// function script PurificationPotion { set @PURIFICATIONPOTION, 733; if (isat("011-1.gat", 88,67)) goto L_Wyara_Pond; L_NoUse: message strcharinfo(0), "You don't know what to do with this."; getitem @PURIFICATIONPOTION, 1; close; L_Wyara_Pond: set @Q_MASK, NIBBLE_2_MASK; set @Q_SHIFT, NIBBLE_2_SHIFT; set @Q_status, (QUEST_MAGIC2 & @Q_MASK) >> @Q_SHIFT; if (@Q_status < 1) goto L_NoUse; if (@Q_status == 2) set @Q_status, 3; if (@Q_status < 2) set @Q_status, 3; message strcharinfo(0), "You pour the potion into the pond."; set QUEST_MAGIC2, (QUEST_MAGIC2 & ~(@Q_MASK) | (@Q_status << @Q_SHIFT)); return; L_NoUse: message strcharinfo(0), "You don't know what to do with this."; return; }