsigned int timertick; struct npc_timerevent_list *timer_event; int label_list_num; struct npc_label_list *label_list; int src_id; } scr; struct npc_item_list shop_item[1]; struct { short xs, ys; short x, y; char name[16]; } warp; char *message; // for MESSAGE: only send this message } u; // ここにメンバを追加してはならない(shop_itemが可変長の為) char eventqueue[MAX_EVENTQUEUE][50]; int eventtimer[MAX_EVENTTIMER]; short arenaflag; }; #define MOB_MODE_SUMMONED 0x1000 #define MOB_MODE_TURNS_AGAINST_BAD_MASTER 0x2000 #define MOB_SENSIBLE_MASK 0xf000 // fate: mob mode flags that I actually understand enum mob_stat { MOB_LV, MOB_MAX_HP, MOB_STR, MOB_AGI, MOB_VIT, MOB_INT, MOB_DEX, MOB_LUK, MOB_ATK1, MOB_ATK2, // low and high attacks MOB_ADELAY, // attack delay MOB_DEF, MOB_MDEF, MOB_SPEED, // These must come last: MOB_XP_BONUS, /* [Fate] Encoded as base to 1024: 1024 means 100% */ MOB_LAST }; #define MOB_XP_BONUS_BASE 1024 #define MOB_XP_BONUS_SHIFT 10 struct mob_data { struct block_list bl; short n; short base_class, mob_class, dir, mode; short m, x0, y0, xs, ys; char name[24]; int spawndelay1, spawndelay2; struct { unsigned state:8; MSS skillstate; unsigned targettype:1; unsigned steal_flag:1; unsigned steal_coin_flag:1; unsigned skillcastcancel:1; unsigned master_check:1; unsigned change_walk_target:1; unsigned walk_easy:1; unsigned special_mob_ai:3; } state; int timer; short to_x, to_y; int hp; int target_id, attacked_id; short target_lv; struct walkpath_data walkpath; unsigned int next_walktime; unsigned int attackabletime; unsigned int last_deadtime, last_spawntime, last_thinktime; unsigned int canmove_tick; short move_fail_count; struct { int id; int dmg; } dmglog[DAMAGELOG_SIZE]; struct item *lootitem; short lootitem_count; earray sc_data; short sc_count; short opt1, opt2, opt3, option; short min_chase; short sg_count; int deletetimer; int skilltimer; int skilltarget; short skillx, skilly; SkillID skillid; short skilllv, skillidx; unsigned int skilldelay[MAX_MOBSKILL]; int def_ele; int master_id, master_dist; int exclusion_src, exclusion_party; struct skill_timerskill skilltimerskill[MAX_MOBSKILLTIMERSKILL]; struct skill_unit_group skillunit[MAX_MOBSKILLUNITGROUP]; struct skill_unit_group_tickset skillunittick[MAX_SKILLUNITGROUPTICKSET]; char npc_event[50]; unsigned short stats[MOB_LAST]; // [Fate] mob-specific stats short size; }; enum { MS_IDLE, MS_WALK, MS_ATTACK, MS_DEAD, MS_DELAY }; enum { NONE_ATTACKABLE, ATTACKABLE }; enum { ATK_LUCKY = 1, ATK_FLEE, ATK_DEF }; // 囲まれペナルティ計算用 struct map_data { char name[24]; char alias[24]; // [MouseJstr] unsigned char *gat; // NULLなら下のmap_data_other_serverとして扱う struct block_list **block; struct block_list **block_mob; int *block_count, *block_mob_count; int m; short xs, ys; short bxs, bys; int npc_num; int users; struct { unsigned alias:1; unsigned nomemo:1; unsigned noteleport:1; unsigned noreturn:1; unsigned monster_noteleport:1; unsigned nosave:1; unsigned nobranch:1; unsigned nopenalty:1; unsigned pvp:1; unsigned pvp_noparty:1; unsigned pvp_nightmaredrop:1; unsigned pvp_nocalcrank:1; unsigned nozenypenalty:1; unsigned notrade:1; unsigned noskill:1; unsigned nowarp:1; unsigned nowarpto:1; unsigned nopvp:1; // [Valaris] unsigned noicewall:1; // [Valaris] unsigned snow:1; // [Valaris] unsigned fog:1; // [Valaris] unsigned sakura:1; // [Valaris] unsigned leaves:1; // [Valaris] unsigned rain:1; // [Valaris] unsigned no_player_drops:1; // [Jaxad0127] unsigned town:1; // [remoitnane] } flag; struct point save; struct npc_data *npc[MAX_NPC_PER_MAP]; struct { int drop_id; int drop_type; int drop_per; } drop_list[MAX_DROP_PER_MAP]; }; struct map_data_other_server { char name[24]; unsigned char *gat; // NULL固定にして判断 struct in_addr ip; unsigned int port; }; #define read_gat(m,x,y) (map[m].gat[(x)+(y)*map[m].xs]) #define read_gatp(m,x,y) (m->gat[(x)+(y)*m->xs]) struct flooritem_data { struct block_list bl; short subx, suby; int cleartimer; int first_get_id, second_get_id, third_get_id; unsigned int first_get_tick, second_get_tick, third_get_tick; struct item item_data; }; enum { SP_SPEED, SP_BASEEXP, SP_JOBEXP, SP_KARMA, SP_MANNER, SP_HP, SP_MAXHP, SP_SP, // 0-7 SP_MAXSP, SP_STATUSPOINT, SP_0a, SP_BASELEVEL, SP_SKILLPOINT, SP_STR, SP_AGI, SP_VIT, // 8-15 SP_INT, SP_DEX, SP_LUK, SP_CLASS, SP_ZENY, SP_SEX, SP_NEXTBASEEXP, SP_NEXTJOBEXP, // 16-23 SP_WEIGHT, SP_MAXWEIGHT, SP_1a, SP_1b, SP_1c, SP_1d, SP_1e, SP_1f, // 24-31 SP_USTR, SP_UAGI, SP_UVIT, SP_UINT, SP_UDEX, SP_ULUK, SP_26, SP_27, // 32-39 SP_28, SP_ATK1, SP_ATK2, SP_MATK1, SP_MATK2, SP_DEF1, SP_DEF2, SP_MDEF1, // 40-47 SP_MDEF2, SP_HIT, SP_FLEE1, SP_FLEE2, SP_CRITICAL, SP_ASPD, SP_36, SP_JOBLEVEL, // 48-55 SP_UPPER, SP_PARTNER, SP_CART, SP_FAME, SP_UNBREAKABLE, //56-58 SP_DEAF = 70, SP_CARTINFO = 99, // 99 SP_GM = 500, // original 1000- SP_ATTACKRANGE = 1000, SP_ATKELE, SP_DEFELE, // 1000-1002 SP_CASTRATE, SP_MAXHPRATE, SP_MAXSPRATE, SP_SPRATE, // 1003-1006 SP_ADDELE, SP_ADDRACE, SP_ADDSIZE, SP_SUBELE, SP_SUBRACE, // 1007-1011 SP_ADDEFF, SP_RESEFF, // 1012-1013 SP_BASE_ATK, SP_ASPD_RATE, SP_HP_RECOV_RATE, SP_SP_RECOV_RATE, SP_SPEED_RATE, // 1014-1018 SP_CRITICAL_DEF, SP_NEAR_ATK_DEF, SP_LONG_ATK_DEF, // 1019-1021 SP_DOUBLE_RATE, SP_DOUBLE_ADD_RATE, SP_MATK, SP_MATK_RATE, // 1022-1025 SP_IGNORE_DEF_ELE, SP_IGNORE_DEF_RACE, // 1026-1027 SP_ATK_RATE, SP_SPEED_ADDRATE, SP_ASPD_ADDRATE, // 1028-1030 SP_MAGIC_ATK_DEF, SP_MISC_ATK_DEF, // 1031-1032 SP_IGNORE_MDEF_ELE, SP_IGNORE_MDEF_RACE, // 1033-1034 SP_MAGIC_ADDELE, SP_MAGIC_ADDRACE, SP_MAGIC_SUBRACE, // 1035-1037 SP_PERFECT_HIT_RATE, SP_PERFECT_HIT_ADD_RATE, SP_CRITICAL_RATE, SP_GET_ZENY_NUM, SP_ADD_GET_ZENY_NUM, // 1038-1042 SP_ADD_DAMAGE_CLASS, SP_ADD_MAGIC_DAMAGE_CLASS, SP_ADD_DEF_CLASS, SP_ADD_MDEF_CLASS, // 1043-1046 SP_ADD_MONSTER_DROP_ITEM, SP_DEF_RATIO_ATK_ELE, SP_DEF_RATIO_ATK_RACE, SP_ADD_SPEED, // 1047-1050 SP_HIT_RATE, SP_FLEE_RATE, SP_FLEE2_RATE, SP_DEF_RATE, SP_DEF2_RATE, SP_MDEF_RATE, SP_MDEF2_RATE, // 1051-1057 SP_SPLASH_RANGE, SP_SPLASH_ADD_RANGE, SP_AUTOSPELL, SP_HP_DRAIN_RATE, SP_SP_DRAIN_RATE, // 1058-1062 SP_SHORT_WEAPON_DAMAGE_RETURN, SP_LONG_WEAPON_DAMAGE_RETURN, SP_WEAPON_COMA_ELE, SP_WEAPON_COMA_RACE, // 1063-1066 SP_ADDEFF2, SP_BREAK_WEAPON_RATE, SP_BREAK_ARMOR_RATE, SP_ADD_STEAL_RATE, // 1067-1070 SP_MAGIC_DAMAGE_RETURN, SP_RANDOM_ATTACK_INCREASE, SP_ALL_STATS, SP_AGI_VIT, SP_AGI_DEX_STR, SP_PERFECT_HIDE, // 1071-1077 SP_DISGUISE, // 1077 SP_RESTART_FULL_RECORVER = 2000, SP_NO_CASTCANCEL, SP_NO_SIZEFIX, SP_NO_MAGIC_DAMAGE, SP_NO_WEAPON_DAMAGE, SP_NO_GEMSTONE, // 2000-2005 SP_NO_CASTCANCEL2, SP_INFINITE_ENDURE, SP_UNBREAKABLE_WEAPON, SP_UNBREAKABLE_ARMOR // 2006-2009 }; enum { LOOK_BASE, LOOK_HAIR, LOOK_WEAPON, LOOK_HEAD_BOTTOM, LOOK_HEAD_TOP, LOOK_HEAD_MID, LOOK_HAIR_COLOR, LOOK_CLOTHES_COLOR, LOOK_SHIELD, LOOK_SHOES, /* 9 */ LOOK_GLOVES, LOOK_CAPE, LOOK_MISC1, LOOK_MISC2 }; enum { EQUIP_SHIELD = 8, EQUIP_WEAPON = 9 }; #define LOOK_LAST LOOK_MISC2 struct chat_data { struct block_list bl; char pass[8]; /* password */ char title[61]; /* room title MAX 60 */ unsigned char limit; /* join limit */ unsigned char trigger; unsigned char users; /* current users */ unsigned char pub; /* room attribute */ struct map_session_data *usersd[20]; struct block_list *owner_; struct block_list **owner; char npc_event[50]; }; extern struct map_data map[]; extern int map_num; extern int autosave_interval; extern int save_settings; extern int night_flag; // 0=day, 1=night [Yor] extern char motd_txt[]; extern char help_txt[]; extern char talkie_mes[]; extern char wisp_server_name[]; // 鯖全体情報 void map_setusers(int); int map_getusers(void); // block削除関連 int map_freeblock(void *bl); int map_freeblock_lock(void); int map_freeblock_unlock(void); // block関連 int map_addblock(struct block_list *); int map_delblock(struct block_list *); void map_foreachinarea(void(*)(struct block_list *, va_list), int, int, int, int, int, int, ...); // -- moonsoul (added map_foreachincell) void map_foreachincell(void(*)(struct block_list *, va_list), int, int, int, int, ...); void map_foreachinmovearea(void(*)(struct block_list *, va_list), int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, ...); int map_countnearpc(int, int, int); //block関連に追加 int map_count_oncell(int m, int x, int y); // 一時的object関連 int map_addobject(struct block_list *); int map_delobject(int, int type); int map_delobjectnofree(int id, int type); void map_foreachobject(void(*)(struct block_list *, va_list), int, ...); // int map_quit(struct map_session_data *); // npc int map_addnpc(int, struct npc_data *); extern FILE *map_logfile; __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))) void map_write_log(const char *format, ...); #define MAP_LOG(format, args...) {if (map_logfile) map_write_log(format, ##args);} #define MAP_LOG_PC(sd, fmt, args...) MAP_LOG("PC%d %d:%d,%d " fmt, sd->status.char_id, sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, ## args) // 床アイテム関連 void map_clearflooritem_timer(timer_id, tick_t, custom_id_t, custom_data_t); #define map_clearflooritem(id) map_clearflooritem_timer(0,0,id,1) int map_addflooritem_any(struct item *, int amount, int m, int x, int y, struct map_session_data **owners, int *owner_protection, int lifetime, int dispersal); int map_addflooritem(struct item *, int, int, int, int, struct map_session_data *, struct map_session_data *, struct map_session_data *, int); int map_searchrandfreecell(int, int, int, int); // キャラid=>キャラ名 変換関連 void map_addchariddb(int charid, const char *name); void map_delchariddb(int charid); int map_reqchariddb(struct map_session_data *sd, int charid); char *map_charid2nick(int); struct map_session_data *map_id2sd(int); struct block_list *map_id2bl(int); int map_mapname2mapid(const char *); int map_mapname2ipport(const char *, struct in_addr *, int *); int map_setipport(const char *name, struct in_addr ip, int port); int map_eraseipport(const char *name, struct in_addr ip, int port); void map_addiddb(struct block_list *); void map_deliddb(struct block_list *bl); int map_foreachiddb(db_func_t, ...); void map_addnickdb(struct map_session_data *); int map_scriptcont(struct map_session_data *sd, int id); /* Continues a script either on a spell or on an NPC */ struct map_session_data *map_nick2sd(const char *); int compare_item(struct item *a, struct item *b); struct map_session_data *map_get_first_session(void); struct map_session_data *map_get_last_session(void); struct map_session_data *map_get_next_session(struct map_session_data *current); struct map_session_data *map_get_prev_session(struct map_session_data *current); // gat関連 int map_getcell(int, int, int); int map_setcell(int, int, int, int); // その他 int map_check_dir(int s_dir, int t_dir); int map_calc_dir(struct block_list *src, int x, int y); // path.cより int path_search(struct walkpath_data *, int, int, int, int, int, int); int path_blownpos(int m, int x0, int y0, int dx, int dy, int count); int map_who(int fd); void map_helpscreen(void); // [Valaris] int map_delmap(char *mapname); #endif