Plyer ===== Plyer is a platform-independent api to use features commonly found on various platforms, notably mobile ones, in Python. How --- Plyer tries not to reinvent the wheel, and will call for external libraries to implement the api in the easiest way, depending on the current platform. - on python-for-android, pyjnius is used - on kivy-ios, pyobjus is used - on windows/mac/linux, commonly found libraries and programs will be used Support ------- ================================== ============= ============= === ======= === ===== Platform Android < 4.0 Android > 4.0 iOS Windows OSX Linux ================================== ============= ============= === ======= === ===== Accelerometer X X X X X Camera (taking picture) X X GPS X X X Notifications X X X X X Text to speech X X X X X X Email (open mail client) X X X X X X Vibrator X X Sms (send messages) X X Compass X X X Unique ID (IMEI or SN) X X X X X X Gyroscope X X X Battery X X X X X X Native file chooser X X X Orientation X X Audio recording X X ================================== ============= ============= === ======= === =====