#include "magic.hpp" #include "magic-interpreter.hpp" #include "magic-expr.hpp" #include "magic-interpreter-aux.hpp" static void set_int_p (val_t * v, int i, int t) { v->ty = t; v->v.v_int = i; } #define set_int(v, i) set_int_p(v, i, TY_INT) #define set_dir(v, i) set_int_p(v, i, TY_DIR) #define SETTER(tty, dyn_ty, field) (val_t *v, tty x) { v->ty = dyn_ty; v->v.field = x; } static void set_string SETTER (char *, TY_STRING, v_string); static void set_entity (val_t * v, entity_t * e) { v->ty = TY_ENTITY; v->v.v_int = e->id; } static void set_invocation (val_t * v, invocation_t * i) { v->ty = TY_INVOCATION; v->v.v_int = i->bl.id; } static void set_spell SETTER (spell_t *, TY_SPELL, v_spell); #define setenv(f, v, x) f(&(env->vars[v]), x) #define set_env_int(v, x) setenv(set_int, v, x) #define set_env_dir(v, x) setenv(set_dir, v, x) #define set_env_string(v, x) setenv(set_string, v, x) #define set_env_entity(v, x) setenv(set_entity, v, x) #define set_env_location(v, x) setenv(set_location, v, x) #define set_env_area(v, x) setenv(set_area, v, x) #define set_env_invocation(v, x) setenv(set_invocation, v, x) #define set_env_spell(v, x) setenv(set_spell, v, x) magic_conf_t magic_conf; /* Global magic conf */ env_t magic_default_env = { &magic_conf, NULL }; static int spells_sorted = 0; const char *magic_find_invocation(const char *spellname) { int i; for (i = 0; i < abs (magic_conf.spells_nr); i++) if (!strcmp (magic_conf.spells[i]->name, spellname)) return magic_conf.spells[i]->invocation; return NULL; } static int spell_compare (const void *lhs, const void *rhs) { return strcmp ((*((spell_t **) lhs))->invocation, (*((spell_t **) rhs))->invocation); } spell_t *magic_find_spell (char *invocation) { spell_t key; spell_t *keyp = &key; spell_t **retval; if (!spells_sorted) { qsort (magic_conf.spells, magic_conf.spells_nr, sizeof (spell_t *), spell_compare); spells_sorted = 1; } key.invocation = invocation; retval = ((spell_t **) bsearch (&keyp, magic_conf.spells, magic_conf.spells_nr, sizeof (spell_t *), spell_compare)); if (!retval) return NULL; else return *retval; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Spell anchors */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int compare_teleport_anchor (const void *lhs, const void *rhs) { return strcmp ((*((teleport_anchor_t **) lhs))->invocation, (*((teleport_anchor_t **) rhs))->invocation); } const char *magic_find_anchor_invocation(const char *anchor_name) { int i; for (i = 0; i < abs (magic_conf.anchors_nr); i++) if (!strcmp (magic_conf.anchors[i]->name, anchor_name)) return magic_conf.anchors[i]->invocation; return NULL; } teleport_anchor_t *magic_find_anchor (char *name) { teleport_anchor_t key; teleport_anchor_t *keyp = &key; teleport_anchor_t **retval; if (magic_conf.anchors_nr > 0) { /* unsorted */ qsort (magic_conf.anchors, magic_conf.anchors_nr, sizeof (teleport_anchor_t *), compare_teleport_anchor); magic_conf.anchors_nr = -magic_conf.anchors_nr; } key.invocation = name; retval = (teleport_anchor_t **) bsearch (&keyp, magic_conf.anchors, -magic_conf.anchors_nr, sizeof (teleport_anchor_t *), compare_teleport_anchor); if (!retval) return NULL; else return *retval; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Spell guard checks */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static env_t *alloc_env (magic_conf_t * conf) { env_t *env; CREATE (env, env_t, 1); CREATE (env->vars, val_t, conf->vars_nr); env->base_env = conf; return env; } static env_t *clone_env (env_t * src) { env_t *retval = alloc_env (src->base_env); int i; for (i = 0; i < src->base_env->vars_nr; i++) magic_copy_var (&retval->vars[i], &src->vars[i]); return retval; } void magic_free_env (env_t * env) { int i; for (i = 0; i < env->base_env->vars_nr; i++) magic_clear_var (&env->vars[i]); free (env); } env_t *spell_create_env (magic_conf_t * conf, spell_t * spell, character_t * caster, int spellpower, char *param) { env_t *env = alloc_env (conf); switch (spell->spellarg_ty) { case SPELLARG_STRING: set_env_string (spell->arg, param); break; case SPELLARG_PC: { character_t *subject = map_nick2sd (param); if (!subject) subject = caster; set_env_entity (spell->arg, &subject->bl); free (param); break; } case SPELLARG_NONE: free (param); break; default: free (param); fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected spellarg type %d\n", spell->spellarg_ty); } set_env_entity (VAR_CASTER, &caster->bl); set_env_int (VAR_SPELLPOWER, spellpower); set_env_spell (VAR_SPELL, spell); return env; } static void free_components (component_t ** component_holder) { if (*component_holder == NULL) return; free_components (&(*component_holder)->next); free (*component_holder); *component_holder = NULL; } void magic_add_component (component_t ** component_holder, int id, int count) { if (count <= 0) return; if (*component_holder == NULL) { component_t *component = (component_t *) malloc (sizeof (component_t)); component->next = NULL; component->item_id = id; component->count = count; *component_holder = component; } else { component_t *component = *component_holder; if (component->item_id == id) { component->count += count; return; } else magic_add_component (&component->next, id, count); /* Tail-recurse; gcc can optimise this. Not that it matters. */ } } static void copy_components (component_t ** component_holder, component_t * component) { if (component == NULL) return; magic_add_component (component_holder, component->item_id, component->count); copy_components (component_holder, component->next); } typedef struct spellguard_check { component_t *catalysts, *components; int mana, casttime; } spellguard_check_t; static int check_prerequisites (character_t * caster, component_t * component) { while (component) { if (pc_count_all_items (caster, component->item_id) < component->count) return 0; /* insufficient */ component = component->next; } return 1; } static void consume_components (character_t * caster, component_t * component) { while (component) { pc_remove_items (caster, component->item_id, component->count); component = component->next; } } static int spellguard_can_satisfy (spellguard_check_t * check, character_t * caster, env_t * env, int *near_miss) { unsigned int tick = gettick (); int retval = check_prerequisites (caster, check->catalysts); /* fprintf(stderr, "MC(%d/%s)? %d%d%d%d (%u <= %u)\n", caster->bl.id, caster->status.name, retval, caster->cast_tick <= tick, check->mana <= caster->status.sp, check_prerequisites(caster, check->components), caster->cast_tick, tick); */ if (retval && near_miss) *near_miss = 1; // close enough! retval = retval && caster->cast_tick <= tick /* Hasn't cast a spell too recently */ && check->mana <= caster->status.sp && check_prerequisites (caster, check->components); if (retval) { unsigned int casttime = (unsigned int) check->casttime; if (VAR (VAR_MIN_CASTTIME).ty == TY_INT) casttime = MAX (casttime, VAR (VAR_MIN_CASTTIME).v.v_int); caster->cast_tick = tick + casttime; /* Make sure not to cast too frequently */ consume_components (caster, check->components); pc_heal (caster, 0, -check->mana); } return retval; } static effect_set_t *spellguard_check_sub (spellguard_check_t * check, spellguard_t * guard, character_t * caster, env_t * env, int *near_miss) { if (guard == NULL) return NULL; switch (guard->ty) { case SPELLGUARD_CONDITION: if (!magic_eval_int (env, guard->s.s_condition)) return NULL; break; case SPELLGUARD_COMPONENTS: copy_components (&check->components, guard->s.s_components); break; case SPELLGUARD_CATALYSTS: copy_components (&check->catalysts, guard->s.s_catalysts); break; case SPELLGUARD_CHOICE: { spellguard_check_t altcheck = *check; effect_set_t *retval; altcheck.components = NULL; altcheck.catalysts = NULL; copy_components (&altcheck.catalysts, check->catalysts); copy_components (&altcheck.components, check->components); retval = spellguard_check_sub (&altcheck, guard->next, caster, env, near_miss); free_components (&altcheck.catalysts); free_components (&altcheck.components); if (retval) return retval; else return spellguard_check_sub (check, guard->s.s_alt, caster, env, near_miss); } case SPELLGUARD_MANA: check->mana += magic_eval_int (env, guard->s.s_mana); break; case SPELLGUARD_CASTTIME: check->casttime += magic_eval_int (env, guard->s.s_mana); break; case SPELLGUARD_EFFECT: if (spellguard_can_satisfy (check, caster, env, near_miss)) return &guard->s.s_effect; else return NULL; default: fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected spellguard type %d\n", guard->ty); return NULL; } return spellguard_check_sub (check, guard->next, caster, env, near_miss); } static effect_set_t *check_spellguard (spellguard_t * guard, character_t * caster, env_t * env, int *near_miss) { spellguard_check_t check; effect_set_t *retval; check.catalysts = NULL; check.components = NULL; check.mana = check.casttime = 0; retval = spellguard_check_sub (&check, guard, caster, env, near_miss); free_components (&check.catalysts); free_components (&check.components); return retval; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Public API */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ effect_set_t *spell_trigger (spell_t * spell, character_t * caster, env_t * env, int *near_miss) { int i; spellguard_t *guard = spell->spellguard; if (near_miss) *near_miss = 0; for (i = 0; i < spell->letdefs_nr; i++) magic_eval (env, &env->vars[spell->letdefs[i].id], spell->letdefs[i].expr); return check_spellguard (guard, caster, env, near_miss); } static void spell_set_location (invocation_t * invocation, entity_t * entity) { magic_clear_var (&invocation->env->vars[VAR_LOCATION]); invocation->env->vars[VAR_LOCATION].ty = TY_LOCATION; invocation->env->vars[VAR_LOCATION].v.v_location.m = entity->m; invocation->env->vars[VAR_LOCATION].v.v_location.x = entity->x; invocation->env->vars[VAR_LOCATION].v.v_location.y = entity->y; } void spell_update_location (invocation_t * invocation) { if (invocation->spell->flags & SPELL_FLAG_LOCAL) return; else { character_t *owner = (character_t *) map_id2bl (invocation->subject); if (!owner) return; spell_set_location (invocation, (entity_t *) owner); } } invocation_t *spell_instantiate (effect_set_t * effect_set, env_t * env) { invocation_t *retval; CREATE (retval, invocation_t, 1); entity_t *caster; retval->env = env; retval->caster = VAR (VAR_CASTER).v.v_int; retval->spell = VAR (VAR_SPELL).v.v_spell; retval->stack_size = 0; retval->current_effect = effect_set->effect; retval->trigger_effect = effect_set->at_trigger; retval->end_effect = effect_set->at_end; caster = map_id2bl (retval->caster); // must still exist retval->bl.id = map_addobject (&retval->bl); retval->bl.type = BL_SPELL; retval->bl.m = caster->m; retval->bl.x = caster->x; retval->bl.y = caster->y; map_addblock (&retval->bl); set_env_invocation (VAR_INVOCATION, retval); return retval; } invocation_t *spell_clone_effect (invocation_t * base) { invocation_t *retval = (invocation_t *) malloc (sizeof (invocation_t)); env_t *env; memcpy (retval, base, sizeof (invocation_t)); retval->env = clone_env (retval->env); env = retval->env; retval->current_effect = retval->trigger_effect; retval->next_invocation = NULL; retval->end_effect = NULL; retval->script_pos = 0; retval->stack_size = 0; retval->timer = 0; retval->subject = 0; retval->status_change_refs_nr = 0; retval->status_change_refs = NULL; retval->flags = 0; retval->bl.id = 0; retval->bl.prev = NULL; retval->bl.next = NULL; retval->bl.id = map_addobject (&retval->bl); set_env_invocation (VAR_INVOCATION, retval); return retval; } void spell_bind (character_t * subject, invocation_t * invocation) { /* Only bind nonlocal spells */ if (!(invocation->spell->flags & SPELL_FLAG_LOCAL)) { if (invocation->flags & INVOCATION_FLAG_BOUND || invocation->subject || invocation->next_invocation) { int *i = NULL; fprintf (stderr, "[magic] INTERNAL ERROR: Attempt to re-bind spell invocation `%s'\n", invocation->spell->name); *i = 1; return; } invocation->next_invocation = subject->active_spells; subject->active_spells = invocation; invocation->flags |= INVOCATION_FLAG_BOUND; invocation->subject = subject->bl.id; } spell_set_location (invocation, (entity_t *) subject); } int spell_unbind (character_t * subject, invocation_t * invocation) { invocation_t **seeker = &subject->active_spells; while (*seeker) { if (*seeker == invocation) { *seeker = invocation->next_invocation; invocation->flags &= ~INVOCATION_FLAG_BOUND; invocation->next_invocation = NULL; invocation->subject = 0; return 0; } seeker = &((*seeker)->next_invocation); } return 1; }