function|script|magic_register { //debugmes ">> Register " + .invocation$ + " @ " + strnpcinfo(0); set .@ext$, if_then_else(getarg(0,"") != "", "::"+getarg(0), ""); registercmd .invocation$, strnpcinfo(0) + .@ext$; // register the spell set .index, $@magic_index; set $@magic_index, $@magic_index + 1; return; } // this can only be done with a npc so... -|script|Magic Timer|32767 { end; OnLogin: set @_M_BLOCK, 2; //if (MAGIC_EXPERIENCE < 0) // set MAGIC_EXPERIENCE, 0; // bug fix // ^ XXX: check if negative MAGIC_EXPERIENCE is desirable addtimer 10000, "Magic Timer::OnClear"; end; OnClear: set @_M_BLOCK, 0; end; } // this function is call()-only function|script|magic_checks { set .@flags, getarg(0); set .@nonmagic, .@flags & (1<<0); if (GM >= 50) goto L_Return; // event managers have no restrictions if(HIDDEN) goto L_Hidden; // can not cast with @hide if(@_M_BLOCK == 2) goto L_Login; // login warmup if(@_M_BLOCK) goto L_Blocked; // check if last debuff ended if(Hp < 1) goto L_Dead; // can not cast when dead if (MATK1 < 1 && .@nonmagic < 1) goto L_Greybar; // can not cast with a grey mana bar if ($@xmas_time && $@xmas_time != $@xmas_reward_time) goto L_Christmas2020; return 0; L_Hidden: smsg SMSG_FAILURE, "Magic: Impossible to cast while hidden!"; return 1; L_Blocked: smsg SMSG_FAILURE, "Magic: Impossible to cast while a cooldown is in effect. Please wait."; return 2; L_Dead: smsg SMSG_FAILURE, "Magic: Impossible to cast while dead!"; return 3; L_Greybar: smsg SMSG_FAILURE, "Magic: Impossible to cast with 0 m.atk. This might happen if your mana bar is grey. Some equipment can reduce your m.atk."; return 4; L_Login: smsg SMSG_FAILURE, "Magic: Impossible to cast for 10s after logging in."; return 5; L_Xmas2020: smsg SMSG_FAILURE, "Magic: Jack Frost's magical powers prevented your summoning!"; return 6; L_Christmas2020: if (gettime(7) != 2020) goto L_Return; // If it is not Astral nor Dark I don't really care if (.school != SKILL_MAGIC_ASTRAL && .school != SKILL_MAGIC_DARK) goto L_Return; // TODO: Not all astral nor all dark magic are summons // But I don't have that sort of fine grained control in TMWA // So I must whitelist a few invocations and hope they cover everything if (.invocation$ == "#asorm" || .invocation$ == "#anwiltyp" || .invocation$ == "#phlex") goto L_Return; // Not in burst time, so not really important? // Actually, nevermind, that would not use snowball >__> // Unallowed in the map if (getmap() == "034-1" || getmap() == "033-1" || getmap() == "046-1" || getmap() == "047-1") goto L_Xmas2020; // Other map? Don't care goto L_Return; L_Return: return 0; } // Custom version of checks for Dungeon Masters boss "powerups". // Both GMs and player eventers MAY eventually call "boss powerups". // By default, only GMs >= 40 can use BossPowers, but: // - If someone abuses BossPowers, setting #BP_DISABLED = 1 on them locks them out. // - Some (trusted) player can be allowed to invoke this by setting BP_EVENTER = 42 on them. // On TMWA these changes need GM Lv 80 to issue @setvar, so access can only be changed by Lv 80. // Advantage of this permissions system is: no need to shuffle GM levels, nor there's need to restart server. function|script|boss_powerup_checks { if (HIDDEN) goto L_Hidden; // can not cast with @hide if (Hp < 1) goto L_Dead; // can not cast when dead if (@_M_BLOCK) goto L_Blocked; // check if last debuff ended if ($BP_DISABLE) goto L_Killswitch1; // If things go wrong, boss powers can be completely disabled. if (#BP_DISABLE) goto L_Killswitch2; // If someone abuses BossPowers there's _per-account_ DENY flag. if (GM >= 40) goto L_Allowed; // GM >= 40 can use boss actions. if (IS_EVENTER == 42) goto L_Allowed; // Trusted player(s) could be allowed to access Eventer "magic": // Use @setvar BP_EVENTER 0 42 Nick (GM Lv 80 command). smsg SMSG_FAILURE, "BossPowers: Only few of mere mortals may try to enter the twilight zone"; return 1; // Not allowed by default. L_Allowed: return 0; // Whoever gets here allowed to invoke BossPowers spells L_Dead: smsg SMSG_FAILURE, "BossPowers: you're dead!"; return 2; L_Hidden: smsg SMSG_FAILURE, "BossPowers: can't be used when hidden!"; return 3; L_Killswitch1: smsg SMSG_FAILURE, "BossPowers: unavailable at the moment (KillSwitch 1)"; return 4; L_Killswitch2: smsg SMSG_FAILURE, "BossPowers: unavailable at the moment (KillSwitch 2)"; return 5; L_Blocked: smsg SMSG_FAILURE, "BossPowers: cooldown is in effect. Please wait."; return 6; } function|script|elt_damage { // args are damage, dmgplus(mutation), bonus_elt, malus_elt, effect set .@dmg, getarg(0) + rand(getarg(1)); if(get(ELTTYPE, @target_id) == getarg(3)) // malus set .@dmg, .@dmg / 3; if(get(ELTTYPE, @target_id) == getarg(2)) // bonus set .@dmg, ((get(ELTLVL, @target_id) + 4) * .@dmg) / 4; set .@source, .caster; if (!.@source) set .@source, getcharid(3); injure .@source, @target_id, (.@dmg * (100 - get(MDEF1, @target_id))) / 100; if (getarg(4) != FX_NONE) misceffect getarg(4), @target_id; return; } function|script|melee_damage { // args are spell power, target id, dmg if ((getarg(0) - rand(100)) < (get(BaseLevel, getarg(1)) + get(MDEF1, getarg(1)))) injure BL_ID, getarg(1), 0; else injure BL_ID, getarg(1), (getarg(2) * (100 - get(MDEF1, @target_id))) / 100; return; } function|script|magic_create_item { // FIXME / XXX: IMO, using Luk for this is very bad and unfair set .@exp, (MAGIC_EXPERIENCE & (BYTE_0_MASK | BYTE_1_MASK)) >> BYTE_0_SHIFT; set .@score, (.@exp + rand(min(@spellpower, ((.@exp / 3) + 1)))); set @create_params[2], 1; // success flag if (.@score >= @create_params[1]) goto L_Perfect; set @create_params[2], 0; // success flag set .@score, .@score + rand((Luk+Luk2)) + rand((Luk+Luk2)); if (.@score < (@create_params[1] / 3)) goto L_Backfire; if (.@score < ((@create_params[1] * 2) / 3)) goto L_Iten; message strcharinfo(0), "Magic : ##3##BYour spell takes on a mind of its own!"; if (rand(3) == 1) getitem @create_items$[1], 1; // bad item return; L_Iten: if (rand(5) != 2) goto L_Escape; message strcharinfo(0), "Magic : ##3##BYour spell solidifies into the shape of a mysterious object!"; getitem "Iten", 1; return; L_Escape: message strcharinfo(0), "Magic : ##3##BYour spell escapes!"; return; L_Backfire: message strcharinfo(0), "Magic : ##3##BYour spell backfires!"; if (rand(110) < (Luk+Luk2)) heal 0 - ((BaseLevel+1)*(BaseLevel+2)*(rand(28)+3)), 0; else heal 0 - (BaseLevel + 1), 0; return; L_Perfect: getitem @create_items$[0], @create_params[0]; // good item return; } function|script|bit { //0 name //1 mask //2 shift //3 value return ((getarg(0) & ~(getarg(1) << getarg(2))) | ((getarg(3) & getarg(1)) << getarg(2))); } function|script|magic_exp { set @last_index, (MAGIC_EXPERIENCE >> 16) & 0xFF; set @last_exp, MAGIC_EXPERIENCE & 0xFFFF; //debugmes "old spell index: " + @last_index; //debugmes "new spell index: " + .index; if(getskilllv(SKILL_MAGIC) < (.level + 3) && .index != @last_index) goto L_Gain; //debugmes "same as last spell => don't proceed"; goto L_Return; L_Gain: if(.exp_gain < 1) goto L_Return; // only the spells that have exp register here. If you // remove this line then players can cast a spell with // no cost, then a spell with a reagents, then another // spell with no costs and still get the exp set @new_exp, min(0xFFFF, @last_exp + .exp_gain); //debugmes "old magic exp: "+ @last_exp; //debugmes "new magic exp: "+ @new_exp; set MAGIC_EXPERIENCE, call("bit", MAGIC_EXPERIENCE, 0xFFFF, 0, @new_exp); set MAGIC_EXPERIENCE, call("bit", MAGIC_EXPERIENCE, 0xFF, 16, .index); goto L_Return; L_Return: return; } function|script|adjust_spellpower { set @spellpower, MATK1 + getskilllv(SKILL_MAGIC) + getskilllv(.school) + 10; if((.school != SKILL_MAGIC_NATURE) && (.school != SKILL_MAGIC_LIFE)) goto L_Return; if(@args$ == "" || !@args$ || getpartnerid2() == 0) goto L_Return; if(getcharid(3, @args$) < 1 || getpartnerid2() != getcharid(3, @args$) || !(isloggedin(getcharid(3, @args$)))) goto L_Return; //debugmes "You targeted your spouse!"; // XXX: the spell power increases when the target is the spouse so one could // just do #modrilax (spouse) right? // // ... let's just forget about spouse for now goto L_Return; L_Return: return; } function|script|gain_heal_xp { set .@value, getarg(0); set .@gain, getarg(1); set .@value_divisor, getarg(2); set .@base_xp_factor, getarg(3); set .@last_heal_xp, ((MAGIC_EXPERIENCE >> 24) & 0xFF); if ((.@value / .@value_divisor) <= (10 + .@last_heal_xp + rand(.@last_heal_xp + 1) + rand(.@last_heal_xp + 1))) goto L_Return; set .@heal_xp, min(0xFF, .@last_heal_xp + .@gain); // XXX: maybe switch to 7F getexp (.@base_xp_factor * .@heal_xp), 0; // FIXME: extract_heal_xp //debugmes "old heal exp: "+ .@last_heal_xp; set MAGIC_EXPERIENCE, call("bit", MAGIC_EXPERIENCE, 0xFF, 24, .@heal_xp); //debugmes "new heal exp: "+ ((MAGIC_EXPERIENCE >> 24) & 0xFF); return 1; L_Return: return 0; } // magic_activity should be called with player RID attached. // This function used to keep track of magic activity. function|script|magic_activity { set CASTS, CASTS + 1; if (CASTS < 0) set CASTS, 1; // overflow return; } // consume_sp must be called with player RID attached. // Params: arg(0): amount of XP to consume. // Return: 0 on success. On failure: nonzero + message to caster. function|script|consume_sp { if (getarg(0) <= 0) goto L_SpArgFail; // Usage bug? Function fails. if (Sp < getarg(0)) goto L_NoSp; // Caster lacks enough Sp, fail. set Sp, (Sp - getarg(0)); // Consume Sp and return success. callfunc "magic_activity"; // Call activity here to unclutter spells. return 0; L_NoSp: message strcharinfo(0), "Magic : ##3##BNot enough Mana!"; return 1; L_SpArgFail: debugmes "bug: consume_sp needs arg(0) > 0"; return 2; } // spell_lv_checks helper must be called by spell NPC, with player RID attached. // It expects "typical" spell NPC structure with .level ans .school // Params: no args. Data taken from spell NPC. // Return: 0 on success. On failure: nonzero + message to caster. function|script|lvl_and_school_check { if ((.level <= 0) || (.school <= 0)) goto L_LvCkFail; // Weird/missing school/level on NPC? if (getskilllv(SKILL_MAGIC) < .level) goto L_LvCkReqs; // General magic < required level? if (getskilllv(.school) < .level) goto L_LvCkReqs; // Magic school < required level? return 0; // All checks passed -> success. L_LvCkReqs: message strcharinfo(0), "Magic : ##3##BThis spell too hard for you yet."; return 1; // User below spell requirements set on spell's NPC L_LvCkFail: debugmes "bug: lvl_and_school_check needs .school and .level > 0 on spell NPC"; return 2; // NPC bug or not called by spell NPC -> fail } // magic_cooldown helper should be called with player RID attached. // This function used to lock out spell. // Input: arg0 - length of cooldown. // Input: arg1 - optional: custom SC_COOLDOWN ID to use. function|script|magic_block { if (getarg(0) <= 0) goto L_Block_Fail; set @_M_BLOCK, 1; // block casting, until the timer clears it addtimer getarg(0), "Magic Timer::OnClear"; // Disable spell casting if (getarg(1) > 0) goto L_CustomCool; // Custom cooldown ID given? sc_start SC_COOLDOWN, getarg(0), 0, BL_ID; // If not -> default SC_COOLDOWN return; L_CustomCool: sc_start getarg(1), getarg(0), 0, BL_ID; // Apply custom cooldown. return; L_Block_Fail: debugmes "bug: magic_block needs arg(0) > 0"; return; // Called wrong way -> spell bug. }