/* * The Mana Client * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 The Mana Developers * * This file is part of The Mana Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "gui/widgets/button.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "gui/textpopup.h" #include "resources/image.h" #include "resources/theme.h" #include "utils/dtor.h" #include #include int Button::mInstances = 0; float Button::mAlpha = 1.0; ImageRect *Button::mButton; TextPopup *Button::mTextPopup = nullptr; enum{ BUTTON_STANDARD, // 0 BUTTON_HIGHLIGHTED, // 1 BUTTON_PRESSED, // 2 BUTTON_DISABLED, // 3 BUTTON_COUNT // 4 - Must be last. }; struct ButtonData { char const *file; int gridX; int gridY; }; static ButtonData const data[BUTTON_COUNT] = { { "button.png", 0, 0 }, { "buttonhi.png", 9, 4 }, { "buttonpress.png", 16, 19 }, { "button_disabled.png", 25, 23 } }; Button::Button() { init(); adjustSize(); } Button::Button(const std::string &caption, const std::string &actionEventId, gcn::ActionListener *listener): gcn::Button(caption) { init(); setActionEventId(actionEventId); if (listener) addActionListener(listener); adjustSize(); } bool Button::setButtonIcon(const std::string& iconFile) { // We clean up possible older references. if (mButtonIcon) removeButtonIcon(); // If nothing relevant was set, we can quit now. if (iconFile.empty()) return false; // Load the icon frames. Image *btnIcons = Theme::getImageFromTheme(iconFile); if (!btnIcons) return false; // Compute the sub images size. const int frameWidth = btnIcons->getWidth() / 4; const int frameHeight = btnIcons->getHeight(); if (frameWidth > 0 && frameHeight > 0) { mButtonIcon = new Image*[BUTTON_COUNT]; for (int mode = 0; mode < BUTTON_COUNT; ++mode) { mButtonIcon[mode] = btnIcons->getSubImage(mode * frameWidth, 0, frameWidth, frameHeight); } adjustSize(); } btnIcons->decRef(); return (mButtonIcon); } void Button::removeButtonIcon(bool adjustButtonSize) { if (!mButtonIcon) return; // Delete potential button icons for (int mode = 0; mode < BUTTON_COUNT; ++mode) { delete mButtonIcon[mode]; mButtonIcon[mode] = nullptr; } delete[] mButtonIcon; mButtonIcon = nullptr; if (adjustButtonSize) adjustSize(); } void Button::init() { setFrameSize(0); if (mInstances == 0) { // Load the skin mButton = new ImageRect[BUTTON_COUNT]; for (int mode = 0; mode < BUTTON_COUNT; ++mode) { Image *modeImage = Theme::getImageFromTheme(data[mode].file); int a = 0; for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) { mButton[mode].grid[a] = modeImage->getSubImage( data[x].gridX, data[y].gridY, data[x + 1].gridX - data[x].gridX + 1, data[y + 1].gridY - data[y].gridY + 1); a++; } } modeImage->decRef(); } updateAlpha(); // Load the popup if (!mTextPopup) mTextPopup = new TextPopup(); } mInstances++; } Button::~Button() { mInstances--; if (mInstances == 0) { for (int mode = 0; mode < BUTTON_COUNT; ++mode) { std::for_each(mButton[mode].grid, mButton[mode].grid + 9, dtor()); } delete[] mButton; // Remove the popup delete mTextPopup; mTextPopup = nullptr; } // Don' try to readjust the size when it's about to be deleted. removeButtonIcon(false); } void Button::updateAlpha() { float alpha = std::max(config.getFloatValue("guialpha"), Theme::instance()->getMinimumOpacity()); if (mAlpha != alpha) { mAlpha = alpha; for (int mode = 0; mode < BUTTON_COUNT; ++mode) { mButton[mode].setAlpha(mAlpha); } } } void Button::draw(gcn::Graphics *graphics) { int mode; if (!isEnabled()) mode = BUTTON_DISABLED; else if (isPressed()) mode = BUTTON_PRESSED; else if (mHasMouse || isFocused()) mode = BUTTON_HIGHLIGHTED; else mode = BUTTON_STANDARD; updateAlpha(); static_cast(graphics)-> drawImageRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), mButton[mode]); if (mode == BUTTON_DISABLED) graphics->setColor(Theme::getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_DISABLED)); else graphics->setColor(Theme::getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON)); int textX = 0; int textY = getHeight() / 2 - getFont()->getHeight() / 2; int btnIconX = 0; int btnIconY = getHeight() / 2 - ((mButtonIcon && mButtonIcon[mode]) ? mButtonIcon[mode]->getHeight() / 2 : 0); int btnIconWidth = (mButtonIcon && mButtonIcon[mode]) ? mButtonIcon[mode]->getWidth() : 0; switch (getAlignment()) { case gcn::Graphics::LEFT: if (btnIconWidth) { btnIconX = 4; textX = btnIconX + mButtonIcon[mode]->getWidth() + 2; } else { textX = 4; } break; case gcn::Graphics::CENTER: if (btnIconWidth) { btnIconX = getWidth() / 2 - (getFont()->getWidth(mCaption) + mButtonIcon[mode]->getWidth() + 2) / 2; textX = getWidth() / 2 + mButtonIcon[mode]->getWidth() / 2 + 2; } else { textX = getWidth() / 2; } break; case gcn::Graphics::RIGHT: if (btnIconWidth) btnIconX = getWidth() - 4 - getFont()->getWidth(mCaption) - 2; textX = getWidth() - 4; break; default: throw GCN_EXCEPTION("Button::draw(). Unknown alignment."); } graphics->setFont(getFont()); if (isPressed()) { textX++; textY++; btnIconX++; btnIconY++; } if (btnIconWidth) static_cast(graphics)->drawImage(mButtonIcon[mode], btnIconX, btnIconY); graphics->drawText(getCaption(), textX, textY, getAlignment()); } void Button::adjustSize() { // Size of the image button. int iconWidth = 0, iconHeight = 0; if (mButtonIcon) { for (int mode = 0; mode < BUTTON_COUNT; ++mode) { iconWidth = std::max(iconWidth, mButtonIcon[mode] ? mButtonIcon[mode]->getWidth() + 2 : 0); iconHeight = std::max(iconHeight, mButtonIcon[mode] ? mButtonIcon[mode]->getHeight() : 0); } } setWidth(std::max(getFont()->getWidth(mCaption) + iconWidth + 2, iconWidth) + 2 * mSpacing); setHeight(std::max(getFont()->getHeight(), iconHeight) + 2 * mSpacing); } void Button::setCaption(const std::string& caption) { mCaption = caption; adjustSize(); } void Button::logic() { gcn::Button::logic(); mTextPopup->logic(); } void Button::mouseMoved(gcn::MouseEvent &event) { gcn::Button::mouseMoved(event); mTextPopup->mouseMoved(event); int x = event.getX(); int y = event.getY(); if (event.getSource() == this && !mPopupText.empty()) { if (mParent) { x += mParent->getX(); y += mParent->getY(); } mTextPopup->show(x + getX(), y + getY(), mPopupText); } else { mTextPopup->setVisible(false); } } void Button::mouseExited(gcn::MouseEvent &event) { gcn::Button::mouseExited(event); mTextPopup->mouseExited(event); mTextPopup->setVisible(false); }