/* * The Mana World * Copyright 2004 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana World. * * The Mana World is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * The Mana World is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with The Mana World; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id$ */ #include "localplayer.h" #include "equipment.h" #include "floor_item.h" #include "game.h" #include "inventory.h" #include "item.h" #include "main.h" #include "particle.h" #include "sound.h" #include "log.h" #include "net/gameserver/player.h" #include "gui/gui.h" #include "net/messageout.h" #include "net/protocol.h" #include "utils/tostring.h" #include "utils/gettext.h" LocalPlayer *player_node = NULL; LocalPlayer::LocalPlayer(): Player(65535, 0, NULL), mAttackRange(0), mInventory(new Inventory), mEquipment(new Equipment), mAttributeBase(NB_CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTES, -1), mAttributeEffective(NB_CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTES, -1), mExpCurrent(CHAR_SKILL_NB, -1), mExpNext(CHAR_SKILL_NB, -1), mCharacterPoints(-1), mCorrectionPoints(-1), mLevel(1), mLevelProgress(0), mMoney(0), mTotalWeight(1), mMaxWeight(1), mHP(1), mMaxHP(1), mTarget(NULL), mPickUpTarget(NULL), mTrading(false), mLastAction(-1), mWalkingDir(0), mDestX(0), mDestY(0), mExpMessageTime(0) { } LocalPlayer::~LocalPlayer() { delete mInventory; } void LocalPlayer::logic() { // Actions are allowed once per second if (get_elapsed_time(mLastAction) >= 1000) { mLastAction = -1; } // Show XP messages if(!mExpMessages.empty()) { if (mExpMessageTime == 0) { particleEngine->addTextRiseFadeOutEffect(mExpMessages.front(), 0, 128, 255, speechFont, mPx + 16, mPy - 16); mExpMessages.pop_front(); mExpMessageTime = 30; } mExpMessageTime--; } Being::logic(); } void LocalPlayer::nextStep() { if (mPath.empty()) { if (mPickUpTarget) { pickUp(mPickUpTarget); } if (mWalkingDir) { walk(mWalkingDir); } } Player::nextStep(); } void LocalPlayer::addGuild(short guildId, bool inviteRights) { Guild *guild = new Guild(guildId, inviteRights); mGuilds.push_back(guild); } void LocalPlayer::removeGuild(short guildId) { std::vector::iterator itr; for (itr = mGuilds.begin(); itr != mGuilds.end(); ++itr) { Guild *guild = (*itr); if (guild->getId() == guildId) { delete guild; mGuilds.erase(itr); return; } } } Guild* LocalPlayer::findGuildById(short guildId) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mGuilds.size(); ++i) { if (mGuilds[i]->getId() == guildId) { return mGuilds[i]; } } // not found return NULL return NULL; } Guild* LocalPlayer::findGuildByName(const std::string &guildName) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mGuilds.size(); ++i) { if(mGuilds[i]->getName() == guildName) { return mGuilds[i]; } } // Not found, so return NULL return NULL; } short LocalPlayer::getNumberOfGuilds() { return mGuilds.size(); } bool LocalPlayer::checkInviteRights(const std::string &guildName) { Guild *guild = findGuildByName(guildName); if(guild) return guild->getInviteRights(); return false; } void LocalPlayer::clearInventory() { mEquipment->clear(); mInventory->clear(); } void LocalPlayer::setInvItem(int index, int id, int amount) { mInventory->setItem(index, id, amount); } void LocalPlayer::moveInvItem(Item *item, int newIndex) { // special case, the old and new cannot copy over each other. if (item->getInvIndex() == newIndex) return; Net::GameServer::Player::moveItem( item->getInvIndex(), newIndex, item->getQuantity()); } Item* LocalPlayer::searchForItem(int itemId) { for (int i = 0; i < INVENTORY_SIZE; i++) { if (itemId == mInventory->getItem(i)->getId()) { return mInventory->getItem(i); } } return NULL; } void LocalPlayer::equipItem(Item *item) { Net::GameServer::Player::equip(item->getInvIndex()); } void LocalPlayer::unequipItem(int slot) { Net::GameServer::Player::unequip(slot); // Tidy equipment directly to avoid weapon still shown bug, for instance mEquipment->setEquipment(slot, 0); } void LocalPlayer::useItem(int slot) { Net::GameServer::Player::useItem(slot); } void LocalPlayer::dropItem(Item *item, int quantity) { Net::GameServer::Player::drop(item->getInvIndex(), quantity); } void LocalPlayer::splitItem(Item *item, int quantity) { int newIndex = mInventory->getFreeSlot(); if (newIndex > Inventory::NO_SLOT_INDEX) { Net::GameServer::Player::moveItem( item->getInvIndex(), newIndex, quantity); } } void LocalPlayer::pickUp(FloorItem *item) { int dx = item->getX() - mX / 32; int dy = item->getY() - mY / 32; if (dx * dx + dy * dy < 4) { int id = item->getId(); Net::GameServer::Player::pickUp(id >> 16, id & 0xFFFF); mPickUpTarget = NULL; } else { setDestination(item->getX() * 32 + 16, item->getY() * 32 + 16); mPickUpTarget = item; } } void LocalPlayer::walk(unsigned char dir) { if (!mMap || !dir) return; if (mAction == WALK && !mPath.empty()) { // Just finish the current action, otherwise we get out of sync Being::setDestination(mX, mY); return; } int dx = 0, dy = 0; if (dir & UP) dy -= 32; if (dir & DOWN) dy += 32; if (dir & LEFT) dx -= 32; if (dir & RIGHT) dx += 32; // Prevent skipping corners over colliding tiles if (dx && mMap->tileCollides((mX + dx) / 32, mY / 32)) dx = 16 - mX % 32; if (dy && mMap->tileCollides(mX / 32, (mY + dy) / 32)) dy = 16 - mY % 32; // Choose a straight direction when diagonal target is blocked if (dx && dy && !mMap->getWalk((mX + dx) / 32, (mY + dy) / 32)) dx = 16 - mX % 32; // Walk to where the player can actually go if ((dx || dy) && mMap->getWalk((mX + dx) / 32, (mY + dy) / 32)) { setDestination(mX + dx, mY + dy); } else if (dir) { // If the being can't move, just change direction // TODO: Communicate this to the server (waiting on tmwserv) setDirection(dir); } } void LocalPlayer::setDestination(Uint16 x, Uint16 y) { // Fix coordinates so that the player does not seem to dig into walls. int tx = x / 32, ty = y / 32, fx = x % 32, fy = y % 32; if (fx != 16 && mMap->tileCollides(tx + fx / 16 * 2 - 1, ty)) fx = 16; if (fy != 16 && mMap->tileCollides(tx, ty + fy / 16 * 2 - 1)) fy = 16; if (fx != 16 && fy != 16 && mMap->tileCollides(tx + fx / 16 * 2 - 1, ty + fy / 16 * 2 - 1)) fx = 16; x = tx * 32 + fx; y = ty * 32 + fy; // Only send a new message to the server when destination changes if (x != mDestX || y != mDestY) { mDestX = x; mDestY = y; Net::GameServer::Player::walk(x, y); } mPickUpTarget = NULL; Being::setDestination(x, y); } void LocalPlayer::setWalkingDir(int dir) { if (mWalkingDir != dir) { mWalkingDir = dir; } // If we're not already walking, start walking. if (mAction != WALK && dir) { walk(dir); } } void LocalPlayer::toggleSit() { if (mLastAction != -1) return; mLastAction = tick_time; Being::Action newAction; switch (mAction) { case Being::STAND: newAction = Being::SIT; break; case Being::SIT: newAction = Being::STAND; break; default: return; } setAction(newAction); Net::GameServer::Player::changeAction(newAction); } void LocalPlayer::emote(Uint8 emotion) { if (mLastAction != -1) return; mLastAction = tick_time; // XXX Convert for new server /* MessageOut outMsg(0x00bf); outMsg.writeInt8(emotion); */ } void LocalPlayer::trade(Being *being) const { extern std::string tradePartnerName; extern int tradePartnerID; tradePartnerName = being->getName(); tradePartnerID = being->getId(); Net::GameServer::Player::requestTrade(tradePartnerID); } bool LocalPlayer::tradeRequestOk() const { return !mTrading; } void LocalPlayer::attack() { if (mLastAction != -1) return; // Can only attack when standing still if (mAction != STAND && mAction != ATTACK) return; mLastAction = tick_time; mWalkTime = tick_time; setAction(ATTACK); if (mEquippedWeapon) { std::string soundFile = mEquippedWeapon->getSound(EQUIP_EVENT_STRIKE); if (soundFile != "") sound.playSfx(soundFile); } else { sound.playSfx("sfx/fist-swish.ogg"); } Net::GameServer::Player::attack(getSpriteDirection()); } Being* LocalPlayer::getTarget() const { return mTarget; } void LocalPlayer::revive() { // XXX Convert for new server /* MessageOut outMsg(0x00b2); outMsg.writeInt8(0); */ } void LocalPlayer::raiseAttribute(size_t attr) { // we assume that the server allows the change. When not we will undo it later. mCharacterPoints--; mAttributeBase.at(attr)++; Net::GameServer::Player::raiseAttribute(attr + CHAR_ATTR_BEGIN); } void LocalPlayer::lowerAttribute(size_t attr) { // we assume that the server allows the change. When not we will undo it later. mCorrectionPoints--; mCharacterPoints++; mAttributeBase.at(attr)--; Net::GameServer::Player::lowerAttribute(attr + CHAR_ATTR_BEGIN); } const std::string& LocalPlayer::getSkillName(int skill) { static const std::string skills[CHAR_SKILL_NB + 1] = { _("Unarmed"), // CHAR_SKILL_WEAPON_NONE _("Knife"), // CHAR_SKILL_WEAPON_KNIFE _("Sword"), // CHAR_SKILL_WEAPON_SWORD _("Polearm"), // CHAR_SKILL_WEAPON_POLEARM _("Staff"), // CHAR_SKILL_WEAPON_STAFF _("Whip"), // CHAR_SKILL_WEAPON_WHIP _("Bow"), // CHAR_SKILL_WEAPON_BOW _("Shooting"), // CHAR_SKILL_WEAPON_SHOOTING _("Mace"), // CHAR_SKILL_WEAPON_MACE _("Axe"), // CHAR_SKILL_WEAPON_AXE _("Thrown"), // CHAR_SKILL_WEAPON_THROWN _("Magic"), // CHAR_SKILL_MAGIC_IAMJUSTAPLACEHOLDER _("Craft"), // CHAR_SKILL_CRAFT_IAMJUSTAPLACEHOLDER _("Unknown Skill") }; if ((skill < 0) || (skill > CHAR_SKILL_NB)) { return skills[CHAR_SKILL_NB]; } else { return skills[skill]; } } void LocalPlayer::setExperience(int skill, int current, int next) { int diff = current - mExpCurrent.at(skill); if (mMap && mExpCurrent.at(skill) != -1 && diff > 0) { const std::string text = toString(diff) + " " + getSkillName(skill) + " xp"; mExpMessages.push_back(text); } mExpCurrent.at(skill) = current; mExpNext.at(skill) = next; } std::pair LocalPlayer::getExperience(int skill) { return std::pair (mExpCurrent.at(skill), mExpNext.at(skill)); }