/* * The ManaPlus Client * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 The ManaPlus Developers * * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "gui/windows/serverdialog.h" #include "chatlogger.h" #include "client.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "main.h" #include "settings.h" #include "net/download.h" #include "fs/paths.h" #include "gui/widgets/checkbox.h" #include "gui/widgets/createwidget.h" #include "gui/widgets/desktop.h" #include "gui/windows/editserverdialog.h" #include "gui/windows/logindialog.h" #include "gui/windows/serverinfowindow.h" #include "gui/widgets/button.h" #include "gui/widgets/label.h" #include "gui/widgets/layout.h" #include "gui/widgets/serverslistbox.h" #include "gui/widgets/scrollarea.h" #include "utils/delete2.h" #include "utils/gettext.h" #include "utils/langs.h" #include "debug.h" #ifdef WIN32 #undef ERROR #endif // WIN32 static const int MAX_SERVERLIST = 15; static std::string serverTypeToString(const ServerTypeT type) { switch (type) { case ServerType::TMWATHENA: #ifdef TMWA_SUPPORT return "TmwAthena"; #else // TMWA_SUPPORT return ""; #endif // TMWA_SUPPORT case ServerType::EATHENA: return "eAthena"; case ServerType::EVOL2: return "Evol2"; default: case ServerType::UNKNOWN: return ""; } } static uint16_t defaultPortForServerType(const ServerTypeT type) { switch (type) { default: case ServerType::EATHENA: case ServerType::EVOL2: return 6900; case ServerType::UNKNOWN: case ServerType::TMWATHENA: return 6901; } } ServerDialog::ServerDialog(ServerInfo *const serverInfo, const std::string &dir) : // TRANSLATORS: servers dialog name Window(_("Choose Your Server"), Modal_false, nullptr, "server.xml"), ActionListener(), KeyListener(), SelectionListener(), mMutex(), mServers(ServerInfos()), mDir(dir), mDescription(new Label(this, std::string())), // TRANSLATORS: servers dialog button mQuitButton(new Button(this, _("Quit"), "quit", this)), // TRANSLATORS: servers dialog button mConnectButton(new Button(this, _("Connect"), "connect", this)), // TRANSLATORS: servers dialog button mAddEntryButton(new Button(this, _("Add"), "addEntry", this)), // TRANSLATORS: servers dialog button mEditEntryButton(new Button(this, _("Edit"), "editEntry", this)), // TRANSLATORS: servers dialog button mDeleteButton(new Button(this, _("Delete"), "remove", this)), // TRANSLATORS: servers dialog button mLoadButton(new Button(this, _("Load"), "load", this)), // TRANSLATORS: servers dialog button mInfoButton(new Button(this, _("Info"), "info", this)), mServersListModel(new ServersListModel(&mServers, this)), mServersList(CREATEWIDGETR(ServersListBox, this, mServersListModel)), mDownload(nullptr), mServerInfo(serverInfo), mPersistentIPCheckBox(nullptr), mDownloadProgress(-1.0F), mDownloadStatus(ServerDialogDownloadStatus::UNKNOWN) { if (isSafeMode) { // TRANSLATORS: servers dialog name setCaption(_("Choose Your Server *** SAFE MODE ***")); } setWindowName("ServerDialog"); setCloseButton(true); mPersistentIPCheckBox = new CheckBox(this, // TRANSLATORS: servers dialog checkbox _("Use same ip for game sub servers"), config.getBoolValue("usePersistentIP"), this, "persitent ip"); loadCustomServers(); mServersList->addMouseListener(this); ScrollArea *const usedScroll = new ScrollArea(this, mServersList, fromBool(getOptionBool("showbackground"), Opaque), "server_background.xml"); usedScroll->setHorizontalScrollPolicy(ScrollArea::SHOW_NEVER); mServersList->addSelectionListener(this); usedScroll->setVerticalScrollAmount(0); place(0, 0, usedScroll, 8, 5).setPadding(3); place(0, 5, mDescription, 8); place(0, 6, mPersistentIPCheckBox, 8); place(0, 7, mInfoButton); place(1, 7, mAddEntryButton); place(2, 7, mEditEntryButton); place(3, 7, mLoadButton); place(4, 7, mDeleteButton); place(6, 7, mQuitButton); place(7, 7, mConnectButton); // Make sure the list has enough height getLayout().setRowHeight(0, 80); // Do this manually instead of calling reflowLayout so we can enforce a // minimum width. int width = 500; int height = 350; getLayout().reflow(width, height); setContentSize(width, height); setMinWidth(310); setMinHeight(220); setDefaultSize(getWidth(), getHeight(), ImagePosition::CENTER); setResizable(true); addKeyListener(this); loadWindowState(); } void ServerDialog::postInit() { Window::postInit(); setVisible(Visible_true); mConnectButton->requestFocus(); loadServers(true); mServersList->setSelected(0); // Do this after for the Delete button if (needUpdateServers()) downloadServerList(); } ServerDialog::~ServerDialog() { if (mDownload != nullptr) { mDownload->cancel(); delete2(mDownload) } delete2(mServersListModel); } void ServerDialog::connectToSelectedServer() { if (client->getState() == State::CONNECT_SERVER) return; const int index = mServersList->getSelected(); if (index < 0) return; if (mDownload != nullptr) mDownload->cancel(); mQuitButton->setEnabled(false); mConnectButton->setEnabled(false); mLoadButton->setEnabled(false); ServerInfo server = mServers.at(index); mServerInfo->hostname = server.hostname; mServerInfo->althostname = server.althostname; mServerInfo->port = server.port; mServerInfo->type = server.type; mServerInfo->name = server.name; mServerInfo->description = server.description; mServerInfo->registerUrl = server.registerUrl; mServerInfo->onlineListUrl = server.onlineListUrl; mServerInfo->supportUrl = server.supportUrl; mServerInfo->defaultHostName = server.defaultHostName; mServerInfo->save = true; mServerInfo->persistentIp = server.persistentIp; mServerInfo->freeType = server.freeType; mServerInfo->updateMirrors = server.updateMirrors; mServerInfo->packetVersion = server.packetVersion; mServerInfo->updateHosts = server.updateHosts; mServerInfo->freeSources = server.freeSources; mServerInfo->nonFreeSources = server.nonFreeSources; settings.persistentIp = mServerInfo->persistentIp; settings.supportUrl = mServerInfo->supportUrl; settings.updateMirrors = mServerInfo->updateMirrors; if (chatLogger != nullptr) chatLogger->setServerName(mServerInfo->hostname); saveCustomServers(*mServerInfo); if (!LoginDialog::savedPasswordKey.empty()) { if (mServerInfo->hostname != LoginDialog::savedPasswordKey) { LoginDialog::savedPassword.clear(); if (desktop != nullptr) desktop->reloadWallpaper(); } } config.setValue("usePersistentIP", mPersistentIPCheckBox->isSelected()); client->setState(State::CONNECT_SERVER); } void ServerDialog::action(const ActionEvent &event) { const std::string &eventId = event.getId(); if (eventId == "connect") { connectToSelectedServer(); } else if (eventId == "quit") { close(); } else if (eventId == "load") { downloadServerList(); } else if (eventId == "addEntry") { CREATEWIDGET(EditServerDialog, this, ServerInfo(), -1); } else if (eventId == "editEntry") { const int index = mServersList->getSelected(); if (index >= 0) { CREATEWIDGET(EditServerDialog, this, mServers.at(index), index); } } else if (eventId == "remove") { const int index = mServersList->getSelected(); if (index >= 0) { mServersList->setSelected(0); mServers.erase(mServers.begin() + index); saveCustomServers(); } } else if (eventId == "info") { const int index = mServersList->getSelected(); if (index >= 0) { CREATEWIDGET(ServerInfoWindow, mServers.at(index)); } } } void ServerDialog::keyPressed(KeyEvent &event) { PRAGMA45(GCC diagnostic push) PRAGMA45(GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch-enum") switch (event.getActionId()) { case InputAction::GUI_CANCEL: event.consume(); client->setState(State::EXIT); return; case InputAction::GUI_SELECT: case InputAction::GUI_SELECT2: event.consume(); action(ActionEvent(nullptr, mConnectButton->getActionEventId())); return; case InputAction::GUI_INSERT: CREATEWIDGET(EditServerDialog, this, ServerInfo(), -1); return; case InputAction::GUI_DELETE: { const int index = mServersList->getSelected(); if (index >= 0) { mServersList->setSelected(0); mServers.erase(mServers.begin() + index); saveCustomServers(); } return; } case InputAction::GUI_BACKSPACE: { const int index = mServersList->getSelected(); if (index >= 0) { CREATEWIDGET(EditServerDialog, this, mServers.at(index), index); } return; } default: break; } PRAGMA45(GCC diagnostic pop) if (!event.isConsumed()) mServersList->keyPressed(event); } void ServerDialog::valueChanged(const SelectionEvent &event A_UNUSED) { const int index = mServersList->getSelected(); if (index == -1) { mDeleteButton->setEnabled(false); return; } mDeleteButton->setEnabled(true); } void ServerDialog::mouseClicked(MouseEvent &event) { if (event.getButton() == MouseButton::LEFT) { event.consume(); if (event.getClickCount() == 2 && event.getSource() == mServersList) { action(ActionEvent(mConnectButton, mConnectButton->getActionEventId())); } } } void ServerDialog::logic() { BLOCK_START("ServerDialog::logic") { MutexLocker tempLock(&mMutex); if (mDownloadStatus == ServerDialogDownloadStatus::COMPLETE) { loadServers(); mDownloadStatus = ServerDialogDownloadStatus::OVER; mDescription->setCaption(std::string()); } else if (mDownloadStatus == ServerDialogDownloadStatus::IN_PROGRESS) { // TRANSLATORS: servers dialog label mDescription->setCaption(strprintf(_("Downloading server list..." "%2.2f%%"), static_cast(mDownloadProgress * 100))); } else if (mDownloadStatus == ServerDialogDownloadStatus::IDLE) { // TRANSLATORS: servers dialog label mDescription->setCaption(_("Waiting for server...")); } else if (mDownloadStatus == ServerDialogDownloadStatus::PREPARING) { // TRANSLATORS: servers dialog label mDescription->setCaption(_("Preparing download")); } else if (mDownloadStatus == ServerDialogDownloadStatus::ERROR) { // TRANSLATORS: servers dialog label mDescription->setCaption(_("Error retreiving server list!")); } } Window::logic(); BLOCK_END("ServerDialog::logic") } void ServerDialog::downloadServerList() { // Try to load the configuration value for the onlineServerList std::string listFile = branding.getStringValue("onlineServerList"); std::string listFile2 = branding.getStringValue("onlineServerList2"); // Fall back to manaplus.org when neither branding // nor config set it if (listFile.empty()) listFile = "http://manaplus.org/serverlist.xml"; if (mDownload != nullptr) { mDownload->cancel(); delete2(mDownload) } mDownload = new Net::Download(this, listFile, &downloadUpdate, false, false, true); mDownload->setFile(pathJoin(mDir, branding.getStringValue("onlineServerFile"))); if (!listFile2.empty()) mDownload->addMirror(listFile2); mDownload->start(); config.setValue("serverslistupdate", getDateString()); } static void loadHostsGroup(XmlNodeConstPtr node, ServerInfo &server) { HostsGroup group; group.name = XML::langProperty(node, "name", // TRANSLATORS: unknown hosts group name _("Unknown")); for_each_xml_child_node(hostNode, node) { if (!xmlNameEqual(hostNode, "host") || !XmlHaveChildContent(hostNode)) { continue; } const std::string host = XmlChildContent(hostNode); if (host.empty()) continue; if (!checkPath(host)) { logger->log1("Warning: incorrect update server name"); continue; } group.hosts.push_back(host); } if (!group.hosts.empty()) server.updateHosts.push_back(group); } static void loadServerSourcesList(XmlNodeConstPtr node, std::vector &list) { for_each_xml_child_node(urlNode, node) { if (!xmlNameEqual(urlNode, "url") || !XmlHaveChildContent(urlNode)) { continue; } const std::string name = XML::langProperty(urlNode, "name", ""); if (name.empty()) continue; const std::string url = XmlChildContent(urlNode); if (url.empty()) continue; list.push_back(ServerUrlInfo(name, url)); } } static void loadServerSources(XmlNodeConstPtr node, ServerInfo &server) { for_each_xml_child_node(subNode, node) { if (xmlNameEqual(subNode, "free")) { loadServerSourcesList(subNode, server.freeSources); } else if (xmlNameEqual(subNode, "nonfree")) { loadServerSourcesList(subNode, server.nonFreeSources); } } } void ServerDialog::loadServers(const bool addNew) { XML::Document doc(pathJoin(mDir, branding.getStringValue("onlineServerFile")), UseVirtFs_false, SkipError_false); XmlNodeConstPtr rootNode = doc.rootNode(); if ((rootNode == nullptr) || !xmlNameEqual(rootNode, "serverlist")) { logger->log1("Error loading server list!"); return; } const int ver = XML::getProperty(rootNode, "version", 0); if (ver != 1) { logger->log("Error: unsupported online server list version: %d", ver); return; } const std::string lang = getLangShort(); const std::string description2("description_" + lang); for_each_xml_child_node(serverNode, rootNode) { if (!xmlNameEqual(serverNode, "server")) continue; const std::string type = XML::getProperty( serverNode, "type", "unknown"); ServerInfo server; server.type = ServerInfo::parseType(type); const std::string licenseType = XML::getProperty( serverNode, "licenseType", "notset"); server.freeType = ServerInfo::parseFreeType(licenseType); // Ignore unknown server types if (server.type == ServerType::UNKNOWN) { logger->log("Ignoring server entry with unknown type: %s", type.c_str()); continue; } server.name = XML::getProperty(serverNode, "name", std::string()); std::string version = XML::getProperty(serverNode, "minimumVersion", std::string()); const bool meetsMinimumVersion = (compareStrI(version, SMALL_VERSION) <= 0); // For display in the list if (meetsMinimumVersion) version.clear(); else if (version.empty()) { // TRANSLATORS: servers dialog label version = _("requires a newer version"); } else { // TRANSLATORS: servers dialog label version = strprintf(_("requires v%s"), version.c_str()); } const Font *const font = gui->getFont(); for_each_xml_child_node(subNode, serverNode) { if (xmlNameEqual(subNode, "connection")) { server.hostname = XML::getProperty(subNode, "hostname", ""); server.althostname = XML::getProperty( subNode, "althostname", ""); server.port = CAST_U16( XML::getProperty(subNode, "port", 0)); server.packetVersion = XML::getProperty(subNode, "packetVersion", 0); if (server.port == 0) { // If no port is given, use the default for the given type server.port = defaultPortForServerType(server.type); } } else if (XmlHaveChildContent(subNode)) { if ((xmlNameEqual(subNode, "description") && server.description.empty()) || (!lang.empty() && xmlNameEqual(subNode, description2.c_str()))) { server.description = XmlChildContent(subNode); } else if (xmlNameEqual(subNode, "registerurl")) { server.registerUrl = XmlChildContent(subNode); } else if (xmlNameEqual(subNode, "onlineListUrl")) { server.onlineListUrl = XmlChildContent(subNode); } else if (xmlNameEqual(subNode, "support")) { server.supportUrl = XmlChildContent(subNode); } else if (xmlNameEqual(subNode, "persistentIp")) { std::string text = XmlChildContent(subNode); server.persistentIp = (text == "1" || text == "true"); } else if (xmlNameEqual(subNode, "updateMirror")) { server.updateMirrors.push_back(XmlChildContent(subNode)); } } if (xmlNameEqual(subNode, "updates")) { loadHostsGroup(subNode, server); } else if (xmlNameEqual(subNode, "defaultUpdateHost")) { server.defaultHostName = XML::langProperty( // TRANSLATORS: default hosts group name subNode, "name", _("default")); } else if (xmlNameEqual(subNode, "sources")) { loadServerSources(subNode, server); } } server.version.first = font->getWidth(version); server.version.second = version; MutexLocker tempLock(&mMutex); // Add the server to the local list if it's not already present bool found = false; for (unsigned int i = 0, fsz = CAST_U32( mServers.size()); i < fsz; i++) { if (mServers[i] == server) { // Use the name listed in the server list mServers[i].name = server.name; mServers[i].type = server.type; mServers[i].freeType = server.freeType; mServers[i].version = server.version; mServers[i].description = server.description; mServers[i].registerUrl = server.registerUrl; mServers[i].onlineListUrl = server.onlineListUrl; mServers[i].supportUrl = server.supportUrl; mServers[i].althostname = server.althostname; mServers[i].persistentIp = server.persistentIp; mServers[i].updateMirrors = server.updateMirrors; mServers[i].defaultHostName = server.defaultHostName; mServers[i].updateHosts = server.updateHosts; mServers[i].packetVersion = server.packetVersion; mServers[i].freeSources = server.freeSources; mServers[i].nonFreeSources = server.nonFreeSources; mServersListModel->setVersionString(i, version); found = true; break; } } if (!found && addNew) mServers.push_back(server); } if (mServersList->getSelected() < 0) mServersList->setSelected(0); } void ServerDialog::loadCustomServers() { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SERVERLIST; ++i) { const std::string index = toString(i); const std::string nameKey("MostUsedServerDescName" + index); const std::string descKey("MostUsedServerDescription" + index); const std::string hostKey("MostUsedServerName" + index); const std::string typeKey("MostUsedServerType" + index); const std::string portKey("MostUsedServerPort" + index); const std::string onlineListUrlKey ("MostUsedServerOnlineList" + index); const std::string persistentIpKey("persistentIp" + index); const std::string packetVersionKey ("MostUsedServerPacketVersion" + index); ServerInfo server; server.name = config.getValue(nameKey, ""); server.description = config.getValue(descKey, ""); server.onlineListUrl = config.getValue(onlineListUrlKey, ""); server.hostname = config.getValue(hostKey, ""); server.type = ServerInfo::parseType(config.getValue(typeKey, "")); server.persistentIp = config.getValue( persistentIpKey, 0) != 0 ? true : false; server.packetVersion = config.getValue(packetVersionKey, 0); const int defaultPort = defaultPortForServerType(server.type); server.port = CAST_U16( config.getValue(portKey, defaultPort)); // skip invalid server if (!server.isValid()) continue; server.save = true; mServers.push_back(server); } } void ServerDialog::saveCustomServers(const ServerInfo ¤tServer, const int index) { // Make sure the current server is mentioned first if (currentServer.isValid()) { if (index >= 0 && CAST_SIZE(index) < mServers.size()) { mServers[index] = currentServer; } else { FOR_EACH (ServerInfos::iterator, i, mServers) { if (*i == currentServer) { mServers.erase(i); break; } } mServers.insert(mServers.begin(), currentServer); } } int savedServerCount = 0; for (unsigned i = 0, fsz = CAST_U32(mServers.size()); i < fsz && savedServerCount < MAX_SERVERLIST; ++ i) { const ServerInfo &server = mServers.at(i); // Only save servers that were loaded from settings if (!(server.save && server.isValid())) continue; const std::string num = toString(savedServerCount); const std::string nameKey("MostUsedServerDescName" + num); const std::string descKey("MostUsedServerDescription" + num); const std::string hostKey("MostUsedServerName" + num); const std::string typeKey("MostUsedServerType" + num); const std::string portKey("MostUsedServerPort" + num); const std::string onlineListUrlKey ("MostUsedServerOnlineList" + num); const std::string persistentIpKey("persistentIp" + num); const std::string packetVersionKey ("MostUsedServerPacketVersion" + num); config.setValue(nameKey, server.name); config.setValue(descKey, server.description); config.setValue(onlineListUrlKey, server.onlineListUrl); config.setValue(hostKey, server.hostname); config.setValue(typeKey, serverTypeToString(server.type)); config.setValue(portKey, toString(server.port)); config.setValue(persistentIpKey, server.persistentIp); config.setValue(packetVersionKey, server.packetVersion); ++ savedServerCount; } // Insert an invalid entry at the end to make the loading stop there if (savedServerCount < MAX_SERVERLIST) config.setValue("MostUsedServerName" + toString(savedServerCount), ""); } int ServerDialog::downloadUpdate(void *ptr, const DownloadStatusT status, size_t total, const size_t remaining) { if ((ptr == nullptr) || status == DownloadStatus::Cancelled) return -1; ServerDialog *const sd = reinterpret_cast(ptr); bool finished = false; if (sd->mDownload == nullptr) return -1; if (status == DownloadStatus::Complete) { finished = true; } else if (CAST_S32(status) < 0) { logger->log("Error retreiving server list: %s\n", sd->mDownload->getError()); sd->mDownloadStatus = ServerDialogDownloadStatus::ERROR; } else { float progress = static_cast(remaining); if (total != 0u) progress /= static_cast(total); if (progress != progress || progress < 0.0F) progress = 0.0f; else if (progress > 1.0F) progress = 1.0F; MutexLocker lock1(&sd->mMutex); sd->mDownloadStatus = ServerDialogDownloadStatus::IN_PROGRESS; sd->mDownloadProgress = progress; } if (finished) { MutexLocker lock1(&sd->mMutex); sd->mDownloadStatus = ServerDialogDownloadStatus::COMPLETE; } return 0; } void ServerDialog::updateServer(const ServerInfo &server, const int index) { saveCustomServers(server, index); } bool ServerDialog::needUpdateServers() const { if (mServers.empty() || config.getStringValue("serverslistupdate") != getDateString()) { return true; } return false; } void ServerDialog::close() { if (mDownload != nullptr) mDownload->cancel(); client->setState(State::FORCE_QUIT); Window::close(); }