/* * The Mana World * Copyright 2004 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana World. * * The Mana World is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * The Mana World is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with The Mana World; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id$ */ #include "setup.h" #include #include #include #include "button.h" #include "checkbox.h" #include "listbox.h" #include "ok_dialog.h" #include "scrollarea.h" #include "slider.h" #include "tabbedcontainer.h" #include "../configuration.h" #include "../graphics.h" #include "../log.h" #include "../main.h" #include "../sound.h" extern Graphics *graphics; extern SDL_Joystick *joypad; extern SDL_Joystick *joypad; extern Window *statusWindow; extern Window *minimap; extern Window *chatWindow; extern Window *inventoryWindow; extern Window *equipmentWindow; extern Window *helpWindow; extern Window *skillDialog; ModeListModel::ModeListModel() { SDL_Rect **modes; /* Get available fullscreen/hardware modes */ modes = SDL_ListModes(NULL, SDL_FULLSCREEN | SDL_HWSURFACE); /* Check is there are any modes available */ if (modes == (SDL_Rect **)0) { logger->log("No modes available"); } /* Check if our resolution is restricted */ if (modes == (SDL_Rect **)-1) { logger->log("All resolutions available"); } else{ /* Print valid modes */ //logger->log("Available Modes"); for (int i = 0; modes[i]; ++i) { //logger->log(" %dx%d", modes[i]->w, modes[i]->h); std::stringstream mode; mode << (int)modes[i]->w << "x" << (int)modes[i]->h; videoModes.push_back(mode.str()); } } } ModeListModel::~ModeListModel() { } int ModeListModel::getNumberOfElements() { return videoModes.size(); } std::string ModeListModel::getElementAt(int i) { return videoModes[i]; } Setup::Setup(): Window("Setup"), mCalibrating(false), leftTolerance(0), rightTolerance(0), upTolerance(0), downTolerance(0) { modeListModel = new ModeListModel(); modeList = new ListBox(modeListModel); modeList->setEnabled(false); scrollArea = new ScrollArea(modeList); fsCheckBox = new CheckBox("Full screen", false); openGLCheckBox = new CheckBox("OpenGL", false); #ifndef USE_OPENGL openGLCheckBox->setEnabled(false); #endif customCursorCheckBox = new CheckBox("Custom cursor"); alphaLabel = new gcn::Label("Gui opacity"); alphaSlider = new Slider(0.2, 1.0); soundCheckBox = new CheckBox("Sound", false); sfxSlider = new Slider(0, 128); musicSlider = new Slider(0, 128); sfxLabel = new gcn::Label("Sfx volume"); musicLabel = new gcn::Label("Music volume"); calibrateLabel = new gcn::Label("Press the button to start calibration"); calibrateButton = new Button("Calibrate"); applyButton = new Button("Apply"); cancelButton = new Button("Cancel"); resetWinsToDefault = new Button("Reset Windows"); // Set events applyButton->setEventId("apply"); cancelButton->setEventId("cancel"); resetWinsToDefault->setEventId("winsToDefault"); alphaSlider->setEventId("guialpha"); sfxSlider->setEventId("sfx"); musicSlider->setEventId("music"); customCursorCheckBox->setEventId("customcursor"); calibrateButton->setEventId("calibrate"); // Set dimensions/positions int width = 230; int height = 185; setContentSize(width, height); scrollArea->setDimension(gcn::Rectangle(10, 10, 90, 50)); modeList->setDimension(gcn::Rectangle(0, 0, 60, 50)); fsCheckBox->setPosition(110, 10); openGLCheckBox->setPosition(110, 30); customCursorCheckBox->setPosition(110, 50); alphaSlider->setDimension(gcn::Rectangle(10, 80, 100, 10)); alphaLabel->setPosition(20 + alphaSlider->getWidth(), alphaSlider->getY()); soundCheckBox->setPosition(10, 10); sfxSlider->setDimension(gcn::Rectangle(10, 30, 100, 10)); musicSlider->setDimension(gcn::Rectangle(10, 50, 100, 10)); sfxLabel->setPosition(20 + sfxSlider->getWidth(), 27); musicLabel->setPosition(20 + musicSlider->getWidth(), 47); calibrateLabel->setPosition(5, 10); calibrateButton->setPosition(10, 20 + calibrateLabel->getHeight()); cancelButton->setPosition( width - cancelButton->getWidth() - 5, height - cancelButton->getHeight() - 5); applyButton->setPosition( cancelButton->getX() - applyButton->getWidth() - 5, cancelButton->getY()); resetWinsToDefault->setPosition( applyButton->getX() - resetWinsToDefault->getWidth() - 5, applyButton->getY()); // Listen for actions applyButton->addActionListener(this); cancelButton->addActionListener(this); resetWinsToDefault->addActionListener(this); alphaSlider->addActionListener(this); sfxSlider->addActionListener(this); musicSlider->addActionListener(this); customCursorCheckBox->addActionListener(this); calibrateButton->addActionListener(this); // Assemble dialog gcn::Container *video = new gcn::Container(); video->setOpaque(false); video->add(scrollArea); video->add(fsCheckBox); video->add(openGLCheckBox); video->add(customCursorCheckBox); video->add(alphaSlider); video->add(alphaLabel); gcn::Container *audio = new gcn::Container(); audio->setOpaque(false); audio->add(soundCheckBox); audio->add(sfxSlider); audio->add(musicSlider); audio->add(sfxLabel); audio->add(musicLabel); gcn::Container *input = new gcn::Container(); input->setOpaque(false); input->add(calibrateLabel); input->add(calibrateButton); TabbedContainer *panel = new TabbedContainer(); panel->setDimension(gcn::Rectangle(5, 5, 220, 130)); panel->setOpaque(false); panel->addTab(video, "Video"); panel->addTab(audio, "Audio"); panel->addTab(input, "Input"); add(panel); add(resetWinsToDefault); add(applyButton); add(cancelButton); setLocationRelativeTo(getParent()); // Load default settings modeList->setSelected(-1); // Full Screen fullScreenEnabled = config.getValue("screen", 0); fsCheckBox->setMarked(fullScreenEnabled); // Sound soundEnabled = config.getValue("sound", 0); soundCheckBox->setMarked(soundEnabled); sfxVolume = (int)config.getValue("sfxVolume", 100); sfxSlider->setValue(sfxVolume); musicVolume = (int)config.getValue("musicVolume", 60); musicSlider->setValue(musicVolume); // Graphics customCursorEnabled = config.getValue("customcursor", 1); customCursorCheckBox->setMarked(customCursorEnabled); opacity = config.getValue("guialpha", 0.8); alphaSlider->setValue(opacity); openGLEnabled = config.getValue("opengl", 0); openGLCheckBox->setMarked(openGLEnabled); } Setup::~Setup() { delete modeListModel; } void Setup::action(const std::string &eventId) { if (eventId == "sfx") { config.setValue("sfxVolume", (int)sfxSlider->getValue()); sound.setSfxVolume((int)sfxSlider->getValue()); } else if (eventId == "music") { config.setValue("musicVolume", (int)musicSlider->getValue()); sound.setMusicVolume((int)musicSlider->getValue()); } else if (eventId == "guialpha") { config.setValue("guialpha", alphaSlider->getValue()); } else if (eventId == "customcursor") { config.setValue("customcursor", customCursorCheckBox->isMarked() ? 1 : 0); } else if (eventId == "calibrate" && joypad != NULL) { if (mCalibrating) { calibrateButton->setCaption("Calibrate"); calibrateLabel->setCaption("Press the button to start calibration"); config.setValue("leftTolerance", leftTolerance); config.setValue("rightTolerance", rightTolerance); config.setValue("upTolerance", upTolerance); config.setValue("downTolerance", downTolerance); } else { calibrateButton->setCaption("Stop"); calibrateLabel->setCaption("Rotate the stick"); leftTolerance = 0; rightTolerance = 0; upTolerance = 0; downTolerance = 0; } mCalibrating = !mCalibrating; } else if (eventId == "apply") { setVisible(false); // Full screen changes bool fullscreen = fsCheckBox->isMarked(); if (fullscreen != (config.getValue("screen", 0) == 1)) { // checks for opengl usage if (!(config.getValue("opengl", 0) == 1)) { if (!graphics->setFullscreen(fullscreen)) { fullscreen = !fullscreen; if (!graphics->setFullscreen(fullscreen)) { std::stringstream error; error << "Failed to switch to " << (fullscreen ? "windowed" : "fullscreen") << "mode and restoration of old mode also failed!" << std::endl; logger->error(error.str()); } } } else { new OkDialog("Switching to FullScreen", "Restart needed for changes to take effect.", this); } config.setValue("screen", fullscreen ? 1 : 0); } // Sound settings changes if (soundCheckBox->isMarked()) { config.setValue("sound", 1); try { sound.init(); } catch (const char *err) { new OkDialog("Sound Engine", err, this); logger->log("Warning: %s", err); } } else { config.setValue("sound", 0); sound.close(); } // OpenGL change if (openGLCheckBox->isMarked() != openGLEnabled) { config.setValue("opengl", openGLCheckBox->isMarked() ? 1 : 0); // OpenGL can currently only be changed by restarting, notify user. new OkDialog("Changing OpenGL", "Applying change to OpenGL requires restart.", this); } // We sync old and new values at apply time // Screen fullScreenEnabled = config.getValue("screen", 0); // Sound soundEnabled = config.getValue("sound", 0); sfxVolume = (int)config.getValue("sfxVolume", 100); musicVolume = (int)config.getValue("musicVolume", 60); // Graphics customCursorEnabled = config.getValue("customcursor", 1); opacity = config.getValue("guialpha", 0.8); openGLEnabled = config.getValue("opengl", 0); } else if (eventId == "cancel") { setVisible(false); // Restoring old values when cancelling // Screen config.setValue("screen", fullScreenEnabled ? 1 : 0); fsCheckBox->setMarked(fullScreenEnabled); // Sound config.getValue("sound", soundEnabled ? 1 : 0); soundCheckBox->setMarked(soundEnabled); config.getValue("sfxVolume", sfxVolume ? 1 : 0); sound.setSfxVolume(sfxVolume); sfxSlider->setValue(sfxVolume); config.setValue("musicVolume", musicVolume); sound.setMusicVolume(musicVolume); musicSlider->setValue(musicVolume); // Graphics config.setValue("customcursor", customCursorEnabled ? 1 : 0); customCursorCheckBox->setMarked(customCursorEnabled); config.setValue("guialpha", opacity); alphaSlider->setValue(opacity); config.setValue("opengl", openGLEnabled ? 1 : 0); openGLCheckBox->setMarked(openGLEnabled); } else if (eventId == "winsToDefault") { statusWindow->resetToDefaultSize(); minimap->resetToDefaultSize(); chatWindow->resetToDefaultSize(); inventoryWindow->resetToDefaultSize(); equipmentWindow->resetToDefaultSize(); helpWindow->resetToDefaultSize(); skillDialog->resetToDefaultSize(); } } void Setup::logic() { Window::logic(); if (mCalibrating) { SDL_JoystickUpdate(); int position = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(joypad, 0); if (position > rightTolerance) { rightTolerance = position; } else if (position < leftTolerance) { leftTolerance = position; } position = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(joypad, 1); if (position > downTolerance) { downTolerance = position; } else if (position < upTolerance) { upTolerance = position; } } }