function|script|useAnchorStone { addtimer 0, "AS_Core::OnUse"; return; } -|script|AS_Core|32767 { end; OnUse: if (isin("botcheck",25,27,51,47)) goto L_Prison; if (getmapflag(getmap(), MF_NOSAVE) || getmapflag(getmap(), MF_NOTELEPORT) || getmapflag(getmap(), MF_NOWARP) || isin("009-7",$@fightclub_x1,$@fightclub_y1,$@fightclub_x2,$@fightclub_y2)) goto L_Forbid; if ( @StoneName$ == "AnchorStone" ) goto L_AnchorStone; if ( @StoneName$ == "AnchoredAnchorStone" ) goto L_AnchoredAnchorStone; goto L_Close; L_AnchorStone: mes "\"You really want to bind the [@@" + AnchorStone + "|@@] to this place?\""; menu "No", L_Close, "Yes", L_AS_Yes; L_AS_Yes: set AnchorStoneDest, getmaphash(getmap()); // since a hash could be negative I take a separate variable for that since shifting would destroy the sign bit and create a different hash set AnchorStoneDestCoord, gety() << AS_Y_SHIFT | getx() << AS_X_SHIFT; delitem AnchorStone, 1; getitem AnchoredAnchorStone, 1; close; L_AnchoredAnchorStone: if ((AnchorStoneDest < 1) && (AnchorStoneDest > -1)) goto L_AAS_Error; mes "\"You want to recall to the place the [@@" + AnchoredAnchorStone + "|@@] is bound to?\""; menu "No", L_Close, "Yes", L_AAS_Yes, "Unbind Anchored Anchor Stone", L_AAS_Unbind; L_AAS_Yes: warp getmapnamefromhash(AnchorStoneDest), (AnchorStoneDestCoord & AS_X_MASK >> AS_X_SHIFT), (AnchorStoneDestCoord & AS_Y_MASK >> AS_Y_SHIFT); goto L_AAStoAS; L_AAS_Unbind: mes ""; mes "\"You really want to unbind the [@@" + AnchoredAnchorStone + "|@@] from it's destination?\""; menu "No", L_Close, "Yes", L_AAStoAS; L_AAS_Error: mes "\"Something went wrong the [@@" + AnchoredAnchorStone + "|@@] lost its destination and turns back to normal.\""; goto L_AAStoAS; L_AAStoAS: set AnchorStoneDest, 0; set AnchorStoneDestCoord, 0; delitem AnchoredAnchorStone, 1; getitem AnchorStone, 1; close; L_Forbid: message strcharinfo(0), "Anchor Stone : This area is protected by a force that doesn't tolerate the power of the Anchor Stone."; goto L_Close; L_Prison: message strcharinfo(0), "Anchor Stone : You must be warped by a GM to leave the botcheck area."; goto L_Close; L_Close: close; }