// This file is part of the Tutorial // Authors: Jenalya, alastrim // Hasan should be threatening someone else you come to help // Going to throw someone in the water // npctalk 2 NPCs Hasan talks about giving someone a short trip to Docks // They respond by asking play for help // Hasan tells them to but out of it. 029-1,35,33,0|script|Scared Man|160 { callfunc "PCtoNPCRange"; if(@npc_check) end; if (QL_BEGIN >= 13) goto L_TutDone; message strcharinfo(0), "He looks too afraid to say anything."; goto L_End; L_TutDone: message strcharinfo(0), "Thanks. Hasan has been much nicer to me now"; goto L_End; L_End: end; } 029-1,33,33,0|script|Hasan|189,3,3 { callfunc "PCtoNPCRange"; if(@npc_check) end; goto L_Main; L_Main: if ((getcharid(3) == $@ScorpionFighter) || ($@ScorpionFighter && $@ScorpionFighter != getcharid(3))) goto L_Afraid; if (QL_BEGIN == 14) goto L_TutDone; if (QL_BEGIN == 13) goto L_Thank; if (QL_BEGIN == 12) goto L_Trick; if ((QL_BEGIN == 9) || (QL_BEGIN == 10) || (QL_BEGIN == 11)) goto L_FightAgain; mes "You over hear some people nearby."; mes "[Unfriendly Guy]"; mes "\"I told you if you didn't get the money, I'd give you swimming lessons, Haha!\""; mes "[Scared Man]"; mes "\"But the only person I need protection from is you.\""; mes "[Unfriendly Guy]"; mes "\"Thats why the price is so high.\""; mes "\"Because I'm the toughest person in all of Candor\""; mes "[Scared Man]"; mes "\"No, you're just a mean bully. Wait till I tell the guards about this!\""; mes "[Unfriendly Guy]"; mes "\"You do that and the next swimming lesson will be sleeping with the fishes.\""; mes "[Scared Man]"; mes "\"No, please don't. *sob*\""; mes "Sounds like this person is in trouble.\""; set QL_BEGIN, 9; mes "[Unfriendly Guy]"; mes "\"What are you looking at?\""; menu "What ever you call insect slime scrapped off a boat after a walk through the sewers.", L_Fight, "Who me? I saw nothing, just passing by.", L_Close; L_FightAgain: mes "[Hasan]"; mes "\"Have you come back for a thrashing?\""; menu "No.", L_Close, "Yes.", L_Fight; L_Fight: mes "[Hasan]"; mes "\"Do you really think you can beat me?\""; mes "He pulls out a nasty looking dagger and stabs it in your direction."; set Hp, 1; mes "That hurt! You begin to think searching for a different solution might be healthier."; mes "Maybe Kaan can help?"; goto L_Close; L_Trick: mes "[Hasan]"; mes "\"Have you come back for another thrashing?\""; menu "No.",L_Close, "Yes, yours! (Scratch your head.)",L_ScratchHead; L_ScratchHead: if ($@ScorpionFighter) goto L_Wait; set $@ScorpionTimer, 0; set $@ScorpionFighter, getcharid(3); set $@ScorpDeath, PC_DIE_COUNTER; donpcevent "#ScorpionTrigger::OnCommandHasanSpawn"; specialeffect 22; mes "While you're scratching your head, a scorpion appears."; close; L_Thank: mes "[Hasan]"; mes "\"You - you saved me!"; mes "I was mean to people, but you still saved me!\""; mes "\"Hey, you're a really cool person."; mes "I mean, the way you finished that ghastly scorpion!"; mes "Amazing!\""; mes "\"Let me tell you something, I will no longer bully people."; mes "And you can have my Sharp Knife.\""; getitem "SharpKnife", 1; set QL_BEGIN, 14; mes "\"You want to go to Hurnscald, right? Shall I tell you how to get there?\""; menu "Sure, thanks.",L_HasanThanks, "I'll try to find the way myself.",L_Explore; L_HasanThanks: mes "[Hasan]"; mes "\"Ok, when you leave here go back to the city. Wait on the south end of"; mes "the city for the ferry to arrive at the docks. It will take you to Hurnscald.\""; goto L_Close; L_Explore: mes "[Hasan]"; mes "\"Alright. Take care!\""; goto L_Close; L_TutDone: mes "[Hasan]"; mes "\"You didn't see anything. I tell you what I'll be nicer if you don't tell anyone?\""; menu "As long as you learned your lesson.", L_TutCont; L_TutCont: mes "\"I have, I promise not to bully people anymore. It's not fun being scared.\""; goto L_Close; L_Wait: mes "There is a scorpion near Hasan already. I think Kaan is helping someone else... Maybe I should try the plan later."; goto L_Close; L_Afraid: message strcharinfo(0), "Hasan: \"" + strcharinfo(0) + "! Please help me!\""; end; L_Close: close; OnTouch: if (QL_BEGIN >= 13) end; goto L_Main; } 029-1,0,0,0|script|#ScorpionTrigger|32767 { end; OnCommandHasanSpawn: goto L_Summon; L_Summon: monster "029-1",33,33,"",1046,1, "#ScorpionTrigger::OnScorpionDeath"; initnpctimer; end; L_SummonAgain: message strcharinfo(0), "Kaan is mad at you for your interference! He summons a rock above your head, then summons another scorpion near Hasan!"; heal -Hp, 0; goto L_Summon; OnTimer5000: if (attachrid($@ScorpionFighter) == 0) goto L_Clean; set $@ScorpionTimer, $@ScorpionTimer + 5; if ($@ScorpionTimer >= 300) goto L_TimeOut; if (PC_DIE_COUNTER > $@ScorpDeath) goto L_MessageDeath; setnpctimer 0; end; OnScorpionDeath: if (getcharid(3) != $@ScorpionFighter) goto L_SummonAgain; if (QL_BEGIN != 12) goto L_Clean; set QL_BEGIN, 13; message strcharinfo(0), "You saved Hasan."; set @mobID, 1003; callfunc "MobPoints"; goto L_Clean; L_TimeOut: message strcharinfo(0), "Hasan, with his eyes almost closed, trembling with fear, runs toward the scorpion and stabs it with all his strength!"; goto L_Clean; L_MessageDeath: message strcharinfo(0), "Ouch... I should be more careful when fighting these monsters."; goto L_Clean; L_Clean: killmonster "029-1", "#ScorpionTrigger::OnScorpionDeath"; set $@ScorpionFighter, 0; set $@ScorpionTimer, 0; set $@ScorpDeath, 0; stopnpctimer; end; }