 *  The Mana World
 *  Copyright 2004 The Mana World Development Team
 *  This file is part of The Mana World.
 *  The Mana World is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  any later version.
 *  The Mana World is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with The Mana World; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 *  $Id$

#ifndef _TMW_PROTOCOL_
#define _TMW_PROTOCOL_

 * Enumerated type for communicated messages
 * - PAMSG_*: from client to account server
 * - APMSG_*: from account server to client
 * - PCMSG_*: from client to chat server
 * - CPMSG_*: from chat server to client
 * - PGMSG_*: from client to game server
 * - GPMSG_*: from game server to client
 * Components: B byte, W word, D double word, S variable-size string
 *             C tile-based coordinates (B*3)
enum {
    // Login/Register
    PAMSG_REGISTER                 = 0x0000, // L version, S username, S password, S email
    APMSG_REGISTER_RESPONSE        = 0x0002, // B error
    PAMSG_UNREGISTER               = 0x0003, // -
    APMSG_UNREGISTER_RESPONSE      = 0x0004, // B error
    PAMSG_LOGIN                    = 0x0010, // L version, S username, S password
    APMSG_LOGIN_RESPONSE           = 0x0012, // B error
    PAMSG_LOGOUT                   = 0x0013, // -
    APMSG_LOGOUT_RESPONSE          = 0x0014, // B error
    PAMSG_CHAR_CREATE              = 0x0020, // S name, B hair style, B hair color, B gender, W*6 stats
    APMSG_CHAR_CREATE_RESPONSE     = 0x0021, // B error
    PAMSG_CHAR_DELETE              = 0x0022, // B index
    APMSG_CHAR_DELETE_RESPONSE     = 0x0023, // B error
    APMSG_CHAR_INFO                = 0x0024, // B index, S name, B gender, B hair style, B hair color, B level, W money, W*6 stats
    PAMSG_CHAR_SELECT              = 0x0026, // B index
    APMSG_CHAR_SELECT_RESPONSE     = 0x0027, // B error, B*32 token, S game address, W game port, S chat address, W chat port
    PAMSG_EMAIL_CHANGE             = 0x0030, // S email
    APMSG_EMAIL_CHANGE_RESPONSE    = 0x0031, // B error
    PAMSG_EMAIL_GET                = 0x0032, // -
    APMSG_EMAIL_GET_RESPONSE       = 0x0033, // B error, S email
    PAMSG_PASSWORD_CHANGE          = 0x0034, // S old password, S new password

    PGMSG_CONNECT                  = 0x0050, // B*32 token
    GPMSG_CONNECT_RESPONSE         = 0x0051, // B error
    PCMSG_CONNECT                  = 0x0053, // B*32 token
    CPMSG_CONNECT_RESPONSE         = 0x0054, // B error

    PGMSG_DISCONNECT               = 0x0060, // B reconnect account
    GPMSG_DISCONNECT_RESPONSE      = 0x0061, // B error, B*32 token
    PCMSG_DISCONNECT               = 0x0063, // -
    CPMSG_DISCONNECT_RESPONSE      = 0x0064, // B error

    PAMSG_RECONNECT                = 0x0065, // B*32 token
    APMSG_RECONNECT_RESPONSE       = 0x0066, // B error

    // Game
    GPMSG_PLAYER_MAP_CHANGE        = 0x0100, // S filename, W x, W y
    GPMSG_PLAYER_SERVER_CHANGE     = 0x0101, // B*32 token, S game address, W game port
    PGMSG_PICKUP                   = 0x0110, // W*2 position
    PGMSG_DROP                     = 0x0111, // B slot, B amount
    PGMSG_EQUIP                    = 0x0112, // B slot
    PGMSG_UNEQUIP                  = 0x0113, // B slot
    GPMSG_INVENTORY                = 0x0120, // { B slot, W item id [, B amount] }*
    GPMSG_INVENTORY_FULL           = 0x0121, // { B slot, W item id [, B amount] }*
    GPMSG_PLAYER_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE  = 0x0130, // { W attribute, W value }*
    GPMSG_BEING_ENTER              = 0x0200, // B type, W being id, B action, W*2 position
                                             // player: S name, B hair style, B hair color, B gender, B item bitmask, { W item id }*
                                             // monster: W type id
                                             // npc: W type id
    GPMSG_BEING_LEAVE              = 0x0201, // W being id
    GPMSG_ITEM_APPEAR              = 0x0202, // W item id, W*2 position
    GPMSG_BEING_LOOKS_CHANGE       = 0x0210, // W weapon, W hat, W top clothes, W bottom clothes
    PGMSG_WALK                     = 0x0260, // W*2 destination
    PGMSG_ACTION_CHANGE            = 0x0270, // B Action
    GPMSG_BEING_ACTION_CHANGE      = 0x0271, // W being id, B action
    GPMSG_BEINGS_MOVE              = 0x0280, // { W being id, B flags [, C position, B speed] [, W*2 destination] }*
    GPMSG_ITEMS                    = 0x0281, // { W item id, W*2 position }*
    PGMSG_ATTACK                   = 0x0290, // B direction
    GPMSG_BEING_ATTACK             = 0x0291, // W being id
    PGMSG_SAY                      = 0x02A0, // S text
    GPMSG_SAY                      = 0x02A1, // W being id, S text
    GPMSG_NPC_CHOICE               = 0x02B0, // W being id, { S text }*
    GPMSG_NPC_MESSAGE              = 0x02B1, // W being id, B* text
    PGMSG_NPC_TALK                 = 0x02B2, // W being id
    PGMSG_NPC_TALK_NEXT            = 0x02B3, // W being id
    PGMSG_NPC_SELECT               = 0x02B4, // W being id, B choice
    GPMSG_NPC_BUY                  = 0x02B5, // W being id, { W item id, W amount, W cost }*
    GPMSG_NPC_SELL                 = 0x02B6, // W being id, { W item id, W amount, W cost }*
    PGMSG_NPC_BUYSELL              = 0x02B7, // W item id, W amount
    PGMSG_TRADE_REQUEST            = 0x02C0, // W being id
    GPMSG_TRADE_REQUEST            = 0x02C1, // W being id
    GPMSG_TRADE_START              = 0x02C2, // -
    GPMSG_TRADE_COMPLETE           = 0x02C3, // -
    PGMSG_TRADE_CANCEL             = 0x02C4, // -
    GPMSG_TRADE_CANCEL             = 0x02C5, // -
    PGMSG_TRADE_ACCEPT             = 0x02C6, // -
    GPMSG_TRADE_ACCEPT             = 0x02C7, // -
    PGMSG_TRADE_ADD_ITEM           = 0x02C8, // B slot, B amount
    GPMSG_TRADE_ADD_ITEM           = 0x02C9, // W item id, B amount
    PGMSG_USE_ITEM                 = 0x0300, // L item id
    GPMSG_USE_RESPONSE             = 0x0301, // B error
    GPMSG_BEINGS_DAMAGE            = 0x0310, // { W being id, W amount }*

    // Chat
    CPMSG_ERROR                    = 0x0401, // B error
    CPMSG_ANNOUNCEMENT             = 0x0402, // S text
    CPMSG_PRIVMSG                  = 0x0403, // S user, S text
    CPMSG_PUBMSG                   = 0x0404, // W channel, S user, S text
    PCMSG_CHAT                     = 0x0410, // S text, W channel
    PCMSG_ANNOUNCE                 = 0x0411, // S text
    PCMSG_PRIVMSG                  = 0x0412, // S user, S text
    // -- Channeling
    PCMSG_REGISTER_CHANNEL            = 0x0413, // B pub/priv, S name, S announcement, S password
    CPMSG_REGISTER_CHANNEL_RESPONSE   = 0x0414, // B error, W channel, S channel
    PCMSG_UNREGISTER_CHANNEL          = 0x0415, // W channel
    CPMSG_CHANNEL_EVENT               = 0x0418, // W channel, B event, S user
    PCMSG_ENTER_CHANNEL               = 0x0419, // W channel, S password
    CPMSG_ENTER_CHANNEL_RESPONSE      = 0x0420, // B error, W channel, S channel
    PCMSG_QUIT_CHANNEL                = 0x0421, // W channel
    CPMSG_QUIT_CHANNEL_RESPONSE       = 0x0422, // B error
    PCMSG_LIST_CHANNELS               = 0x0423, // -
    CPMSG_LIST_CHANNELS_RESPONSE      = 0x0424, // W number of channels, S channels


// Generic return values

enum {
    ERRMSG_OK = 0,                      // everything is fine
    ERRMSG_FAILURE,                     // the action failed
    ERRMSG_NO_LOGIN,                    // the user is not yet logged
    ERRMSG_NO_CHARACTER_SELECTED,       // the user needs a character
    ERRMSG_INSUFFICIENT_RIGHTS,         // the user is not privileged
    ERRMSG_INVALID_ARGUMENT             // part of the received message was invalid

// Login specific return values
enum {
    LOGIN_INVALID_VERSION = 0x40,       // the user is using an incompatible protocol
    LOGIN_SERVER_FULL                   // the server is overloaded

// Account register specific return values
enum {
    REGISTER_INVALID_VERSION = 0x40,    // the user is using an incompatible protocol
    REGISTER_EXISTS_USERNAME,           // there already is an account with this username
    REGISTER_EXISTS_EMAIL               // there already is an account with this email address

// Character creation specific return values
enum {

// Object type enumeration
enum {
    // A simple item
    OBJECT_ITEM = 0,
    // An item that can be activated (doors, switchs, sign, ...)
    // Non-Playable-Character is an actor capable of movement and maybe actions
    // A monster (moving actor with AI. able to toggle map/quest actions, too)
    // A player

// Moving object flags
enum {
    // Payload contains the current position.
    // Payload contains the destination.
