/* * The ManaPlus Client * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 The ManaPlus Developers * * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "gui/windowmanager.h" #include "client.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "game.h" #include "settings.h" #include "spellmanager.h" #include "gui/gui.h" #include "gui/userpalette.h" #include "gui/shortcut/spellshortcut.h" #include "gui/popups/textpopup.h" #ifdef DYECMD #include "render/graphics.h" #else // DYECMD #include "gui/popups/beingpopup.h" #include "gui/popups/itempopup.h" #include "gui/popups/popupmenu.h" #include "gui/popups/skillpopup.h" #include "gui/popups/spellpopup.h" #include "gui/popups/textboxpopup.h" #include "gui/windows/didyouknowwindow.h" #include "gui/windows/helpwindow.h" #include "gui/windows/setupwindow.h" #endif // DYECMD #include "gui/widgets/createwidget.h" #include "gui/widgets/desktop.h" #include "input/touch/touchmanager.h" #include "utils/delete2.h" #include "utils/files.h" #include "utils/sdlcheckutils.h" #include "utils/sdlhelper.h" #ifdef __native_client__ #include "utils/naclmessages.h" #endif // __native_client__ #ifdef ANDROID #ifndef USE_SDL2 #include <SDL_screenkeyboard.h> #endif #endif #ifdef USE_SDL2 #include <SDL2_framerate.h> #else #include <SDL_framerate.h> #endif #include <SDL_image.h> #ifdef WIN32 #include <SDL_syswm.h> #endif #include "debug.h" FPSmanager fpsManager; namespace { SDL_Surface *mIcon(nullptr); #ifndef USE_SDL2 int mKeyboardHeight(0); #endif bool mIsMinimized(false); bool mNewMessageFlag(false); } // namespace void WindowManager::init() { // Initialize frame limiting fpsManager.framecount = 0; fpsManager.rateticks = 0; fpsManager.lastticks = 0; fpsManager.rate = 0; } void WindowManager::createWindows() { userPalette = new UserPalette; #ifndef DYECMD CREATEWIDGETV0(setupWindow, SetupWindow); CREATEWIDGETV0(helpWindow, HelpWindow); CREATEWIDGETV0(didYouKnowWindow, DidYouKnowWindow); CREATEWIDGETV0(popupMenu, PopupMenu); CREATEWIDGETV0(beingPopup, BeingPopup); CREATEWIDGETV0(textBoxPopup, TextBoxPopup); CREATEWIDGETV0(itemPopup, ItemPopup); CREATEWIDGETV0(spellPopup, SpellPopup); CREATEWIDGETV0(skillPopup, SkillPopup); #endif CREATEWIDGETV0(textPopup, TextPopup); } void WindowManager::deleteWindows() { #ifndef DYECMD delete2(textBoxPopup); delete2(beingPopup); delete2(itemPopup); delete2(spellPopup); delete2(skillPopup); delete2(popupMenu); delete2(didYouKnowWindow); delete2(helpWindow); delete2(setupWindow); delete2(userPalette); delete2(spellManager) delete2(spellShortcut) #endif delete2(textPopup); } void WindowManager::initTitle() { if (settings.options.test.empty()) { settings.windowCaption = strprintf("%s %s", branding.getStringValue("appName").c_str(), SMALL_VERSION); } else { settings.windowCaption = strprintf( "Please wait - VIDEO MODE TEST - %s %s - Please wait", branding.getStringValue("appName").c_str(), SMALL_VERSION); } SDL::SetWindowTitle(mainGraphics->getWindow(), settings.windowCaption.c_str()); #ifndef WIN32 setIcon(); #endif } void WindowManager::updateTitle() { std::string str; if (settings.login.empty()) str = settings.serverName; else str.append(settings.login).append(" ").append(settings.serverName); if (str.empty()) { settings.windowCaption = strprintf("%s %s", branding.getStringValue("appName").c_str(), SMALL_VERSION); } else { settings.windowCaption = strprintf("%s %s - %s", branding.getStringValue("appName").c_str(), SMALL_VERSION, str.c_str()); } SDL::SetWindowTitle(mainGraphics->getWindow(), settings.windowCaption.c_str()); } void WindowManager::setFramerate(const unsigned int fpsLimit) { if (!fpsLimit) return; if (!settings.limitFps) return; SDL_setFramerate(&fpsManager, fpsLimit); } int WindowManager::getFramerate() { if (!settings.limitFps) return 0; return SDL_getFramerate(&fpsManager); } void WindowManager::doResizeVideo(const int actualWidth, const int actualHeight, const bool always) { if (!always && mainGraphics->mActualWidth == actualWidth && mainGraphics->mActualHeight == actualHeight) { return; } #ifdef __native_client__ naclPostMessage("resize-window", strprintf("%d,%d", actualWidth, actualHeight)); #else resizeVideo(actualWidth, actualHeight, always); #endif } void WindowManager::resizeVideo(int actualWidth, int actualHeight, const bool always) { // Keep a minimum size. This isn't adhered to by the actual window, but // it keeps some window positions from getting messed up. actualWidth = std::max(470, actualWidth); actualHeight = std::max(320, actualHeight); if (!mainGraphics) return; if (!always && mainGraphics->mActualWidth == actualWidth && mainGraphics->mActualHeight == actualHeight) { return; } if (mainGraphics->resizeScreen(actualWidth, actualHeight)) { const int width = mainGraphics->mWidth; const int height = mainGraphics->mHeight; touchManager.resize(width, height); if (gui) gui->videoResized(); if (desktop) desktop->setSize(width, height); client->moveButtons(width); #ifndef DYECMD Game *const game = Game::instance(); if (game) game->videoResized(width, height); #endif if (gui) gui->draw(); config.setValue("screenwidth", actualWidth); config.setValue("screenheight", actualHeight); } } bool WindowManager::setFullScreen(const bool fs) { #ifdef __native_client__ naclPostMessage("set-fullscreen", fs ? "on" : "off"); return true; #else if (!mainGraphics) return false; return mainGraphics->setFullscreen(fs); #endif } void WindowManager::applyGrabMode() { SDL::grabInput(mainGraphics->getWindow(), config.getBoolValue("grabinput")); } void WindowManager::applyGamma() { if (config.getFloatValue("enableGamma")) { SDL::setGamma(mainGraphics->getWindow(), config.getFloatValue("gamma")); } } void WindowManager::applyVSync() { const int val = config.getIntValue("vsync"); if (val > 0 && val < 2) SDL::setVsync(val); } void WindowManager::applyKeyRepeat() { #ifndef USE_SDL2 SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(config.getIntValue("repeateDelay"), config.getIntValue("repeateInterval")); #endif } void WindowManager::applyScale() { const int scale = config.getIntValue("scale"); if (mainGraphics->getScale() == scale) return; mainGraphics->setScale(scale); doResizeVideo(mainGraphics->mActualWidth, mainGraphics->mActualHeight, true); } void WindowManager::setIsMinimized(const bool n) { mIsMinimized = n; if (!n && mNewMessageFlag) { mNewMessageFlag = false; SDL::SetWindowTitle(mainGraphics->getWindow(), settings.windowCaption.c_str()); } } void WindowManager::newChatMessage() { if (!mNewMessageFlag && mIsMinimized) { // show * on window caption SDL::SetWindowTitle(mainGraphics->getWindow(), ("*" + settings.windowCaption).c_str()); mNewMessageFlag = true; } } void WindowManager::setIcon() { std::string iconFile = branding.getValue("appIcon", "icons/manaplus"); #ifdef WIN32 iconFile.append(".ico"); #else iconFile.append(".png"); #endif iconFile = Files::getPath(iconFile); logger->log("Loading icon from file: %s", iconFile.c_str()); #ifdef WIN32 static SDL_SysWMinfo pInfo; if (mainGraphics) SDL::getWindowWMInfo(mainGraphics->getWindow(), &pInfo); else SDL::getWindowWMInfo(nullptr, &pInfo); // Attempt to load icon from .ico file HICON icon = (HICON) LoadImage(nullptr, iconFile.c_str(), IMAGE_ICON, 64, 64, LR_LOADFROMFILE); // If it's failing, we load the default resource file. if (!icon) { logger->log("icon load error"); icon = LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(nullptr), "A"); } if (icon) SetClassLong(pInfo.window, GCL_HICON, reinterpret_cast<LONG>(icon)); #else mIcon = MIMG_Load(iconFile.c_str()); if (mIcon) { #ifdef USE_SDL2 SDL_SetSurfaceAlphaMod(mIcon, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE); #else SDL_SetAlpha(mIcon, SDL_SRCALPHA, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE); #endif SDL::SetWindowIcon(mainGraphics->getWindow(), mIcon); } #endif } bool WindowManager::isKeyboardVisible() { #ifdef USE_SDL2 return SDL_IsTextInputActive(); #else return mKeyboardHeight > 1; #endif } bool WindowManager::getIsMinimized() { return mIsMinimized; } #ifndef USE_SDL2 void WindowManager::updateScreenKeyboard(const int height) { mKeyboardHeight = height; } #endif void WindowManager::deleteIcon() { MSDL_FreeSurface(mIcon); }