# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import subprocess import time import net.mapserv as mapserv import net.charserv as charserv import net.stats as stats import commands import walkto import logicmanager import status import plugins import itemdb import random from collections import deque from net.inventory import get_item_index, get_storage_index from utils import extends from actor import find_nearest_being from chat import send_whisper as whisper from net.onlineusers import OnlineUsers __all__ = [ 'PLUGIN', 'init' ] def preloadArray(nfile): try: file = open(nfile, "r") array=[] for x in file.readlines(): x = x.replace("\n", "") x = x.replace("\r", "") array.append(x) file.close() return array except: print "preloadArray: File " + nfile + " not found!" joke_answers = preloadArray("bot/jokes.txt") ignored_players = preloadArray("bot/ignored.txt") disliked_players = preloadArray("bot/disliked.txt") admins = preloadArray("bot/admins.txt") friends = preloadArray("bot/friends.txt") # ====================== XECUTE ============= def XECUTE(nick, is_whisper, command, args=""): if nick in ignored_players: return try: if args=="": s = subprocess.check_output([command]) else: s = subprocess.check_output([command, args]) except: s=("Damn! Command has failed! " + command).strip() if is_whisper: whisper(nick,(s.strip('\r\n\t'))) else: mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(s.strip('\r\n\t')) # ====================== XCAL ============= def XCAL(nick, message, is_whisper, match): XECUTE(nick, is_whisper, "calc",match.group(1)) # ~ XECUTE(nick, is_whisper, "echo \'" + match.group(1) + "\' | bc") # ~ try: # ~ p = subprocess.Popen(['/home/livio/livio/a.out'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # ~ p.stdin.write("\'" + match.group(1) + "\'") # ~ p.stdin.flush() # ~ while p.poll() == None: # ~ s = p.stdout.readline().strip() # ~ except OSError as e: # ~ s = "Execution dammit failed!" # ~ print e # ~ if is_whisper: # ~ whisper(nick,s) # ~ else: # ~ mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(s) # ~ try: # ~ s = subprocess.getoutput("echo \'" + match.group(1) + "\' | bc") # Dammit. This one is not good. Shell command injection is possible. # ~ except OSError as e: # ~ s = "Execution dammit failed: "+ e # === eXecute on Unix =========== def XUfortune(nick, message, is_whisper, match): XECUTE(nick, is_whisper, "fortune", "-s") def XUdate(nick, message, is_whisper, match): XECUTE(nick, is_whisper, "/bin/date") def XUpom(nick, message, is_whisper, match): XECUTE(nick, is_whisper, "/usr/games/pom") # ====================== XCOM ============= XCOMList = preloadArray("bot/XCOM.txt") XCOMServerStatInterested = [] #List of nicks interested in server status change XCOMBroadcastPrefix = "##B##G " def online_list_update(curr,prev): for x in curr: found = False for y in prev: if x==y: found = True if found == False: #detected change for nicks in XCOMList: #For every XCOM user... if nicks in online_users.online_users: #That's online... if nicks in XCOMServerStatInterested: #If XCOM player is interested if x in XCOMList: #An XCOM user connected? XCOMDelay() #Share its status whisper(nicks, "##W" + x + " is now online [XCOM]") else: #Is a regular server player if x not in XCOMList: XCOMDelay() #Share its status whisper(nicks, "##W" + x + " is now online") for x in prev: found = False for y in curr: if x==y: found = True if found == False: for nicks in XCOMList: #For every XCOM user... if nicks in online_users.online_users: #That's online... if nicks in XCOMServerStatInterested: #If XCOM player is interested if x in XCOMList: #An XCOM user connected? XCOMDelay() #Share its status whisper(nicks, "##L" + x + " is now offline [XCOM]") else: #Is a regular server player if x not in XCOMList: XCOMDelay() #Share its status whisper(nicks, "##L" + x + " is now offline") online_users = OnlineUsers(online_url=' https://server.themanaworld.org/online-old.txt', update_interval=20, refresh_hook=online_list_update) def XCOMOnlineList(nick, message, is_whisper, match): XCOMDelay() msg="" for nicks in XCOMList: if nicks in online_users.online_users: msg = msg + nicks + " | " XCOMDelay() whisper(nick, msg) def XCOMPrintStat(): pOnline=0 xOnline=0 for p in online_users.online_users: pOnline=pOnline+1 if p in XCOMList: xOnline=xOnline+1 return "%(xOnline)d/%(pOnline)d"%{"pOnline": pOnline, "xOnline": xOnline,} def XCOMDelay(): time.sleep(0.1) def XCOMBroadcast(message): for nicks in XCOMList: if nicks in online_users.online_users: if nicks not in ignored_players: XCOMDelay() whisper(nicks, message) def XCOMCommunicate(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return #or say something if message[0]=="!": return if message.startswith("*AFK*:"): # AFK bug workaround return if nick in XCOMList: for nicks in XCOMList: if nicks in online_users.online_users: if nick==nicks: pass else: XCOMDelay() whisper(nicks, "##B##LXCOM[" + XCOMPrintStat() + "]##l " + nick + ": ##b" + message) else: whisper(nick, XCOMBroadcastPrefix + "XCOM is not enabled (Use !xcon)") def XCOMSilentInvite(nick, message, is_whisper, match): XCOMDelay() if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return #or say something if nick in admins: XCOMList.append(match.group(1)) if match.group(1) not in ignored_players: whisper(nick, "##W--- " + nick + " silently invited " + match.group(1) + " on XCOM ---") else: whisper(nick, "##W" + match.group(1) + " has been ignored by bot and cannot be added to XCOM.") def XCOMInvite(nick, message, is_whisper, match): XCOMDelay() if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return #or say something if nick in admins: # FIXME Do not add if already there!!! XCOMList.append(match.group(1)) XCOMBroadcast("##W--- " + nick + " (Admin) invited " + match.group(1) + " on XCOM ---" + XCOMBroadcastPrefix + match.group(1) + " XCOM enabled! Use !xcoff to disable, use !xclist to see XCOM online list") else: if nick in ignored_players: whisper(nick, "You cannot invite banned players.") else: whisper(match.group(1), "##W--- " + nick + " invited you to chat on XCOM --- Answer !xcon to join.") XCOMDelay() whisper(nick, "Invited " + match.group(1) + " to join XCOM. Waiting for his/her reply...") XCOMServerInvited = [] def XCOMInviteAll(nick, message, is_whisper, match): XCOMDelay() if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return #or say something if nick in admins: # FIXME Do not add if already there!!! for invn in online_users.online_users: if invn in XCOMList: pass elif invn in ignored_players: pass elif invn in XCOMServerInvited: pass else: XCOMServerInvited.append(invn) whisper(invn, "##W--- " + nick + " invited you to chat on XCOM --- Answer !xcon to join.") XCOMDelay() def XCOMEnable(nick, message, is_whisper, match): XCOMDelay() #accept only whispers if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return #or say something #search array if nick in XCOMList: whisper(nick, XCOMBroadcastPrefix + nick + " XCOM already enabled") else: XCOMList.append(nick) XCOMBroadcast("##W--- " + nick + " is online on XCOM ---" + XCOMBroadcastPrefix + nick + " XCOM enabled! Use !xcoff or !xcom off to disable, use !xclist to see XCOM online list") def XCOMDisable(nick, message, is_whisper, match): XCOMDelay() #accept only whispers if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return #or say something #search array if nick in XCOMList: XCOMBroadcast("##L--- " + nick + " disabled XCOM ---") XCOMList.remove(nick) else: whisper(nick, XCOMBroadcastPrefix + nick + " XCOM already disabled") def XCOMServerInterestEnable(nick, message, is_whisper, match): XCOMDelay() #accept only whispers if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return #or say something #search array if nick in XCOMList: whisper(nick, XCOMBroadcastPrefix + "Server online status notifications enabled!") XCOMServerStatInterested.append(nick) def XCOMServerInterestDisable(nick, message, is_whisper, match): XCOMDelay() #accept only whispers if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return #or say something #search array if nick in XCOMList: whisper(nick, XCOMBroadcastPrefix + "Server online status notifications disabled!") XCOMServerStatInterested.remove(nick) def XCOMBan(nick, message, is_whisper, match): XCOMDelay() #accept only whispers if not is_whisper: return if nick in admins: #search array if match.group(1) in ignored_players: whisper(nick, "Already banned.") else: ignored_players.append(match.group(1)) XCOMList.remove(match.group(1)) #FIXME array need to be saved!!! XCOMBroadcast(XCOMBroadcastPrefix + match.group(1) + " is now banned from XCOM") else: whisper(nick, "Admins only.") def XCOMUnBan(nick, message, is_whisper, match): XCOMDelay() #accept only whispers if not is_whisper: return if nick in admins: #search array if match.group(1) in ignored_players: XCOMList.append(match.group(1)) ignored_players.remove(match.group(1)) #FIXME array need to be saved!!! XCOMBroadcast(XCOMBroadcastPrefix + match.group(1) + " is now unbanned from XCOM") whisper(match.group(1), "You are now unbanned from XCOM. Don't make it happen again.") else: whisper(nick, "Already banned.") else: whisper(nick, "Admins only.") # ============================================= greetings = [ "Hi {0}!", "Hey {0}", "Yo {0}", "{0}!!!!", "{0}!!!", "{0}!!", "Hello {0}!!!", "Hello {0}!", "Welcome back {0}!", "Hello {0}! You are looking lovely today!", "Hello {0}! I'm the bot that you can trust: I want your money!", "{0} is back!!", "Hello and welcome to the Aperture Science \ computer-aided enrichment center.", ] drop_items = [ "a bomb", "a bowl of petunias", "a cake", "a candy", "a chocobo", "a coin", "a cookie", "a drunken pirate", "a freight train", "a fruit", "a mouboo", "an angry cat", "an angry polish spelling of a rare element with the atomic number 78", "an anvil", "an apple", "an iten", "a magic eightball", "a GM", "a whale", "an elephant", "a piano", "a piece of moon rock", "a pin", "a rock", "a tub", "a wet mop", "some bass", "Voldemort", "a sandworm", "a princess", "a prince", "an idea", "Luvia", "a penguin", "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", ] dropping_other = [ "Hu hu hu.. {0} kicked me!", "Ouch..", "Ouchy..", "*drops dead*", "*sighs*", "Leave me alone.", "Whoa, dammit!", ] explain_sentences = { "livio" : "He created Liviobot.", "party" : "Is a group of players with their chat tab and they can share exp, items and HP status. See [[@@https://wiki.themanaworld.org/index.php/Legacy:Party_Skill|Party Wiki@@] for more informations.", } dropping_special = { "ShaiN2" : "*drops a nurse on {0}*", "Shainen" : "*drops a nurse on {0}*", "Silent Dawn" : "*drops a box of chocolate on {0}*", "veryape" : "*drops a chest of rares on {0}*", "veryapeGM" : "*drops a chest of rares on {0}*", "Ginaria" : "*drops a bluepar on {0}*", "Rift Avis" : "*drops an acorn on {0}*", } die_answers = [ "Avada Kedavra!", "Make me!", "Never!!", "You die, {0}!", "You die, {0}!", "You die, {0}!", "You die, {0}!", "No!", "In a minute..", "Suuure... I'll get right on it", ] healme_answers = [ "Eat an apple, they're good for you.", "If I do it for you, then I have to do it for everybody.", "Oh, go drink a potion or something.", "Whoops! I lost my spellbook.", "No mana!", ] whoami_answers = [ "An undercover GM.", "An exiled GM.", "I'm not telling you!", "I'm a bot! I'll be level 135 one day! Mwahahahaaha!!!111!", "Somebody said I'm a Chinese copy of Confused Tree", "I am your evil twin.", "I don't remember anything after I woke up! What happened to me?", "I don't know. Why am I here??", "Who are you?", "On the 8th day, God was bored and said 'There will be bots'. \ So here I am.", "♪ I'm your hell, I'm your dream, I'm nothing in between ♪♪", "♪♪ Aperture Science. We do what we must, because.. we can ♪", "I'm just a reincarnation of a copy.", ] burn_answers = [ "*curses {0} and dies %%c*", "Help! I'm on fire!", "Oh hot.. hot hot!", "*is glowing*", "*is flaming*", "ehemm. where are firefighters? I need them now!", "*is so hot!*", ] noidea_answers = [ "What?", "What??", "Whatever...", "Hmm...", "Huh?", "*yawns*", "Wait a minute...", "What are you talking about?", "Who are you?", "What about me?", "I don't know what you are talking about", "Excuse me?", "Very interesting", "Really?", "Go on...", "*Scratches its leafy head*", "*feels a disturbance in the force*", "*senses a disturbance in the force*", "*humming*", "I'm bored..", "%%j", "%%U", "%%[", ] pain_answers = [ "Ouch..", "Ouchy..", "Argh..", "Eckk...", "*howls*", "*screams*", "*groans*", "*cries*", "*faints*", "%%k", "Why.. What did I do to you? %%i" ] hurt_actions = [ "eat", "shoot", "pluck", "torture", "slap", "poison", "break", "stab", "throw", "drown" ] like_answers = [ "Yay it's", "You are the sunshine in this beautiful land", "Can't do this because I like you", ] dislike_answers = [ "Oh, no! It's you!", "Go away!!!", "I don't want to see!", "Your face makes onions cry.", "You look like I need another drink…", "Mayas were right...", ] bye_answers = [ "See you soon!", "Come back anytime!!!", "See ya!", "Hope to see you again!", "More beer for me." ] dislikebye_answers = [ "Finally!", "Go away!!!", "Don't come back!", "Whew...", "I need another drink…", "*picking my nose*" ] attack_answers = [ "Attack!!!", "Whoa, dammit!", "Alright!!!", "I have some pain to deliver.", "Fire at will!!!", "...I'm all out of gum.", "His name is: JOHN CENA!!!", "Target acquired!", "Puah!", "Grr!!!", "Eat this!", "Ha!", "Come on!", "Party time!!!", "I will burn you down.", "The show begins...", "I'm better than makeup artists, prepare yourself!!!", "Yeah! A challenge!", ] notattack_answers = [ "Nope!", "*picking his nose*", "Do it yourself.", "Meh.", "I will attack you instead.", "What about my reward?", ] story_introductions = [ "I was with", "Yesterday I got bored and called", "With none else around I've asked", ] story_action_fail = [ "failed at it", "stomped on the soul menhir", "slipped on a terranite ore", "got interrupted by phone call", "got disconnected", ] # FIXME Unused story_actions = [ "jumping on", "speaking with", "attacking", "poking", "playing cards", ] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def say_greeting(nick, _, is_whisper, match): if nick == "Liviobot" : return if is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return if nick in disliked_players: mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(random.choice(dislike_answers)) else: answer = random.choice(greetings) mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(answer.format(nick)) time.sleep(1) def say_goodbye(nick, _, is_whisper, match): if is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return total_weight = 0 for w in bye_answers.itervalues(): total_weight += w random_weight = random.randint(0, total_weight) total_weight = 0 random_greeting = 'Hi {0}' for g, w in bye_answers.iteritems(): if total_weight >= random_weight: random_greeting = g break total_weight += w if nick in disliked_players: mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(random.choice(dislikebye_answers)) else: mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(random.choice(bye_answers)) time.sleep(1) def drop_on_head(nick, _, is_whisper, match): if is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return answer = 'yeah' if nick in dropping_special: answer = dropping_special[nick] else: r = random.randint(0, len(drop_items) + len(dropping_other)) if r < len(drop_items): answer = "*drops {} on {}'s head*".format(drop_items[r], nick) else: answer = random.choice(dropping_other) mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(answer.format(nick)) def answer_threat(nick, _, is_whisper, match): if is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return answer = random.choice(die_answers) mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(answer.format(nick)) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def admin_additem(nick, _, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick not in tree_admins: return item = match.group(1) if item not in drop_items: drop_items.append(item) send_whisper(nick, "Added item '{}' to drop list".format(item)) def admin_addjoke(nick, _, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return if nick not in tree_admins: return joke = match.group(1) if joke not in joke_answers: joke_answers.append(joke) send_whisper(nick, "Added joke") # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLUGIN = { 'name': 'manaboy', 'requires': ('chatbot', 'npc', 'autofollow'), 'blocks': (), } npcdialog = { 'start_time': -1, 'program': [], } _times = { 'follow': 0, 'where' : 0, 'status' : 0, 'inventory' : 0, 'say' : 0, 'zeny' : 0, 'storage' : 0, } allowed_drops = [535, 719, 513, 727, 729, 869] allowed_sells = [531, 521, 522, 700, 1201] npc_owner = '' history = deque(maxlen=10) storage_is_open = False bugs = deque(maxlen=100) def set_npc_owner(nick): global npc_owner # if plugins.npc.npc_id < 0: npc_owner = nick @extends('smsg_being_remove') def bot_dies(data): if data.id == charserv.server.account: mapserv.cmsg_player_respawn() @extends('smsg_player_chat') def player_chat(data): if not npc_owner: return whisper(npc_owner, data.message) @extends('smsg_npc_message') @extends('smsg_npc_choice') @extends('smsg_npc_close') @extends('smsg_npc_next') @extends('smsg_npc_int_input') @extends('smsg_npc_str_input') def npc_activity(data): npcdialog['start_time'] = time.time() @extends('smsg_npc_message') def npc_message(data): if not npc_owner: return npc = mapserv.beings_cache.findName(data.id) m = '[npc] {} : {}'.format(npc, data.message) whisper(npc_owner, m) @extends('smsg_npc_choice') def npc_choice(data): if not npc_owner: return choices = filter(lambda s: len(s.strip()) > 0, data.select.split(':')) whisper(npc_owner, '[npc][select] (use !input to select)') for i, s in enumerate(choices): whisper(npc_owner, ' {}) {}'.format(i + 1, s)) @extends('smsg_npc_int_input') @extends('smsg_npc_str_input') def npc_input(data): if not npc_owner: return t = 'number' if plugins.npc.input_type == 'str': t = 'string' whisper(npc_owner, '[npc][input] (use !input <{}>)'.format(t)) @extends('smsg_storage_status') def storage_status(data): global storage_is_open storage_is_open = True _times['storage'] = time.time() if npc_owner: whisper(npc_owner, '[storage][{}/{}]'.format( data.used, data.max_size)) @extends('smsg_storage_items') def storage_items(data): if not npc_owner: return items_s = [] for item in data.storage: s = itemdb.item_name(item.id, True) if item.amount > 1: s = str(item.amount) + ' ' + s items_s.append(s) for l in status.split_names(items_s): whisper(npc_owner, l) @extends('smsg_storage_equip') def storage_equipment(data): if not npc_owner: return items_s = [] for item in data.equipment: s = itemdb.item_name(item.id, True) items_s.append(s) for l in status.split_names(items_s): whisper(npc_owner, l) @extends('smsg_storage_close') def storage_close(data): global storage_is_open storage_is_open = False _times['storage'] = 0 @extends('smsg_player_arrow_message') def arrow_message(data): if npc_owner: if data.code == 0: whisper(npc_owner, "Equip arrows") def cmd_where(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return msg = status.player_position() whisper(nick, msg) def cmd_goto(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return if nick not in admins: return try: x = int(match.group(1)) y = int(match.group(2)) except ValueError: return set_npc_owner(nick) plugins.autofollow.follow = '' mapserv.cmsg_player_change_dest(x, y) def cmd_goclose(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return if nick not in admins: return x = mapserv.player_pos['x'] y = mapserv.player_pos['y'] if message.startswith('!left'): x -= 1 elif message.startswith('!right'): x += 1 elif message.startswith('!up'): y -= 1 elif message.startswith('!down'): y += 1 set_npc_owner(nick) plugins.autofollow.follow = '' mapserv.cmsg_player_change_dest(x, y) def cmd_pickup(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return if nick not in admins: return commands.pickup() def cmd_drop(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return if nick not in admins: return try: amount = int(match.group(1)) item_id = int(match.group(2)) except ValueError: return if nick not in admins: if item_id not in allowed_drops: return index = get_item_index(item_id) if index > 0: mapserv.cmsg_player_inventory_drop(index, amount) def cmd_item_action(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return if nick not in admins: return try: itemId = int(match.group(1)) except ValueError: return index = get_item_index(itemId) if index <= 0: return if message.startswith('!equip'): mapserv.cmsg_player_equip(index) elif message.startswith('!unequip'): mapserv.cmsg_player_unequip(index) elif message.startswith('!use'): mapserv.cmsg_player_inventory_use(index, itemId) def cmd_emote(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return if nick not in admins: return try: emote = int(match.group(1)) except ValueError: return mapserv.cmsg_player_emote(emote) def cmd_attack(nick, message, is_whisper, match): # if not is_whisper: # return if nick in ignored_players: return if nick not in admins: mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(random.choice(notattack_answers)) return target_s = match.group(1) try: target = mapserv.beings_cache[int(target_s)] except (ValueError, KeyError): target = find_nearest_being(name=target_s, ignored_ids=walkto.unreachable_ids) if target in ignored_players: return if target is not None: set_npc_owner(nick) plugins.autofollow.follow = '' if target_s=="Bee": mapserv.cmsg_chat_message("Forget it " + nick + "!!!") elif target_s=="Pink Flower": mapserv.cmsg_chat_message("Yeah, I love those.") elif target_s=="Squirrel": mapserv.cmsg_chat_message("Die, you rodent!!!") mapserv.cmsg_player_emote(5) walkto.walkto_and_action(target, 'attack', mapserv.player_attack_range) time.sleep(5) mapserv.cmsg_chat_message("Go to squirrel's heaven.") elif target_s in friends: mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(random.choice(like_answers)+ " " + target_s + "!") time.sleep(5) mapserv.cmsg_player_emote(32) else: mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(random.choice(attack_answers)) time.sleep(1) walkto.walkto_and_action(target, 'attack', mapserv.player_attack_range) time.sleep(5) mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(random.choice(attack_answers)) else: mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(random.choice(noidea_answers)) def cmd_come(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if nick in ignored_players: return if nick not in admins: mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(random.choice(notattack_answers)) return target_s = match.group(1) try: target = mapserv.beings_cache[int(nick)] except (ValueError, KeyError): target = find_nearest_being(name=nick, ignored_ids=walkto.unreachable_ids) if target is not None: set_npc_owner(nick) plugins.autofollow.follow = '' walkto.walkto_and_action(target, '', mapserv.player_attack_range) mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(random.choice(attack_answers)) else: mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(random.choice(noidea_answers)) def say_explain(nick, msg, is_whisper, match): if is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return if msg.split(' ',1)[1].lower() in explain_sentences: mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(explain_sentences[msg.split(' ',1)[1].lower()]) mapserv.cmsg_player_emote(3) else: mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(random.choice(noidea_answers)) # mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(msg.split(' ',1)[1].lower()) def say_think(nick, msg, is_whisper, match): if is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return random_weight = random.randint(0, 2) if random_weight == 0: mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(random.choice(noidea_answers)) if random_weight == 1: mapserv.cmsg_chat_message("Maybe " + nick + " " + random.choice(hurt_actions) + " " + msg.split(' ')[-1][:-1]+"?") if random_weight == 2: mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(nick + " I have to check the wiki.") # mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(msg.split(' ')[-1][:-1]) def make_story(self): return "asd" def say_story(nick, msg, is_whisper, match): if nick in ignored_players: return # ~ random_weight = random.randint(0, 2) # ~ if random_weight == 0: # ~ mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(random.choice(noidea_answers)) # ~ if random_weight == 1: # ~ mapserv.cmsg_chat_message("Maybe " + nick + " " + random.choice(hurt_actions) + " " + msg.split(' ')[-1][:-1]+"?") # ~ if random_weight == 2: # ~ mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(nick + " I have to check the wiki.") players = [] for being in mapserv.beings_cache.itervalues(): if ((being.type == 'player' or being.type == 'npc') and len(being.name) > 1): players.append(being.name) monsters = ["monster"] for being in mapserv.beings_cache.itervalues(): if being.type == 'monster' and len(being.name) > 1: monsters.append(being.name) mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(random.choice(story_introductions) + " " + random.choice(players) + " to " + random.choice(hurt_actions) + " a " + random.choice(monsters) + " with " + random.choice(drop_items) + " but " + random.choice(story_action_fail) +" and said: \"" + random.choice(pain_answers) + "\". Then the " + random.choice(monsters) + " said: \"" + random.choice(noidea_answers) + "\". But " + random.choice(players) +" replied: \"" + random.choice(attack_answers) + "\"") #mapserv.cmsg_chat_message() # Doesn't work. def cmd_say(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return if nick not in admins: return # ~ set_npc_owner(nick) msg = message.group(1) mapserv.cmsg_chat_message(msg) def cmd_sit(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return plugins.autofollow.follow = '' mapserv.cmsg_player_change_act(0, 2) def cmd_turn(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return commands.set_direction('', message[6:]) def cmd_follow(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return if nick not in admins: return if plugins.autofollow.follow == nick: plugins.autofollow.follow = '' else: set_npc_owner(nick) plugins.autofollow.follow = nick def cmd_lvlup(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return if nick not in admins: return stat = match.group(1).lower() stats = {'str': 13, 'agi': 14, 'vit': 15, 'int': 16, 'dex': 17, 'luk': 18} skills = {'mallard': 45, 'brawling': 350, 'speed': 352, 'astral': 354, 'raging': 355, 'resist': 353} if stat in stats: mapserv.cmsg_stat_update_request(stats[stat], 1) elif stat in skills: mapserv.cmsg_skill_levelup_request(skills[stat]) #FIXME it fails: leads bot to spam def cmd_invlist(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return if nick not in admins: return ls = status.invlists(50) for l in ls: whisper(nick, l) time.delay(2) #FIXME it fails def cmd_inventory(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return if nick not in admins: return ls = status.invlists2(255) for l in ls: whisper(nick, l) time.delay(2) def cmd_status(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return all_stats = ('stats', 'hpmp', 'weight', 'points', 'zeny', 'attack', 'skills') sr = status.stats_repr(*all_stats) whisper(nick, ' | '.join(sr.values())) def cmd_zeny(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return if nick not in admins: return whisper(nick, 'I have {} GP'.format(mapserv.player_stats[stats.MONEY])) def cmd_nearby(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return btype = message[8:] if btype.endswith('s'): btype = btype[:-1] ls = status.nearby(btype) for l in ls: whisper(nick, l) def cmd_talk2npc(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return if nick not in admins: return npc_s = match.group(1).strip() jobs = [] name = '' try: jobs = [int(npc_s)] except ValueError: name = npc_s b = find_nearest_being(name=name, type='npc', allowed_jobs=jobs) if b is None: whisper(nick, '[error] NPC not found: {}'.format(npc_s)) return set_npc_owner(nick) plugins.autofollow.follow = '' plugins.npc.npc_id = b.id mapserv.cmsg_npc_talk(b.id) def cmd_input(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return if nick not in admins: return plugins.npc.cmd_npcinput('', match.group(1)) def cmd_close(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return if nick not in admins: return if storage_is_open: reset_storage() else: plugins.npc.cmd_npcclose() def cmd_history(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return if nick not in admins: return for user, cmd in history: whisper(nick, '{} : {}'.format(user, cmd)) def cmd_store(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return if nick not in admins: return if not storage_is_open: return try: amount = int(match.group(1)) item_id = int(match.group(2)) except ValueError: return index = get_item_index(item_id) if index > 0: mapserv.cmsg_move_to_storage(index, amount) def cmd_retrieve(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return if nick not in admins: return if not storage_is_open: return try: amount = int(match.group(1)) item_id = int(match.group(2)) except ValueError: return index = get_storage_index(item_id) if index > 0: mapserv.cmsg_move_from_storage(index, amount) def cmd_sell(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return try: amount = int(match.group(1)) item_id = int(match.group(2)) npc_s = match.group(3).strip() except ValueError: return if item_id not in allowed_sells: return index = get_item_index(item_id) if index < 0: return jobs = [] name = '' try: jobs = [int(npc_s)] except ValueError: name = npc_s b = find_nearest_being(name=name, type='npc', allowed_jobs=jobs) if b is None: return mapserv.cmsg_npc_buy_sell_request(b.id, 1) mapserv.cmsg_npc_sell_request(index, amount) def cmd_help(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return m = ('[@@https://forums.themanaworld.org/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=19673|Forum@@]' '[@@https://bitbucket.org/rumly111/manachat|Sources@@] ' 'Try !commands for list of commands') whisper(nick, m) def cmd_commands(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return c = [] for cmd in manaboy_commands: if cmd.startswith('!('): br = cmd.index(')') c.extend(cmd[2:br].split('|')) elif cmd.startswith('!'): c.append(cmd[1:].split()[0]) c.sort() whisper(nick, ', '.join(c)) def cmd_report_bug(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return bug_s = match.group(1) bugs.append((nick, bug_s)) whisper(nick, 'Thank you for your bug report') def cmd_check_bugs(nick, message, is_whisper, match): if not is_whisper: return if nick in ignored_players: return if nick not in admins: return for user, bug in bugs: whisper(nick, '{} : {}'.format(user, bug)) bugs.clear() def reset_storage(): mapserv.cmsg_storage_close() mapserv.cmsg_npc_list_choice(plugins.npc.npc_id, 6) # ========================================================================= def manaboy_logic(ts): def reset(): global npc_owner npc_owner = '' npcdialog['start_time'] = -1 plugins.npc.cmd_npcinput('', '6') # plugins.npc.cmd_npcclose() if storage_is_open and ts > _times['storage'] + 150: reset_storage() if npcdialog['start_time'] <= 0: return if not storage_is_open and ts > npcdialog['start_time'] + 30.0: reset() # ========================================================================= manaboy_commands = { '!where' : cmd_where, '!goto (\d+) (\d+)' : cmd_goto, '!(left|right|up|down)' : cmd_goclose, '!pickup' : cmd_pickup, '!drop (\d+) (\d+)' : cmd_drop, '!equip (\d+)' : cmd_item_action, '!unequip (\d+)' : cmd_item_action, '!use (\d+)' : cmd_item_action, '!emote (\d+)' : cmd_emote, '!attack (.+)' : cmd_attack, '!say ((@|#).+)' : cmd_say, '!sit' : cmd_sit, '!turn' : cmd_turn, '!follow' : cmd_follow, '!lvlup (\w+)' : cmd_lvlup, '!inventory' : cmd_inventory, '!invlist' : cmd_invlist, '!status' : cmd_status, '!zeny' : cmd_zeny, '!nearby' : cmd_nearby, '!talk2npc (.+)' : cmd_talk2npc, '!input (.+)' : cmd_input, '!close' : cmd_close, '!store (\d+) (\d+)' : cmd_store, '!retrieve (\d+) (\d+)' : cmd_retrieve, '!sell (\d+) (\d+) (.+)' : cmd_sell, '!(help|info)' : cmd_help, '!commands' : cmd_commands, '!history' : cmd_history, '!bug (.+)' : cmd_report_bug, '!bugs' : cmd_check_bugs, '!xcal (.*)' : XCAL, '!xuf': XUfortune, '!xudate': XUdate, '!xupom': XUpom, '!xcon' : XCOMEnable, '!xcom' : XCOMEnable, '!xcoff' : XCOMDisable, '!xcom off' : XCOMDisable, '!xclist' : XCOMOnlineList, '!xci (.*)' : XCOMInvite, '!xcia' : XCOMInviteAll, '!xcsi (.*)' : XCOMSilentInvite, '!xcb (.*)' : XCOMBan, '!xcu (.*)' : XCOMUnBan, '!xcsion' : XCOMServerInterestEnable, '!xcsioff' : XCOMServerInterestDisable, r'(.*)' : XCOMCommunicate, r'^(?i)explain (.*)': say_explain, r'^(?i)(hello|hi|hey|heya|hiya|yo) (?i)(livio|liviobot)' : say_greeting, r'^(?i)(hello|hi|hey|heya|hiya) (?i)(all|everybody|everyone)(.*)' : say_greeting, r'\*(?i)?((shake|kick)s?) (?i)(livio|liviobot)' : drop_on_head, r'\*(?i)?(bye|cya|gtg)' : say_goodbye, r'(?i)(die|go away|\*?((nuke|kill)s?)) (?i)(livio|liviobot)' : answer_threat, r'^(?i)(livio|liviobot) (?i)Will (.*)' : noidea_answers, r'^(?i)heal me([ ,]{1,2})(livio|liviobot)' : healme_answers, r'^(?i)(who|what) are you([ ,]{1,3})(livio|liviobot)' : whoami_answers, r'^!additem (.*)' : admin_additem, r'^!addjoke (.*)' : admin_addjoke, r'\*(?i)?(burn(s?)) (livio|liviobot)' : burn_answers, r'\*(?i)?(come) (livio|liviobot)' : cmd_come, r'\*(?i)?(' + '|'.join(hurt_actions) + ')s?(?i)(livio|liviobot)' : pain_answers, r'^(?i)what do you think about(.*)' : say_think, '!story': say_story, '!joke' : joke_answers, } def chatbot_answer_mod(func): '''modifies chatbot.answer to remember last 10 commands''' def mb_answer(nick, message, is_whisper): if is_whisper: history.append((nick, message)) return func(nick, message, is_whisper) return mb_answer def init(config): online_users.start() for cmd, action in manaboy_commands.items(): plugins.chatbot.add_command(cmd, action) plugins.chatbot.answer = chatbot_answer_mod(plugins.chatbot.answer) logicmanager.logic_manager.add_logic(manaboy_logic)