* The ManaPlus Client
* Copyright (C) 2011-2014 The ManaPlus Developers
* This file is part of The ManaPlus Client.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#include "gamemodifiers.h"
#include "configuration.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "soundmanager.h"
#include "being/localplayer.h"
#include "gui/dialogtype.h"
#include "gui/viewport.h"
#include "gui/windows/chatwindow.h"
#include "gui/windows/okdialog.h"
#include "gui/windows/outfitwindow.h"
#include "gui/widgets/tabs/chattab.h"
#include "listeners/awaylistener.h"
#include "listeners/updatestatuslistener.h"
#include "utils/gettext.h"
#include "debug.h"
#define addModifier(name1, name2, sz, ...) \
static const unsigned m##name1##Size = sz; \
static const char *const m##name1##Strings[] = \
__VA_ARGS__; \
std::string GameModifiers::get##name1##String() \
{ \
return gettext(getVarItem(&m##name1##Strings[0], \
settings.name2, m##name1##Size)); \
#define addModifier2(name1, name2, str, sz, ...) \
static const unsigned m##name1##Size = sz; \
static const char *const m##name1##Strings[] = \
__VA_ARGS__; \
void GameModifiers::change##name1(const bool forward) \
{ \
changeMode(&settings.name2, m##name1##Size, str, \
&GameModifiers::get##name1##String, 0, true, forward); \
} \
std::string GameModifiers::get##name1##String() \
{ \
return gettext(getVarItem(&m##name1##Strings[0], \
settings.name2, m##name1##Size)); \
#define changeMethod(name1, name2, str) \
void GameModifiers::change##name1(const bool forward) \
{ \
changeMode(&settings.name2, m##name1##Size, str, \
&GameModifiers::get##name1##String, 0, true, forward); \
GameModifiers *modifiers = nullptr;
settings.crazyMoveType = config.getIntValue("crazyMoveType");
settings.moveToTargetType = config.getIntValue("moveToTargetType");
settings.followMode = config.getIntValue("followMode");
settings.attackWeaponType = config.getIntValue("attackWeaponType");
settings.attackType = config.getIntValue("attackType");
settings.quickDropCounter = config.getIntValue("quickDropCounter");
settings.pickUpType = config.getIntValue("pickUpType");
settings.magicAttackType = config.getIntValue("magicAttackType");
settings.pvpAttackType = config.getIntValue("pvpAttackType");
settings.imitationMode = config.getIntValue("imitationMode");
settings.disableGameModifiers = config.getBoolValue(
void GameModifiers::changeMode(unsigned *restrict const var,
const unsigned limit,
const char *restrict const conf,
std::string (GameModifiers::*const func)(),
const unsigned def,
const bool save,
const bool forward)
if (!var)
if (forward)
(*var) ++;
if (*var >= limit)
*var = def;
if (!*var)
*var = limit - 1;
(*var) --;
if (save)
config.setValue(conf, *var);
const std::string str = (this->*func)();
if (str.size() > 4)
const char *GameModifiers::getVarItem(const char *const *const arr,
const unsigned index,
const unsigned sz)
if (index < sz)
return arr[index];
return arr[sz];
addModifier(MoveType, moveType, 5,
// TRANSLATORS: move type in status bar
N_("(D) default moves"),
// TRANSLATORS: move type in status bar
N_("(I) invert moves"),
// TRANSLATORS: move type in status bar
N_("(c) moves with some crazy moves"),
// TRANSLATORS: move type in status bar
N_("(C) moves with crazy moves"),
// TRANSLATORS: move type in status bar
N_("(d) double normal + crazy"),
// TRANSLATORS: move type in status bar
N_("(?) unknown move")
void GameModifiers::changeMoveType(const bool forward)
changeMode(&settings.moveType, mMoveTypeSize, "invertMoveDirection",
&GameModifiers::getMoveTypeString, 0, false, forward);
static const unsigned mCrazyMoveTypeSize = 11;
void GameModifiers::changeCrazyMoveType(const bool forward)
changeMode(&settings.crazyMoveType, mCrazyMoveTypeSize, "crazyMoveType",
&GameModifiers::getCrazyMoveTypeString, 1, true, forward);
std::string GameModifiers::getCrazyMoveTypeString()
const unsigned int crazyMoveType = settings.crazyMoveType;
if (crazyMoveType < mCrazyMoveTypeSize - 1)
// TRANSLATORS: crazy move type in status bar
return strprintf(_("(%u) crazy move number %u"),
crazyMoveType, crazyMoveType);
else if (crazyMoveType == mCrazyMoveTypeSize - 1)
// TRANSLATORS: crazy move type in status bar
return _("(a) custom crazy move");
// TRANSLATORS: crazy move type in status bar
return _("(?) crazy move");
addModifier2(MoveToTargetType, moveToTargetType, "moveToTargetType", 13,
// TRANSLATORS: move to target type in status bar
N_("(0) default moves to target"),
// TRANSLATORS: move to target type in status bar
N_("(1) moves to target in distance 1"),
// TRANSLATORS: move to target type in status bar
N_("(2) moves to target in distance 2"),
// TRANSLATORS: move to target type in status bar
N_("(3) moves to target in distance 3"),
// TRANSLATORS: move to target type in status bar
N_("(4) moves to target in distance 4"),
// TRANSLATORS: move to target type in status bar
N_("(5) moves to target in distance 5"),
// TRANSLATORS: move to target type in status bar
N_("(6) moves to target in distance 6"),
// TRANSLATORS: move to target type in status bar
N_("(7) moves to target in distance 7"),
// TRANSLATORS: move to target type in status bar
N_("(8) moves to target in distance 8"),
// TRANSLATORS: move to target type in status bar
N_("(9) moves to target in distance 9"),
// TRANSLATORS: move to target type in status bar
N_("(A) moves to target in attack range"),
// TRANSLATORS: move to target type in status bar
N_("(a) archer attack range"),
// TRANSLATORS: move to target type in status bar
N_("(B) moves to target in attack range - 1"),
// TRANSLATORS: move to target type in status bar
N_("(?) move to target")
addModifier2(FollowMode, followMode, "followMode", 4,
// TRANSLATORS: folow mode in status bar
N_("(D) default follow"),
// TRANSLATORS: folow mode in status bar
N_("(R) relative follow"),
// TRANSLATORS: folow mode in status bar
N_("(M) mirror follow"),
// TRANSLATORS: folow mode in status bar
N_("(P) pet follow"),
// TRANSLATORS: folow mode in status bar
N_("(?) unknown follow")
addModifier2(AttackWeaponType, attackWeaponType, "attackWeaponType", 4,
// TRANSLATORS: switch attack type in status bar
N_("(?) attack"),
// TRANSLATORS: switch attack type in status bar
N_("(D) default attack"),
// TRANSLATORS: switch attack type in status bar
N_("(s) switch attack without shield"),
// TRANSLATORS: switch attack type in status bar
N_("(S) switch attack with shield"),
// TRANSLATORS: switch attack type in status bar
N_("(?) attack")
addModifier2(AttackType, attackType, "attackType", 4,
// TRANSLATORS: attack type in status bar
N_("(D) default attack"),
// TRANSLATORS: attack type in status bar
N_("(G) go and attack"),
// TRANSLATORS: attack type in status bar
N_("(A) go, attack, pickup"),
// TRANSLATORS: attack type in status bar
N_("(d) without auto attack"),
// TRANSLATORS: attack type in status bar
N_("(?) attack")
const unsigned mQuickDropCounterSize = 31;
changeMethod(QuickDropCounter, quickDropCounter, "quickDropCounter")
std::string GameModifiers::getQuickDropCounterString()
const unsigned int cnt = settings.quickDropCounter;
if (cnt > 9)
return strprintf("(%c) drop counter %u", static_cast(
'a' + cnt - 10), cnt);
return strprintf("(%u) drop counter %u", cnt, cnt);
void GameModifiers::setQuickDropCounter(const int n)
if (n < 1 || n >= static_cast(mQuickDropCounterSize))
settings.quickDropCounter = n;
config.setValue("quickDropCounter", n);
addModifier2(PickUpType, pickUpType, "pickUpType", 7,
// TRANSLATORS: pickup size in status bar
N_("(S) small pick up 1x1 cells"),
// TRANSLATORS: pickup size in status bar
N_("(D) default pick up 2x1 cells"),
// TRANSLATORS: pickup size in status bar
N_("(F) forward pick up 2x3 cells"),
// TRANSLATORS: pickup size in status bar
N_("(3) pick up 3x3 cells"),
// TRANSLATORS: pickup size in status bar
N_("(g) go and pick up in distance 4"),
// TRANSLATORS: pickup size in status bar
N_("(G) go and pick up in distance 8"),
// TRANSLATORS: pickup size in status bar
N_("(A) go and pick up in max distance"),
// TRANSLATORS: pickup size in status bar
N_("(?) pick up")
addModifier2(MagicAttackType, magicAttackType, "magicAttackType", 5,
// TRANSLATORS: magic attack in status bar
N_("(f) use #flar for magic attack"),
// TRANSLATORS: magic attack in status bar
N_("(c) use #chiza for magic attack"),
// TRANSLATORS: magic attack in status bar
N_("(I) use #ingrav for magic attack"),
// TRANSLATORS: magic attack in status bar
N_("(F) use #frillyar for magic attack"),
// TRANSLATORS: magic attack in status bar
N_("(U) use #upmarmu for magic attack"),
// TRANSLATORS: magic attack in status bar
N_("(?) magic attack")
addModifier2(PvpAttackType, pvpAttackType, "pvpAttackType", 4,
// TRANSLATORS: player attack type in status bar
N_("(a) attack all players"),
// TRANSLATORS: player attack type in status bar
N_("(f) attack all except friends"),
// TRANSLATORS: player attack type in status bar
N_("(b) attack bad relations"),
// TRANSLATORS: player attack type in status bar
N_("(d) don't attack players"),
// TRANSLATORS: player attack type in status bar
N_("(?) pvp attack")
addModifier2(ImitationMode, imitationMode, "imitationMode", 2,
// TRANSLATORS: imitation type in status bar
N_("(D) default imitation"),
// TRANSLATORS: imitation type in status bar
N_("(O) outfits imitation"),
// TRANSLATORS: imitation type in status bar
N_("(?) imitation")
addModifier(GameModifiers, disableGameModifiers, 2,
// TRANSLATORS: game modifiers state in status bar
N_("Game modifiers are enabled"),
// TRANSLATORS: game modifiers state in status bar
N_("Game modifiers are disabled"),
// TRANSLATORS: game modifiers state in status bar
N_("Game modifiers are unknown")
void GameModifiers::changeGameModifiers()
settings.disableGameModifiers = !settings.disableGameModifiers;
config.setValue("disableGameModifiers", settings.disableGameModifiers);
addModifier(MapDrawType, mapDrawType, 7,
// TRANSLATORS: map view type in status bar
N_("(N) normal map view"),
// TRANSLATORS: map view type in status bar
N_("(D) debug map view"),
// TRANSLATORS: map view type in status bar
N_("(u) ultra map view"),
// TRANSLATORS: map view type in status bar
N_("(U) ultra map view 2"),
// TRANSLATORS: map view type in status bar
N_("(e) empty map view with collision"),
// TRANSLATORS: map view type in status bar
N_("(E) empty map view"),
// TRANSLATORS: map view type in status bar
N_("(b) black & white map view"),
// TRANSLATORS: pickup size in status bar
N_("(?) map view")
addModifier(AwayMode, awayMode, 2,
// TRANSLATORS: away type in status bar
N_("(O) on keyboard"),
// TRANSLATORS: away type in status bar
N_("(A) away"),
// TRANSLATORS: away type in status bar
N_("(?) away")
void GameModifiers::changeAwayMode()
if (!player_node)
settings.awayMode = !settings.awayMode;
if (settings.awayMode)
if (chatWindow)
if (outfitWindow)
// TRANSLATORS: away message box header
OkDialog *const dialog = new OkDialog(_("Away"),
DialogType::SILENCE, true, false);
if (chatWindow)
addModifier(CameraMode, cameraMode, 2,
// TRANSLATORS: camera mode in status bar
N_("(G) game camera mode"),
// TRANSLATORS: camera mode in status bar
N_("(F) free camera mode"),
// TRANSLATORS: camera mode in status bar
N_("(?) away")