/* * The ManaPlus Client * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 The ManaPlus Developers * * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef CLIENT_H #define CLIENT_H #include "configlistener.h" #include "net/serverinfo.h" #include <guichan/actionlistener.hpp> #include <SDL.h> #include <SDL_framerate.h> #include <string> #include <sys/time.h> #include "localconsts.h" class Button; class Desktop; class Game; class LoginData; class Skin; class Window; class QuitDialog; /** * Set the milliseconds value of a tick time. */ static const int MILLISECONDS_IN_A_TICK = 10; static const uint16_t DEFAULT_PORT = 6901; extern volatile int fps; extern volatile int lps; extern volatile int tick_time; extern volatile int cur_time; extern bool isSafeMode; extern int serverVersion; extern int start_time; extern int textures_count; class ErrorListener : public gcn::ActionListener { public: void action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event) override; }; extern std::string errorMessage; extern ErrorListener errorListener; extern LoginData loginData; /** * Returns elapsed time. (Warning: supposes the delay is always < 100 seconds) */ int get_elapsed_time(const int startTime) A_WARN_UNUSED; int get_elapsed_time1(const int startTime) A_WARN_UNUSED; /** * All client states. */ enum State { STATE_ERROR = -1, STATE_START = 0, STATE_CHOOSE_SERVER, STATE_CONNECT_SERVER, STATE_PRE_LOGIN, STATE_LOGIN, STATE_LOGIN_ATTEMPT, STATE_WORLD_SELECT, // 5 STATE_WORLD_SELECT_ATTEMPT, STATE_UPDATE, STATE_LOAD_DATA, STATE_GET_CHARACTERS, STATE_CHAR_SELECT, // 10 STATE_CONNECT_GAME, STATE_GAME, STATE_CHANGE_MAP, // Switch map-server/gameserver STATE_LOGIN_ERROR, STATE_ACCOUNTCHANGE_ERROR, // 15 STATE_REGISTER_PREP, STATE_REGISTER, STATE_REGISTER_ATTEMPT, STATE_CHANGEPASSWORD, STATE_CHANGEPASSWORD_ATTEMPT, // 20 STATE_CHANGEPASSWORD_SUCCESS, STATE_CHANGEEMAIL, STATE_CHANGEEMAIL_ATTEMPT, STATE_CHANGEEMAIL_SUCCESS, STATE_UNREGISTER, // 25 STATE_UNREGISTER_ATTEMPT, STATE_UNREGISTER_SUCCESS, STATE_SWITCH_SERVER, STATE_SWITCH_LOGIN, STATE_SWITCH_CHARACTER, // 30 STATE_LOGOUT_ATTEMPT, STATE_WAIT, STATE_EXIT, STATE_FORCE_QUIT, STATE_AUTORECONNECT_SERVER = 1000 }; enum PacketTypes { PACKET_CHAT = 0, PACKET_PICKUP = 1, PACKET_DROP = 2, PACKET_NPC_NEXT = 3, PACKET_NPC_TALK = 4, PACKET_NPC_INPUT = 5, PACKET_EMOTE = 6, PACKET_SIT = 7, PACKET_DIRECTION = 8, PACKET_ATTACK = 9, PACKET_STOPATTACK = 10, PACKET_ONLINELIST = 11, PACKET_WHISPER = 12, PACKET_SIZE }; struct PacketLimit { int lastTime; int timeLimit; int cnt; int cntLimit; }; /** * The core part of the client. This class initializes all subsystems, runs * the event loop, and shuts everything down again. */ class Client final : public ConfigListener, public gcn::ActionListener { public: /** * A structure holding the values of various options that can be passed * from the command line. */ struct Options { Options() : username(), password(), character(), brandingPath(), updateHost(), dataPath(), homeDir(), logFileName(), chatLogDir(), configDir(), localDataDir(), screenshotDir(), test(), serverName(), serverPort(0), printHelp(false), printVersion(false), skipUpdate(false), chooseDefault(false), noOpenGL(false), safeMode(false), testMode(false) {} std::string username; std::string password; std::string character; std::string brandingPath; std::string updateHost; std::string dataPath; std::string homeDir; std::string logFileName; std::string chatLogDir; std::string configDir; std::string localDataDir; std::string screenshotDir; std::string test; std::string serverName; uint16_t serverPort; bool printHelp; bool printVersion; bool skipUpdate; bool chooseDefault; bool noOpenGL; bool safeMode; bool testMode; }; explicit Client(const Options &options); A_DELETE_COPY(Client) ~Client(); /** * Provides access to the client instance. */ static Client *instance() A_WARN_UNUSED { return mInstance; } void gameInit(); void testsInit(); int gameExec(); int testsExec() const; static void setState(const State state) { instance()->mState = state; } static State getState() A_WARN_UNUSED { return instance()->mState; } static const std::string &getPackageDirectory() A_WARN_UNUSED { return instance()->mPackageDir; } static const std::string &getConfigDirectory() A_WARN_UNUSED { return instance()->mConfigDir; } static const std::string &getLocalDataDirectory() A_WARN_UNUSED { return instance()->mLocalDataDir; } static const std::string &getTempDirectory() A_WARN_UNUSED { return instance()->mTempDir; } static const std::string &getScreenshotDirectory() A_WARN_UNUSED { return instance()->mScreenshotDir; } static const std::string getServerConfigDirectory() A_WARN_UNUSED; static const std::string getUsersDirectory() A_WARN_UNUSED; static const std::string getNpcsDirectory() A_WARN_UNUSED; static bool getIsMinimized() A_WARN_UNUSED { return instance()->mIsMinimized; } static void setIsMinimized(const bool n); static void newChatMessage(); static bool getInputFocused() A_WARN_UNUSED { return instance()->mInputFocused; } static void setInputFocused(const bool n) { instance()->mInputFocused = n; } static bool getMouseFocused() A_WARN_UNUSED { return instance()->mMouseFocused; } static void setMouseFocused(const bool n) { instance()->mMouseFocused = n; } static std::string getUpdatesDir() A_WARN_UNUSED { return instance()->mUpdatesDir; } static std::string getServerName() A_WARN_UNUSED { return instance()->mServerName; } static std::string getOnlineUrl() A_WARN_UNUSED { return instance()->mOnlineListUrl; } static void resize(const int width, const int height, const bool always = false) { instance()->resizeVideo(width, height, always); } static bool isKeyboardVisible() { return instance()->mKeyboardHeight > 1; } static void setGuiAlpha(const float n); static float getGuiAlpha() A_WARN_UNUSED; static void closeDialogs(); static void setFramerate(const int fpsLimit); static int getFramerate() A_WARN_UNUSED; static bool isTmw() A_WARN_UNUSED; static void applyGrabMode(); static void applyGamma(); static void applyVSync(); static void applyKeyRepeat(); void optionChanged(const std::string &name) override; void action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event) override; void initTradeFilter() const; void initUsersDir(); void initPacketLimiter(); void writePacketLimits(const std::string &packetLimitsName) const; void resizeVideo(int width, int height, const bool always); static bool limitPackets(const int type) A_WARN_UNUSED; static bool checkPackets(const int type) A_WARN_UNUSED; static void logEvent(const SDL_Event &event); PacketLimit mPacketLimits[PACKET_SIZE + 1]; static void windowRemoved(const Window *const window); static void updateScreenKeyboard(int height); private: void initRootDir(); void initHomeDir(); void initConfiguration() const; void initLocalDataDir(); void initTempDir(); void initConfigDir(); void initUpdatesDir(); void initScreenshotDir(); void initServerConfig(std::string serverName); void initFeatures() const; void accountLogin(LoginData *const data) const; void storeSafeParameters() const; void gameClear(); void testsClear(); void logVars(); void checkConfigVersion(); static Client *mInstance; static void bindTextDomain(const char *const name, const char *const path); static void setEnv(const char *const name, const char *const value); Options mOptions; std::string mPackageDir; std::string mConfigDir; std::string mServerConfigDir; std::string mLocalDataDir; std::string mTempDir; std::string mUpdateHost; std::string mUpdatesDir; std::string mScreenshotDir; std::string mUsersDir; std::string mNpcsDir; std::string mRootDir; std::string mServerName; std::string mOnlineListUrl; ServerInfo mCurrentServer; Game *mGame; Window *mCurrentDialog; QuitDialog *mQuitDialog; Desktop *mDesktop; Button *mSetupButton; Button *mVideoButton; Button *mThemesButton; Button *mPerfomanceButton; #ifdef ANDROID Button *mCloseButton; #endif State mState; State mOldState; SDL_Surface *mIcon; SDL_TimerID mLogicCounterId; SDL_TimerID mSecondsCounterId; std::string mCaption; FPSmanager mFpsManager; Skin *mSkin; int mButtonPadding; int mButtonSpacing; int mKeyboardHeight; std::string mOldUpdates; float mGuiAlpha; bool mLimitFps; bool mConfigAutoSaved; bool mIsMinimized; bool mInputFocused; bool mMouseFocused; bool mNewMessageFlag; }; #endif // CLIENT_H