Introduction Sorfina wants to ensure that you still possess basic motor skills. Walk over to the carpet to put her worries to rest. The carpet is located at (33,27) in Candor Island Indoor. Introduction Sorfina remains skeptical and has instructed you to grab some clothes out of a nearby dresser. The dresser is located at (29,24) in Candor Island Indoor. Introduction Sorfina wants to make sure that you can dress yourself. Open up your inventory, and equip the clothes you took from the dresser. You can equip items irregardless of your location, but you may prefer to change in the privacy of the corner at (26,23) in Candor Island Indoor. Introduction To repay your debt, Sorfina has requested that you assist her niece, Tanisha. Tanisha is located at (110,88) in Candor Island Indoor. Introduction Tanisha, despite her job, is disgusted by maggots and wants you to squash them for her. The maggots seem to be infesting near (102,88) in Candor Island Indoor. Introduction Tanisha has given you some useful equipment for squashing maggots. You'd better get to work! The maggots seem to be infesting near (102,88) in Candor Island Indoor. Introduction You killed the maggots for Tanisha, so you should report back to her and see what she has to say. Tanisha is located at (110,88) in Candor Island Indoor. Introduction You finished all the work that Tanisha had for you. She still seems happy to talk to you though. Tanisha is located at (110,88) in Candor Island Indoor. Bully Hasan sounds like a nasty fellow. You need to find out more about this bully. Asking around town would probably be fruitful... Finding the Weakness Hasan needs to be taught a lesson! Talk to Sorfina about giving Hasan what he deserves. Sorfina is located at (27,27) in Candor Island Indoor. Stinging the Heel It seems as though Hasan is afraid of scorpions. Perhaps this could be his downfall... You should go talk to Kaan at (46,95) on Candor Island and tell him what you've learned. Surprise Scorpion Approach Hasan and have Kaan summon a scorpion. Hasan is holding a hostage at (33,33) on Candor Island. An Unconventional Savior You killed the scorpion and "saved" Hasan from his childhood fear. Talk to him and see what he has to say. A Changed Man Thankfully, Hasan seems to have changed his ways for the better. By Order of the Council The Council of Wizards has offered an incentive to those willing to help cull Candor's unruly wildlife population. By Order of the Council: Maggots The Council wants you to kill 10 Maggots. By Order of the Council: House Maggots The Council wants you to kill 5 House Maggots. By Order of the Council: Tame Scorpion The Council wants you to kill 3 Tame Scorpions. By Order of the Council: Scorpion The Council wants you to kill 1 Scorpion. By Order of the Council You finished killing all the monsters. Go talk to Valon at (72,86) on Candor Island. By Order of the Council You filled your quota of monsters and completed the Council's request. Other monsters that you kill will go towards your monster points, which Ishi will redeem at (47,97) on Candor Island. MIT Candor: Admissions You met Morgan, the head of the magic school of Candor. Magic promises to be a powerful tool – once you get around to learning it that is... MIT Candor: The Power of the Wand Morgan has taught you how to use #confringo, the wand's basic attack spell. Equip your wand and try it out! MIT Candor: The Power of the Wand You've successfully cast the spell! You should go talk to Morgan at (101,57) in Candor Island Indoor and see what else she has to teach you. MIT Candor: The Power of the Wand You learned the basic wand attack spell, #confringo. Buggy Zegas needs some help. As an aspiring adventure, you should see if you can help her out. A what bomb? Zegas has lost her bug bomb inside one of her storage barrels. Find it and set it off to kill the remaining bugs. Bug Bomb Goes Boom You found the bug bomb and killed the bugs! You should tell Zegas about it. Buggy You finished helping Zegas with her bug infestation. The Adventures of Action Bug Vincent needs you to bring him some bug legs so he can make an action figure. The Adventures of Action Bug You got Vincent all the bug legs that he needed to make his action figure! Hide and Seek Ayasha has recruited you in a game of Hide and Seek! Find all five of her friends hidden around Candor Island. Hide and Seek You found all of Ayasha's friends! You should go talk to Ayasha to let her know. Hide and Seek You finished playing Hide and Seek with Ayasha and her friends.