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##3                            Chat commands

    /closeall - close all whispers.
    /ignoreall - add all whispers to ignore list.
    /msg NICK text, /whisper NICK text, /w NICK text - send whisper message to nick.
    /query NICK, /q NICK - open new whisper tab for nick.

    /help - show small help about chat commands. 
    /target NICK - select nick as target. Can be monster or player nick.
    /outfit N - wear outfit number N.
    /outfit next - wear next outfit.
    /outfit prev - wear previous outfit.
    /emote N - use emotion number N.
    /away, /away MSG - set away mode.
    /pseudoaway, /pseudoaway MSG - set/unset pseudo away mode.
    /follow NICK - start follow mode.
    /imitation NICK - start imitation mode.
    /heal NICK - heal nick.
    /move X Y - move to X,Y position in short distance.
    /navigate x y - move to position x,y in current map in any distance.
    /mail NICK MSG - send offline message to NICK. Working only in tmw server.
    /disconnect - quick disconnect from server.
    /attack - attack target.
    /undress NICK - remove all clothes from nick. Local effect only.
    /addattack NAME - add monster to attack list.
    /addpriorityattack NAME - add monster to priority attack list.
    /removeattack NAME - remove monster from attack list.
    /addignoreattack NAME - add monster to ignore attack list.
    /setdrop N - set drop counter to requested value.

    /trade NICK - start trade with nick.
    /priceload - load shop price from disc.
    /pricesave - save shop price to disc.

##PPlayer relations
    /ignore NICK - add nick to ignore list.
    /unignore NICK - Remove nick from ignore list.
    /friend NICK, /befriend NICK - add nick to friends list.
    /disregard NICK - add nick to disregarded list.
    /neutral NICK - add nick to neutral relation list.
    /blacklist NICK - add nick to blacklist relation list.
    /erase NICK - add nick to erased list.
    /clear - clear current chat tab.
    /createparty NAME - create party with selected name.
    /me text - send text to chat as /me command in irc.
    /serverignoreall - ignore all whispers on server side.
    /serverunignoreall - unignore all whispers on server side.

    /who - print online players number to chat.
    /all - show visible beings list in debug tab.
    /where - print current player position to chat.
    /cacheinfo - show text cache info.
    /uptime - show client uptime.
    /dumpg - dump graphics and some other settings to chat.
    /dirs - show client dirs in debug chat tab.

##PWhispers commands
Most commands working in whispers. 
For example command /imitation in whisper nick nick1,
 similar to command /imitation nick1.