 *  The ManaPlus Client
 *  Copyright (C) 2004-2009  The Mana World Development Team
 *  Copyright (C) 2009-2010  The Mana Developers
 *  Copyright (C) 2011-2016  The ManaPlus Developers
 *  This file is part of The ManaPlus Client.
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#include "gui/widgets/window.h"

#include "enums/simpletypes/autotarget.h"
#include "enums/simpletypes/modifiable.h"

#include "listeners/actionlistener.h"

#include "resources/skillowner.h"
#include "resources/skilltype.h"

class Being;
class Button;
class Label;
class SkillModel;
class Tab;
class TabbedArea;

struct SkillData;
struct SkillInfo;

 * The skill dialog.
 * \ingroup Interface
class SkillDialog final : public Window,
                          public ActionListener



        void postInit() override final;

         * Called when receiving actions from widget.
        void action(const ActionEvent &event) override final;

         * Update the given skill's display
        std::string update(const int id);

         * Update other parts of the display
        void update();

        void updateModels();

        void loadXmlFile(const std::string &fileName);

        void clearSkills();

        void hideSkills(const SkillOwner::Type owner);

        void loadSkills();

        bool updateSkill(const int id,
                         const int range,
                         const Modifiable modifiable,
                         const SkillType::SkillType type,
                         const int sp);

        void addSkill(const SkillOwner::Type owner,
                      const int id,
                      const std::string &name,
                      const int level,
                      const int range,
                      const Modifiable modifiable,
                      const SkillType::SkillType type,
                      const int sp);

        SkillInfo* getSkill(const int id) const A_WARN_UNUSED;

        SkillInfo* getSkillByItem(const int itemId) const A_WARN_UNUSED;

        void setSkillDuration(const SkillOwner::Type owner,
                              const int id,
                              const int duration);

        bool hasSkills() const A_WARN_UNUSED
        { return !mSkills.empty(); }

        void widgetResized(const Event &event) override final;

        void useItem(const int itemId,
                     const AutoTarget autoTarget,
                     const int level) const;

        void updateTabSelection();

        void updateQuest(const int var, const int val);

        void playUpdateEffect(const int id) const;

        void playRemoveEffect(const int id) const;

        void playCastingSrcEffect(const int id,
                                  Being *const being) const;

        void playCastingDstEffect(const int id,
                                  Being *const being) const;

        void playCastingDstTileEffect(const int id,
                                      const int x,
                                      const int y,
                                      const int delay) const;

        void slowLogic();

        void removeSkill(const int id);

        static void useSkill(const int skillId,
                             const AutoTarget autoTarget,
                             int level,
                             const bool withText,
                             const std::string &text);

        static void useSkill(const SkillInfo *const info,
                             const AutoTarget autoTarget,
                             int level,
                             const bool withText = false,
                             const std::string &text = "");

        SkillData *getSkillData(const int id) const;

        SkillData *getSkillDataByLevel(const int id,
                                       const int level) const;

        void selectSkillLevel(const int skillId,
                              const int level);

        void addSkillDuration(SkillInfo *const skill);

        typedef std::map<int, SkillInfo*> SkillMap;
        SkillMap mSkills;
        std::vector<SkillInfo*> mDurations;
        TabbedArea *mTabs A_NONNULLPOINTER;
        std::list<Tab*> mDeleteTabs;
        Label *mPointsLabel A_NONNULLPOINTER;
        Button *mUseButton A_NONNULLPOINTER;
        Button *mIncreaseButton A_NONNULLPOINTER;
        SkillModel *mDefaultModel;

extern SkillDialog *skillDialog;