/* * The ManaPlus Client * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 The ManaPlus Developers * * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "net/eathena/chathandler.h" #include "being/localplayer.h" #include "net/serverfeatures.h" #include "net/ea/chatrecv.h" #include "net/eathena/chatrecv.h" #include "net/eathena/messageout.h" #include "net/eathena/protocolout.h" #include "resources/chatobject.h" #include "utils/stringutils.h" #include "debug.h" extern int packetVersion; namespace EAthena { ChatHandler::ChatHandler() : Ea::ChatHandler() { chatHandler = this; } ChatHandler::~ChatHandler() { chatHandler = nullptr; } void ChatHandler::talk(const std::string &restrict text, const std::string &restrict channel A_UNUSED) const { if (localPlayer == nullptr) return; const std::string mes = std::string(localPlayer->getName()).append( " : ").append(text); createOutPacket(CMSG_CHAT_MESSAGE); if (packetVersion >= 20151001) { outMsg.writeInt16(CAST_S16(mes.length() + 4), "len"); outMsg.writeString(mes, CAST_S32(mes.length()), "message"); } else { // Added + 1 in order to let eAthena parse admin commands correctly outMsg.writeInt16(CAST_S16(mes.length() + 4 + 1), "len"); outMsg.writeString(mes, CAST_S32(mes.length() + 1), "message"); } } void ChatHandler::talkRaw(const std::string &mes) const { createOutPacket(CMSG_CHAT_MESSAGE); outMsg.writeInt16(CAST_S16(mes.length() + 4), "len"); outMsg.writeString(mes, CAST_S32(mes.length()), "message"); } void ChatHandler::privateMessage(const std::string &restrict recipient, const std::string &restrict text) const { createOutPacket(CMSG_CHAT_WHISPER); if (packetVersion >= 20151001) { outMsg.writeInt16(CAST_S16(text.length() + 28), "len"); outMsg.writeString(recipient, 24, "recipient nick"); outMsg.writeString(text, CAST_S32(text.length()), "message"); } else { outMsg.writeInt16(CAST_S16(text.length() + 28 + 1), "len"); outMsg.writeString(recipient, 24, "recipient nick"); outMsg.writeString(text, CAST_S32(text.length()), "message"); outMsg.writeInt8(0, "null char"); } Ea::ChatRecv::mSentWhispers.push(recipient); } void ChatHandler::channelMessage(const std::string &restrict channel, const std::string &restrict text) const { privateMessage(channel, text); } void ChatHandler::who() const { createOutPacket(CMSG_WHO_REQUEST); } void ChatHandler::sendRaw(const std::string &args) const { std::string line = args; std::string str; MessageOut *outMsg = nullptr; if (line.empty()) return; size_t pos = line.find(' '); if (pos != std::string::npos) { str = line.substr(0, pos); const int16_t id = CAST_S16(parseNumber(str)); outMsg = new MessageOut(id); outMsg->writeInt16(id, "packet id"); line = line.substr(pos + 1); pos = line.find(' '); } else { const int16_t id = CAST_S16(parseNumber(line)); outMsg = new MessageOut(id); outMsg->writeInt16(id, "packet id"); delete outMsg; return; } while (pos != std::string::npos) { str = line.substr(0, pos); processRaw(*outMsg, str); line = line.substr(pos + 1); pos = line.find(' '); } if (!line.empty()) processRaw(*outMsg, line); delete outMsg; } void ChatHandler::processRaw(MessageOut &restrict outMsg, const std::string &restrict line) { if (line.size() < 2) return; const uint32_t i = parseNumber(line.substr(1)); switch (tolower(line[0])) { case 'b': { outMsg.writeInt8(CAST_U8(i), "raw"); break; } case 'w': { outMsg.writeInt16(CAST_S16(i), "raw"); break; } case 'l': { outMsg.writeInt32(CAST_S32(i), "raw"); break; } default: break; } } void ChatHandler::ignoreAll() const { createOutPacket(CMSG_IGNORE_ALL); outMsg.writeInt8(0, "flag"); } void ChatHandler::unIgnoreAll() const { createOutPacket(CMSG_IGNORE_ALL); outMsg.writeInt8(1, "flag"); } void ChatHandler::ignore(const std::string &nick) const { createOutPacket(CMSG_IGNORE_NICK); outMsg.writeString(nick, 24, "nick"); outMsg.writeInt8(0, "flag"); } void ChatHandler::unIgnore(const std::string &nick) const { createOutPacket(CMSG_IGNORE_NICK); outMsg.writeString(nick, 24, "nick"); outMsg.writeInt8(1, "flag"); } void ChatHandler::requestIgnoreList() const { createOutPacket(CMSG_REQUEST_IGNORE_LIST); } void ChatHandler::createChatRoom(const std::string &title, const std::string &password, const int limit, const bool isPublic) const { createOutPacket(CMSG_CREAYE_CHAT_ROOM); outMsg.writeInt16(CAST_S16( 7 + 8 + 36), "len"); outMsg.writeInt16(CAST_S16(limit), "limit"); outMsg.writeInt8(CAST_S8(isPublic ? 1 : 0), "public"); outMsg.writeString(password, 8, "password"); outMsg.writeString(title, 36, "title"); ChatRecv::mChatRoom = title; } void ChatHandler::battleTalk(const std::string &text) const { if (localPlayer == nullptr) return; const std::string mes = std::string(localPlayer->getName()).append( " : ").append(text); createOutPacket(CMSG_BATTLE_CHAT_MESSAGE); if (packetVersion >= 20151001) { outMsg.writeInt16(CAST_S16(mes.length() + 4), "len"); outMsg.writeString(mes, CAST_S32(mes.length()), "message"); } else { // Added + 1 in order to let eAthena parse admin commands correctly outMsg.writeInt16(CAST_S16(mes.length() + 4 + 1), "len"); outMsg.writeString(mes, CAST_S32(mes.length() + 1), "message"); } } void ChatHandler::joinChat(const ChatObject *const chat, const std::string &password) const { if (chat == nullptr) return; createOutPacket(CMSG_CHAT_ROOM_JOIN); outMsg.writeInt32(chat->chatId, "chat id"); outMsg.writeString(password, 8, "password"); } void ChatHandler::joinChannel(const std::string &channel) const { if (serverFeatures->haveJoinChannel()) { createOutPacket(CMSG_CHAT_JOIN_CHANNEL); outMsg.writeString(channel, 24, "channel name"); } else { channelMessage(channel, "\302\202\302"); } } void ChatHandler::partChannel(const std::string &channel) const { if (serverFeatures->haveJoinChannel()) { createOutPacket(CMSG_CHAT_PART_CHANNEL); outMsg.writeString(channel, 24, "channel name"); } } void ChatHandler::talkPet(const std::string &restrict text, const std::string &restrict channel A_UNUSED) const { if (text.empty()) return; std::string msg = text; if (msg.size() > 500) msg = msg.substr(0, 500); const size_t sz = msg.size(); createOutPacket(CMSG_PET_TALK); outMsg.writeInt16(CAST_S16(sz + 4 + 1), "len"); outMsg.writeString(msg, CAST_S32(sz), "message"); outMsg.writeInt8(0, "zero byte"); } void ChatHandler::leaveChatRoom() const { createOutPacket(CMSG_LEAVE_CHAT_ROOM); } void ChatHandler::setChatRoomOptions(const int limit, const bool isPublic, const std::string &password, const std::string &title) const { createOutPacket(CMSG_SET_CHAT_ROOM_OPTIONS); const int sz = CAST_S32(title.size()); outMsg.writeInt16(CAST_S16(15 + sz), "len"); outMsg.writeInt16(CAST_S16(limit), "limit"); outMsg.writeInt8(CAST_S8(isPublic ? 1 : 0), "type"); outMsg.writeString(password, 8, "password"); outMsg.writeString(title, sz, "title"); } void ChatHandler::setChatRoomOwner(const std::string &nick) const { createOutPacket(CMSG_SET_CHAT_ROOM_OWNER); outMsg.writeInt32(0, "role (unused)"); outMsg.writeString(nick, 24, "nick"); } void ChatHandler::kickFromChatRoom(const std::string &nick) const { createOutPacket(CMSG_KICK_FROM_CHAT_ROOM); outMsg.writeString(nick, 24, "nick"); } } // namespace EAthena