SMSG_UPDATE_HOST = 0x0063 SMSG_LOGIN_DATA = 0x0069 SMSG_LOGIN_ERROR = 0x006a SMSG_CHAR_LOGIN = 0x006b SMSG_CHAR_LOGIN_ERROR = 0x006c SMSG_QUEST_PLAYER_VARS = 0x0215 SMSG_CHAR_MAP_INFO = 0x0071 SMSG_MAP_LOGIN_SUCCESS = 0x0073 CMSG_CHAR_SERVER_CONNECT = 0x0065 CMSG_CHAR_SELECT = 0x0066 CMSG_MAP_SERVER_CONNECT = 0x0072 CMSG_CHAT_WHISPER = 0x0096 CMSG_CHAT_MESSAGE = 0x008c CMSG_MAP_LOADED = 0x007d CMSG_CLIENT_QUIT = 0x018A SMSG_WHISPER = 0x0097 SMSG_BEING_CHAT = 0x008d SMSG_PLAYER_CHAT = 0x008e CMSG_PLAYER_CHANGE_ACT = 0x0089 CMSG_PLAYER_RESPAWN = 0x00b2 SMSG_PLAYER_INVENTORY = 0x01ee SMSG_PLAYER_INVENTORY_ADD = 0x00a0 SMSG_PLAYER_INVENTORY_REMOVE = 0x00af SMSG_PLAYER_EQUIPMENT = 0x00a4 SMSG_PLAYER_STAT_UPDATE_1 = 0x00b0 SMSG_PLAYER_STAT_UPDATE_2 = 0x00b1 SMSG_BEING_VISIBLE = 0x0078 SMSG_BEING_MOVE = 0x007b SMSG_BEING_REMOVE = 0x0080 SMSG_PLAYER_MOVE = 0x01da SMSG_PLAYER_WARP = 0x0091 SMSG_PLAYER_UPDATE_1 = 0x01d8 SMSG_PLAYER_UPDATE_2 = 0x01d9 SMSG_BEING_NAME_RESPONSE = 0x0095 # Has to be requested SMSG_BEING_ACTION = 0x008a CMSG_ITEM_PICKUP = 0x009f CMSG_PLAYER_ATTACK = 0x0089 CMSG_PLAYER_STOP_ATTACK = 0x0118 CMSG_PLAYER_CHANGE_DIR = 0x009b CMSG_PLAYER_CHANGE_DEST = 0x0085 CMSG_PLAYER_EMOTE = 0x00bf SMSG_WALK_RESPONSE = 0x0087 CMSG_PLAYER_INVENTORY_USE = 0x00a7 CMSG_PLAYER_INVENTORY_DROP = 0x00a2 CMSG_PLAYER_EQUIP = 0x00a9 CMSG_PLAYER_UNEQUIP = 0x00ab CMSG_TRADE_REQUEST = 0x00e4 CMSG_TRADE_RESPONSE = 0x00e6 CMSG_TRADE_ITEM_ADD_REQUEST = 0x00e8 CMSG_TRADE_CANCEL_REQUEST = 0x00ed CMSG_TRADE_ADD_COMPLETE = 0x00eb CMSG_TRADE_OK = 0x00ef SMSG_TRADE_REQUEST = 0x00e5 # Receiving a request to trade SMSG_TRADE_RESPONSE = 0x00e7 SMSG_TRADE_ITEM_ADD = 0x00e9 SMSG_TRADE_ITEM_ADD_RESPONSE = 0x01b1 # Not standard eAthena! SMSG_TRADE_OK = 0x00ec SMSG_TRADE_CANCEL = 0x00ee SMSG_TRADE_COMPLETE = 0x00f0 SMSG_ITEM_VISIBLE = 0x009d SMSG_ITEM_DROPPED = 0x009e SMSG_ITEM_REMOVE = 0x00a1 inventory_offset = 2 storage_offset = 1 CMSG_SERVER_VERSION_REQUEST = 0x7530 SMSG_SERVER_VERSION_RESPONSE = 0x7531 CMSG_LOGIN_REGISTER = 0x0064 CMSG_MAP_SERVER_PING = 0x007e CMSG_NAME_REQUEST = 0x0094 # party SMSG_PARTY_CHAT = 0x0109 CMSG_PARTY_MESSAGE = 0x0108 # NPC CMSG_NPC_TALK = 0x0090 CMSG_NPC_NEXT_REQUEST = 0x00b9 CMSG_NPC_CLOSE = 0x0146 CMSG_NPC_LIST_CHOICE = 0x00b8 CMSG_NPC_INT_RESPONSE = 0x0143 CMSG_NPC_STR_RESPONSE = 0x01d5 CMSG_NPC_BUY_SELL_REQUEST = 0x00c5 CMSG_NPC_BUY_REQUEST = 0x00c8 CMSG_NPC_SELL_REQUEST = 0x00c9 # stats, skills CMSG_STAT_UPDATE_REQUEST = 0x00bb CMSG_SKILL_LEVELUP_REQUEST = 0x0112 # storage CMSG_MOVE_TO_STORAGE = 0x00f3 CMSG_MOVE_FROM_STORAGE = 0x00f5 CMSG_CLOSE_STORAGE = 0x00f7