/* * The Mana Client * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 The Mana Developers * * This file is part of The Mana Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <algorithm> #include "actorspritemanager.h" #include "being.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "playerrelations.h" #include "utils/dtor.h" #include "utils/gettext.h" #define PLAYER_IGNORE_STRATEGY_NOP "nop" #define DEFAULT_IGNORE_STRATEGY PLAYER_IGNORE_STRATEGY_NOP #define NAME "name" // constant for xml serialisation #define RELATION "relation" // constant for xml serialisation // (De)serialisation class class PlayerConfSerialiser : public ConfigurationListManager<std::pair<std::string, PlayerRelation *>, std::map<std::string, PlayerRelation *> *> { ConfigurationObject *writeConfigItem(std::pair<std::string, PlayerRelation *> value, ConfigurationObject *cobj) override { if (!value.second) return nullptr; cobj->setValue(NAME, value.first); cobj->setValue(RELATION, toString(value.second->mRelation)); return cobj; } std::map<std::string, PlayerRelation *> * readConfigItem(ConfigurationObject *cobj, std::map<std::string, PlayerRelation *> *container) override { std::string name = cobj->getValue(NAME, ""); if (name.empty()) return container; auto it = (*container).find(name); if (it != (*container).end()) { int v = (int)cobj->getValue(RELATION, PlayerRelation::NEUTRAL); (*container)[name] = new PlayerRelation(static_cast<PlayerRelation::Relation>(v)); } // otherwise ignore the duplicate entry return container; } }; static PlayerConfSerialiser player_conf_serialiser; // stateless singleton const unsigned int PlayerRelation::RELATION_PERMISSIONS[RELATIONS_NR] = { /* NEUTRAL */ 0, // we always fall back to the defaults anyway /* FRIEND */ EMOTE | SPEECH_FLOAT | SPEECH_LOG | WHISPER | TRADE, /* DISREGARDED*/ EMOTE | SPEECH_FLOAT, /* IGNORED */ 0 }; PlayerRelation::PlayerRelation(Relation relation) { mRelation = relation; } PlayerRelationsManager::PlayerRelationsManager() : mPersistIgnores(false), mDefaultPermissions(PlayerRelation::DEFAULT), mIgnoreStrategy(nullptr) { } PlayerRelationsManager::~PlayerRelationsManager() { delete_all(mIgnoreStrategies); for (auto &[_, relation] : mRelations) delete relation; } void PlayerRelationsManager::clear() { std::vector<std::string> *names = getPlayers(); for (const auto &name : *names) { removePlayer(name); } delete names; } #define PERSIST_IGNORE_LIST "persistent-player-list" #define PLAYER_IGNORE_STRATEGY "player-ignore-strategy" #define DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS "default-player-permissions" int PlayerRelationsManager::getPlayerIgnoreStrategyIndex(const std::string &name) { std::vector<PlayerIgnoreStrategy *> *strategies = getPlayerIgnoreStrategies(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strategies->size(); i++) if ((*strategies)[i]->mShortName == name) return i; return -1; } void PlayerRelationsManager::load() { clear(); mPersistIgnores = config.getValue(PERSIST_IGNORE_LIST, 1); mDefaultPermissions = (int) config.getValue(DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS, mDefaultPermissions); std::string ignore_strategy_name = config.getValue(PLAYER_IGNORE_STRATEGY, DEFAULT_IGNORE_STRATEGY); int ignore_strategy_index = getPlayerIgnoreStrategyIndex(ignore_strategy_name); if (ignore_strategy_index >= 0) setPlayerIgnoreStrategy((*getPlayerIgnoreStrategies())[ignore_strategy_index]); config.getList<std::pair<std::string, PlayerRelation *>, std::map<std::string, PlayerRelation *> *> ("player", &(mRelations), &player_conf_serialiser); } void PlayerRelationsManager::init() { load(); if (!mPersistIgnores) clear(); // Yes, we still keep them around in the config file until the next update. } void PlayerRelationsManager::store() { config.setList<std::map<std::string, PlayerRelation *>::const_iterator, std::pair<std::string, PlayerRelation *>, std::map<std::string, PlayerRelation *> *> ("player", mRelations.begin(), mRelations.end(), &player_conf_serialiser); config.setValue(DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS, mDefaultPermissions); config.setValue(PERSIST_IGNORE_LIST, mPersistIgnores); config.setValue(PLAYER_IGNORE_STRATEGY, (mIgnoreStrategy)? mIgnoreStrategy->mShortName : DEFAULT_IGNORE_STRATEGY); config.write(); } void PlayerRelationsManager::signalUpdate(const std::string &name) { store(); for (auto listener : mListeners) listener->updatedPlayer(name); } unsigned int PlayerRelationsManager::checkPermissionSilently( const std::string &playerName, unsigned int flags) { PlayerRelation *r = nullptr; auto it = mRelations.find(playerName); if (it != mRelations.end()) r = it->second; if (!r) return mDefaultPermissions & flags; unsigned int permissions = PlayerRelation::RELATION_PERMISSIONS[r->mRelation]; switch (r->mRelation) { case PlayerRelation::NEUTRAL: permissions = mDefaultPermissions; break; case PlayerRelation::FRIEND: permissions |= mDefaultPermissions; // widen break; default: permissions &= mDefaultPermissions; // narrow } return permissions & flags; } bool PlayerRelationsManager::hasPermission(Being *being, unsigned int flags) { if (being->getType() == ActorSprite::PLAYER) return hasPermission(being->getName(), flags) == flags; return true; } bool PlayerRelationsManager::hasPermission(const std::string &name, unsigned int flags) { unsigned int rejections = flags & ~checkPermissionSilently(name, flags); bool permitted = rejections == 0; if (!permitted) { // execute `ignore' strategy, if possible if (mIgnoreStrategy) { Being *b = actorSpriteManager->findBeingByName(name, ActorSprite::PLAYER); if (b && b->getType() == ActorSprite::PLAYER) mIgnoreStrategy->ignore(b, rejections); } } return permitted; } void PlayerRelationsManager::setRelation(const std::string &playerName, PlayerRelation::Relation relation) { PlayerRelation *r = nullptr; auto it = mRelations.find(playerName); if (it != mRelations.end()) r = it->second; if (!r) mRelations[playerName] = new PlayerRelation(relation); else r->mRelation = relation; signalUpdate(playerName); } std::vector<std::string> *PlayerRelationsManager::getPlayers() const { auto *retval = new std::vector<std::string>(); for (const auto &relation : mRelations) if (relation.second) retval->push_back(relation.first); sort(retval->begin(), retval->end()); return retval; } void PlayerRelationsManager::removePlayer(const std::string &name) { auto it = mRelations.find(name); if (it != mRelations.end()) { delete it->second; mRelations.erase(it); signalUpdate(name); } } PlayerRelation::Relation PlayerRelationsManager::getRelation(const std::string &name) const { auto it = mRelations.find(name); if (it != mRelations.end()) return it->second->mRelation; return PlayerRelation::NEUTRAL; } //////////////////////////////////////// // defaults unsigned int PlayerRelationsManager::getDefault() const { return mDefaultPermissions; } void PlayerRelationsManager::setDefault(unsigned int permissions) { mDefaultPermissions = permissions; store(); signalUpdate(std::string()); } //////////////////////////////////////// // ignore strategies class PIS_nothing : public PlayerIgnoreStrategy { public: PIS_nothing() { mDescription = _("Completely ignore"); mShortName = PLAYER_IGNORE_STRATEGY_NOP; } void ignore(Being *being, unsigned int flags) override { } }; class PIS_dotdotdot : public PlayerIgnoreStrategy { public: PIS_dotdotdot() { mDescription = _("Print '...'"); mShortName = "dotdotdot"; } void ignore(Being *being, unsigned int flags) override { being->setSpeech("...", 500); } }; class PIS_blinkname : public PlayerIgnoreStrategy { public: PIS_blinkname() { mDescription = _("Blink name"); mShortName = "blinkname"; } void ignore(Being *being, unsigned int flags) override { being->flashName(200); } }; std::vector<PlayerIgnoreStrategy *> * PlayerRelationsManager::getPlayerIgnoreStrategies() { if (mIgnoreStrategies.empty()) { mIgnoreStrategies.push_back(new PIS_nothing()); mIgnoreStrategies.push_back(new PIS_dotdotdot()); mIgnoreStrategies.push_back(new PIS_blinkname()); } return &mIgnoreStrategies; } PlayerRelationsManager player_relations;