class AccregParser { private reg_line = "^" + "(?[0-9]+)\t" + "(?((?[^,]+),(?[-0-9]+) )*)" + // some chars have negative variables (overflows) "$"; private vars_line = "(?[^,]+),(?[-0-9]+) "; private reg_regex: RegExp; private reg_regex_vars: RegExp; private encoder; constructor () { this.reg_regex = new RegExp(this.reg_line); this.reg_regex_vars = new RegExp(this.vars_line, "g"); this.encoder = new TextEncoder(); } private parseLine (line: string) { const match = this.reg_regex.exec(line); if (!(match instanceof Object) || !Reflect.has(match, "groups")) { console.error("\nline does not match the reg regex:", line); throw new SyntaxError(); } const groups = (match as any).groups; let variables = []; if (groups.variables.length > 1) { let match_vars = this.reg_regex_vars.exec(groups.variables); while (match_vars !== null) { variables.push((match_vars as any).groups); match_vars = this.reg_regex_vars.exec(groups.variables); } } groups.variables = variables; Deno.write(Deno.stdout.rid, this.encoder.encode(`\r⌛ processing variables of account ${groups.account_id}...`)); return groups; } public async * readDB () { const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");"\r \nwalking through accreg.txt..."); const file = await"world/save/accreg.txt"); const buf = new Uint8Array(1024); let accumulator = ""; while (true) { const nread = await, buf); if (nread === Deno.EOF) { break; } const str = decoder.decode(buf); if (nread < 1024) { for (let c of str) { if (c === "\n") { yield this.parseLine(accumulator); break; } else { accumulator += c; } } break; } for (let c of str) { if (c === "\n") { yield this.parseLine(accumulator); accumulator = ""; } else { accumulator += c; } } } } } class AccregSQL { private sql; constructor (sql) { this.sql = sql; } async write (acc: any) { for (const variable of acc.variables) { await"INSERT INTO `acc_reg` ?? values?", [ ["account_id", "name", "value"], [acc.account_id, variable.var_name, variable.value] ]); } } } export { AccregParser, AccregSQL, }