#! /usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Evol Online # Copyright (C) 2018-2021 TMW-2 # Copyright (C) 2022 The Mana World # Author: Andrei Karas (4144) # Author: Jesusalva import datetime import sys, traceback, re aegis=open("../world/map/db/const-aegis.txt", "w") description_m="//ID, Name, Jname, LV, HP, SP, EXP, JEXP, Range1, ATK1, ATK2, DEF, MDEF, CRITDEF,STR, AGI, VIT, INT, DEX, LUK, Range2, Range3, Scale, Race, Element,Mode, Speed, Adelay, Amotion,Dmotion,Drop0id,Drop0%, Drop1id,Drop1%, Drop2id,Drop2%, Drop3id,Drop3%, Drop4id,Drop4%, Drop5id,Drop5%, Drop6id,Drop6%, Drop7id,Drop7%, Drop8id,Drop8%, Drop9id,Drop9%, Item1, Item2, MEXP, ExpPer, MVP1id, MVP1per,MVP2id, MVP2per,MVP3id, MVP3per,mutationcount,mutationstrength" description_i="//ID, Name, Type, Price, Sell, Weight, ATK, DEF, Range, Mbonus, Slot, Gender, Loc, wLV, eLV, View, Mode, {UseScript}, {EquipScript}" # the TYPEs we use to determine where to pack things IT_HEALING=[] IT_ETC=[] IT_USABLE=[] IT_AMMO=[] IT_CARD=[] IT_PETEGG=[] IT_WEAPON={ 'HAND_2': [], # TWO HAND (LR) 'HAND_1': []} # WEAPONS (R) IT_ARMOR={ 'MISC': [], # FOR FAILURE 'EQP_ACC_L': [], # ACCESSORY LEFT 'EQP_ACC_R': [], # ACCESSORT RIGHT 'EQP_HEAD_MID': [], # CHEST 'EQP_SHOES': [], # FEET 'EQP_GARMENT': [], # GLOVES 'EQP_HEAD_LOW':[], # PANTS '1024': [], # NECKLACES (should be EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP instead of number) '2048': [], # RINGS (should be EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_MID instead of number) 'EQP_MOUNT':[], # MOUNTS (ie. EQP_SHADOW_SHOES) 'EQP_HEAD_TOP':[], # HATS/HELMETS 'EQP_HAND_L': []} # SHIELDS Mobs1=[] Mobs2=[] Mobs3=[] Mobs4=[] Mobs5=[] Mobs6=[] MobsA=[] AllItems={} ############################################################################################# def printSeparator(): print("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------") ############################################################################################# def showHeader(): print("Evol2->TMWA DB Generator") print("Run at: " + datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()) #print("Usage: ./evolved.py [ ]") printSeparator() ############################################################################################# def showFooter(): #pass #printSeparator() print("Done.") ############################################################################################# def write_to_file(array, outfile, mode, description_count): # mode: 0 = item, 1 = mob count=0 with open (outfile, "w") as f: if mode: write_mob_header(f) else: write_item_header(f) for i in sorted(array, key=lambda xcv: int(xcv.id)): if mode: write_mob(i, f) else: write_item(i, f) count+=1 if count >= description_count: count=0 if mode: f.write(description_m + "\n") else: f.write(description_i + "\n") return # ___________ # / \ # / Items \ # /_______________\ # \_______________/ """ struct Item { Spanned id; Spanned name; Spanned type; Spanned buy_price; Spanned sell_price; Spanned weight; Spanned atk; Spanned def; Spanned range; Spanned magic_bonus; Spanned slot_unused; Spanned gender; Spanned loc; Spanned wlv; Spanned elv; Spanned view; ast::script::ScriptBody use_script; ast::script::ScriptBody equip_script; }; # Gender SEX_FEMALE: 0 SEX_MALE: 1 SEX_ANY: 2 enum class SEX : uint8_t { FEMALE = 0, MALE = 1, // For items. This is also used as error, sometime. // TODO switch to Option where appropriate. UNSPECIFIED = 2, NEUTRAL = 3, __OTHER = 4, // used in ManaPlus only }; """ class It: def __init__(self): # Basic self.id="0" self.aegis="UnknownItem" self.name="Unknown Item Name" self.type="IT_ETC" # default type self.buy="0" self.sell="0" self.weight="0" self.atk="0" self.matk="0" self.df="0" self.range="0" self.sl="0" # Slots (unused always 0) self.gender="2" # default = UNSPECIFIED = 2 self.loc="" self.wlv="0" # >= 1 for weapons, 0 for all others including ammo self.elv="0" # equip lvl self.md=0 self.subtype="" self.disabled=False # Script settings self.usescript=[] self.eqscript=[] #self.usescript="" #self.eqscript="" # Special settings self.rare=False # DropAnnounce # Visual self.ac=False # Allow Cards self.gmlvlonly=False ############################################################################################# def ItAlloc(it): if (it.aegis == "UnknownItem"): return if (it.sl == "0" and it.ac) or (it.sl in ["1","2","3","4"] and not it.ac): print("WARNING, item id "+it.id+" invalid dye/card setting!") if (len(it.sl) > 1): print("WARNING, item id "+it.id+" bad slots length: %d (%s)" % (len(it.sl), it.sl)) a=it.type if "IT_HEALING" in a: IT_HEALING.append(it) elif "IT_ETC" in a: IT_ETC.append(it) elif "IT_USABLE" in a: IT_USABLE.append(it) elif "IT_AMMO" in a: IT_AMMO.append(it) elif "IT_CARD" in a: IT_CARD.append(it) elif "IT_PETEGG" in a: IT_PETEGG.append(it) elif "IT_WEAPON" in a: if "HAND_L" in it.loc or "EQP_ARMS" in it.loc: IT_WEAPON["HAND_2"].append(it) elif "HAND_R" in it.loc: IT_WEAPON["HAND_1"].append(it) else: raise Exception("Invalid location for weapon: %s" % it.loc) elif "IT_ARMOR" in a: if 'EQP_ACC_L' in it.loc: IT_ARMOR['EQP_ACC_L'].append(it) elif 'EQP_ACC_R' in it.loc: IT_ARMOR['EQP_ACC_R'].append(it) elif 'EQP_HEAD_MID' in it.loc: IT_ARMOR['EQP_HEAD_MID'].append(it) elif 'EQP_SHOES' in it.loc: IT_ARMOR['EQP_SHOES'].append(it) elif 'EQP_GARMENT' in it.loc: IT_ARMOR['EQP_GARMENT'].append(it) elif 'EQP_HEAD_LOW' in it.loc: IT_ARMOR['EQP_HEAD_LOW'].append(it) elif 'EQP_HEAD_TOP' in it.loc: IT_ARMOR['EQP_HEAD_TOP'].append(it) elif 'EQP_HAND_L' in it.loc: IT_ARMOR['EQP_HAND_L'].append(it) elif '1024' in it.loc: IT_ARMOR['1024'].append(it) elif '2048' in it.loc: IT_ARMOR['2048'].append(it) elif 'EQP_SHADOW_SHOES' in it.loc: IT_ARMOR['EQP_MOUNT'].append(it) elif 'EQP_ARMOR' in it.loc: IT_ARMOR['EQP_ACC_R'].append(it) # Not really else: raise Exception("Invalid Loc for ID %s: %s" % (it.id, it.loc)) if "i" in it.id: print("Invalid item: %s" % it.id) return ## Save the Aegis ID if (it.aegis not in []): aegis.write("%s %s\n" % (it.aegis, it.id)) else: print("%s: Aegis reused as quest var (please purge)" % it.aegis) AllItems[it.aegis]=str(it.id) ############################################################################################# """ enum class ItemMode : uint8_t { NONE = 0, NO_DROP = 1, NO_TRADE = 2, NO_SELL_TO_NPC = 4, NO_STORAGE = 8, KEEP_AFTER_USE = 16, DONT_USE_AMMO = 32, }; """ def newItemDB(): IT_NO_DROP = 1 IT_NO_TRADE = 2 IT_NO_SELL_TO_NPC = 4 IT_NO_STORAGE = 8 IT_KEEP_AFTER_USE = 16 IT_DONT_USE_AMMO = 32 IT_DROPANNOUNCE = 64 print("\nGenerating Item Wiki...") if len(sys.argv) >= 2: src=open(sys.argv[1]+"/db/pre-re/item_db.conf", "r") else: src=open("../world/map/db/item_db.conf", "r") usescripting=False eqscripting=False useableitem=False nouse=False x=It() for a in src: # Evol2-only scripts if "@EVOL2" in a: continue if "@TMWA" in a: a=a.replace("//", "").replace("@TMWA", "") # Initiate the script if a == "{\n": ItAlloc(x) x=It() # sti() block if "\tId:" in a: x.id=sti(a) elif "\tAegisName:" in a: x.aegis=sti(a) elif "\tName:" in a: x.name=stin(a) elif "\tBuy:" in a: x.buy=sti(a) elif "\tSell:" in a: x.sell=sti(a) elif "\tWeight:" in a: x.weight=sti(a) elif "\tType:" in a: x.type=sti(a) if x.type == "IT_USABLE": useableitem=True elif "\tLoc:" in a: x.loc=sti(a) elif "\tAtk:" in a: x.atk=sti(a) elif "\tMatk:" in a: # description says ignored in pre-re x.matk=sti(a) elif "\tRange:" in a: x.range=sti(a) elif "\tDef:" in a: x.df=sti(a) elif "\tWeaponLv:" in a: x.wlv=sti(a) elif "\tEquipLv:" in a: x.elv=sti(a) #elif "\tSlots:" in a: # allways 0 in tmwa atm #x.sl=sti(a) elif "\tGender:" in a: # allways 2 in tmwa atm x.gender=sti(a) if x.gender == "SEX_FEMALE" or x.gender == "0": x.gender="0" elif x.gender == "SEX_MALE" or x.gender == "1": x.gender="1" elif x.gender == "SEX_ANY" or x.gender == "2": x.gender="2" else: x.gender="2" elif "\tSubtype:" in a: x.subtype=sti(a) elif "\tDisabled: true" in a: x.disabled=True elif "\tAllowCards:" in a: x.ac=True # Write booleans elif "\tnodrop: true" in a: #x.drop=False x.md = x.md | IT_NO_DROP elif "\tnotrade: true" in a: #x.trade=False x.md = x.md | IT_NO_TRADE elif "\tnoselltonpc: true" in a: #x.sell=False x.md = x.md | IT_NO_SELL_TO_NPC elif "\tnostorage: true" in a: #x.store=False x.md = x.md | IT_NO_STORAGE elif "\tKeepAfterUse: true" in a: #x.keepafteruse=False x.md = x.md | IT_KEEP_AFTER_USE elif "\tDontUseAmmo: true" in a: #x.dontuseammo=False x.md = x.md | IT_DONT_USE_AMMO elif "\tDropAnnounce: true" in a: x.rare=True #x.md = x.md | IT_DROPANNOUNCE elif "\tNouse:" in a: nouse=True elif "\toverride:" in a: if nouse: if sti(a) != "0": x.gmlvlonly=True elif "\t}" in a: if nouse: nouse=False # FIXME: Different kind of scripts D: elif "\tOnEquipScript:" in a: eqscripting=True elif "\tScript:" in a: if useableitem: usescripting=True else: eqscripting=True # FIXME: Nesting D: elif (eqscripting or usescripting) and '\t\">' in a: eqscripting=False usescripting=False useableitem=False elif eqscripting: if re.search(r"^\t+//",a): pass #elif "bonus bMatkRate" in a: # its not that simple since it can be a bonus in tmwa as well so i must use the Matk: field #x.matk=sti(a) else: x.eqscript.append(stis(a)) #print("%s" % a) elif usescripting: if re.search(r"^\t+//",a): pass else: x.usescript.append(stis(a)) # Write last entry ItAlloc(x) src.close() ############################################################################################# def sti(x): return x.replace('\n', '').replace('|', '').replace(')', '').replace('Id: ', '').replace('"','').replace(';','').replace(" ","").replace("\t","").replace('AegisName: ', '').replace('Name: ','').replace('Buy: ', '').replace('Sell: ', '').replace('Weight: ', '').replace('Type: ', '').replace('Loc: ', '').replace('Atk: ', '').replace('Matk: ', '').replace('Range: ', '').replace('Def: ', '').replace('WeaponLv: ', '').replace('EquipLv: ', '').replace('Subtype: ', '').replace('Slots: ', '').replace('Gender: ', '').replace('nodrop: ', '').replace('notrade: ', '').replace('noselltonpc: ', '').replace('nostorage: ', '').replace('KeepAfterUse: ', '').replace('DontUseAmmo: ', '').replace('override: ', '').replace(" ", "").strip() ############################################################################################# def stis(x): x=re.sub(r'; *//.*$',';',x) # handle those with @EVOL2 and @TMWA tags rather? x=re.sub(r', EQI_.*;',';',x) x=re.sub(r'readparam\(b(.*)\)',r'\1',x) x=re.sub(r'callfunc "itheal", (-?[0-9]+), (-?[0-9]+).*',r'heal \1, \2, 1;',x) x=re.sub(r'callfunc "RequireStat", b(.*), ([0-9]+).*',r'set @bStat, \1; set @minbStatVal, \2; callfunc "RequireStat";',x) x=re.sub(r'callfunc\("SC_Bonus", (-?[0-9]+), SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, (-?[0-9]+).*',r'sc_start SC_ATKPOT, \1, \2;',x) x=re.sub(r'callfunc\("SC_Bonus", (-?[0-9]+), SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER, (-?[0-9]+).*',r'sc_start SC_MATKPOT, \1, \2;',x) x=re.sub(r'callfunc\("SC_Bonus", (-?[0-9]+), SC_ATTHASTE_POTION1, (-?[0-9]+).*',r'sc_start SC_SPEEDPOTION0, \1, \2;',x) x=re.sub(r'callfunc\("SC_Bonus", (-?[0-9]+), SC_SLOWPOISON, (-?[0-9]+).*',r'sc_start SC_SLOWPOISON, \1, \2;',x) # uses 180k in tmwa files but gets multiplied by 1000 in source if low evolved value is taken x=re.sub(r'callfunc\("SC_Bonus", (-?[0-9]+), SC_BLOODING, (-?[0-9]+).*',r'sc_start SC_POISON, \1, \2;',x) x=re.sub(r'callfunc\("SC_Bonus", (-?[0-9]+), SC_POISON, (-?[0-9]+).*',r'sc_start SC_POISON, \1, \2;',x) x=re.sub(r'callfunc\("SC_Bonus", (-?[0-9]+), SC_PHYS_SHIELD, (-?[0-9]+).*',r'sc_start SC_PHYS_SHIELD, \1, \2;',x) x=re.sub(r'callfunc\("SC_Bonus", (-?[0-9]+), SC_PHYS_SHIELD_ITEM, (-?[0-9]+).*',r'sc_start SC_PHYS_SHIELD_ITEM, \1, \2;',x) x=re.sub(r' +',' ',x) return x.replace('\n', '').replace("\t","").strip() ############################################################################################# def stin(x): return x.replace('\n', '').replace('|', '').replace(')', '').replace('Id: ', '').replace('"','').replace(" ","").replace("\t","").replace('Name: ','').replace(';','') ############################################################################################# """ # Type enum class ItemType : uint8_t { USE = 0, // in eA, healing only _1 = 1, // unused _2 = 2, // in eA, other usable items JUNK = 3, // "useless" items (e.g. quests) WEAPON = 4, // all weapons ARMOR = 5, // all other equipment _6 = 6, // in eA, card _7 = 7, // in eA, pet egg _8 = 8, // in eA, pet equipment _9 = 9, // unused ARROW = 10, // ammo _11 = 11, // in eA, delayed use (special script) }; # used in tmwa IT_USABLE IT_ETC IT_WEAPON IT_ARMOR IT_AMMO # View enum class ItemLook : uint16_t { W_FIST, // 0 Fist W_DAGGER, // 1 Dagger W_1HSWORD, // 2 Sword W_2HSWORD, // 3 TwoHandSword W_1HSPEAR, // 4 Spear W_2HSPEAR, // 5 TwoHandSpear W_1HAXE, // 6 Axe W_2HAXE, // 7 TwoHandAxe W_MACE, // 8 Mace W_2HMACE, // 9 TwoHandMace W_STAFF, // 10 Rod W_BOW, // 11 Bow W_KNUCKLE, // 12 Knuckle W_MUSICAL, // 13 Instrument W_WHIP, // 14 Whip W_BOOK, // 15 Book W_KATAR, // 16 Katar W_REVOLVER, // 17 Revolver W_RIFLE, // 18 Rifle W_GATLING, // 19 GatlingGun W_SHOTGUN, // 20 Shotgun W_GRENADE, // 21 GrenadeLauncher W_HUUMA, // 22 FuumaShuriken W_2HSTAFF, // 23 TwoHandRod COUNT, }; # Loc enum class EPOS : uint16_t { ZERO = 0x0000, # 0 LEGS = 0x0001, # 1 EQP_HEAD_LOW WEAPON1H = 0x0002, # 2 EQP_HAND_R = 1 Hand GLOVES = 0x0004, # 4 EQP_GARMENT CAPE = 0x0008, # 8 EQP_ACC_L (Isis and such) MISC1 = 0x0010, # 16 EQP_ARMOR (Amuletts, Mana pearl and such) SHIELD = 0x0020, # 32 EQP_HAND_L WEAPON2H = 0x0022, # 34 [EQP_HAND_L,EQP_HAND_R] = 2 Hand (2(EQP_HAND_R)+32(EQP_HAND_L)) SHOES = 0x0040, # 64 EQP_SHOES MISC2 = 0x0080, # 128 EQP_ACC_R (Rings) HAT = 0x0100, # 256 EQP_HEAD_TOP TORSO = 0x0200, # 512 EQP_HEAD_MID ARROW = 0x8000, # 32768 EQP_AMMO }; # used in current item_db.conf Loc: "EQP_ACC_L" Loc: "EQP_ACC_R" Loc: "EQP_AMMO" Loc: "EQP_ARMOR" Loc: "EQP_GARMENT" Loc: "EQP_HAND_L" Loc: ["EQP_HAND_L", "EQP_HAND_R"] Loc: "EQP_HAND_R" Loc: "EQP_HEAD_LOW" Loc: "EQP_HEAD_MID" Loc: "EQP_HEAD_TOP" Loc: "EQP_SHOES" """ def write_item(i, f): ## Type if i.type == "IT_USABLE": type="0" elif i.type == "IT_ETC": type="3" elif i.type == "IT_WEAPON": type="4" elif i.type == "IT_ARMOR": type="5" elif i.type == "IT_AMMO": type="10" ## View if i.subtype == "W_FIST": view="0" elif i.subtype == "W_DAGGER": view="1" elif i.subtype == "W_1HSWORD": view="2" elif i.subtype == "W_2HSWORD": view="3" elif i.subtype == "W_1HSPEAR": view="4" elif i.subtype == "W_2HSPEAR": view="5" elif i.subtype == "W_1HAXE": view="6" elif i.subtype == "W_2HAXE": view="7" elif i.subtype == "W_MACE": view="8" elif i.subtype == "W_2HMACE": view="9" elif i.subtype == "W_STAFF": view="10" elif i.subtype == "W_BOW": view="11" elif i.subtype == "W_KNUCKLE": view="12" elif i.subtype == "W_MUSICAL": view="13" elif i.subtype == "W_WHIP": view="14" elif i.subtype == "W_BOOK": view="15" elif i.subtype == "W_KATAR": view="16" elif i.subtype == "W_REVOLVER": view="17" elif i.subtype == "W_RIFLE": view="18" elif i.subtype == "W_GATLING": view="19" elif i.subtype == "W_SHOTGUN": view="20" elif i.subtype == "W_GRENADE": view="21" elif i.subtype == "W_HUUMA": view="22" elif i.subtype == "W_2HSTAFF": view="23" elif i.subtype == "A_ARROW": view="0" elif i.subtype == "A_SHELL": view="0" elif i.type == "IT_AMMO": view="0" elif i.type == "IT_WEAPON": # fall through if subtype was missing (W_DAGGER) view="1" else: view="0" ## Loc if i.loc == "EQP_HEAD_LOW": loc="1" elif i.loc == "EQP_HAND_R": loc="2" elif i.loc == "[EQP_HAND_L,EQP_HAND_R]": loc="34" elif i.loc == "EQP_GARMENT": loc="4" elif i.loc == "EQP_ACC_L": loc="8" elif i.loc == "EQP_ARMOR": loc="16" elif i.loc == "EQP_HAND_L": loc="32" elif i.loc == "EQP_SHOES": loc="64" elif i.loc == "EQP_ACC_R": loc="128" elif i.loc == "EQP_HEAD_TOP": loc="256" elif i.loc == "EQP_HEAD_MID": loc="512" elif i.loc == "EQP_AMMO": loc="32768" else: loc="0" if i.disabled: i.id="//"+i.id if i.gmlvlonly: i.eqscript.insert(0, "callfunc \"RestrictedItem\";") ## Add spaces md=str(i.md) i.id=i.id+','+' '*(len(re.findall('//ID, *', description_i)[0])-len(i.id)-1) i.aegis=i.aegis+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Name, *', description_i)[0])-len(i.aegis)-1) type=type+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Type, *', description_i)[0])-len(type)-1) i.buy=i.buy+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Price, *', description_i)[0])-len(i.buy)-1) i.sell=i.sell+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Sell, *', description_i)[0])-len(i.sell)-1) i.weight=i.weight+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Weight, *', description_i)[0])-len(i.weight)-1) i.atk=i.atk+','+' '*(len(re.findall('ATK, *', description_i)[0])-len(i.atk)-1) i.df=i.df+','+' '*(len(re.findall('DEF, *', description_i)[0])-len(i.df)-1) i.range=i.range+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Range, *', description_i)[0])-len(i.range)-1) i.matk=i.matk+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Mbonus, *', description_i)[0])-len(i.matk)-1) i.sl=i.sl+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Slot, *', description_i)[0])-len(i.sl)-1) i.gender=i.gender+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Gender, *', description_i)[0])-len(i.gender)-1) loc=loc+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Loc, *', description_i)[0])-len(loc)-1) i.wlv=i.wlv+','+' '*(len(re.findall('wLV, *', description_i)[0])-len(i.wlv)-1) i.elv=i.elv+','+' '*(len(re.findall('eLV, *', description_i)[0])-len(i.elv)-1) view=view+','+' '*(len(re.findall('View, *', description_i)[0])-len(view)-1) md=md+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Mode, *', description_i)[0])-len(md)-1) usescriptstr='{'+' '.join(str(x) for x in i.usescript)+'}' usescriptstr=usescriptstr+','+' '*(len(re.findall('{UseScript}, *', description_i)[0])-len(usescriptstr)-1) eqscriptstr='{'+' '.join(str(x) for x in i.eqscript)+'}' #eqscriptstr=eqscriptstr+','+' '*(len(re.findall('{EquipScript}, *', description_i)[0])-len(eqscriptstr)-1) ## Write the line f.write("""%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n""" % (i.id, i.aegis, type, i.buy, i.sell, i.weight, i.atk, i.df, i.range, i.matk, i.sl, i.gender, loc, i.wlv, i.elv, view, md, usescriptstr, eqscriptstr)) return ############################################################################################# def write_item_header(f): f.write("//THIS FILE IS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY\n//DO NOT EDIT IT DIRECTLY\n//Edit item_db.conf instead!\n") f.write(description_i + "\n") return ############################################################################################# def save_items(): global IT_ETC, IT_USABLE, IT_AMMO, IT_WEAPON, IT_ARMOR ## Items DESCRIPTION_AFTER=20 WEAPON=IT_WEAPON['HAND_2']+IT_WEAPON['HAND_1']+IT_AMMO write_to_file(WEAPON, "../world/map/db/item_db_weapon.txt", 0, DESCRIPTION_AFTER) write_to_file(IT_ARMOR['EQP_HEAD_MID'], "../world/map/db/item_db_chest.txt", 0, DESCRIPTION_AFTER) write_to_file(IT_ARMOR['EQP_SHOES'], "../world/map/db/item_db_foot.txt", 0, DESCRIPTION_AFTER) write_to_file(IT_ARMOR['EQP_GARMENT'], "../world/map/db/item_db_hand.txt", 0, DESCRIPTION_AFTER) write_to_file(IT_ARMOR['EQP_HEAD_TOP'], "../world/map/db/item_db_head.txt", 0, DESCRIPTION_AFTER) write_to_file(IT_ARMOR['EQP_HEAD_LOW'], "../world/map/db/item_db_leg.txt", 0, DESCRIPTION_AFTER) write_to_file(IT_ARMOR['EQP_HAND_L'], "../world/map/db/item_db_offhand.txt", 0, DESCRIPTION_AFTER) TRINKLET=IT_ARMOR['EQP_ACC_L']+IT_ARMOR['EQP_ACC_R'] write_to_file(TRINKLET, "../world/map/db/item_db_trinket.txt", 0, DESCRIPTION_AFTER) write_to_file(IT_USABLE, "../world/map/db/item_db_use.txt", 0, DESCRIPTION_AFTER) write_to_file(IT_ETC, "../world/map/db/item_db_generic.txt", 0, DESCRIPTION_AFTER) return # __________ # / \ # / Mobs \ # /______________\ # \______________/ class Mob: def __init__(self): # Basic self.id="0" self.aegis="UnknownMonster" # SpriteName is not used anywhere, we are using its ID self.name="Unknown Monster Name" self.view="1" self.chch=False self.boss=False self.size="1" self.race="0" # TODO Convert RC_* self.elem="0" # TODO Convert Ele_* self.elLv="0" # Element Level self.mode="0" # TODO Convert MD_* and fields # General self.mobpt="0" # Mob Points “Level” self.hp="0" self.sp="0" self.xp="0" self.jp="0" # MvP self.mvp="0" # Defensive self.st="" self.md=0 self.df="0" self.mdf="0" self.cdf="0" # Stats self.str="0" self.agi="0" self.int="0" self.vit="0" self.dex="0" self.luk="0" # Offensive self.atk="[0, 0]" self.range="0" self.chase="1" self.move="0" self.adelay="0" self.amotion="0" self.dmotion="0" # Misc self.mtcnt="0" self.mtstr="0" self.drops=[] ############################################################################################# def MobAlloc(ab): if ab.name == "Unknown Monster Name": return try: maab=int(ab.mobpt) except: maab=9901 aegis.write("%s %s\n" % (ab.aegis, ab.id)) if maab <= 19: Mobs1.append(ab) elif maab <= 39: Mobs2.append(ab) elif maab <= 59: Mobs3.append(ab) elif maab <= 79: Mobs4.append(ab) elif maab <= 99: Mobs5.append(ab) elif maab <= 150: Mobs6.append(ab) elif maab != 9901: MobsA.append(ab) else: print("WARNING, Disregarding \"%s\" (ID: %s) as invalid mob" % (ab.name, ab.id)) ############################################################################################# def testMobs(): MD_CANMOVE = 1 MD_LOOTER = 2 MD_AGGRESSIVE = 4 MD_ASSIST = 8 MD_CASTSENSOR_IDLE = 16 MD_BOSS = 32 MD_PLANT = 64 MD_CANATTACK = 128 print("\nGenerating Mob Database...") if len(sys.argv) >= 2: src=open(sys.argv[1]+"/db/pre-re/mob_db.conf", "r") else: src=open("../world/map/db/mob_db.conf", "r") start=False dropper=False x=Mob() # Only for pyflakes2 for a in src: # Evol2-only scripts if "@EVOL2" in a: continue if "@TMWA" in a: a=a.replace("//", "").replace("@TMWA", "") # Initiate the script if a == "{\n": if start: MobAlloc(x) else: start=True x=Mob() if "\tId:" in a: x.id=stp(a) elif "\tSpriteName:" in a: x.aegis=stp(a) elif "\tName:" in a: x.name=stp(a) elif "\tHp:" in a: x.hp=stp(a) elif "\tSp:" in a: x.sp=stp(a) elif "\tLv:" in a: x.mobpt=stp(a) elif "\tExp:" in a: x.xp=stp(a) elif "\tJExp:" in a: x.jp=stp(a) elif "\tMvpExp: " in a: x.mvp=stp(a) elif "\tDef:" in a: x.df=stp(a) elif "\tMdef:" in a: x.mdf=stp(a) elif "\tCriticalDef:" in a: x.cdf=stp(a) elif "\tAttack:" in a: x.atk=stp(a) elif "\tAttackRange:" in a: x.range=stp(a) elif "\tMoveSpeed:" in a: x.move=stp(a) elif "\tViewRange:" in a: x.view=stp(a) elif "\tChaseRange:" in a: x.chase=stp(a) elif "\tAttackDelay:" in a: x.adelay=stp(a) elif "\tAttackMotion:" in a: x.amotion=stp(a) elif "\tDamageMotion:" in a: x.dmotion=stp(a) elif "\tStr: " in a: x.str=stp(a) elif "\tAgi: " in a: x.agi=stp(a) elif "\tVit: " in a: x.vit=stp(a) elif "\tDex: " in a: x.dex=stp(a) elif "\tInt: " in a: x.int=stp(a) elif "\tLuk: " in a: x.luk=stp(a) elif "\tMutationCount: " in a: x.mtcnt=stp(a) elif "\tMutationStrength: " in a: x.mtstr=stp(a) elif "\tSize: " in a: x.size=stp(a) elif "\tRace: " in a: x.race=stp(a) # TODO: Conversion elif "\tElement: " in a: tmp=stp(a).split(",") #Element: (type, level) x.elem=tmp[0].replace("(","").strip() x.elLv=tmp[1].replace(")","").strip() try: if int(x.elem) in [4, 5]: x.elem = "2" elif int(x.elem) in [8, 9, "10"]: x.elem="7" except: traceback.print_exc() elif "\tCanMove: true" in a: x.md = x.md | MD_CANMOVE elif "\tLooter: true" in a: x.md = x.md | MD_LOOTER elif "\tAggressive: true" in a: x.md = x.md | MD_AGGRESSIVE elif "\tAssist: true" in a: x.md = x.md | MD_ASSIST elif "\tCastSensorIdle: true" in a: x.md = x.md | MD_CASTSENSOR_IDLE elif "\tBoss: true" in a: x.md = x.md | MD_BOSS elif "\tPlant: true" in a: x.md = x.md | MD_PLANT elif "\tCanAttack: true" in a: x.md = x.md | MD_CANATTACK elif '\tDrops: ' in a: dropper=True elif dropper and '\t}' in a: dropper=False elif dropper: x.drops.append(stp(a).split(": ")) # Write last entry MobAlloc(x) src.close() ############################################################################################# def stp(x): return x.replace('\n', '').replace('|', '').replace('(int, defaults to ', '').replace(')', '').replace('basic experience', '').replace('"','').replace(" ","").replace("\t","").replace('(string', '').replace('SpriteName: ','').replace('Name: ','').replace('AttackDelay: ', '').replace('AttackMotion: ', '').replace('DamageMotion: ', '').replace('MoveSpeed: ', '').replace('AttackRange: ', '').replace('ViewRange: ','').replace('ChaseRange: ','').replace('Attack: ','').replace('Hp: ','').replace('Sp: ','').replace('Id: ','').replace('Lv: ','').replace('view range','').replace('attack range','').replace('move speed','').replace('health','').replace('(int','').replace('attack delay','atk.').replace("Str:", "").replace("Agi:", "").replace("Vit:", "").replace("Int:", "").replace("Dex:", "").replace("Luk:", "").replace("Mdef:","").replace("CriticalDef:","").replace("Def:","").replace("Size:","").replace("Race:", "").replace("Element:","").replace("JExp: ","").replace("MvpExp: ","").replace("Exp: ","").replace("MutationCount: ","").replace("MutationStrength: ","").strip() ############################################################################################# def write_mob(m, f): ## Prepare new drop list i=0 dl=[] while i < 10: if len(m.drops) > i: try: it = m.drops[i][0] # TODO: Convert to INT ch = m.drops[i][1] it = AllItems[it] ch = int(ch) except ValueError: ch = ch.split(",")[0].replace('(','') # except (40, "ODG_BASICSTAT") => split more except: print("ERROR mob %s drop %s" % (m.name, repr(m.drops))) traceback.print_exc() it = 0 ch = 0 else: it = 0 ch = 0 dl.append(str(it)) dl.append(str(ch)) i+=1 ## Add spaces el=str(int("%s%s" % (m.elLv, m.elem))) atk1=m.atk.replace('[','').split(",")[0] atk2=m.atk.replace(']','').split(",")[1].strip() md=str(m.md) item1="0" item2="0" expper="0" mvp1id="0" mvp1p="0" mvp2id="0" mvp2p="0" mvp3id="0" mvp3p="0" m.id=m.id+','+' '*(len(re.findall('//ID, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.id)-1) m.aegis=m.aegis+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Name, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.aegis)-1) m.mobpt=m.mobpt+','+' '*(len(re.findall('LV, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.mobpt)-1) m.hp=m.hp+','+' '*(len(re.findall('HP, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.hp)-1) m.sp=m.sp+','+' '*(len(re.findall('SP, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.sp)-1) m.xp=m.xp+','+' '*(len(re.findall('EXP, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.xp)-1) m.jp=m.jp+','+' '*(len(re.findall('JEXP, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.jp)-1) m.range=m.range+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Range1, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.range)-1) atk1=atk1+','+' '*(len(re.findall('ATK1, *', description_m)[0])-len(atk1)-1) atk2=atk2+','+' '*(len(re.findall('ATK2, *', description_m)[0])-len(atk2)-1) m.df=m.df+','+' '*(len(re.findall('DEF, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.df)-1) m.mdf=m.mdf+','+' '*(len(re.findall('MDEF, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.mdf)-1) m.cdf=m.cdf+','+' '*(len(re.findall('CRITDEF, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.cdf)-1) m.str=m.str+','+' '*(len(re.findall('STR, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.str)-1) m.agi=m.agi+','+' '*(len(re.findall('AGI, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.agi)-1) m.vit=m.vit+','+' '*(len(re.findall('VIT, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.vit)-1) m.int=m.int+','+' '*(len(re.findall('INT, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.int)-1) m.dex=m.dex+','+' '*(len(re.findall('DEX, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.dex)-1) m.luk=m.luk+','+' '*(len(re.findall('LUK, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.luk)-1) m.view=m.view+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Range2, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.view)-1) m.chase=m.chase+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Range3, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.chase)-1) m.size=m.size+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Scale, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.size)-1) m.race=m.race+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Race, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.race)-1) el=el+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Element, *', description_m)[0])-len(el)-1) md=md+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Mode, *', description_m)[0])-len(md)-1) m.move=m.move+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Speed, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.move)-1) m.adelay=m.adelay+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Adelay, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.adelay)-1) m.amotion=m.amotion+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Amotion, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.amotion)-1) m.dmotion=m.dmotion+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Dmotion, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.dmotion)-1) dl[0]=dl[0]+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Drop0id, *', description_m)[0])-len(dl[0])-1) dl[1]=dl[1]+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Drop0%, *', description_m)[0])-len(dl[1])-1) dl[2]=dl[2]+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Drop1id, *', description_m)[0])-len(dl[2])-1) dl[3]=dl[3]+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Drop1%, *', description_m)[0])-len(dl[3])-1) dl[4]=dl[4]+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Drop2id, *', description_m)[0])-len(dl[4])-1) dl[5]=dl[5]+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Drop2%, *', description_m)[0])-len(dl[5])-1) dl[6]=dl[6]+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Drop3id, *', description_m)[0])-len(dl[6])-1) dl[7]=dl[7]+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Drop3%, *', description_m)[0])-len(dl[7])-1) dl[8]=dl[8]+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Drop4id, *', description_m)[0])-len(dl[8])-1) dl[9]=dl[9]+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Drop4%, *', description_m)[0])-len(dl[9])-1) dl[10]=dl[10]+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Drop5id, *', description_m)[0])-len(dl[10])-1) dl[11]=dl[11]+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Drop5%, *', description_m)[0])-len(dl[11])-1) dl[12]=dl[12]+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Drop6id, *', description_m)[0])-len(dl[12])-1) dl[13]=dl[13]+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Drop6%, *', description_m)[0])-len(dl[13])-1) dl[14]=dl[14]+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Drop7id, *', description_m)[0])-len(dl[14])-1) dl[15]=dl[15]+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Drop7%, *', description_m)[0])-len(dl[15])-1) dl[16]=dl[16]+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Drop8id, *', description_m)[0])-len(dl[16])-1) dl[17]=dl[17]+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Drop8%, *', description_m)[0])-len(dl[17])-1) dl[18]=dl[18]+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Drop9id, *', description_m)[0])-len(dl[18])-1) dl[19]=dl[19]+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Drop9%, *', description_m)[0])-len(dl[19])-1) item1=item1+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Item1, *', description_m)[0])-len(item1)-1) item2=item2+','+' '*(len(re.findall('Item2, *', description_m)[0])-len(item2)-1) m.mvp=m.mvp+','+' '*(len(re.findall('MEXP, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.mvp)-1) expper=expper+','+' '*(len(re.findall('ExpPer, *', description_m)[0])-len(expper)-1) mvp1id=mvp1id+','+' '*(len(re.findall('MVP1id, *', description_m)[0])-len(mvp1id)-1) mvp1p=mvp1p+','+' '*(len(re.findall('MVP1per, *', description_m)[0])-len(mvp1p)-1) mvp2id=mvp2id+','+' '*(len(re.findall('MVP2id, *', description_m)[0])-len(mvp2id)-1) mvp2p=mvp2p+','+' '*(len(re.findall('MVP2per, *', description_m)[0])-len(mvp2p)-1) mvp3id=mvp3id+','+' '*(len(re.findall('MVP3id, *', description_m)[0])-len(mvp3id)-1) mvp3p=mvp3p+','+' '*(len(re.findall('MVP3per, *', description_m)[0])-len(mvp3p)-1) m.mtcnt=m.mtcnt+','+' '*(len(re.findall('mutationcount, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.mtcnt)-1) # m.mtstr=m.mtstr+','+' '*(len(re.findall('mutationstrength, *', description_m)[0])-len(m.mtstr)-1) ## Write the line f.write("""%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n""" % (m.id, m.aegis, m.aegis, m.mobpt, m.hp, m.sp, m.xp, m.jp, m.range, atk1, atk2, m.df, m.mdf, m.cdf, m.str, m.agi, m.vit, m.int, m.dex, m.luk, m.view, m.chase, m.size, m.race, el, md, m.move, m.adelay, m.amotion, m.dmotion, dl[0],dl[1], dl[2],dl[3], dl[4],dl[5], dl[6],dl[7], dl[8],dl[9], dl[10],dl[11], dl[12],dl[13], dl[14],dl[15], dl[16],dl[17], dl[18],dl[19], item1, item2, m.mvp, expper, mvp1id, mvp1p, mvp2id, mvp2p, mvp3id, mvp3p, m.mtcnt, m.mtstr)) return ############################################################################################# def write_mob_header(f): f.write("//THIS FILE IS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY\n//DO NOT EDIT IT DIRECTLY\n//Edit mob_db.conf instead!\n") f.write(description_m + "\n") return ############################################################################################# def save_mobs(): global Mobs1, Mobs2, Mobs3, Mobs4, Mobs5, Mobs6, MobsA DESCRIPTION_AFTER=20 ## Mobs write_to_file(Mobs1, "../world/map/db/mob_db_0_19.txt", 1, DESCRIPTION_AFTER) write_to_file(Mobs2, "../world/map/db/mob_db_20_39.txt", 1, DESCRIPTION_AFTER) write_to_file(Mobs3, "../world/map/db/mob_db_40_59.txt", 1, DESCRIPTION_AFTER) write_to_file(Mobs4, "../world/map/db/mob_db_60_79.txt", 1, DESCRIPTION_AFTER) write_to_file(Mobs5, "../world/map/db/mob_db_80_99.txt", 1, DESCRIPTION_AFTER) write_to_file(Mobs6, "../world/map/db/mob_db_over_100.txt", 1, DESCRIPTION_AFTER) write_to_file(MobsA, "../world/map/db/mob_db_over_150.txt", 1, DESCRIPTION_AFTER) return ############################################################################################# showHeader() newItemDB() testMobs() save_items() save_mobs() aegis.close() showFooter() exit(0)