-------------------------------------- THE MANA WORLD WIN32 RELEASE CHECKLIST -------------------------------------- Every Win32 releaser should follow this checklist when creating a new package. - Update version fields in Project -> Project Options -> Version Info * Version details * File version * Product version * Eventually Legal Copyright - Update README and ChangeLog if not already - Compile OpenGL version (Using -DUSE_OPENGL option) and rename the executable from tmw.exe to tmw_opengl.exe - Compile normal version (Do not use special flags as __DEBUG or USE_OPENGL) - Check if the dlls where compressed (SDL.dll, SDL_Image.dll, SDL_Mixer.dll) - Check config.xml for default values: - Update install script (the most recent version can be found at http://themanaworld.homeip.net/tmw/setup.nsi) * !define PRODUCT_VERSION * OutFile * all the required files (install/uninstall) - Test the script with a fresh installation (uninstall and delete previous installations). Test also uninstall process to check if it removes all the files.