/* * Converter from Tiled .tmx files to tmwAthena .wlk and mob/warp scripts * Copyright (c) 2008, 2011 Jared Adams * Copyright (c) 2011 Ben Longbons * License: GNU GPL, v2 or later */ package converter; import java.awt.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Collections; import tiled.core.*; import tiled.plugins.tmw.*; public class Process { // both were formerly (hard-coded) "\t", for different reasons // Note: don't use println, as we want only '\n' private static final String SEPARATOR = "|"; private static final String INDENTATION = " "; private static final String mobFile = "_mobs.txt"; private static final String warpFile = "_warps.txt"; private static final String importFile = "_import.txt"; private static File server_data; private static File script_directory; private static File wlkFolder; private static WLKInterface wlk = null; public static void setServerData(File folder) { server_data = folder; script_directory = new File(server_data, "npc/"); wlkFolder = new File(server_data, "data/"); wlk = new WLKInterface(); } private static String getProp(Properties props, String name, String def) { if (name == null) return def; for (java.util.Map.Entry entry : props.entrySet()) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(entry.getKey().toString())) { return entry.getValue().toString(); } } return def; } private static int getProp(Properties props, String name, int def) { if (name == null) return def; try { return Integer.parseInt(getProp(props, name, "?")); } catch (Exception e) {} return def; } private static int[] resolveBounds(Rectangle in, boolean warp) { int x = in.x / 32; int y = in.y / 32; int width = in.width / 32; int height = in.height / 32; if (!warp) { if (width > 1) --width; if (height > 1) --height; } x += width / 2; y += height / 2; if (warp) { width -= 2; height -= 2; } return new int[]{x, y, width, height}; } private static void handleWarp(PrintWriter out, String map, String name, Rectangle bounds, Properties props) { if (out == null) return; String dest = getProp(props, "dest_map", null); if (dest == null) return; int x = getProp(props, "dest_x", -1); if (x < 0) return; int y = getProp(props, "dest_y", -1); if (y < 0) return; int[] shape = resolveBounds(bounds, true); System.out.printf("Usable warp found: %s\n", name); out.printf("%s.gat,%d,%d" + SEPARATOR + "warp" + SEPARATOR + "%s" + SEPARATOR + "%d,%d,%s.gat,%d,%d\n", map, shape[0], shape[1], name, shape[2], shape[3], dest, x / 32, y / 32); } private static int handleMob(PrintWriter out, String map, String name, Rectangle bounds, Properties props) { if (out == null) return -1; int mob = getProp(props, "monster_id", -1); if (mob < 0) return -1; mob += 1002; int max = getProp(props, "max_beings", 1); int time1 = getProp(props, "eA_spawn", 0); int time2 = getProp(props, "eA_death", 0); int[] shape = resolveBounds(bounds, false); System.out.printf("Usable mob found: %s (%d)\n", name, mob); out.printf("%s.gat,%d,%d,%d,%d" + SEPARATOR + "monster" + SEPARATOR + "%s" + SEPARATOR + "%d,%d,%d,%d,Mob%s::On%d\n", map, shape[0], shape[1], shape[2], shape[3], name, mob, max, time1, time2, map, mob); return mob; } private static void processObject(MapObject mo, String map, PrintWriter warpOut, PrintWriter mobOut, TreeSet mobs) { if (mo == null) return; String name = mo.getName(); String type = mo.getType(); Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(mo.getBounds()); Properties props = mo.getProperties(); if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("warp")) { handleWarp(warpOut, map, name, bounds, props); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("spawn")) { mobs.add(handleMob(mobOut, map, name, bounds, props)); } } private static void processObjects(Iterator objs, String map, PrintWriter warpOut, PrintWriter mobOut, TreeSet mobs) { MapObject mo; while (objs.hasNext()) { mo = objs.next(); if (mo == null) continue; processObject(mo, map, warpOut, mobOut, mobs); } } private static void processFiles(File folder, List out) { for (File f : folder.listFiles()) { if (f.isDirectory()) { processFiles(folder, out); } else if (!f.getName().equals(importFile)) { out.add("npc: " + f.getPath().substring(server_data.getPath().length() + 1)); } } } private static void makeInclude(String name, String title, File folder) { File _import = new File(folder, importFile); List output_elements = new ArrayList(); processFiles(folder, output_elements); PrintWriter importOut = Main.getWriter(_import); importOut.printf("// Map %s: %s\n", name, title); importOut.print("// This file is generated automatically. All manually changes will be removed when running the Converter.\n"); importOut.printf("map: %s.gat\n", name); Collections.sort(output_elements); for (String s : output_elements) importOut.print(s + "\n"); importOut.flush(); importOut.close(); } public static String processMap(String name, Map map, File mapFile, PrintWriter summary) { if (name == null) return null; if (map == null) return null; Properties props = map.getProperties(); String title = getProp(props, "name", "unnamed map " + name); String folderName = "npc/" + name; File folder = new File(script_directory, name); System.out.println(title); File wlkFile = new File(wlkFolder, name + ".wlk"); if (wlkFile.exists() && mapFile.lastModified() < wlkFile.lastModified()) { System.out.println("Up to date, skipping"); makeInclude(name, title, folder); return folderName; } if (summary != null) { summary.printf("Name: %s: '%s'\n", name, title); summary.printf("Music: '%s'\n", getProp(props, "music", "")); summary.printf("Minimap: '%s'\n", getProp(props, "minimap", "")); } if (wlk != null) wlk.write(name, map, wlkFile); PrintWriter warpOut = Main.getWriter(new File(folder, warpFile)); PrintWriter mobOut = Main.getWriter(new File(folder, mobFile)); warpOut.print("// This file is generated automatically. All manually changes will be removed when running the Converter.\n"); warpOut.printf("// %s warps\n\n", title); mobOut.print("// This file is generated automatically. All manually changes will be removed when running the Converter.\n"); mobOut.printf("// %s mobs\n\n", title); TreeSet mobs = new TreeSet(); processObjects(map.getObjects(), name, warpOut, mobOut, mobs); for (MapLayer layer : map) { if (layer instanceof ObjectGroup) { processObjects(((ObjectGroup) layer).getObjects(), name, warpOut, mobOut, mobs); } } warpOut.flush(); warpOut.close(); System.out.println("Starting mob points"); mobOut.printf("\n\n%s.gat,0,0,0" + SEPARATOR + "script" + SEPARATOR + "Mob%1$s" + SEPARATOR + "-1,{\n", name); for (int mob : mobs) { if (mob == -1) continue; mobOut.printf("On%d:\n", mob); mobOut.printf(INDENTATION + "set @mobID, %d;\n", mob); mobOut.printf(INDENTATION + "callfunc \"MobPoints\";\n"); mobOut.printf(INDENTATION + "end;\n\n"); } mobOut.printf(INDENTATION + "end;\n}\n"); System.out.println("Finished mob points"); mobOut.flush(); mobOut.close(); makeInclude(name, title, folder); return folderName; } public static void writeMasterImport(ArrayList folders) { File master = new File(script_directory, importFile); PrintWriter out = Main.getWriter(master); if (out == null) return; List output_elements = new ArrayList(); output_elements.add("// This file is generated automatically. All manually changes will be removed when running the Converter.\n"); for (String folder : folders) { if (folder == null) continue; output_elements.add("import: " + folder + "/_import.txt"); } Collections.sort(output_elements); for (String s : output_elements) out.print(s + "\n"); out.flush(); out.close(); } }