/* * The Mana World * Copyright (C) 2004 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana World. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <guichan/focushandler.hpp> #include "browserbox.h" #include "chat.h" #include "chatinput.h" #include "itemlinkhandler.h" #include "recorder.h" #include "scrollarea.h" #include "sdlinput.h" #include "windowcontainer.h" #include "widgets/layout.h" #include "widgets/tab.h" #include "widgets/tabbedarea.h" #include "../beingmanager.h" #ifdef TMWSERV_SUPPORT #include "../commandhandler.h" #endif #include "../channelmanager.h" #include "../channel.h" #include "../configuration.h" #include "../game.h" #include "../localplayer.h" #ifdef TMWSERV_SUPPORT #include "../net/chatserver/chatserver.h" #include "../net/gameserver/player.h" #else #include "../party.h" #include "../net/messageout.h" #include "../net/ea/protocol.h" #endif #include "../resources/iteminfo.h" #include "../resources/itemdb.h" #include "../utils/dtor.h" #include "../utils/gettext.h" #include "../utils/strprintf.h" #include "../utils/stringutils.h" #ifdef TMWSERV_SUPPORT ChatWindow::ChatWindow(): Window("Chat"), #else ChatWindow::ChatWindow(Network * network): Window(""), mNetwork(network), #endif mTmpVisible(false) { setWindowName("Chat"); setResizable(true); setDefaultSize(0, windowContainer->getHeight() - 123, 600, 123); setMinWidth(150); setMinHeight(90); mItemLinkHandler = new ItemLinkHandler; mChatInput = new ChatInput; mChatInput->setActionEventId("chatinput"); mChatInput->addActionListener(this); mChatTabs = new TabbedArea(); createNewChannelTab("General"); place(0, 0, mChatTabs, 5, 5).setPadding(0); place(0, 5, mChatInput, 5).setPadding(1); Layout &layout = getLayout(); layout.setRowHeight(0, Layout::AUTO_SET); layout.setMargin(2); loadWindowState(); // Add key listener to chat input to be able to respond to up/down mChatInput->addKeyListener(this); mCurHist = mHistory.end(); #ifdef EATHENA_SUPPORT // Read the party prefix std::string partyPrefix = config.getValue("PartyPrefix", "$"); mPartyPrefix = (partyPrefix.empty() ? '$' : partyPrefix.at(0)); mReturnToggles = config.getValue("ReturnToggles", "0") == "1"; mRecorder = new Recorder(this); mParty = new Party(this, mNetwork); // If the player had @assert on in the last session, ask the server to // run the @assert command for the player again. Convenience for GMs. if (config.getValue(player_node->getName() + "GMassert", 0)) chatSend(player_node->getName(), "@assert"); #endif } ChatWindow::~ChatWindow() { #ifdef EATHENA_SUPPORT char partyPrefix[2] = "."; *partyPrefix = mPartyPrefix; config.setValue("PartyPrefix", partyPrefix); config.setValue("ReturnToggles", mReturnToggles ? "1" : "0"); delete mRecorder; #endif } void ChatWindow::widgetResized(const gcn::Event &event) { Window::widgetResized(event); const gcn::Rectangle area = getChildrenArea(); mChatInput->setPosition(mChatInput->getFrameSize(), area.height - mChatInput->getHeight() - mChatInput->getFrameSize()); mChatInput->setWidth(area.width - 2 * mChatInput->getFrameSize()); mChatTabs->setWidth(area.width - 2 * mChatTabs->getFrameSize()); mChatTabs->setHeight(area.height - 2 * mChatTabs->getFrameSize()); const std::string &channelName = getFocused(); ChannelMap::const_iterator chan = mChannels.find(channelName); if (chan != mChannels.end()) { ScrollArea *scroll = chan->second.scroll; scroll->setWidth(area.width - 2 * scroll->getFrameSize()); scroll->setHeight(area.height - 2 * scroll->getFrameSize() - mChatInput->getHeight() - 5); scroll->logic(); } } void ChatWindow::logic() { Window::logic(); const gcn::Rectangle area = getChildrenArea(); const std::string &channelName = getFocused(); ChannelMap::const_iterator chan = mChannels.find(channelName); if (chan != mChannels.end()) { ScrollArea *scroll = chan->second.scroll; scroll->setWidth(area.width - 2 * scroll->getFrameSize()); scroll->setHeight(area.height - 2 * scroll->getFrameSize() - mChatInput->getHeight() - 5); scroll->logic(); } } void ChatWindow::chatLog(std::string line, int own, std::string channelName, bool ignoreRecord) { if(channelName.empty()) #ifdef TMWSERV_SUPPORT channelName = getFocused(); #else channelName = "General"; #endif ChannelMap::const_iterator chan = mChannels.find(channelName); if (chan == mChannels.end()) return; BrowserBox * const output = chan->second.browser; ScrollArea * const scroll = chan->second.scroll; // Trim whitespace trim(line); if (line.empty()) return; CHATLOG tmp; tmp.own = own; tmp.nick = ""; tmp.text = line; std::string::size_type pos = line.find(" : "); if (pos != std::string::npos) { tmp.nick = line.substr(0, pos); tmp.text = line.substr(pos + 3); } else { // Fix the owner of welcome message. if (line.substr(0, 7) == "Welcome") { own = BY_SERVER; } } // *implements actions in a backwards compatible way* if (own == BY_PLAYER && tmp.text.at(0) == '*' && tmp.text.at(tmp.text.length()-1) == '*') { tmp.text[0] = ' '; tmp.text.erase(tmp.text.length() - 1); own = ACT_IS; } std::string lineColor = "##C"; switch (own) { case BY_GM: if (tmp.nick.empty()) { tmp.nick = std::string(_("Global announcement:")); tmp.nick += " "; lineColor = "##G"; } else { tmp.nick = strprintf(_("Global announcement from %s:"), tmp.nick.c_str()); tmp.nick += " "; lineColor = "##1"; // Equiv. to BrowserBox::RED } break; case BY_PLAYER: tmp.nick += CAT_NORMAL; lineColor = "##Y"; break; case BY_OTHER: tmp.nick += CAT_NORMAL; lineColor = "##C"; break; case BY_SERVER: tmp.nick = _("Server:"); tmp.nick += " "; tmp.text = line; lineColor = "##S"; break; case BY_CHANNEL: tmp.nick = ""; // TODO: Use a predefined color lineColor = "##2"; // Equiv. to BrowserBox::GREEN break; #ifdef EATHENA_SUPPORT case BY_PARTY: tmp.nick += CAT_NORMAL; lineColor = "##P"; break; #endif case ACT_WHISPER: tmp.nick = strprintf(_("%s whispers:"), tmp.nick.c_str()); tmp.nick += " "; lineColor = "##W"; break; case ACT_IS: tmp.nick += CAT_IS; lineColor = "##I"; break; case BY_LOGGER: tmp.nick = ""; tmp.text = line; lineColor = "##L"; break; } if (tmp.nick == ": ") { tmp.nick = ""; lineColor = "##S"; } #ifdef EATHENA_SUPPORT if (tmp.nick.empty() && tmp.text.substr(0, 17) == "Visible GM status") { player_node->setGM(); } #endif // Get the current system time time_t t; time(&t); // Format the time string properly std::stringstream timeStr; timeStr << "[" << ((((t / 60) / 60) % 24 < 10) ? "0" : "") << (int) (((t / 60) / 60) % 24) << ":" << (((t / 60) % 60 < 10) ? "0" : "") << (int) ((t / 60) % 60) << "] "; line = lineColor + timeStr.str() + tmp.nick + tmp.text; // We look if the Vertical Scroll Bar is set at the max before // adding a row, otherwise the max will always be a row higher // at comparison. if (scroll->getVerticalScrollAmount() >= scroll->getVerticalMaxScroll()) { output->addRow(line); scroll->setVerticalScrollAmount(scroll->getVerticalMaxScroll()); } else { output->addRow(line); } scroll->logic(); mRecorder->record(line.substr(3)); } #ifdef EATHENA_SUPPORT void ChatWindow::chatLog(CHATSKILL act) { chatLog(const_msg(act), BY_SERVER); } #endif const std::string &ChatWindow::getFocused() const { return mChatTabs->getSelectedTab()->getCaption(); } void ChatWindow::clearTab(const std::string &tab) { ChannelMap::const_iterator chan = mChannels.find(tab); if (chan != mChannels.end()) chan->second.browser->clearRows(); } void ChatWindow::action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event) { if (event.getId() == "chatinput") { std::string message = mChatInput->getText(); if (!message.empty()) { // If message different from previous, put it in the history if (mHistory.empty() || message != mHistory.back()) { mHistory.push_back(message); } // Reset history iterator mCurHist = mHistory.end(); // Send the message to the server #ifdef TMWSERV_SUPPORT chatSend(message); #else chatSend(player_node->getName(), message); #endif // Clear the text from the chat input mChatInput->setText(""); } if (message.empty() || !mReturnToggles) { // Remove focus and hide input mFocusHandler->focusNone(); // If the chatWindow is shown up because you want to send a message // It should hide now if (mTmpVisible) setVisible(false); } } } void ChatWindow::requestChatFocus() { // Make sure chatWindow is visible if (!isVisible()) { setVisible(true); /* * This is used to hide chatWindow after sending the message. There is * a trick here, because setVisible will set mTmpVisible to false, you * have to put this sentence *after* setVisible, not before it */ mTmpVisible = true; } // Give focus to the chat input mChatInput->setVisible(true); mChatInput->requestFocus(); } bool ChatWindow::isInputFocused() { return mChatInput->isFocused(); } void ChatWindow::whisper(const std::string &nick, std::string msg) { std::string recvnick = ""; if (msg.substr(0, 1) == "\"") { const std::string::size_type pos = msg.find('"', 1); if (pos != std::string::npos) { recvnick = msg.substr(1, pos - 1); msg.erase(0, pos + 2); } } else { const std::string::size_type pos = msg.find(" "); if (pos != std::string::npos) { recvnick = msg.substr(0, pos); msg.erase(0, pos + 1); } } trim(msg); std::string playerName = player_node->getName(); std::string tempNick = recvnick; toLower(playerName); toLower(tempNick); if (tempNick.compare(playerName) == 0 || msg.empty()) return; // TODO: Implement whispering on tmwserv #ifdef EATHENA_SUPPORT MessageOut outMsg(mNetwork); outMsg.writeInt16(CMSG_CHAT_WHISPER); outMsg.writeInt16(msg.length() + 28); outMsg.writeString(recvnick, 24); outMsg.writeString(msg, msg.length()); chatLog(strprintf(_("Whispering to %s: %s"), recvnick.c_str(), msg.c_str()), BY_PLAYER); #endif } void ChatWindow::removeChannel(short channelId) { removeChannel(channelManager->findById(channelId)); } void ChatWindow::removeChannel(const std::string &channelName) { removeChannel(channelManager->findByName(channelName)); } void ChatWindow::removeChannel(Channel *channel) { if (channel) { Tab *tab = mChatTabs->getTab(channel->getName()); if (!tab) return; clearTab(channel->getName()); mChatTabs->removeTab(tab); mChannels.erase(channel->getName()); channelManager->removeChannel(channel); logic(); } } void ChatWindow::createNewChannelTab(const std::string &channelName) { // Create new channel BrowserBox *textOutput = new BrowserBox(BrowserBox::AUTO_WRAP); textOutput->setOpaque(false); textOutput->disableLinksAndUserColors(); textOutput->setMaxRow((int) config.getValue("ChatLogLength", 0)); ScrollArea *scrollArea = new ScrollArea(textOutput); scrollArea->setPosition(scrollArea->getFrameSize(), scrollArea->getFrameSize()); scrollArea->setScrollPolicy(gcn::ScrollArea::SHOW_NEVER, gcn::ScrollArea::SHOW_ALWAYS); scrollArea->setOpaque(false); scrollArea->setWidth(getChildrenArea().width - 2 * scrollArea->getFrameSize()); scrollArea->setHeight(getChildrenArea().height - 2 * scrollArea->getFrameSize() - mChatInput->getHeight() - 5); scrollArea->logic(); textOutput->setWidth(scrollArea->getChildrenArea().width); textOutput->setHeight(scrollArea->getChildrenArea().height); // Add channel to the tabbed area mChatTabs->addTab(channelName, scrollArea); mChannels.insert( std::make_pair(channelName, ChatArea(textOutput, scrollArea))); // Update UI logic(); } void ChatWindow::sendToChannel(short channelId, const std::string &user, const std::string &msg) { Channel *channel = channelManager->findById(channelId); if (channel) { std::string channelName = channel->getName(); chatLog(user + ": " + msg, user == player_node->getName() ? BY_PLAYER : BY_OTHER, channelName); mChatTabs->getTab(channelName)->setHighlighted(true); } } #ifdef TMWSERV_SUPPORT void ChatWindow::chatSend(std::string &msg) { if (msg.empty()) return; // check for item link std::string::size_type start = msg.find('['); if (start != std::string::npos && msg[start+1] != '@') { std::string::size_type end = msg.find(']', start); if (end != std::string::npos) { std::string temp = msg.substr(start+1, end-1); ItemInfo itemInfo = ItemDB::get(temp); msg.insert(end, "@@"); msg.insert(start+1, "|"); msg.insert(start+1, toString(itemInfo.getId())); msg.insert(start+1, "@@"); } } // Prepare ordinary message if (msg[0] != '/') { if (getFocused() == "General") { Net::GameServer::Player::say(msg); } else { Channel *channel = channelManager->findByName(getFocused()); if (channel) { Net::ChatServer::chat(channel->getId(), msg); } } } else { commandHandler->handleCommand(std::string(msg, 1)); } } #else void ChatWindow::chatSend(const std::string &nick, std::string msg) { /* Some messages are managed client side, while others * require server handling by proper packet. Probably * those if elses should be replaced by protocol calls */ trim(msg); if (msg.compare("") == 0) return; // Send party message if (msg.at(0) == mPartyPrefix) { msg.erase(0, 1); std::size_t length = msg.length() + 1; if (length == 0) { chatLog(_("Trying to send a blank party message."), BY_SERVER); return; } MessageOut outMsg(mNetwork); outMsg.writeInt16(CMSG_PARTY_MESSAGE); outMsg.writeInt16(length + 4); outMsg.writeString(msg, length); return; } // Check for item link std::string::size_type start = msg.find('['); while (start != std::string::npos && msg[start+1] != '@') { std::string::size_type end = msg.find(']', start); if (start+1 != end && end != std::string::npos) { // Catch multiple embeds and ignore them // so it doesn't crash the client. while ((msg.find('[', start + 1) != std::string::npos) && (msg.find('[', start + 1) < end)) { start = msg.find('[', start + 1); } std::string temp = msg.substr(start + 1, end - start - 1); toLower(trim(temp)); const ItemInfo itemInfo = ItemDB::get(temp); if (itemInfo.getName() != _("Unknown item")) { msg.insert(end, "@@"); msg.insert(start+1, "|"); msg.insert(start+1, toString(itemInfo.getId())); msg.insert(start+1, "@@"); } } start = msg.find('[', start + 1); } // Prepare ordinary message if (msg.substr(0, 1) != "/") { msg = nick + " : " + msg; MessageOut outMsg(mNetwork); outMsg.writeInt16(CMSG_CHAT_MESSAGE); // Added + 1 in order to let eAthena parse admin commands correctly outMsg.writeInt16(msg.length() + 4 + 1); outMsg.writeString(msg, msg.length() + 1); return; } msg.erase(0, 1); trim(msg); std::size_t space = msg.find(" "); std::string command = msg.substr(0, space); if (space == std::string::npos) { msg = ""; } else { msg = msg.substr(space); trim(msg); } if (command == "announce") { MessageOut outMsg(mNetwork); outMsg.writeInt16(0x0099); outMsg.writeInt16(msg.length() + 4); outMsg.writeString(msg, msg.length()); } else if (command == "help") { trim(msg); std::size_t space = msg.find(" "); std::string msg1; if (space == std::string::npos) { msg1 = ""; } else { msg1 = msg.substr(space + 1, msg.length()); msg = msg.substr(0, space); } if (!msg.empty() && msg.at(0) == '/') { msg.erase(0, 1); } trim(msg1); help(msg, msg1); } else if (command == "where") { // Display the current map, X, and Y std::ostringstream where; where << map_path << " " << player_node->mX << "," << player_node->mY; chatLog(where.str(), BY_SERVER); } else if (command == "who") { MessageOut outMsg(mNetwork); outMsg.writeInt16(0x00c1); } else if (command == "clear") clearTab(getFocused()); else if (command == "whisper" || command == "msg" || command == "w") whisper(nick, msg); else if (command == "record") mRecorder->changeRecordingStatus(msg); else if (command == "toggle") { if (msg.empty()) { chatLog(mReturnToggles ? _("Return toggles chat.") : _("Message closes chat."), BY_SERVER); return; } msg = msg.substr(0, 1); if (msg == "1" || msg == "y" || msg == "Y" || msg == "t" || msg == "T") { chatLog(_("Return now toggles chat."), BY_SERVER); mReturnToggles = true; return; } else if (msg == "0" || msg == "n" || msg == "N" || msg == "f" || msg == "F") { chatLog(_("Message now closes chat."), BY_SERVER); mReturnToggles = false; return; } else chatLog(_("Options to /toggle are \"yes\", \"no\", \"true\", " "\"false\", \"1\", \"0\"."), BY_SERVER); } else if (command == "party") { if (msg.empty()) { chatLog(_("Unknown party command... Type \"/help\" party for more " "information."), BY_SERVER); return; } const std::string::size_type space = msg.find(" "); std::string rest = (space == std::string::npos ? "" : msg.substr(space + 1, msg.length())); if (!rest.empty()) { msg = msg.substr(0, space); trim(msg); } party(msg, rest); return; } else if (command == "cast") { /* * This will eventually be replaced by a GUI, so * we don't need to get too sophisticated */ MessageOut outMsg(mNetwork); if (msg == "heal") { outMsg.writeInt16(0x03f3); outMsg.writeInt16(0x01); outMsg.writeInt32(0); outMsg.writeInt8(0); outMsg.writeInt8(0); outMsg.writeString("", 24); } else if (msg == "gather") { outMsg.writeInt16(0x03f3); outMsg.writeInt16(0x02); outMsg.writeInt32(0); outMsg.writeInt8(0); outMsg.writeInt8(0); outMsg.writeString("", 24); } else chatLog(_("No such spell!"), BY_SERVER); } else if (command == "present") { Beings & beings = beingManager->getAll(); std::string response = ""; for (BeingIterator bi = beings.begin(), be = beings.end(); bi != be; ++bi) { if ((*bi)->getType() == Being::PLAYER) { if (!response.empty()) { response += ", "; } response += (*bi)->getName(); } } if (mRecorder->isRecording()) { // Get the current system time time_t t; time(&t); // Format the time string properly std::stringstream timeStr; timeStr << "[" << ((((t / 60) / 60) % 24 < 10) ? "0" : "") << (int) (((t / 60) / 60) % 24) << ":" << (((t / 60) % 60 < 10) ? "0" : "") << (int) ((t / 60) % 60) << "] "; mRecorder->record(timeStr.str() + _("Present: ") + response + "."); chatLog(_("Attendance written to record log."), BY_SERVER, std::string(), true); } else { chatLog(_("Present: ") + response, BY_SERVER); } } else if (command == "me") { std::stringstream actionStr; actionStr << "*" << msg << "*"; chatSend(player_node->getName(), actionStr.str()); } else { chatLog(_("Unknown command"), BY_SERVER); } } std::string ChatWindow::const_msg(CHATSKILL act) { std::string msg; if (act.success == SKILL_FAILED && act.skill == SKILL_BASIC) { switch (act.bskill) { case BSKILL_TRADE: msg = _("Trade failed!"); break; case BSKILL_EMOTE: msg = _("Emote failed!"); break; case BSKILL_SIT: msg = _("Sit failed!"); break; case BSKILL_CREATECHAT: msg = _("Chat creating failed!"); break; case BSKILL_JOINPARTY: msg = _("Could not join party!"); break; case BSKILL_SHOUT: msg = _("Cannot shout!"); break; } msg += " "; switch (act.reason) { case RFAIL_SKILLDEP: msg += _("You have not yet reached a high enough lvl!"); break; case RFAIL_INSUFHP: msg += _("Insufficient HP!"); break; case RFAIL_INSUFSP: msg += _("Insufficient SP!"); break; case RFAIL_NOMEMO: msg += _("You have no memos!"); break; case RFAIL_SKILLDELAY: msg += _("You cannot do that right now!"); break; case RFAIL_ZENY: msg += _("Seems you need more money... ;-)"); break; case RFAIL_WEAPON: msg += _("You cannot use this skill with that kind of weapon!"); break; case RFAIL_REDGEM: msg += _("You need another red gem!"); break; case RFAIL_BLUEGEM: msg += _("You need another blue gem!"); break; case RFAIL_OVERWEIGHT: msg += _("You're carrying to much to do this!"); break; default: msg += _("Huh? What's that?"); break; } } else { switch (act.skill) { case SKILL_WARP : msg = _("Warp failed..."); break; case SKILL_STEAL : msg = _("Could not steal anything..."); break; case SKILL_ENVENOM : msg = _("Poison had no effect..."); break; } } return msg; } #endif void ChatWindow::scroll(int amount) { if (!isVisible()) return; ChannelMap::const_iterator chan = mChannels.find(getFocused()); if (chan == mChannels.end()) return; BrowserBox *browser = chan->second.browser; ScrollArea *scroll = chan->second.scroll; int range = scroll->getHeight() / 8 * amount; gcn::Rectangle scr; scr.y = scroll->getVerticalScrollAmount() + range; scr.height = abs(range); browser->showPart(scr); } void ChatWindow::keyPressed(gcn::KeyEvent &event) { if (event.getKey().getValue() == Key::DOWN && mCurHist != mHistory.end()) { // Move forward through the history HistoryIterator prevHist = mCurHist++; if (mCurHist != mHistory.end()) { mChatInput->setText(*mCurHist); mChatInput->setCaretPosition(mChatInput->getText().length()); } else { mCurHist = prevHist; } } else if (event.getKey().getValue() == Key::UP && mCurHist != mHistory.begin() && mHistory.size() > 0) { // Move backward through the history mCurHist--; mChatInput->setText(*mCurHist); mChatInput->setCaretPosition(mChatInput->getText().length()); } } void ChatWindow::setInputText(std::string input_str) { mChatInput->setText(mChatInput->getText() + input_str + " "); requestChatFocus(); } void ChatWindow::addItemText(const std::string &item) { std::ostringstream text; text << "[" << item << "] "; mChatInput->setText(mChatInput->getText() + text.str()); requestChatFocus(); } void ChatWindow::setVisible(bool isVisible) { Window::setVisible(isVisible); /* * For whatever reason, if setVisible is called, the mTmpVisible effect * should be disabled. */ mTmpVisible = false; } #ifdef EATHENA_SUPPORT void ChatWindow::party(const std::string & command, const std::string & rest) { if (command == "prefix") { if (rest.empty()) { char temp[2] = "."; *temp = mPartyPrefix; chatLog(_("The current party prefix is ") + std::string(temp), BY_SERVER); } else if (rest.length() != 1) { chatLog(_("Party prefix must be one character long."), BY_SERVER); } else { if (rest == "/") { chatLog(_("Cannot use a '/' as the prefix."), BY_SERVER); } else { mPartyPrefix = rest.at(0); chatLog(_("Changing prefix to ") + rest, BY_SERVER); } } } else mParty->respond(command, rest); } #endif void ChatWindow::help(const std::string & msg1, const std::string & msg2) { chatLog(_("-- Help --"), BY_SERVER); if (msg1.empty()) { chatLog(_("/announce: Global announcement (GM only)"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("/clear: Clears this window"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("/help: Display this help"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("/me <message>: Tell something about yourself"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("/msg <nick> <message>: Alternate form for /whisper"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("/party <command> <params>: Party commands"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("/present: Get list of players present"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("/record <filename>: Start recording the chat to an " "external file"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("/toggle: Determine whether <return> toggles the chat log"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("/w <nick> <message>: Short form for /whisper"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("/where: Display map name"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("/whisper <nick> <message>: Sends a private <message> " "to <nick>"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("/who: Display number of online users"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("For more information, type /help <command>"), BY_SERVER); } else if (msg1 == "announce") { chatLog(_("Command: /announce <msg>"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("*** only available to a GM ***"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("This command sends the message <msg> to " "all players currently online."), BY_SERVER); } else if (msg1 == "clear") { chatLog(_("Command: /clear"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("This command clears the chat log of previous chat."), BY_SERVER); } else if (msg1 == "help") { chatLog(_("Command: /help"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("This command displays a list of all commands available."), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("Command: /help <command>"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("This command displays help on <command>."), BY_SERVER); } else if (msg1 == "me") { chatLog(_("Command: /me <msg>"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("This command tell others you are (doing) <msg>."), BY_SERVER); } #ifdef EATHENA_SUPPORT else if (msg1 == "party") { mParty->help(msg2); } #endif else if (msg1 == "present") { chatLog(_("Command: /present"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("This command gets a list of players within hearing and " "sends it to either the record log if recording, or the chat " "log otherwise."), BY_SERVER); } else if (msg1 == "record") { chatLog(_("Command: /record <filename>"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("This command starts recording the chat log to the file " "<filename>."), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("Command: /record"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("This command finishes a recording session."), BY_SERVER); } else if (msg1 == "toggle") { chatLog(_("Command: /toggle <state>"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("This command sets whether the return key should toggle the " "chat log, or whether the chat log turns off automatically."), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("<state> can be one of \"1\", \"yes\", \"true\" to " "turn the toggle on, or \"0\", \"no\", \"false\" to turn the " "toggle off."), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("Command: /toggle"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("This command displays the return toggle status."), BY_SERVER); } else if (msg1 == "where") { chatLog(_("Command: /where"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("This command displays the name of the current map."), BY_SERVER); } else if (msg1 == "whisper" || msg1 == "msg" || msg1 == "w") { chatLog(_("Command: /msg <nick> <msg>"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("Command: /whisper <nick> <msg>"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("Command: /w <nick> <msg>"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("This command sends the message <msg> to <nick>."), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("If the <nick> has spaces in it, enclose it in " "double quotes (\")."), BY_SERVER); } else if (msg1 == "who") { chatLog(_("Command: /who"), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("This command displays the number of players currently " "online."), BY_SERVER); } else { chatLog(_("Unknown command."), BY_SERVER); chatLog(_("Type /help for a list of commands."), BY_SERVER); } } bool ChatWindow::tabExists(const std::string &tabName) { Tab *tab = mChatTabs->getTab(tabName); return tab != 0; }