v14.6.30: - packet names (thanks evets) - silence secondary output from tests - port the variant - fix anti-purge thing by giving every account a date - prevent null session crash during shutdown - specialize inventory/storage indices to avoid out-of-bounds - don't crash when giving invalid ID to @item - play with obscure corners of the C++ standard that no one can interpret - replace hand-coded network protocols with generate ones - lots source layout and formatting cleanup - faster depedency calculation - strict ids (yay less bugs, boo account/block entanglement) - beginning of integers - support libc++ (experimental) - drop gcc 4.6 support - completely remove flex/bison dependency - fix duplication in npctalk v14.4.19: - emergency backport of security fix, since v14.7.1 is too buggy v14.4.18: - fix some fatal bugs related to logout in the previous release - fix out-of-bounds in trades exposed in the previous commit - fix use-after-free when player is kicked with a delay v14.4.9: - fix tarball timestamps - added all missing copyright notices - use AGPL for my new files; add @source command and makefile support - fix a multiline span assertion missed by the testsuite - @tee no longer duplicates the speaker's name - fix @npcmove between blocks - fix out-of-bounds crash when unarmed (exposed by shrinking character) - bounds-checks for most arrays - lots of deprecation warnings in the script parser (sorry) - finally merge wushin's "local savepoint override" patch - new magic frontend with sexpr; temporary converter - if doing nothing, stop doing anything - script variables of all types can now be used by magic - flexible mapflags - split out the character keys for better paging (network ABI change) - lower priority for background processes - add a more efficient string for temporaries - make build prettier - strictify sessions and fds - recover nonexistent party member slots - remove the middle makefile v14.1.27: - new tracking IO for better errors - Unified config parsing! This *requires* new config files in server-data - reimplement shared string better - fix IO-related abort during shutdown - fix the numbering of certain map logs - add mapexit script command, since @mapexit doesn't work without a player - start enforcing code format automatically - add debug printers v13.11.24: - don't consume spell components when under @hide - tmwa-admin no longer logs passwords in cleartext - tmwa-admin help slightly fixed (still terrible) - make tmwa-finger work for tmwa-map also - allow setting class - I/O rewrite - allow checking whether arrows are equipped - more printers v13.10.31: - make debug printers more compatible with older systems - fix account creation with ladmin - fix building out of tree v13.10.29: - show MOTD in a way that works - ignore hidden GMs in more scripts - make @hide persist without crashing - rewrite @help and other dispatch - fix totally broken status_option, which caused GM invisibility to fail - add @charkiller - make @hide to persist - flush the GM log all the time - add debug printers - use config for internal server userid/passwd instead of accounts.txt This requires updated config files in the data repo. IF YOU DO NOT UPDATE THIS, YOUR SERVER WILL NOT WORK. - fix reversed error condition in ladmin changesex - actually kick the player when their sex is changed by a script - implement 'make dist' - fix crash due to logging after log is closed v13.10.2: - remove some asserts that shouldn't fail, but do anyway v13.9.31: - don't show different GM level types, it breaks guildbot v13.9.30: - streamline release process - fix drop order assignment - show different GM level types in online list - remove logging of failed whispers (successful ones were never logged) - fix some warnings v13.9.29: - fix monster elements v13.9.28: - also make login server startup much faster - fix turning right - fix pathfinding a bit - fix a small part of ladmin help v13.9.27: - fix a bug with trades - make char server startup much faster v13.9.21: - With the new Makefile, the binary names have changed. Instead of login-server, ladmin, etc., they are now tmwa-login, tmwa-admin, etc. (properly namespaced). Please remove any instances of the following files from your system: ladmin, login-server, char-server, map-server, eathena-monitor, deps.make - Fix statup2 not actually doing anything. - Add 'return' to the list of script commands that don't work properly inside an 'if' statement. v13.9.12: - Also allow "true" and "false" as boolean values in config files. - The format of lan_support.conf has changed slightly. If you have made any adjustments, you MUST update it. - Increase maximum size of a script array from 128 to 256. - Fix scissors bug. v13.8.28: - First release - finally cleaned up enough to feel good about. - For a partial list of changes since branch 'unsupported', see http://forums.themanaworld.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17670