2017-09-30 New release fix: disconnect chat command. fix: max packet version in server editor. add: http tunneling in downloads. add: limit each download file to 500MB. add: limit minimal allowed download speed to 1 byte per 1 minute. add: new packet versions from hercules. add: allow use some atributes as int64. 2017-09-16 New release fix: sorting fonts and themes lists. fix: scrolling big windows. fix: crash with simple text in chat window before connecting to server. fix: adding stackable items to mail window. fix: button in higlighted state in who is online window. fix: memory leak in downloads. fix: add workaround for fix alt-tab issue in SDL2. fix: ignoring keys in SDL 2. fix: prevent to run cmake by default. because cmake is legacy build system. fix: alternative fps mode in SDL 2 and before connecting to server. fix: audio termination on exit. add: jewelry-simple theme with non transparent chat window. add: rescale skill casting animation to whole skill area. add: current renderer into user agent string in web requests. add: extend input SDL events logging. add: option with SDL logging level (SDL 2). add: option for allow high dpi mode (SDL 2). add: allow use different existing renderer in SDL2 normal mode. add: option for max parallel sounds. 2017-09-02 New release fix: duplicates for some assert messages. fix: mouse selection in some lists. fix: leaks and relations in unit tests. fix: some asserts on first run. add: support for new mail system. add: extend packets logging. add: unit tests for detect broken sdl features. 2017-08-19 New release fix: drawing language badge. fix: hide item popup in context menu. fix: item containers scrolling if some items hidden by filter. fix: compilation on systems with missing bswap_16/32. add: debug window before connecting to server. add: attributes to missile particles. add: context menu way to add skill into shortcuts bar. add: custom context menu for items. Separate for inventory, storage, cart. add: more than one use action for items. add: packets for new mail system, but without gui. add: id offset for server plugin custom packets. 2017-08-05 New release fix: quests window redraw speed and render too long lines. fix: mouse cursor update each 10 seconds. fix: crash in help window links with old compilers. fix: server command with name "int" in groups.xml. fix: memory leak in skill casting animation. fix: free network related memory or reconnecting to other servers. fix: prevent server connection timeout in register dialog. add: improve mouse move and click emulation. add: option to show player name at top or bottom. add: improve badges drawing with hidden player name. add: use gcc-6 for windows builds. add: default icons for unknown skills by types. add: shortcuts tab with automatically added active skills (not for legacy servers). 2017-07-22 New release fix: memory leak if player not totally visible while moving. fix: character select dialog size if slots more than two rows. fix: show own group level if group hidden from public. fix: show tinyxml2 in client name if it was used. fix: possible crash on exit if compiled with SDL 2. add: command line flag for validate client data. add: show group name in being popups. add: load group name, badge, commands, permissions from xml file. add: mse lib with secure vector (for debug). add: show gm commands based on allowed commands for local player. 2017-07-08 New release fix: flushing background logs. fix: stats in item popups. fix: workaround to build with libicu-59 (need by libxml2) add: new hercules packets. add: allow open chat window before connection to server. add: update readmes. add: update doctest library. 2017-06-24 New release fix: browserbox width with small bold lines. fix: draw color in some renderers after window resize. add: server info window add: mark all server with free / non free / unknown label. add: set default theme to jewelry. add: improve speed in some windows. add: auto close death dialog if player resurrected. add: new chat commands. remove: auto adding sfx/ in sound files paths. 2017-06-10 New release fix: use default configs in MacOSX version. fix: memory leak in different places. fix: possible issue in npc dialog. add: enable simd on windows and kFreeBSD. add: enable simd if build with clang. add: improve mixing images speed in most platforms. add: support for known packets version 2017. remove: codeblocks project file. 2017-05-27 New release fix: default configuration files in NaCl builds. fix: simd functions working with LTO compilation flags. add: assert in debug tab about non 32 bit images. add: support for testing library doctest. add: improve load speed in Android builds. add: different chat commands. 2017-05-14 New release fix: possible crash if exit while downloading servers list. fix: crashes in cart and some other inventories. fix: socket leak in ipc. fix: memory leak in screenshots. add: option for enable / disable particle effects located on map. add: use ccache in some build scripts. add: allow run ipc commands before connecting to server. add: different chat commands. add: support for 2016 packet versions. add: basic functional testing based on ipc and screenshots. 2017-04-29 New release fix: loading map atlases on windows. fix: slow or wrong drawing with atlases enabled but without atlas for current map. fix: opening npc buy shop from invisible npc. add: support for item options. add: improve performance in some files operations. remove: drop support for old hercules plugin versions (before 2016 year) 2017-04-15 New release add: server language flag on client add: quick messages with auto translation from player server language to english. add: update packets acording to hercules changes. 2017-04-01 New release add: optional support for tinyxml2 (by default used libxml2) add: update readme. add: improve some file operations. add: configure flag for build binary for unit tests but not run it. remove: completly remove physfs usage. 2017-03-18 New release fix: add missing include for BSD systems. fix: some issues in unit tests in some systems. fix: unit tests on windows. fix: zip archives reading on big endian systems. fix: sound at first run. fix: wrong transparency level if open and close setting at first run. fix: compilation autoconf files with mingw. fix: memory leak in buy dialog. add: stack generation in asserts for all supported platforms. add: update hercules packets for prevent warnings from new hercules builds. add: option for disable moving character by mouse. add: report about depricated sfx file paths. add: windows 64 builds. remove: physfs from dependencies. 2017-03-04 New release fix: memory leaks in xml parsing. fix: pointers alias issues. fix: space and enter key press in updates window. add: option in client data for set overwight percent for message. add: option to build without physfs (experimantal). 2017-02-18 New release fix: wrong buffer access. fix: custom currency in shop items list. fix: compilation warnings in some libs. fix: possible use after free in web requests. add: quests links in npc window. add: show manaplus.log path in console at start. 2017-02-04 Nre release fix: compilation with very old libcurl versions. fix: compilation with very new SDL2 versions. fix: possible crash in buydialog. fix: unit tests compilation. add: unit tests for detect physfs bugs with new zlib. add: use pkg-config for all libs. add: impliment buy many items at once from cash shops. add: different currencies for npcs. add: impove map draw performance. 2017-01-21 New release fix: minor issues in map layers drawing. fix: dont clean online list if http error happened (legacy server). fix: vsync for mesa drivers. fix: use pkg-config for linking with libpng. fix: crash with map without tmx file. add: detect cpu features avx and avx2. add: used font sources. add: logging about compiled and linked libraries versions on startup. remove: hercules plugin support version 6. 2017-01-07 New release fix: compilation for kFreeBSD. fix: wrong dye with OpenGL and rectangular textures enabled. fix: possible issue with sprite replaces. add: improve a bit performance. add: unblacklist auto detect OpenGL modes with LLVM in driver. 2016-12-24 New release fix: some typos. fix: compilation with cilk plus and gcc 6. fix: hair animation in char create dialog. add: rectangular skill pages. add: show skill tabs only with active skills. add: special tab for unknown skills. add: using sse2/avx2 in A and S dye. remove: support for evol plugin version 5. 2016-11-05 New release fix: legacy status effects with block-id. fix: some packets for some packet versions. 2016-10-22 New release fix: character creation for packet version >= 20120307 (hercules) add: support for redicts in online list (legacy servers) add: option to show player name only on selected player. 2016-10-08 New release fix: fix modal dialogs if update window is open. fix: theme info dialog. fix: removing particle effect after it was disabled on server. add: in quest texts add fields for data from server. add: support for links to monsters, pets, homunculuses. add: more than one image support in one animation action. 2016-09-24 New release fix: bold links hightlight. fix: some rare memory leaks. fix: not try insert intems into each other in legacy servers. fix: reading keys from configuration. add: support for fake and remove packets xml file. add: drag and drop into shop window. add: allow drag most windows by used parts. add: extend outfits window menu. 2016-09-10 New release fix: file handlers leak. fix: running command in chat if not tab selected. add: esperanto translation selection. add: option for create custom OpenGL context. 2016-08-27 New release fix: show skill level selection with skills with level 1. fix: leave guild. fix: getting party settings from server. fix: mercenary and homunculus moving. fix: remove stats pages on reconnecting to server. add: skill cast type and offsets into skills and shortcut window. add: default background music by Obani. add: menu in social window. add: change get auto item option in party. add: particle effects for equipment from cards. add: custom ai to homunculus and mercenary. add: in vending (sell) shop allow buy many items at once. add: in vending show for seller what item was sold. add: in item gm menu allow add more same item. add: improve sorting in inventory. remove: local pets support (tmwa). 2016-08-14 New release fix: arrow slot in equipment window. fix: compilation with new curl 7.50. fix: freeze with some particle types. fix: particles count in popup. add: show being level at popup. add: shop hp/max hp in being popup. add: support for elemental beings. add: extend stats.xml with attribute names. add: extend riding offsets. add: player wall collision. (player cant walk). add: monster wall collision. (monster cant walk). add: cache most xml files. 2016-07-30 New release fix: not allow moving while casting if skill not allow moving. fix: update skill in skills window after skill was changed. fix: moving desync distance read. fix: possible player particles leaks. add: show casting effect on ground and on caster and target. add: show skill action effects on caster and target. add: homunculus and mercenary attributes into status window. add: show homunculus and mercenary hp bar. remove: support for outdated equipmentwindow.xml format. remove: native guilds support (tmwa). 2016-07-16 New release fix: invoking complex skill types. fix: clean statdb on unload. fix: remove wrong sound effect for drag & drop items. fix: translation in quest links. fix: saving shortcut to skill with max level selected. fix: crash if try to open windows list before connecting to server. add: translate and show in debug window map names. add: start particle effect for status effects. 2016-07-02 New release fix: issues with translated item names. fix: probably final fix for being paths (hercules). add: show cards in foring items window. add: cards into char creation window (charcreation.xml). add: move equipment slots name into equipmentslots.xml add: move player stats definition into stats.xml add: extend dye unit tests. 2016-06-18 New release fix: nuke command. fix: dont send CMSG_WHO_REQUEST for most new tmwa versions. fix: space usage in login dialog if build with SDL2. fix: being transparency with OpenGL renderer. fix: pet hungry level after login. add: check for tilesets in atlases. add: dont backup config file if found issue with disk. 2016-06-04 New release fix: some false positive asserts. fix: chat command /msg for channels. fix: show asserts what happend before chat windows was created. add: support for all known hercules packet versions from 2010 to 2015. add: change default max chars in chat messages to 512. add: restore camera option in minimap menu. add: configurable in xml item stat fields. add: status effects name translation. add: show asserts for most errors in resource dbs. 2016-05-21 New release fix: DSO in Mesa and disable DSO blacklist. Can be issue in NVIDIA. fix: /hat command output if no hat equipped. fix: fix random one tile desync in hercules. add: max distance for start auto fix client side position. add: switch emote bar mode for player/pet/mercenary/homunculus. add: different asserts. Also show them in debug tab if enabled. add: allow set change collisions on the fly (tmwa). add: improve performance in particles. 2016-05-07 New release fix: login in title bar. fix: compilation for MacOSX. fix: follow moves with enabled atuo sync. fix: adding items by add button into npc inventory. fix: some images format. add: ci scripts. add: basic memory counting. add: support for show actual killer (hercules) add: assert functions with reporting stack. add: hide emotes and over head text for erased players. 2016-04-23 New release fix: invite to guild from context menu. fix: possible crash in login dialog with opened drop down list. add: by default disable being advanced caching. add: show server and nick in game window title. add: support for different groups of update servers. add: option for disable OpenGL check. add: option for enable/disable chat commands from server. 2016-04-09 New release fix: not allow some chat commands exuting by npc scripts. fix: crash in /debugspawn chat command if create beings outside of map. add: improve players draw performance. add: support for multiply packet versions at same time. add: ask before executing remote commands in chat. add: some new and old packets (hercules) 2016-03-26 New release fix: wrong moving to target by mouse attack. fix: not allow close warp dialog until target selected (hercule). fix: crash in skill cooldowns. fix: compilation with recent clang versions (clang bug). fix: remove duplicated weight fields from items popups. add: extend debug logging about wrong packet sizes. add: rename server type EAthena into Hercules. add: improve particles update performance. add: improve performance in getting random numbers. add: add family packets support (hercules). add: raw status effects attributes in status-effects.xml. add: deprecate block-id attribute in status-effects.xml. add: status effect names in debug window. add: show skill unit created and id in context menu. add: packet version selection in servers list (hercules). add: not allow moving from sit state (hercules without evol plugin). add: drop support for evol plugin versions 1 - 3. add: open chat window by double click. 2016-03-12 New release fix: search command triggering for text like "??" or "?!" fix: pet popup. now it show info only for own pet (hercules). fix: custom homunculus names (hercules) fix: moving in diagonal near air or water collision (hercules). fix: not allow add equipped items to trade (hercules). fix: targeting monsters who moved from collision to walkable tiles. fix: ping if player in party/guild (hercules). fix: heal packet from server (hercules). add: different new chat commands for gms (hercules). add: gm menu for pets, homunculuses, mercenaries (hercules). add: "add to chat" in show items menu. add: auto fix for desync between client and server while moving. add: reduce partciles update for very far particles. add: support for readable links in quests.xml. add: new tags in quests.xml (questgiver, npc, cooridinates). add: parameters support in quests.xml. add: for future tmwa servers parse chat messages with nick in each message. add: two new equipment slots support (hercules). add: allow fast up stats without lag (hercules). add: into players menu command "mail to" (hercules). add: disable legacy "magic" commands (hercules). add: more item visible attributes into items.xml. add: support for custom text in pet menu item "return to egg". add: improved performance. 2016-02-27 New release fix: crash in setup gui tab. fix: char creation if stats was hidden (tmwa). fix: crash on startup on some systems. fix: beings sort offset in tiles with height more than zero. fix: hide popups if mouse enter context menu. add: extended drop position in pixels (hercules) add: onscreen buttons in format 3x2. add: extend gm menus for players, monsters, npcs. add: per server gm and char gm commands symbol. 2016-02-13 New release fix: working with updated hercules without evol plugin. fix: possible crash with broken map. fix: stop cast animation after post delay effect. fix: attacking after skill casting. fix: ignore fuzzy translations in custom translation parser. fix: crash on exit with onscreen buttons. fix: drawing keyboard icon. add: show chat messages from hidden gms (tmwa) add: improve trade spam filter. Now it add message about moved text. add: option for enable/disable trade spam filter. add: logging mapping between account id and nicsk. add: logging last seen players time. add: chat command for last seen players. Command: /lastseen NICK add: cutins animations support (hercules) add: allow images in npc dialogs. add: allow skill units selection and attack. add: allow assign shortcut key actions to onscreen buttons. 2016-01-30 New release fix: not allow add equipped items into craft. fix: /who command (hercules) fix: commands for remove moster from attack lists. fix: not allow walking by mouse if npc dialog is open. fix: undress in hercules. add: support for adding cards in item links. add: not move chat messages with links to debug tab. add: support for xml library pugixml (disabled by default). add: multy file help search index. add: in char create dialog hide fields if values not allow change it. add: move items by one to craft with stop attack key pressed. add: quick shortcuts for move current item to each craft slot (unasisgned). add: item menu for move current item to each craft slot (unasisgned). add: char commands for add/remove pickups in list. 2016-01-16 New release fix: removing monster from attack list. fix: dye palette parsing with GIMP colors. fix: dont reset settings except OpenGL in safe mode (nacl). add: translation support in nacl. add: impliment new hercules packets. add: craft inventory (hercules). add: hex colors in dye palettes with GIMP colors. add: alpha channel in dye palettes with GIMP colors. add: into paths.xml options for GIMP palette. add: show cards in links. 2016-01-02 New release fix: sprites animation for just loaded sprites. fix: default beings walk mask. add: refactor some code. 2015-12-19 New release fix: custom cursor in nacl. fix: render fallback. add: per char gender (tmwa) add: OpenGL ES 2 renderer. add: nacl OpenGL support. add: screenshots support (nacl). add: full screen support (nacl). 2015-12-05 New release fix: allow kill infinite life particles if parent was killed. fix: missing selection images in mana theme in windows. add: skill level selection for invoking skills. add: chat command for invoke skills. add: teleport skills location selection (hercules). add: spirit balls (hercules). add: basic OpenGL support in nacl. add: open urls and clipboard support in nacl (vasily_makarov). 2015-11-21 New release fix: crash with enabled missing status effect. fix: scrollbars drawing in jewelry and golden delicious themes. fix: dont show empty notifications. fix: some skill error messages (hercules) fix: char create dialog height. fix: not allow registration without email (hercules) fix: party invite response (hercules) fix: attack animations. add: ground skills support (hercules) add: skill units support (hercules) add: support for casting status effect on ground (hercules) add: support for ground skills with text parameter (hercules) add: allow use support skills on self (hercules) add: slide chat command. add: casting animation. add: skill popups in shortcuts window. add: close button in context menu in minimap and shortcuts windows. add: in personal shops in sell dialog show missing items (tmwa only) add: update mplus fonts. add: features.xml attributes for force account and char gender. 2015-11-07 New release fix: not reduce tiles in conditional layers. fix: cart inventory if it empty. add: separate flag for enable/disable gui opacity. add: npc menu and inventory skins support. add: extend npc inventory. add: dead trick status effect (hercules). add: status effects in player popup. add: buy/sell many items at once from npc (hercules). 2015-10-24 New release fix: remove useless memory allocations. fix: status effects (hercules) add: flag for stay npcs after they going outside of visible range add: option for show why player disappeared (settings / players / Log players actions) add: support for change collisions from server side (hercules) add: support for show tiles from special layes based on tile collision type. add: protect most actions from executing from server. add: support for two parts and multy sprites horses. add: logging for not implimented status effects. 2015-10-10 New release fix: moving animation lag in moving (hercules) fix: recode buildin sounds to 44100 khz fix: show trade messages with disabled trade tab in general tab. fix: dont show popup in inventory not on items. fix: attack actions on SDL2 builds. add: walkType attribute to all beings. add: extend walkType attribute to support different types. 2015-09-26 New release fix: away badge. fix: allow set gui opacity to 100% on windows. fix: non local player moving on tiles with height more than zero. fix: saving beings state (hercules). add: select target if missing for attack skill automatically. add: support for packet version 20150226 (hercules). 2015-09-12 New release fix: closing mail edit window. fix: buttons position in npc dialog with visible avatar and input field. add: received packet name in debug log. add: inhirit attribute in items.xml. add: manamarket bot integration for support /sendmail command. add: /sendmail for quick messages (hercules). add: badges for shop, away, inactive modes. add: packet SMSG_MAP_MASK (tmwa). add: option for creting screenshots on complete trade. add: by default init all possible quests to 0. add: driver AMD HD 15.x to ignore list. add: read packet version from server (hercules). add: named items (hercules). 2015-08-29 New release add: support for item colors (hercules) add: separate item icon palette. add: drag drop cards for insert (hercules) add: improve player attack action (Travolta) add: disable DSA if driver AMD HD 14.10.* add: rental items support (hercules) add: support for message from scripts on server. add: Catalan, China (Hong Kong), Ukraine languages for manual selection. 2015-08-15 New release fix: download updates if download error happend. fix: key message in outfits window. fix: archer attack range in yellow bar. fix: wrong sprites in char selection dialog (hercules). fix: show all sprites in char selection dialog (hercules). add: for future tmwa guilds fix guild kick. add: new attributes for items description. add: send to client equipped cards (hercules). 2015-08-01 New release fix: update tmw address in tmw detection code. fix: not allow broken nicks. show messages from this nicks with warnings. add: enable fast atlases creation (except NVIDIA and Mesa 10.6) add: update xcode files (socapex) add: option to yellow bar for targetting type (travolta) add: calculate heal radius (travolta) add: badges for battle teams, parties, guilds, gms and personal player. 2015-07-18 New release fix: moving with mouse on tiles with height more than zero. fix: crash if warp to map with heights with smaller size. add: support for insert and see cards (hercules). 2015-07-04 New release fix: draw attack rectange under beings. fix: being position with heights layer. add: some missing checks. remove: outdated code used in evol v1. 2015-06-20 New release fix: tab colors update. fix: bars context menu. add: use persistent ip option if switch map servers. add: new configurable colors: enemy, team1, team2, team3. add: split configurable colors to groups. add: use nick colors depend on team (pvp for tmwa) add: option minimal gm level for show gm chat tab. 2015-06-06 New release fix: buy/sell from personal shops if stand close to npc. fix: possible crash if disconnect from server. fix: always emulate glTextureSubImage2D function for fix NVidia issue. add: improve draw performance. add: improve a bit memory usage. add: unit tests into make file. 2015-05-23 New release fix: possible crash in sell dialog. fix: possible issue in texture atlases. fix: crash on exit with joined room (hercules) fix: chat room on rejoining (hercules) fix: cmake build with new libs/compiler. add: improve performance. add: enable some server features (tmwa) add: updated fonts. add: impliment missing client to server guild packets (hercules) 2015-05-09 New release fix: compilation on non x86/amd64. fix: possible crash on exit with opened storage window. add: experimental support for CilkPlus. add: mail system (hercules). add: chat commands to get/set config variables. add: item name filter in buy dialogs. remove: bot checker window. 2015-04-25 New release fix: move animation. fix: wrong slots update (hercules) fix: error message with delayed items (hercules) fix: characters list after password change. fix: default walk speed in stats (hercules) fix: kill stats window on levelup. fix: displaying mod stat with value -1. add: mirror support for servers list. add: change password support (hercules) add: quick settings page (yellow bar in settings) add: help messages for chat settings page. add: experimental support for CilkPlus (disabled by default). remove: hide shield setting. 2015-04-11 New release fix: chat command /me. fix: remove from priority attack list. fix: compilation with code blocks. add: heal popup message if used heal skill (hercules). add: char rooms support (hercules). add: mute/unmute support (hercules). add: different skill related particle effects (hercules). add: variable with player name in away message. Variable name: 'NAME'. 2015-03-28 New release fix: crash in setting gm flag (hercules). fix: timeout disconnect from login server (hercules). fix: crash if switch character with opened storage window. fix: same servers update in servers list with different server type. fix: monster context menu item "remove from attack list". fix: chat tabs visibility in some cases. fix: memory leak in map loading. add: chat command to show equpped hat in chat. Command /hat. add: show exp and job based on special packet (hercules). add: show in pet and homunculus popup intimacy and hungry numbers (hercules) add: impliment skill deletetion (hercules). add: for each skill own levelup and deletion particle effect. 2015-03-14 New release fix: skills display is some cases. fix: donw request warp names (hercules). fix: show chat message from hidden player (hercules). fix: dont try enable guild bot on servers with native guilds. fix: hair color after reordering sprites (hercules). fix: dont read servers list url from configuration. fix: show pvp/gvg map modes (hercules). add: item links with empty item name. add: ride support (hercules). add: logging unimplimented packets. 2015-02-28 New release fix: dont show empty tooltips in inventory. fix: drop/store button in inventory. fix: dont hide storage window by h key. fix: cart status effect (hercules) fix: direction issues (hercules) add: buying stores support (hercules) add: pet talk, change direction, emote, move (hercules) add: mercenary, homunculus talk, emote (hercules) add: online list support (hercules) add: allow rename pet from menu (hercules) add: action for heal most damaged player. add: fast pet move in distance. left shift + left click. 2015-02-14 New release fix: camera position if npc dialog was closed by server script command closedialog. fix: make file for android. fix: storing player relations if switch servers. fix: storing attack mobs / pickups filter if switch server. fix: weight bar in inventory and cart window. add: personal sell shops support (hercules). add: improve skill error messages. 2015-01-31 New release fix: mixed chat lines with colors and emotes. fix: follow (hercules) fix: auto join buildin channels (hercules) fix: fps restoring after away mode (SDL2) add: extend /tagetattack for support name argument. add: cart support (hercules) add: changed shop window to tabbed window. 2015-01-17 New release fix: char deletion (hercules) fix: char deletion if connect to server with password from command line. fix: multiply death dialogs. fix: player position after warp if source and destination position heighs different. add: allow set gender, race, look in char creation (hercules). add: sound effects in emotes. add: chat command for select general tab (/generaltab) add: chat command for select debug tab (/debugtab) add: chat command for select battle tab (/battletab) add: chat command for select trade tab (/tradetab) add: chat command for select lang tab (/langtab) add: chat command for select gm tab (/gmtab) add: chat command for select party tab (/partytab) add: chat command for select guild tab (/guildtab) add: for special tabs use channels (hercules) remove: support for very old evol servers. 2015-01-03 New release fix: chat commands /store, /retreive fix: chat commands /buy, /sell fix: show long key names in browserbox macroses. fix; translation for default equip/unequip/use actions. fix: crash with completly broken themes. add: another tab in shortcuts window. add: pets moving and direction actions and commands. add: some new commands to commands help. add: per char gender (hercules) add: market support (hercules) add: cach shop support (hercules) 2014-12-20 New release fix: inventory related packets (hercules). fix: background paralax. add: command /me in pet talk. add: npc whispers (hercules). add: keyboard navigation in popup menus. add: many chat commands. add: own context menus for each npc. add: autohatch it present only one egg in inventory (hercules). add: support url variable in help/npc/update windows. 2014-12-06 New release fix: block target+attack action in player dead. add: additional slots support (hercules). add: option to disable logging in game. add: being particle effects (hercules). add: map mask support (hercules). add: npc genders (hercules). add: full moving mob path (hercules). add: map music packet (hercules). add: npc change title (hercules). add: action to switch pvev/next inventory tab. add: impliment correct join/part channels (hercules). 2014-11-22 New release fix: variant attribute in sprites xml with includes. add: extend hercules and evol2 support. add: update manaplus.cbp. add: command option --server-type for set server type. 2014-11-08 New release fix: dont show overhead text for chat channels messages. add: invole chat commmands from skills. add: update hercules version support to 20141022. add: skill attribute to show skill always. add: read first time chat commands from configuration file. add: server type Evol2. 2014-10-25 New release add: extent chat tabs theming. add: channels support (hercules). add: whisper and channel commands to autocomplete. add: different packets support (hercules). add: bank window (hercules). add: pickup item statuses (hercules). add: multiline popup. add: missing slots to equipment window. 2014-10-11 New release fix: portals color on minimap. fix: portal names (hercules). fix: press on selected button in buttons group. fix: add missing disconnect errors. fix: creation party name size in social window. fix: duplicate numbers in sell dialog. fix: input fields detection for action keys rules. fix: updates downloading if server not give update server. fix: some guild packets (hercules). remove: auction bot support. add: pets, mercenary, homunculus minimap color. add: pages in equipment window. add: extend equipment window theming. add: player attributes karma, manner. add: some missing packets (hercules). add: missing attack packets. add: missing buy fail reasons. add; missing equip, trade error messages. add: rename characters if admins allow this (hercules). add: missing leave party statuses. add: by default disable lazy scrolling. 2014-09-27 New release fix: chat creation on hercules. fix: away mode if was disconnect from server. add: support hecules packet version 201500. add: option for compile with/without tmwa/evol support. add: different hercules packets. add: ignore list for logging packets. add: formatting in debug packets log. add: names for sent packets in debug log. add: skills cooldown. add: theme colors for disabled text. add: basic support for chat objects. add: mercenary, pets, homunculus basic support (hercules). add: actions for targeting mercenaries, pets, homunculuses. add: error text for skills. 2014-09-14 New release fix: heal shorcut action. fix: crash with context menu before connecting to game. fix: possible issue to connect to map server. fix: chat commands in party/guild. fix: in hide all windows action dont hide locked windows. add: basic support for hercules server. add: extend net packets logging. add: allow use item color palettes in non evol servers. add: allow use unknown skills. add: skill types based on it way to use skills. add: skill popup with skill stats. add: pet emote key action (unassigned). add: chat command for set party leader: /setleader (hercules only). add: action and chat command for catch pet (hecules only). add: chat command for ignore/unignore whispers from individual player. Commands: /serverignore, /serverunignore 2014-08-30 New release fix: evol desktop file translations. add: OpenGL 4.5 features detection. add: OpenGL texture compression bptc. add: dyecmd to windows version. add: missing values into outfits, chat, minimap context menu. add: chat command /nextTab and /prevTab. add: many different chat commands what mapped to existing actions. add: allow load itemcolors.xml in legacy servers. 2014-08-16 New release fix: floor item position if tile height is not zero. fix: allow context menu in outfits window in all places. add: upload log button in settings. 2014-08-02 New release fix: block char moving if any input fields selected. fix: possible crash in reset windows button. fix: hide all windows action (H). fix: follow parent particle attribute. fix: different issues in all translation languages. fix: player position based on tile heights if player not moving. fix: draw order if tiles height not zero. add: basic inter process communication. add: back yellow bar switch mode (left shift + key). add: in map remap db add support for patches and includes. add: missing windows into reset to default button. add: sv_SE translation and add it to languages list. add: debug commands for spawn locale clones (/debugSpawn). 2014-07-19 New release fix: possible memory leak in texture compression. fix: OpenGL renderers fallback. fix: logging about emulated OpenGL functions. fix: OpenGL renderer detection with SDL2. add: new item visible attributes. add: missing idx file in windows installers. add: empty map mode without collisions. add: in OpenGL context creation add support for compatibility context. add: disable OpenGL fallback mode while running tests. add: on Android move login dialog to top. add: useButton option into skills. add: modern OpenGL into renderers tests. add: max texture size detection for all supported modes. add: urls for download client update into branding file. add: move manaplus mirror urls into branding file. add: allow set "move to target" distance from 1 to 9. 2014-07-05 New release fix: vsync control on nvidia closed source drivers. fix: vsync control on Mesa. fix: social window drawing. fix: not use depricated OpenGL api in moder and mobile opengl. fix: possible crash with missing images. fix: OpenGL texture compression detection. fix: window resize in modern OpenGL. fix: background music if it was enabled by quick enable action ([3]). add: manual context creation in modern OpenGL. add: action for select closest monster without filter or priority. add: GPU way to copy images to atlases. add: use GL_EXT_direct_state_access OpenGL extension in atlases. add: disable by default texture atlases on Android. add: own action names for using items. add: another manaplus mirror in files downloading. 2014-06-21 New release fix: chat window input field size if smiles button disabled. fix: make file for tmw branding. fix: some spelling errors. add: fallback OpenGL renderer if OpenGL version too small. add: modern OpenGL renderer. add: improve speed in normalopengl renderer. add: shell script into tmw/evol branding. 2014-06-07 New release fix: screenshot key in input fields in SDL2 builds. fix: missing text while chat scrolling (up/down). add: max texture size detection in video mode test. add: improve profiler speed. 2014-05-24 New release fix: memory leak. add: mirrors support for generic manaplus downloads. add: imrove beings creation/deletion speed. add: open updater window while connected to server. add: improved a bit code style. 2014-05-10 New release fix: time events before connecting to game. fix: compilation for Android with SDL2. add: <animation> tag in maps. add: update project file for code blocks. add: option same ip, for individual servers. add: mirrors support for downloads. 2014-04-26 New release fix: crash with dragging empty spell. fix: crash if open storage and start trade. fix: links drawing over player head. fix: downlod music option with incomplete configuration. 2014-04-12 New release fix: possible crash. fix: selection in dropdowns. fix: redraw graphics on game window resize. add: improve online list update speed. add: slider step in char creation dialog. add: improved gui draw speed. 2014-03-29 New release fix: memory leak on window resize. fix: crash with map layer patches. add: improve performance. add: chat command for send message to gms. Command: /gm message add: context menu in windows. add: in social window highlight poisoned hp bad with other color. add: option to hide support link on errors. add: option to show server side player position. add: swap X and left Ctrl keys. 2014-03-15 New release fix: selection in equipment window. fix: emotes in crazy moves. fix: enable download music by default. fix: configuration cleanup from old values. fix: disbale pet selection by mouse. fix: the mana world about page. add: ctrl+b for insert bold font. add: auto save configuration files. add: print server name in screenshots. add: about button. add: long mouse press action. add: right ctrl in ctrl actions. 2014-03-01 New release fix: crazy moves. add: missing help translations. add: allow load branding info from portable.xml. add: dehardcode weapons id for auto switching weapons. add: remove all depericated manaserv code. add: remove support for external guichan. 2014-02-15 New release fix: friends tab update in social window. fix: windows resizing for smaller screen size. fix: displaying scale value. fix: autocomplete commands in party and guild tabs. fix: guild and party tab help. fix: dyecmd with non standard 32 bit images. add: actions for next/prev tab in shortcuts window. add: actions for next/prev tab in commands window. add: action for open trade window. add: start attributes for abmient layers. add: all emotes in crazy moves a. add: crazy moves command for pet emotes. add: diagonal directions for crazy moves. add: select unselectable npc if mod key pressed. add: map layer replacment (for mods). 2014-02-01 New release fix: pet talk in trade tab is disabled. fix: screenshot directory editing. fix: paths into tools in OpenBSD and FreeBSD. add: show emote id in emotes. add: attack action to pets. add: /dumpmods command. add: commands for upload config and log into pastebin. add: screen scale in OpenGL modes. 2014-01-18 New release fix: npc font option. fix: job bar showing in new installs. fix: input actions before logging to game. fix: icon under windows. fix: block moving keys in buy/sell dialogs. fix: logging in threads. fix: reload background image if connecting to different servers. fix: rainbow colors with utf8 chars and smiles. fix: crash with external guichan in chat. add: chinese locale and font support. add: most client data configs splits/patching by other configs. add: mods support. add: in input fields for ctrl+left, ctrl+right. add: update dejavu fonts. add: multiply pets for one owner at same time. add: autoclose npc dialog by moving keys if it almost closed. add: show date time and server name in screenshot file names. add: create screenshots before connecting to game. add: allow edit screenshot path (not in windows). add: change screenshot default path to pictures directory. 2014-01-04 New release fix: draw background for very small objects. fix: sound event selection. fix: split utf8 strings in npc dialog menu. fix: being popups height. fix: over head text draw order. fix: configs saving while switching characters. add: extend progress bar theming. add: client side pets support. add: improve performance in renderers. add: basic config auto backups. 2013-12-22 New release fix: bot checker window in some themes. fix: tabbed area resizing. fix: chat window resizing with enabled color picker. fix: multi line motd messages in "new" tmw server. add: allow replace body/race sprite by equipped item. add: extend theming. add: allow set small size for shortcuts windows. add: golden-delicious theme by t3st3r. add: in updater window cut long news. add: show emotes in over head text. add: npc window title change from server script. add: ability to give more than one item to npc (evol only). add: addition attributes for abient layer. 2013-11-24 New release fix: compilation with SDL2. fix: compilation with libc++. fix: language tab (evol only). fix: shortcuts in input fields in SDL2. fix: SDL2 default renderer. fix: possible fix to incomplete chat messages in "new" tmw server. add: item particles. add: update mplus fonts. add: option to enable/disable tile animations. add: improve sprites update speed. 2013-11-10 New release fix: crash with broken OpenGL functions. fix: item amount in trade in selling into personal shop. fix: char replacment for sender in whispers. fix: char deletion. fix: images in did you know dialog. fix: motd show/hide option in "new" tmw server. fix: edit dialog theming. fix: renadomly wrong windows background in software renderer. fix: storage between changing chars. add: map layers mask support. add: save outfits into config after each change. add: initial porting to nacl. add: temporaty background music given by server. (evol only). add: dyecmd tool for content developers. add: action "move forward". add: improve slider draw speed. add: option into features file to enable/disable follow. add: improve libxml2 error logging. add: configure option --without-internalsdlgfx to disable emdedded sdl2gfx (SDL2 only). add: basic porting to nacl. add: progress bar while loading in SDL2 on Android and nacl. 2013-10-27 New release fix: drawing complex gui in Android. fix: text fields on SDL2. fix: input on Android on SDL2. add: new in chat emotes. add: emotes button near chat input line. add: extend chat window theming. add: context menu for buy/sell items. add: option to show/hide server motd. 2013-10-12 New release fix: custom update server selection. fix: crash with rename map object. fix: crash if close game with opened select char dialog. fix: players version in online list in ARM systems. fix: store button if item was protected. fix: not allow drag and drop protected items. fix: equipment menu draw order. fix: code::blocks project file for windows. add: show SDL version in client version. add: browser opening with SDL2 on Android. add: onscreen buttons 3x3, 4x2, 4x3 add: legacy target selection images in mana theme. add: gm detection in online list on "new" tmw server. add: command to dump OpenGL vendor: /dumpgl add: support for /me command inside /away command. add: sound effect for equip, unequip, use, pickup, drop, take, put events. add: allow scrolling listboxes by hold and move mouse/finger. add: remember sort order in inventory, storage, buy dialog. add: label string cutting in player selection and creation dialogs. add: hide "did you know" window on Android by default. add: emulate right click on Android and SDL2 by hold two fingers. add: invert scrolling on Android. add: show numbers on onscreen buttons. add: improve header and footer in help window. add: improve network performance a bit. add: extend browserbox theming. add: update liberation font. add: help button before connecting to server. 2013-09-29 New release fix: closing equipment window. fix: possible memory leaks. fix: sound memory leaks. fix: best mode detection. fix: auction bot integration loading. add: ability to heal nearest player (by left shift + C) add: map heights. add: online/offline messages in party tab. add: android make file (Android.mk) add: allow use only actual window size on Android. add: set frequesnce to 44100. add: hide mouse cursor on Android. 2013-09-15 New release fix: compilation on some systems. fix: windows resize in SDL2. fix: delay flag in die sount. fix: missing country flags in windows builds. fix: help translations in windows builds. fix: animated tiles in CSV map formats. add: SDL2 default renderer mode. add: improve perfomance in SDL2 software renderer. add: improve setup input actions window. add: updated liberation font. add: improver draw speed. add: drag and drop for equipment window. add: icon in protected items. add: separate drop and protect context menu items. add: server side full move path (evol only). add: diagonal move speed (can be disabled for players). add: globals filter by name. by default messages ignored from "Sagatha" add: atlas for common images usage like particle effects. add: server check version for "new" tmw server. add: disable some removed features for "new" tmw server. 2013-09-01 New release fix: S/a dye for big endian systems. fix: some typos. fix: different crashes if corrupted data files. fix: compilation not from top directory. add: improve software mode draw speed. add: improve S/A dye speed. add: target cursors animations. add: SDL2 build mode. add: show npc name in npc dialog caption. add: open help window before logging into game. 2013-08-18 New release fix: money label position in status window. fix: shorted long key names. fix: outline color issues. add: color and font tabs in chat emotes window. add: resize and icons in chat emotes window. add: autocomplete in chat for online list. add: giving item to npc. (evol only) add: counter in social window. 2013-08-04 New release fix: allow buy protected items. add: option for hp bar offset. add: sprite actions depen on tile type (evol only). add: chat emotes. for open use f1 inside chat. add: improve a bit memory usage. 2013-07-21 New release fix: background gradients in default theme. add: stats display from items.xml for non number values. add: configuration with death messages. add: player context menu for gms. add: chat command to select and create any items /createitems. add: option to disable/enable double click support. add: support for actual keys and tabulation help/npc windows. add: show job level in job popup. add: support name offsets for monsters/npcs. 2013-07-07 New release fix: buttons in character selection dialog. fix: switch login button. fix: some checkboxes visualisation in video setting tab. fix: drawbefore/drawafter options in items.xml for non evol servers. fix: crash in close with opened storage window. fix: crash with broken default files and client data. fix: resize issue in chat tabs. add: protected items. add: multi lines in menu in npc dialog. add: logging debug chat tab (disabled). add: support page link if server error happend. add: drag and drop in almost all existing windows. 2013-06-23 New release fix: S and A dye channels order. fix: padding in listbox. add: support for player look (evol only). add: support for monster look (evol only). add: copy to clipboard in npc dialog. add: level attribute in items.xml. add: update mplus fonts. 2013-06-09 New release fix: colors in jewelry theme. fix: player sprite in disguise mode. fix: spell attack key. fix: some inventory crashes. fix: space button in edit server dialog. fix: wrong animation time with goto and label. add: money popup in inventory. add: include tags in most configs. add: drag and drop between inventory and other windows. add: chat command for testing particle effects: /testparticle add: alternate server name in servers list. add: improve windows version speed. add: remove "server:" from chat notifications. 2013-05-26 New release fix: char selection dialog if screen is big. fix: resources reloading if switching servers. fix: invisible exp messages with software renderer. add: load avatars from avatars.xml. add: show onscreen keyboard if input field selected. add: popup in char selection dialog. add: selection chars by double click. add: features configuration file. add: new commands in particle effects. add: option to prevent selling items without confirmation. add: updated jewelry theme. add: chat commands to enable/disable sound hightlight in tab. add: chat command for drop, move, set home etc. 2013-05-12 New release fix: update host issue after registering on evol server. fix: outline colors in pink theme. add: improve character selection window add: default different font sizes in different screen density. add: different options depend on screen density. add: option for override screen density. add: small and big font sizes from 8 to 23 add: extend outlining to all controls. add: some new colors in themes. add: themes update. add: installer script for tmw windows build. 2013-04-28 New release add: delay for hurt sound. add: support for GIMP palettes. add: separate time delays for emotes. add: improve perfomance in SDLFont class. add: update mplus fonts. add: ability to close chat tab. (left shift + right click). add: per server special location for online list. 2013-04-14 New release fix: login dialog size with some localizations. fix: big http links in chat. fix: unstackable items sell. fix: random rare crashes in closing windows. add: option for mode players names in map. add: sound effects in notifications. add: animated emotes. add: animated effects for effects.xml. add: turkish language and translation. add: improve perfomance. add: improve latency in linux versions. add: option to left all per map sprites in memory. 2013-03-31 New release fix: talking text position. fix: mumble configure parameter. fix: per server settings update. fix: custom repeat interval. add: improve map loading speed. add: language chat tab (evol only). add: improve speed. add: restore auction bot support. add: disable more particles if particle egine disabled. 2013-03-17 New release fix: key repeat time calculation. fix: incorrect map loading on server switching. fix: sefault on exit with help switch. fix: status icons draw posiiton. add: chat command /cleangraphics to clean graphics cache. add: chat command /cleanfonts to clean fonts cache. add: chat command /execute to execute external programs. add: in debug window field "target type". add: different npc effects depend on quest statuses (evol only). add: rate button in quit dialog in android version. add: option to enable/disable weight notifications. 2013-03-03 New release fix: guild tab update in guild bot integration. fix: http links in windows. fix: incorrect chars in links. fix: name signs update. fix: password change issue with empty players list. fix: skills and stats conflict. fix: command line parameters. fix: map arrows images draw. add: enable some aditinal feature on tmw like servers. add: help seach links: /url ?word add: option to show hide guil online messages. add: gm tab for gms and @wgm command output. add: away particle effect. add: pseudo skills based on quest variables (evol only) add: particle effect to skill levelup. 2013-02-17 New release fix: inventory sorting fix: initial setup window resize issue. fix: some windows size on small screens. fix: onscreen buttons and positions. fix: resize issue in online list. fix: configuration for onscreen buttons 3 and 4. fix: crash with particle effects. add: browser support on android. add: support for scrolling popup menus. add: allow hide yellow bar and hide it by default. add: unassign default key for "change move type". add: google play url in update message for Android version. add: onscreen buttons default size depend on resolution. add: extend theming. add: adjust on screen buttons positions and padding. add: close buttons to some windows. add: enable job support by default. add: on Android by default hide chat color picker. add: dont hide top right buttons on small screens. add: browser support in android version. add: close buttons to some windows. add: enable job support by default. add: improve font cache cleaning. add: improve network code speed. add: https links support. add: extend theming. add: improve speed. 2013-02-03 New release fix: crash on closing before entering into game. fix: sounds in broken quests (evol only) fix: context menu in chat window. fix: erase action for guild members. fix: draw most left tiles in visible map. fix: empty lines support in news. fix: possible crash in skills dialog. fix: first time map loading after registration. fix: minimal windows size for very small resolutions. fix: setup window resize. add: show better ping if response slow. add: show colored party and guild members in online list. add: extend listbox theming. add: increase default soft fps limit for Android to 100. add: texture compression format selection. add: option for autoresize minimaps. add: loading default music files for each maps. add: support for selecting char by click in chars selection dialog. add: new tips. add: sort option to buy dialog from players. add: default avatars support for npcs. 2013-01-20 New release fix: macosx fixes. fix: collision masks. fix: crash on exit on windows. fix: minor changes in black&black theme. fix; servers deletion from servers list. fix: language selection in last ubuntu. fix: environment variables usage. fix: different game sound fixes. fix: shortcuts window resize issue in software draw mode. add: extend theming. add: http registrations in register dialog. add: updated jewelry theme. add: support for outlined texts in some windows and controls. add: show flag icons in language selection list. add: chat command to dump environment variables (/dumpe) add: open broweser in MacOSX. add: popup menu for text fields. add: for sound "strike" alias "miss". add: different sounds from different weapons. add: option to show/hide onscreen keyboard. add: actions for onscreen buttons (touch tab). add: configurable number of onscreen buttons. add: talk to very close npc by only talk key (T). add: better stats line in copy to chat stats. add: context menu for hyper links. add: detect joystick button. 2012-12-23 New release fix: reset in memory password if password was wrong. fix: dont show opengl restart mesasge in settings under Android. fix: image particles alpha property. fix: equipment window selection draw. fix: mouse move events under Android. fix: possible crash in rename nav point dialog. fix: by default disable texture compression. add: settings page for onscreen controls. add; show trading partner nick in trade error messages. add: replace drop down listboxes to popup lists. add: different skills for each skill level. add: description to skills. add: option to disable gamma correction. add: new default wallpaper. add: option for log input events. add: update mplus fonts. 2012-12-09 New release fix: relative mouse moving for Android. fix: show chat history option. fix: MacOSX compilation. add: email in registration dialog (evol only). add: enable jewelry theme by default for evol branding. add: improve OpenGL draw speed. add: protect chat focus by default. add: basic on screen buttons for Android version. 2012-11-25 New release fix: some fixes in jewelry theme. fix: disable some popups in Android version. fix: drops window cleaning. fix: missing themes in windows installer. fix: random incorrect beings draw order. add: show/hide on screen keyboard on Android. add: attack human chat command (by Travolta) command: /atkhuman add: extend theming. add: onscreen joystick. add: improve OpenGL draw speed. add: persistend directories under Android. 2012-11-11 New release fix: resolution switching under Android with OpenGL. fix: guichan draw lines under ARM. fix: some fixes in jewelry theme. fix: translations under Android. fix: ok dialog size. fix: disable video mode autodetection under Android. fix: chat log if switch game characters. fix: crash with empty relations list. fix: game termination under Android by using "home" key. fix: minimaps loading. add: close button in android version. add: extend theming. add: select maximum resolution under Android. add: highlight window header with "*" if got new chat messages. 2012-10-28 New release fix: some ARM fixes. fix: open/close sounds for some windows. fix: texture memory usage. add: extend theming. add: some changes for android support. add: mobile OpenGL backend. add: jewelry by Hal9000 (incomplete) add: info button with information about selected theme. add: option to disable/enable screensaver. add: OpenGL logging support. add: new cursor types. add: new cursor images. (by Hal9000) add: cursor selection for different items, monsters, npcs. 2012-10-14 New release fix: monsters particle effects attacks. fix: chat window resize cursor. fix: popups sizes. fix: chat logs command line paramter. fix: shortcuts while buy dialog is open. add: texture atlases support. add: improve draw speed. add: some OpenGL extensions support. add: sound effects for open/close windows. add: extend theming. add: additinal monster attack particle effects. add: imporve map draw in fast OpenGL mode. add: set additional OpenGL settings from video detection. add: double click in buy/sell dialogs. 2012-09-30 New release fix: minimap size with long map name. fix: possible crash. fix: empty space between screen buttons. add: improved speed. add: extend theming. add: double click in npc dialog. add: monsters offset sort parameters. 2012-09-16 New release fix: non cycle player select. fix: color in equipment window. fix: fix hair color palete switching (evol). fix: horizontal lines draw in software mode. fix: navigation commands. fix: partial items load in player selection dialog. fix: on the fly resize in windows in software mode. fix: cmake install action. add: extend theming. add: improve OpenGL speed. add: show question dialog before opening urls. add: improved inventory look. add: improved speed. 2012-09-02 New release fix: show special message in window header while doing video test. fix: possible fix non standart update ports on windows. add: show clickable update links in news window. add: reenable add special chars in chat by char codes. Example: test&33; add: extend replace/reorder sprites. add: extend theme colors. add: improve OpenGL draw speed. add: improve perfomance. 2012-08-19 New release fix: enable italian translation. fix: remember checkbox in login dialog. fix: background in buy/sell dialogs. fix: possible crash. add: extend theming. add: extend outfits to 4x4 cells and add equip button. add: connect button to edit server dialog. add: units separator. by default space is separator. add: sounds for new/complete quests. add: hightlight gms in online list with color and letters (GM). add: enable best video mode autodetection under linux. add: enable FBO under windows. add: npc cycle select. 2012-08-05 New release fix: colors in speech buuble. fix: emote shortcuts default size. fix: radio button images in wood theme. fix: guild bot message delay. fix: unassign key action. add: open urls in browser. add: chat command /url LINK put url link in chat. add: chat command /openurl LINK open url in browser. add: equipment button in inventory. add: key for disable full screen mode. add: support for images in npc menu. add: new font dejavu serif condensed. add: extend background theming. add: quests window (evol only). 2012-07-22 New release fix: allow moving with opened buy/sell dialogs by mouse. fix: not allow moving with opened storage window. add: changed themes storing. add: enable by default pickup particle messages. add: removed emote popup window. add: audio fallback from unsupported modes. add: dye type A. Same with S but also using alpha channel. add: close button for npc dialog while it show menu. add: some new swords to auto equip list. add: mode "(B) attack range - 1". add: show level in experience bar popup. 2012-07-08 New release fix: allow enter in qestion mark. fix: crashes with corrupted data. fix: sime memory leaks. add: basic support for eathena stable. add: maps without client data (without tmx). add: special npc font. (by default 13px size) add: increase npc window default size. add: popup menu option all except 1. add: npc avatars (for evol only). add: floor item attribute for max pixel offset. 2012-06-24 New release fix: scrolling big text in texfields. fix: npc selection by mouse. fix: animated tiles animation speed. add: profiler to manaplus for windows. add: improved perfomance in manaplus for windows. add: double click support to storage and inventory. add: help seach commands (command ?text). Example: ?download add: help pages updated. add: delayed image load for OpenGL modes. add: delay to update image in software mode. 2012-06-10 New release fix: incorrect animation (hair bug). fix: keys conflict in login dialog. fix: kill stats on levelup. fix: stay animation in beings without dead animation. add: player relations to whisper chat context menu. add: per hair style own palete (evol). add: sittop animation (evol). add: ground top collision flag (evol). add: hide botchecker button by default. add: improve image loading in OpenGL renderers. add: improve dye speed. add: footer to help window. add: per server news in help window. add: use actual desktop dir for screenshots in linux. add: to npc option to disallow select npc. 2012-05-27 New release fix: tips translations. fix: joystick repeat key presses. fix: minimap show/hide on windows. fix: dehardcode some old paths. add: button detect best video mode (windows only). add: autodetect best video mode at first start. add: disable by default autofix position. add: prevent from healing enemies. add: option to hide nick for erased players. 2012-05-12 New release fix: keys for Next chat line/previous chat line. fix: autologin from command line. fix: move shortcuts windows. add: timeout option between connections to servers. add: pickup filter. add: replace obsolete opengl code. add: custom autorepeat for some actions. add; option for auto attack next target if attack was not cancelled. Disabled by default. 2012-04-29 New release fix: bluring setting apply. fix: split long lines in kill stats window. fix: actions translation. fix: vsync setting. fix: improved in game visible position calculation. add: keyboard repeat setting. add: split input settings to tabs. add: separate configurable shorcuts for emotes, shorcuts, move to target. add: deharcode gui input keys. add: improve keyboard handling in some dialogs. add: autoclean configuration file from old keys. add: option to center window on screen (windows, osx). add: audio frequency and channels options to audio tab. add: particle physics setting. (normal by default). add: for OpenGL add option to enable/disable texture compression. add: for OpenGL add option to enable/disable rectangular textures support. add: in debug window add LPS counter near FPS. add: write to log OpenGL info. add: support for server independent updates. add: improve perfomance. add: update mplus font. 2012-04-15 New release fix: cancel update fix. fix: multiple conflicts between windows and game keys. fix: random crash in chat update. fix: possible crash after connecting to game. fix: assign keys before connecting to game. fix: cmake build flags. add: proxy support for download updates. add: change autohide buttons to three state (hide/show/hide in small resolution). add: show client version in game window header. add: clear in drops window context menu. add: improve fill rectange speed in software mode. add: option for enable disable textures blurring. by default enabled. add: allow assign 3 keys or joystick buttons to any action. add: unselect item inventory if it was added to other windows. add: extend sdl unknown keys for usage in any actions. 2012-04-01 New release fix: validate assigned keys on load. fix: animated tiles drawing in opengl modes. fix: copy to clipboard. fix: chat item links. fix: online list auto update after error. fix: outfits items adding/removing. add: multi language help. add: protect autocomplete from evil nicks. add: theme blacknblack (kook). add: redesign input handling. add: extend xml animation tags. add: autohide buttons on top right corner. add: autohide chat window if inactive (disabled by default). add: remove packet limits for changing direction. 2012-03-18 New release fix: minimaps scrolling with moving camera. fix: context menu in outfits window. fix: shortcuts creation in windows portable version. fix: volume in afk mode if was disconnect from server. add: many update hosts. (evol only) add: dye mode S. add: support for unknown for SDL keys bindings. add: basic skills actions. add: allow add skills to shortcuts bar. add: per race equipment sprites. add: remove second "equip" button. add: neutral other gender. 2012-03-04 New release fix: loading client data translations. fix: display translated xp+job messages. fix: default paramters value. fix: last frame delay in dead sprite actions. fix: don't show errors for missing emotes. fix: drawing big minimaps. fix: ignore shortcuts keys in npc menu and in inventory. fix: npc menu keyboard navigation. fix: default npc dialog size. fix: some copyrights. fix: possible crashes. add: visual settings page. add: option to grab input. add: move some settings and new to page visual in settings. add: different sound effects for different messages. can be configured in audio settings page. add: resize minimaps. add: context menu for minimaps. add: gdb to windows build. add: show latest client version in update news. add: option for for creating screenshots with FBO. If enable, can fix opengl screenshots issue. add: update liberation fonts. 2012-02-19 New release add: client data translations (items, etc). add: increased max value for drop counter from 9 to 30. add: chat command /setdrop N. to set drop counter from scripts. add: hide map layers feature. add: show gms with green color in online list (evol server). add: relative position for floor items (item drops). add: option to enable/disable grouping friends in online list. add: enable chat logging by default. add: set default max chat lines to 40. add: update windows libs. add: center game on screen in windows and osx. add: race name to status and debug windows. add: update liberation and mplus fonts. 2012-02-05 New release ManaPlus: fix: particle font in japan localisation. fix: some untranslated strings. fix: possible crash after switching servers. fix: option "attack range" in evol server. fix: drop counter with enabled "buggy servers protection". fix: empty custom update server. add: request client language from server. (evol server) add: moving camera by npc commands. (evol server) add: evol branding in windows installer. add: extended online list. (evol server) add: redesign char creation dialog. add: resize window from video settings tab. add: option to enable/disable window resize. add: option to show/hide window frame border. add: 3 new emotes by (Nina O'Reilly) add: support for 48 emotes. add: redesign servers list dialog, using new server editor. add: increase login dialog size. add: use translation for description in servers dialog. Mana: fix: infinite character selection with command line parameter --character add: resize update window. add: separate server editor. add: possible improve loading images/music. add: game window resize. 2012-01-22 New release fix: bad update hosts handling. fix: possible crashes. fix: player name checking in logging. fix: default shortcuts window size. fix: player and mob hp bar in evol server. fix: mouse pickup logic. fix: adding double attributes to status window. fix: ambient layer drawing in safe opengl mode. add: increase resize and moving areas in shortcut window and other similar windows. add: friends tab in social window. add: load all servers from list in server dialog. 2012-01-08 New release fix: -s command line parameter. fix: restore GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT after creating screenshots in opengl modes fix: rare crash with reconnecting to different servers. fix: color for /me messages in wood theme. fix: crash in char autocomplete if no active tab in chat window. fix: bold chat/npc text correction. add: allow close npc dialog if script stopped with error. add: clear outfit option in outfits context menu. add: ability to test graphics and sound perfomance and stability. Shortcut ManaPlus (test). Need close all other ManaPlus instances. add: chat command /dumpt to dump last test values. add: addiitional checks for unsecure chars combinations in players nicks. add: allow use item replacment with empty from value. This mean replace from any value. add: remove "> Next" message from npc dialogs. 2011-12-25 New release fix: increasing log file if client disconnected from network. fix: memory leak in evol online list. fix: enter some chars in inventory input box. fix: some rare used packets. fix: dont load move type from configuration file. fix: create char dialog size. fix: wrong auto adjusting perfomance after sleep mode. add: last login time in char selection dialog. add: update mplus font. add: move target cursors to themes. 2011-12-11 New release fix: draw damage part on hp bar. fix: recursive directory creation on windows. fix: text colors in wood theme. fix: talk to npc key delay. add: polish translation (Derpella). add: server side online list (evol only). add: copy any line from chat to clipboard. add: use two clipboard in xserver. add: gm commands autocomplete for gms. add: to combined menus floor items. add: variables for replacment in chat messages. <PLAYER> - target or nearest player nick. <MONSTER> - target or nearest monster name. <PEOPLE> - comma separated list of visible players (except self). <PARTY> - all party members (except self). 2011-11-27 New release ManaPlus: fix: show enemy relation in online list. fix: dead monsters and floor items poisition. fix: file name conflicts between skins and client data files. add: update ru and es translations. add: change chat log save path to yyyy-mm/dd/file.log. add: support for incomplete replace tag for items for compotability with future version of mana. add: background images for equipment window. add: whisper player name in autocomplete list. add: show yellow bar mode changes in debug chat tab. add: limits for hair color and style for char creation dialog. add: different animations depend on monster hp (only for evol). 2011-11-12 New release ManaPlus: fix: hide death message on reconnect. fix: stop move after open npc dialog. fix: disable incomplete hr, hy translations. fix: self player ignore. fix: double network error dialog. fix: joystick support. fix: random key press loses. add: pseudo away. Command: /pseudoaway text add: enemy relation. (no any ignore, but mark player as enemy) add: option for attack players in pvp "Switch pvp attack". Default key not assigned add: interface language selection. Settings / Theme / Language. add: Bold text type in chat. (To enable command ##B, to disable ##b) Example: ##Bbold##b text. add: update mplus fonts. add: joystick selection, option for joystick usage only in active game. add: enable joystick hat (if exists). 2011-10-30 New release ManaPlus: fix: disable autofix position for archer mode. fix; hide password from packets log. fix: replace tags without item id in items.xml. fix: protect trades from some kind of abusing. add: chat commands to use server side ignore for whispers: Commands: /serverignoreall and /serverunignoreall add: command for dump graphics and some other settings to chat. Command: /dumpg 2011-10-16 New release ManaPlus: fix: particle effects Y position. fix: resize in some dialogs. fix: codeblocks project file. fix: global messages sound highlight. fix: last character selection with space in login dialog. fix: fps if network error. add: move to target mode for archers/mages. add: blacklist relation. add: reading real monsters attack range (in evol only). add: option to show hide MVP messages. add: update mplus fonts. 2011-10-02 New release ManaPlus: fix: inactive state. fix: hide inventory filter if window too small. fix: mouse selection. fix: speed in targeting monsters. fix: move to target in attack range. add: comment for spells/commands. add: split keyboard keys to groups. add: chat or other windows scrolling with dragging mouse. add: limits for stop attack packet. add: show current experience after max level (for tmw after 99 level). add: untarget key. it not stop attack but remove selection from current target. add: amount field in buy dialog. 2011-09-18 New release ManaPlus: fix: restore windows visible state after restart. fix: players sorting in relation and party tab. fix: configuration settings in first start. fix: animation moving animation with mouse and some other. fix: reorder sprites if disabled in settings. fix: disable config copy from ancient tmw versions. fix: chat autocomplete case. fix: change player state from sit to stay if under attack. fix: whisper errors detection. add: options to configure lazy scrolling. add: move by minimaps clicks. add: copy text to clipboard by CTRL+C. add: additional sorting to inventory: by wight, by amount, by type. add: inventory filter by item name. add: per window visual configuration in themes. add: add item move to context menu for party members. add: configuration buttons in initial game window. add: theme unity (by Freya). add: Czech (cs) translation (by Pitriss). add: improve game speed. Mana: fix: draw overlay in opengl mode. 2011-09-04 New release ManaPlus: fix: compilation with different flags. fix: possible fix with incorrect camera position. fix: replace sprite issues. fix: some crashes. add: hightlight words list in chat. add: many colors for themes. add: alien emote (DerLoisl). add: basic auction bot integration. add: guild bot integration. add: impore guild members list sorting. add: auto download content fixes. add: show guild members on minimap. add: always show party members in minimap if on same map. add: lock windows position (at top right window corner). add: update mplus fonts. add: attribute damage per second. add: option to disable self heal with mouse. 2011-08-21 New release ManaPlus: fix: moving near npc. fix: crash in server dialog if press load button twice. fix: saving opened whisper tabs. fix: hide/show setup window by hot key. fix: show shop sign on players only if shop enabled and shop not empty. fix: chat auto scroll. fix: mode with switching bow to knife. fix: adding limits to adding items to trade. fix: perfomance issue with invisible npcs. add: auto improve perfomance by disabling different draphics features. add: perfomance tab. most perfomance related settings moved to this tab. add: new perfomance related options to perfomance tab. add: split players setup tab to relations and players. add: ability to add comments to npcs. add: option to hide ip addresses on screen shots. add: warp menu item navigation points menu (for gms only). add: copy to chat button in status window to copy player stats to chat. add: enable auto switching to janapese font if used japan locale. add: update dejavu and mplus fonts. add: updated translations. 2011-08-07 New release ManaPlus: fix: player attack animation length. fix: random opacity issue in complex sprites in software mode. fix: compilation in manaserv mode. fix: adjust wait time after pasting text. possible should fix multiply paste issue. add: improve perfomance in caching complex sprites in software mode. add: improve perfomance with max opacity in software mode. add: different keys in edit fields. 2011-07-24 New release ManaPlus: fix: compilation without opengl. fix: crash with other players equipment window. fix: improve speed. fix: compilation in big endian systems. fix: opengl configure flag for mac os. fix: rectangle draw bug in some systems in software mode. add: close popup menu by esc key. add: keys for quick add items to trade add: shortcut key to close current chat tab. by default unassigned. add: uninstall before install in windows installer. add: multi user support in windows installer. add: new update check url. add: updated translations. 2011-07-10 New release ManaPlus: fix: char deletion fix: improve speed. fix: improve speed in software mode. fix: some memory leaks. fix: music fadeout. fix: crash in reconnecting to servers. add: make script for MacOS with fink. add: updated mplus and libiration fonts. add: player statuses: enabled shop, away and inactive mode. add: map reduce mode useful for sftware drawing mode (improving speed). add: updated translations. add: redesign video tab in settings. 2011-06-26 New release ManaPlus: fix: context menu positions. fix: copy equiped to outfits. fix: revert video resolutiion changes if new is fail. fix: some more memory leaks. add: own comments to players. add: option to use local time in chat. Can be changed here: SET / Chat / Use local time. add: redesigned setup pages. add: missing video modes. add: updated some windows libs. add: tooltips in skills dialog. add: archlinux PKGBUILD file. 2011-06-12 New release ManaPlus: fix: outfits item selection. fix: item slots in "show items" menu item. fix: memory leaks. fix: item colors in different windows. add: secure font for highlighting incorrect nicks. add: gender sign with any players names. add: extend quick move items from inventory and back (LSHIFT) modifier key + left click - move all items from/to storage. modifier key + right clikc - show window for amount selection for moving. modifier key + drop button - drop all items from selected slot. add: add "drop all" to context menu. add: menu item to copy text from bars to chat. add: did you know window. add: improve software draw mode (SDL) speed. 2011-05-29 New release ManaPlus: fix: infinite paste. fix: remove home location by mouse. fix: walk path in special collision. fix: restore color hightlight smaller money in trade window. add: moved classic theme to default. Default theme renamed to Mana. add: support for images in help window. add: evol server type (now it works same as tmw) add: show other players equipment by context menu item "show items". add: updated translations. add: complete Finnish translation (Byakushin). add: secure trades option to protect trade from some kind of cheats. add: show speach popup variable. time depend on message size. 2011-05-15 New release ManaPlus: fix: targeting monster if monster added to priority attack list and "cycle mobs select" disabled. fix: improved text cache cleaning. fix: chat tab incorrect size if enabled hiding chat input line. add: ask password before deleting char. add: save attack filter. add: updated japan fonts. add: improved moving with mouse. add: spanish help translation. add: air and water collisions (incompotable with tmw). 2011-05-01 New release ManaPlus: fix: some controls draw issue in SDL software mode. fix: map objects drawing. (incompotable with tmw maps). fix: default values for new configurations. fix: crash with incorrect maps. add: away log. add: attack filter. new tab in social window. new chat commands /addattack, /removeattack, /addignoreattack, /addpriorityattack add: reset yellow bar context menu item. add: spec file for rpm distros (mageia). Mana: add: music fadeout. 2011-04-17 New release ManaPlus: fix: add to trade menu item in inventory context menu. fix: update error if update file list have empty lines (like in aethyra). fix: manaserv support deprecated. By default all compilation scripts ignoring manaserv. fix: inventory equip/unequip buttons. fix: protected pickups spam. fix: show unknown items in inventory. add: moved help from chat to help window. add: update progress files counter. add: custom autocomplete words list. Place in customwords.txt. add: dont waste chat space if input box is hidden. 2011-04-03 New release ManaPlus: fix: improve opengl speed. fix: update ru, pt, pt_BR, fr, es translations. add: remove nicks in whisper. useful for bots like guild bot. add: no away option in whisper context menu. add: save chat tabs options between client restarts. 2011-03-20 New release ManaPlus: fix: other players directions while moving. fix: being direction while attacking. fix: other players animation while moving. fix: mouse pickup from big distance. add: show message in party tab if some on join party. add: /uptime chat command to show current client update. add: small optimisation in software drawing mode (SDL). Mana: add: scroll buttons in chat tabs. 2011-03-06 New release ManaPlus: fix: remove extra spaces from chat commands. fix: possible fix for pasting from clipboard in X system. fix: partially opacity in extended minimaps. add: add to trade items in item context menu. add: tabs to spells window. add: check already downloaded files intergrity. add: pink theme (Freya). add: updated pt_BR translation some lines from mana client (Freya). add: updated russian translation. add: update dejavu fonts. 2011-02-20 New release ManaPlus: fix: stop/start playung music after changing option. add: show/hide buttons in top right corner. right click on buttons open menu. add: show/hide bars in top right corner. right click on bars open menu. add: extended minimaps (Ben Longbons). add: npc gender. (only for extended servers) add: hiding equipment sprites by attributes (need support in client data). add: weight notice dialogs not modal and auto hiding after 10 seconds. add: show amount in pickup particles. add: new bars Weight bar, Inventory slots bar, Money bar, Arrows bar. 2011-02-06 New release ManaPlus: fix: crashes. fix: close npc dialogs in different actions like change character/server or network error. fix: dont show random navigation point with coord 0,0. fix: update item amount in sell dialog. add: japanese fonts mplus 1p regular and mplus 1p bold. add: option to enable/disable players popups. 2011-01-30 New release ManaPlus: fix: stuck on disconnections while opened modal window. fix: allow use rock knife in auto switching weapons. fix: issue with invisible items in inventory after moving to and from storage. fix: mouse cursors in wood and blackandwhite themes. (Nina O'Reilly) add: show job bar in ministatus window. add: diagonal move animation (need support in client data). add: recovery on broken server job level and job level max experience. add: floor item icon different from normal item icon (need support in client data). add: show unknown skills in skills window. add: show job xp after mob kill. add: support for zlib map compression. add: updated russian translation. 2011-01-16 New release ManaPlus: fix: hide own hp bar if dead. fix: equipment window. add: inventory filter and sorter. add: increased char slots number from 3 to 9 per each account. Also add support for configurable char slots number in exended servers. add: option to force connection to only one ip for all three servers (char, login, map). useful for port mapping connections. add: updated russian translation. Mana: add: updated german and french translation. 2011-01-09 New release ManaPlus: fix: some strings translation support. add: increase items slots support from 11 to 13. add: new 4 emotes (Nina O'Reilly). add: increased max emotes count to 44. add: sound volume depend on distance to sound source point. add: update russian translation. Mana: add: update french and spain translation. 2010-12-26 New release ManaPlus: fix: manaserv a bit working now. tested on woa server. fix: spawned mobs with already taken damage. fix: some chat crashes. add: walk delay parameter in status window. add: mob hp bar in selected mob. add: tabs in shortcuts bar. add: updated russian translation. Mana: 2010-12-12 New release ManaPlus: add: variables <TARGET> and <TARGETID> and <TARGETORSELF> in spells / text commands. add: show weight message if weight was more then half and now less then half. add: show attack range in status window. add: offset of target cursor in monster and npc. add: ability to dinamically change drawing player sprites order. Mana: add: support for tiles with aligment. 2010-11-28 New release ManaPlus: fix: enter space in npc dialogs. fix: popup xp messages flood. fix: move all server messages if need to debug tab. fix: visibility of moved npc. add: show pvp rank in pvp maps. add: show is pvp enabled on map or not. add: shortcut keys to switch between social window tabs. by default unassigned. add: store/retreive 10, half, all. Mana: 2010-11-14 New release ManaPlus: fix: level percent in kill stats window. fix: setting walkable tile alpha setting. fix: freze with incorrect image set. add: tooltips for emote shortcuts. add: show short keys on map signs and warps. add: distance 2 in move to distance. add: improve speed in SDL (Software) mode. add: safe opengl support, like in old tmw versions. add: small speed improvements. add: actors count in debug window. add: move "show own name" from video to players tab. add: battle chat tab and battle event. Disable by default. add: color hightlight if trade partner lower money. add: custom update host. Can be useful if normal update server is dead. To enable in login dialog select custom update type and put new update host url in text field. (custom host for tmw server is http://manaplus.jonklo.net/updates/) Mana: 2010-10-31 New release ManaPlus: fix: who is online list if used --server parameter. fix: reenable portable mode for all platforms. fix: update visible player levels. fix: equip type for some items in TAW server. fix: attack animation in TMW server and some clones. add: option to hide warps particles. SET / misc / Show warp particles. by default warp particles disabled. add: option to allow start buy/sell trade without asking player. SET / misc / Accept sell/buy requests. add: sorting player in party and guild tabs. add: extended context menu to many players in one tile. show submenus for each player in tile. add: shortucts option in windows installer. add: auto remove very old font cache items. add: update russian translation. add: new pumpkin smile. (Nina O'Reilly) Mana: 2010-10-19 New release ManaPlus: fix: command line switch -u now working like in mana client. fix: crash on drawing incorrect strings. fix: possible crash on exit. add: disabled special chars by char codes for platinum server (because on this server players using many ugly clients). Mana: 2010-10-17 New release ManaPlus: fix: disable portable mode in non windows systems. fix: improve speed in disabled opengl mode and opacity = 1. (based on idea from mana client) add: /wait chat command. It play sound if find being with requested name. add: chat autocomplete for mob names. add: hot key for who is online window. (unassigned) add: show players ip in social window. (only for GM's) add: special chars by char codes &xxx;. Example: &33; is !. add: option in settings to disable quick stats assign. Mana: 2010-10-05 New release ManaPlus: fix: possible client stuck. add: show killer name in debug tab. add: enable/disable sound hightlight per tab. can be enabled/disable from chat tab context menu. Mana: 2010-10-04 New release ManaPlus: fix: emote key + cursor keys to change direction. fix: emotes in popup window. fix: possible crashes. Mana: 2010-10-03 New release ManaPlus: fix: opacity cache. add: quick increase stats. now not working on windows. add: portable mode. In windows installer need select portable option. add: add basic guild support. guild chat commands: /createguild name - create new guild. /invite nick - invite player to guild. /kick nick - kick player from uild. /notice text - change guild notice. /info - show info about guild. /leave - leave guild. Note: to create guild you should have snake egg in inventory. add: increase item shortcuts count to 20. add: increase emote shortcuts count to 40. add: 19 server independent smiles. (Nina O'Reilly) new smiles supported only by manaplus clients. add: updated help. (Mihail Barer). Mana: 2010-09-19 New release ManaPlus: fix: improve chat resize speed. fix: invisible objects with disabled opengl, like pinkies. fix: resize windows from top corners. add: opacity cache to improve game speed with disabled opengl. Warning: some times it may crash client. To enable SET \ Video \ Enable opacity cache. add: increase outfits count from 80 to 100. add: increase outfit slots from 9 to 12. add: support zip archives in per server local updates dir. add: support update patches zips. in this dir local resources can have bigger priority over resources from update server. Example dir in linux: ~/.local/share/mana/updates/updates.themanaworld.org/fix/ In this directory you can place http://tmw.cetki.com/other/update-96b7ecd..eeac43f.zip to fix moggun issue. add: moving windows by dragging window from any empty space. add: option to disable/enable attack while moving. add: context menu in who is online window. add: updated russian translation. Mana: 2010-09-12 New release ManaPlus: fix: set map arrows. fix: draw map arrows. fix: improved chat draw speed. fix: improved game speed. add: /undress chat command and popup menu item. This command remove all clothes from selected player. This changes only local. add: /attack chat command. add: icons to spells / text commands. add: /outfit next, /outfit prev commands. add: /dirs chat command to show game dirs. Mana: 2010-09-04 New release ManaPlus: fix: updating servers list. fix: warp removing from map. fix: in away mode drop fps only if game inactive. fix: crash on exit on tmw server. add: server side attack mode. add: free camera mode ([+]). In this mode camera can be moved by cursor keys. add: draw screen border in minimap. add: play sound if you receive global message and game inactive. add: dont highlight party tab if got server message on it. add: change color on players, who attacking local player. add: place away dialog on top of screen. add: option to disable auto fix position. Mana: fix: focus on char select dialog. 2010-08-29 New release ManaPlus: fix: walk between maps in e map modes. fix: funny symbols and item links. fix: visible names option. fix: trying avoid server packets bug also in default attack mode. fix: changed attack time limit to avoid new server bugs. fix: disable hot keys in npc input dialogs. fix: crash if client have some corrupted images. fix: compilation for gcc 4.5. fix: compilation with flag --without-opengl. add: new map mode. symbol b. (f) add: removed length limit in build walk path. add: play whisper sound if new message in active whisper and game not active. add: navigation tab in social window. left click go to selected target. add: key to move to location from navigation tab in social window (RSHIFT + 0-9) Key like outfits but only mod key is right shift. add: show items refine level. add: continue attack if player moved. add: attack target after moving to it by attack key (x). add: switching to already opened whisper tab. add: per server local updates dir. in this dir can be placed local resources. Example dir in linux: ~/.local/share/mana/updates/updates.themanaworld.org/local/ Mana: 2010-08-15 New release ManaPlus: fix: battle sfx sound. fix: gui sound in deb packages. fix: show own player level. fix: colors in black wood theme (lien). fix: crash with -p command line option. add: /disconnect chat command. add: tooltips for control buttons (right top corner). add: /me command in whisper and party tabs. add: show level if possible in online list. Mana: 2010-08-03 New release ManaPlus: fix: money display bug. Mana: 2010-08-01 New release ManaPlus: fix: improve speed. fix: adjust money field size in trade dialog. add: show GM level near level in status window. add: attribute Attack Delay in status window. To open this windows, press F2. add: increased number of servers from 6 to 15 in server dialog. add: restore whispers between client restarts. add: set fps limit to alternate value in away mode or if game minimized. add: disable any sound and music in away mode. add: antispoof chat protection. add: option to auto close or skip updates in login window. add: server name in login window. add: theme black wood (lien). Mana: fix: fps limiter on windows. 2010-07-18 New release ManaPlus: fix: moved mumble from recommended to suggested in deb packages. fix: allow set more then 99 stat points, max 120. Work only on servers with this ability, like UFB server. fix: show player level. fix: improve speed in openGL mode. fix: crash on exit. fix: dont fix player position in default attack mode. add: updated russian translation (Schekoldin Ivan). add: context menu to players in online list. add: chat commands /befriend, /disregard, /neutral. add: allow set fps from 2 to 160. add: allow set gui opacity from 2 to 100 %. Mana: 2010-07-04 New release ManaPlus: fix: problems with font selection. fix: crashes. fix: -U command option. fix: setup window size. add: help font. add: updated help. add: show history in whispers. add: per server player relations. add: whisper and dialog ame sfx, gui sfx. add: experimental support for mumble voice chat. First start mumble, then start client with enabled mumble option. add: updated russian translation. add: safe mode shortcut for windows. Mana: fix: chat messages about user offline now showing in player tab. 2010-06-21 New release ManaPlus: fix: crash on some servers. Mana: 2010-06-20 New release ManaPlus: fix: avoid server direction bug. right direction server send as unknown direction. fix: restore main line attack automation. add: some russian translation. add: show popups for players without party. add: font changes. To change open SET \ Theme. add: per server configs. Moved many server related options to per server configs, like magic spells. Old values for bars can be restored from context menu. add: attack mode 'd'. Attack without auto target next monster. Mana: 2010-05-31 New release Patch: fix: crash from incorrect utf8 chars. fix: allow registration. add: moved to master mana branch. Mana: fix: improve game speed. 2010-05-23 New release Patch: fix: follow modes and navigate. fix: try avoid new server side bugs with packet limiter. fix: --skip-update now working. add: pickup mode A. Allow pickup items in max distance. add: allow add any items to buy list in personal shops. add: improve text draw speed. add: new imitation mode for imitating outfits. Switch initation mode by key ([4]) add: allow mark any map positions with arrow sign and comment. To mark current position while you standing press Set Home Location key ([5]). To add comment press right button on map arrow. To add home location, sit and press Set Home Location key ([5]). add: custom resolution. To change resolution, click on "custom" resolution. add: auto change position if can't attack closed being. add: option to hide move path. add: change resolution in safe mode to 640x480. Mana: fix: crash with disabled opengl. 2010-05-1 New release Patch: fix: allow start client if update server is down. add: show floor item amount, if more then one. add: improved command /navigate. add: improved move to target. add: improved targeting nearest beings. Mana: New keys: 2010-04-25 New release Patch: fix: dont show shop requests if shop mode disabled. fix: draw items in outfits even if no this item in inventory. fix: invite command. add: option to hide whisper shop messages. Enabled by default. add: change color in whisper tab if player go offline. add: open buy sell window on selected player. Select player, then press talk key. add: new follow modes: relative, mirror, pet. ([1]) add: show server side player position. add: manual mode to fix desync position. (D) add: add missing help for chat commands. add: new commands /loadprice, /saveprice. For load and save prices. add: new command /trade NICK. Open trade window. add: option to send shop announce with or without links to items. add: partialy right click emulation from keyboard (TAB). add: translated some string to russian. Mana: fix: crashes. add: clear butotn in npc dialogs. New keys: switch follow modes. ([1]) right click emulation (TAB) 2010-04-14 New release Patch: fix: item amout window size. fix: gender display. add: trade chat tab. Most trade messages now moving to this tab. Also players can speak in this tab about trades. add: speed improvement. add: button store in config window. Save configuration file to disk. add: simplify context menus. add: personal shop. To this shop player can add items for buy/sale. Other players can use it by ser away outfit, and after away it restore old outfit. Mana: add: classic skin update. 2010-02-28 New release Patch: fix: allow enter in NPC dialogs letters, assigned to prev\next chat tab keys. fix: dont redirect server messages from party tab. fix: npc flood with small dialogs. fix: fixed some crashes. add: show target player level, nick, party in debug window. add: command /navigate x y. add: heal players by click in social window. add: get player levels from parsing #inwilt result. add: visible players tab in social window (P tab). add: actions in social window. left click - heal right click - context menu middle click - whisper add: damage counter for players. You can see it in social window in P tab. Mana: fix: crash in TAW maps. add: party windows replaced to social window. add: party tooltips for players. add: paste from clipboard. CTRL+V 2010-02-07 New release add: health bars in party window. add: own health in party window. add: build on latest mana git client. fix: allow enter numbers in input fields. fix: segfault in follow. fix: other small fixes. 2010-01-17 New release fix: D.o.S. in chat. fix: D.o.S. in trade. add: ignore button in trade request. add: themes (classic, wood, red). change : SET / theme / gui theme add: buy/sell in npc context menu. add: /follow command. add: /heal command. 2010-01-02 New release 0.12. fix: random generator in crazy move A. fix: improved draw chat speed. fix: fixed /closeall crush. fix: use workaround to fix clover/towel and some other feature inventory bugs. Two buttons, one for equip and second for use item. fix: default Who is online size and position. add: e? command in crazy move A. e? show random emotion in crazy move A. add: limit lines in chat. change: SET / chat / Limit max lines in chat. add: clear command in chat context menu. add: highlight target being by bold font. add: afk mode. ([2]) change : SET / other / Enable afk message use: key 2 on numeric keuboard or chat command /away TEXT. (or /away) add: draw item in item popups. New keys: Enable away mode ([2]). 2009-12-13 New release 0.11. add: highlight player and monsters attack range. change: set / Other Highlight Player Attack Range Highlight Monster Attack Range add: colors in setup colors for attack range and portals. change: set / Colors Local Player Attack Range Local Player Attack Range Border Monster Attack Range Portal Highlight add: colors in setup for home location, collisions. change: set / Colors Home Place Home Place Border Collision Highlight add: key to copy equiped items to outfit (]). add: key to disable game modifiers ([8]). add: ping field in debug window. add: target id in debug window. add: chat logger. change: set / chat / Enable Chat Logger add: /outfit N command. Wear outfit N. add: /emote N command. Show emote N. add: auto complete party members in party tab. add: key switching on/off sound ([3]). add: highlight inactive tab if player name is writed. change: set / Color / Tab With Player Name Highlight New keys: key to copy equiped items to outfit (]). key to disable game modifiers ([8]). key switching on/off sound ([3]). 2009-11-29 New release 0.10. fix: possible crush in update window. fix: localisation resources in deb packages. fix: added edit button to crazy move A. fix: allow using other update servers. add: auto complete chat key in settings. (TAB) add: hide input chat key. (ESC) add: manual update button in online users list and online list resize. add: set log file name from command line. add: limit chat messages size. Change: set / chat / Limit max chars in chat line. New keys: Hide input chat key (ESC) add: manual update button in online users list and online list resize. add: set log file name from command line. add: limit chat messages size. Change: set / chat / Limit max chars in chat line. New keys: Hide input chat key. (ESC) Download 2009-11-15 New release 0.9. Download Install in Ubuntu New features: fix: remove spaces and (GM) label from GM nicks in onlile list. new: moved to git sources. new: popup windows for hp, mp, xp bars. new: more font sizes in setup. new: context menu in chat tabs. new: keys to wear next/previous outfit. new: Increased outfits count to 40. Keys for outfits 1 - 0, -, =, backspace, insert, home, q - p, [, ], \, a - l, ;, ', z new: Increased drop slots to 16. new: Increased spell shortcuts to 49. new: New pick up modes g ang G. go and pick up in 4 and 8 cell distance. new: programmed crazy move type A. For this crazy move type you can write simple program in set / Other / Crazy move A program. Allowed commands: du, dd, dl, dr, d? change direction to up, down, left, right or random. mu, md, ml, mr, m?, mf, mb move to up, down, left, right, random, forward, backward. s sit. on, op wear next outfit, wear previous outfit. d0, da drop from first slot, drop from all slots. p pick up. e0 - e9, ea - ed emotions. new: /target command. New keys: Wear next outfit. (right alt + right) Wear previous outfit. (right alt + left) Download 2009-10-25 New release 0.8. Download New features: new: Setting to disable higlighting floor items. new: Auto complete in chat. To use press TAB key. Auto complete visible nicks, commands from Commands Window and from chat history. new: Show patch update information in update window. Download 2009-10-18 New release 0.7. New features: new: Spells Window renamed to Commands Window. new: Command (spells) editor. To use editor, open Commands Window (j), then to open editor, press by right mouse button on spell. new: Text or GM commands in Commands Window. Now you can add or edit in Commands Window spells, simple text or GM commands. new: Command /closeall for close all whisper tabs. new: Command /ignoreall for ignore all current whispers. new: highlight drops by time. remove: no rain. fix: disable keyboard shortcuts in drop/select item window. 2009-10-11 New release 0.6. New features: fix: fixed remove colors. fix: fixed "Allow magic and GM command in all chat tabs". new: bot checker. ([) Warning: may conflict with other key bindings. Check bindings in set / Keyboard / Bot Checker Window . By default disabled. To enable, use set / other / enable bot checker new: in colors picker color numbers replaced to color names. new: display selected target in debug window. new: spell shortcuts. (j) Allow add spell shortcurs to shortcuts window. To use, select spell in spells window by mouse click, then click on free slot in shortcuts window. In this versions only predefined spells. New keys: Bot checker window. ([) Spells window. (j) 2009-10-04 New release 0.5. New features: fix: possible crush if open emote window. fix: now work 14 slots in emote window. fix: some fix for jacko counter. new: cycle select palyers. Change: set / other / cycle player targets. new: cycle select monsters or palyers. Change: set / other / cycle monster targets. new: cycle rainbow colors. new: target name and position in debug window. new: magic spells and GM commands work in all chat tabs. Change: set / chat / All magic and GM commands in all chat tabs. new: move player spell messages to debug window. Change: set / chat / Log magic messages in debug tab. new: move server messages to debug window. Change: set / chat / Show server messages in debug tab. new: outfits wear and copy keys in settings. Change: set / keyboard / Wear Outfit. set / keyboard / Copy Outfit. new: move to target modifer. Allow move to target in given distance Move to target. (v) Change distance. (.) new: hide or show chat colors picker. Change: set / chat / Chow chat colors list. new: allow set home position. Set home locaton to current position. ([5]) Go to home location. (d) new: home locations now highligted. New keys: Change distance in move to target. (.) Set home locaton to current position. ([5]) 2009-09-29 New release 0.4. New features: Remove colors on overhead text. Setting to hide or show portals higlighting. Change: set / other / Highlight map portals. Whisper command in popup menu. Magic attack. Attack key (b). Switch attack spell (,). Ability to change default text color in sended text messages. Ability to remove colors from other users messages. Change: set / chat / Remove colors from received chat messages. Fix: Allow select dead player by mouse, if enabled seleting dead players. Fix: Joystick pick up now work like pick up from keyboard. Fix: Fixed negative jacko spawn counter. Fix: Fixed some default colors. Fix: Fixed crazy move 9. New keys: Magic attack (b). Switch magic attack spell (,). 2009-09-26 First patch version. New features: Show damage inflicted near monster's name. Change: set / other / Show damage inflicted to monsters. Select text colors for local player damage and local player misses. Change: set / colors. Items: Local player hit monster, Local player critical hit, Local player miss. Highlighting map portals with color. Allow target only reachable monsters. Change: set / other / Auto target only reachable monsters. Allow target dead players. Change: set / players / Target dead players. Quick heal feature. Heal targeted player or self. Quick pick up feature. Pick up modes: small (1x1), default (2x1), forward (2x3), full (3x3) For pick up use standard pickup key. (z) For change use Change pickup type key. (o) Nuke player (ported from qoal patch). Debug chat tab for some information. Print all visible object to debug chat window. In chat type /all. Anti rain. Change: set / other / No rain. /ignore, /unignore, /quit command in chat (ported from git version) /move X Y command for move to location. Quick Drops Window with 9 drop slots. To open use drop window key. (w) Quick drop. Drop N items at once from 0 slot. (y) Drop N items at once from all slots. (u) Use drop counter for drops. To change counter use (i) Who is online (ported from qoal patch). Outfit window (ported from git version). To open use outfits window key. (`) To wear outfit use Right-CTRL+outfit key. (1-9,0,-,=,backspace,insert,home) Outfit addons. 15 different outfits. To Copy different outfit to current use left CTRL+outfit key. (1-9,0,-,=,backspace,insert,home) Check box unequip first work independently for each outfit. Kill stats (ported from qoal patch). To open use Kill stats window key. (e) Changing direction (rotate player) without moves. To rotate use Direct up/left/down/right keys. (|,;,k,') or ALT+move keys Crazy moves. For programmed moves use crazy moves key. (/) To change current move type use Change crazy move type. (\) Insert unicode chars in chat (ported from qoal patch). Player position in debug window. Id in item popups. Experience per 1,5,15 minutes in kill stats. Jack O counter in kill stats. Different statuses in top left window corner. To change statuses use designated keys. To see detailed information, move mouse to statuses bar. Unassign key binding in keyboard setup. You can unassign any key in key bindings window. After changing key bindings show first conflicting key binding. New setup page "Other". New settings in setup player tab. New parameters in stats window. Added Flee bonus and target time. New map view mode. (without big objects, for example without trees). To switch mode use Find path to mouse key. (f) Allow player to speak after death (ported from qoal patch). Smaller window buttons in top right corner. More shortcuts (15). Game modifiers. Allow player to change some game behaviours from keyboard. Can view in top left corner. Allow sit without pauses. Allow attack from sitting (quick stand). Allow move to last target. To move use Move to target key. (v) Allow player to move to home position. To move use Move to home key. (d) Show player gender. To change open set / player / show gender. Allow automatically switch from bow to sword and backward. Allow switch weapon depend on distance to target. To change current switch mode use Change attack weapon type key. (g) New keys: Move to target. (v) Move to home. (d) Change pick up type. (o) Changing player facing direction. (k,l,;,') Crazy moves. (/) Change crazy move type. (\) Quick drop. (u) Quick drop from first slot only. (y) Switch quick drop counter. (i) Heal. (c) Itenplz. (m) Invert move direction. ([.]) Change attack weapon type. (g) New mouse actions: Heal (Attack Key + left mouse button)