/* * The ManaPlus Client * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers * Copyright (C) 2011 The ManaPlus Developers * * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "gui/widgets/dropdown.h" #include "client.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "gui/palette.h" #include "gui/sdlinput.h" #include "gui/theme.h" #include "gui/widgets/listbox.h" #include "gui/widgets/scrollarea.h" #include "resources/image.h" #include "utils/dtor.h" #include <algorithm> #include "debug.h" int DropDown::instances = 0; Image *DropDown::buttons[2][2]; ImageRect DropDown::skin; float DropDown::mAlpha = 1.0; DropDown::DropDown(gcn::ListModel *listModel, gcn::ActionListener* listener, std::string eventId): gcn::DropDown::DropDown(listModel, new ScrollArea, new ListBox(listModel)) { setFrameSize(2); // Initialize graphics if (instances == 0) { // Load the background skin // Get the button skin buttons[1][0] = Theme::getImageFromTheme("vscroll_up_default.png"); buttons[0][0] = Theme::getImageFromTheme("vscroll_down_default.png"); buttons[1][1] = Theme::getImageFromTheme("vscroll_up_pressed.png"); buttons[0][1] = Theme::getImageFromTheme("vscroll_down_pressed.png"); if (buttons[0][0]) buttons[0][0]->setAlpha(mAlpha); if (buttons[0][1]) buttons[0][1]->setAlpha(mAlpha); if (buttons[1][0]) buttons[1][0]->setAlpha(mAlpha); if (buttons[1][1]) buttons[1][1]->setAlpha(mAlpha); // get the border skin Image *boxBorder = Theme::getImageFromTheme("deepbox.png"); if (boxBorder) { int gridx[4] = {0, 3, 28, 31}; int gridy[4] = {0, 3, 28, 31}; int a = 0, x, y; for (y = 0; y < 3; y++) { for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) { skin.grid[a] = boxBorder->getSubImage(gridx[x], gridy[y], gridx[x + 1] - gridx[x] + 1, gridy[y + 1] - gridy[y] + 1); if (skin.grid[a]) skin.grid[a]->setAlpha(mAlpha); a++; } } boxBorder->decRef(); } } instances++; mHighlightColor = Theme::getThemeColor(Theme::HIGHLIGHT); mShadowColor = Theme::getThemeColor(Theme::DROPDOWN_SHADOW); setForegroundColor(Theme::getThemeColor(Theme::TEXT)); if (!eventId.empty()) setActionEventId(eventId); if (listener) addActionListener(listener); } DropDown::~DropDown() { instances--; // Free images memory if (instances == 0) { if (buttons[0][0]) buttons[0][0]->decRef(); if (buttons[0][1]) buttons[0][1]->decRef(); if (buttons[1][0]) buttons[1][0]->decRef(); if (buttons[1][1]) buttons[1][1]->decRef(); for_each(skin.grid, skin.grid + 9, dtor<Image*>()); } delete mScrollArea; mScrollArea = nullptr; } void DropDown::updateAlpha() { float alpha = std::max(Client::getGuiAlpha(), Theme::instance()->getMinimumOpacity()); if (mAlpha != alpha) { mAlpha = alpha; if (buttons[0][0]) buttons[0][0]->setAlpha(mAlpha); if (buttons[0][1]) buttons[0][1]->setAlpha(mAlpha); if (buttons[1][0]) buttons[1][0]->setAlpha(mAlpha); if (buttons[1][1]) buttons[1][1]->setAlpha(mAlpha); for (int a = 0; a < 9; a++) { if (skin.grid[a]) skin.grid[a]->setAlpha(mAlpha); } } } void DropDown::draw(gcn::Graphics* graphics) { int h; if (mDroppedDown) h = mFoldedUpHeight; else h = getHeight(); updateAlpha(); const int alpha = static_cast<int>(mAlpha * 255.0f); mHighlightColor.a = alpha; mShadowColor.a = alpha; if (mListBox->getListModel() && mListBox->getSelected() >= 0) { graphics->setFont(getFont()); graphics->setColor(getForegroundColor()); graphics->drawText(mListBox->getListModel()->getElementAt( mListBox->getSelected()), 1, 0); } if (isFocused()) { graphics->setColor(mHighlightColor); graphics->drawRectangle(gcn::Rectangle(0, 0, getWidth() - h, h)); } drawButton(graphics); if (mDroppedDown) { drawChildren(graphics); // Draw two lines separating the ListBox with selected // element view. graphics->setColor(mHighlightColor); graphics->drawLine(0, h, getWidth(), h); graphics->setColor(mShadowColor); graphics->drawLine(0, h + 1, getWidth(), h + 1); } } void DropDown::drawFrame(gcn::Graphics *graphics) { const int bs = getFrameSize(); const int w = getWidth() + bs * 2; const int h = getHeight() + bs * 2; static_cast<Graphics*>(graphics)->drawImageRect(0, 0, w, h, skin); } void DropDown::drawButton(gcn::Graphics *graphics) { int height = mDroppedDown ? mFoldedUpHeight : getHeight(); if (buttons[mDroppedDown][mPushed]) { static_cast<Graphics*>(graphics)-> drawImage(buttons[mDroppedDown][mPushed], getWidth() - height + 2, 1); } } // -- KeyListener notifications void DropDown::keyPressed(gcn::KeyEvent& keyEvent) { if (keyEvent.isConsumed()) return; gcn::Key key = keyEvent.getKey(); if (key.getValue() == Key::ENTER || key.getValue() == Key::SPACE) dropDown(); else if (key.getValue() == Key::UP) setSelected(getSelected() - 1); else if (key.getValue() == Key::DOWN) setSelected(getSelected() + 1); else if (key.getValue() == Key::HOME) setSelected(0); else if (key.getValue() == Key::END && mListBox->getListModel()) setSelected(mListBox->getListModel()->getNumberOfElements() - 1); else return; keyEvent.consume(); } void DropDown::focusLost(const gcn::Event& event) { gcn::DropDown::focusLost(event); releaseModalMouseInputFocus(); } void DropDown::mousePressed(gcn::MouseEvent& mouseEvent) { gcn::DropDown::mousePressed(mouseEvent); if (0 <= mouseEvent.getY() && mouseEvent.getY() < getHeight() && mouseEvent.getX() >= 0 && mouseEvent.getX() < getWidth() && mouseEvent.getButton() == gcn::MouseEvent::LEFT && mDroppedDown && mouseEvent.getSource() == mListBox) { mPushed = false; foldUp(); releaseModalMouseInputFocus(); distributeActionEvent(); } } void DropDown::mouseWheelMovedUp(gcn::MouseEvent& mouseEvent) { setSelected(getSelected() - 1); mouseEvent.consume(); } void DropDown::mouseWheelMovedDown(gcn::MouseEvent& mouseEvent) { setSelected(getSelected() + 1); mouseEvent.consume(); } void DropDown::setSelectedString(std::string str) { gcn::ListModel *listModel = mListBox->getListModel(); if (!listModel) return; for (int f = 0; f < listModel->getNumberOfElements(); f ++) { if (listModel->getElementAt(f) == str) { setSelected(f); break; } } } std::string DropDown::getSelectedString() const { gcn::ListModel *listModel = mListBox->getListModel(); if (!listModel) return ""; return listModel->getElementAt(getSelected()); }