How to compile and run TMW on your GNU/Linux Box

IRC: / #manaworld

1) Requirements
2) Compiling The Mana World
3) Notes

1. Requirements

You are expected to have either checked out TMW from CVS or you have downloaded
a source release. To get The Mana World to compile, you need a compiler (GCC)
and some libraries. The required libraries are:

1) SDL     
2) SDL_mixer
3) SDL_image
4) Guichan 0.3.0
5) libxml2 
6) physfs 1.0.0

If you checked TMW out from CVS you will also need these tools to compile:

6) GNU automake 1.9
7) GNU autoconf

Installing these dependencies is distributions-specific, and we'll leave it to
you to figure this out.

2. Compiling The Mana World

1) Go to the directory you have extracted the source to.
2) If you checked out from CVS, run "./" to generate configure.
3) Run "./configure"
4) Run "make"

It should have generated the executable in src/tmw, you should run it like
"src/tmw" for it to be able to find its data.

  EXPERIMENTAL: For those people with modern video cards and fast OpenGL
  performance, we have been working on OpenGL support. At the moment there is
  no way to switch between SDL and OpenGL dynamically and you need to do this
  at compile time. To try this perform step 3 as follows:

    "./configure CXXFLAGS=-DUSE_OPENGL"

  And rebuild the executable from scratch using "make clean" and then "make".

3. Notes

There is at the moment no way to install The Mana World on your sytem, we still
need to figure out how to make that possible using the GNU autotools. Any help
on this will be greatly appreciated.

If you have any problems, you are welcome to post your questions on our forums,
or talk about them in our IRC channel.

- The Mana World Dev Team