 *  The ManaPlus Client
 *  Copyright (C) 2010  The Mana Developers
 *  Copyright (C) 2011-2014  The ManaPlus Developers
 *  This file is part of The ManaPlus Client.
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#include "gui/widgets/window.h"

#include "being/playerrelationslistener.h"

#include "gui/base/actionlistener.hpp"

#include <string>
#include <map>

class Button;
class ConfirmDialog;
class CreatePopup;
class Guild;
class Label;
class Map;
class Party;
class SocialTab;
class TabbedArea;
class TextDialog;

 * Party window.
 * \ingroup Interface
class SocialWindow final : public Window,
                           private gcn::ActionListener,
                           public PlayerRelationsListener



    void postInit() override final;

    bool addTab(Guild *const guild);

    bool removeTab(Guild *const guild);

    bool addTab(Party *const party);

    bool removeTab(Party *const party);

    void action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event) override final;

    void showGuildInvite(const std::string &restrict guildName,
                         const int guildId,
                         const std::string &restrict inviterName);

    void showGuildCreate();

    void showPartyInvite(const std::string &restrict partyName,
                         const std::string &restrict inviter = "");

    void showPartyCreate();

    void updateActiveList();

    void updateAvatar(const std::string &name);

    void resetDamage(const std::string &name);

    void slowLogic();

    void updatePortals();

    void updatePortalNames();

    void updateParty();

    int getPortalIndex(const int x, const int y) A_WARN_UNUSED;

    void addPortal(const int x, const int y);

    void removePortal(const int x, const int y);

    void nextTab();

    void prevTab();

    const Map* getMap() const A_WARN_UNUSED
    { return mMap; }

    void setMap(Map *const map)
    { mMap = map; mProcessedPortals = false; }

    bool getProcessedPortals() const A_WARN_UNUSED
    { return mProcessedPortals; }

    void setProcessedPortals(const bool n)
    { mProcessedPortals = n; }

    void selectPortal(const unsigned num);

    void updateAttackFilter();

    void updatePickupFilter();

    void widgetResized(const gcn::Event &event) override final;

    void setCounter(const SocialTab *const tab, const std::string &str);

    void updateGuildCounter(const int online = 0, const int total = 0);

    void updatedPlayer(const std::string &name);

    void updateAll();

    void logicChildren();

    friend class SocialTab;

    void updateButtons();

    int mGuildInvited;
    ConfirmDialog *mGuildAcceptDialog;
    TextDialog *mGuildCreateDialog;

    std::string mPartyInviter;
    ConfirmDialog *mPartyAcceptDialog;
    TextDialog *mPartyCreateDialog;

    typedef std::map<Guild*, SocialTab*> GuildMap;
    GuildMap mGuilds;

    typedef std::map<Party*, SocialTab*> PartyMap;
    PartyMap mParties;

    SocialTab *mAttackFilter;
    SocialTab *mPickupFilter;
    SocialTab *mPlayers;
    SocialTab *mNavigation;
    SocialTab *mFriends;

    CreatePopup *mCreatePopup;

    Button *mCreateButton;
    Button *mInviteButton;
    Button *mLeaveButton;
    Label *mCountLabel;
    TabbedArea *mTabs;
    Map *mMap;

    int mLastUpdateTime;
    bool mNeedUpdate;
    bool mProcessedPortals;

extern SocialWindow *socialWindow;