// FIXME: this script is very cringeworthy and almost never clears the arrays so they just fill up // also some arrays should be global (and npc vars later), not stored in every single player // -> should GET RID of that fugly magic-secrets system; the answers are public anyway 002-2,38,57,0|script|Stranger|192 { set @IRONINGOT, 5; set @PINKANTENNA, 21; set @Exp, 20000; setarray @towelReq$[0], "HitchhikersTowel"; if (FLAGS & FLAG_TOWEL_COMPLETED) goto L_Event_Done; if ((gettimetick(2)-TUT_var < 6*7*86400) || (BaseLevel < 42)) //player must be created at least 6 weeks ago and at least level 42 goto L_No_Event; if (FLAGS & FLAG_TOWEL_HELPED) goto L_Towel; mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"Hello, hello! It's great to see you. Maybe you can help me with a little problem I have.\""; next; mes "\"I need some materials to repair my spacesh- ahm, it's not important why I need it.\""; next; mes "\"Anyway, I'd be really happy if you can give me " + @IRONINGOT + " Iron Ingots and " + @PINKANTENNA + " Pink Antennas.\""; next; mes "\"Do you have that for me?\""; menu "Yeah, sure.",L_Items, "No.",L_Close; L_Items: if (countitem("IronIngot") < @IRONINGOT) goto L_No_Item; if (countitem("PinkAntenna") < @PINKANTENNA) goto L_No_Item; delitem "IronIngot", @IRONINGOT; delitem "PinkAntenna", @PINKANTENNA; getexp @Exp, 0; set FLAGS, FLAGS | FLAG_TOWEL_HELPED; mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"Great! Thank you!\""; next; mes "\"I have a lot of work to do now. But before you leave...\""; next; goto L_Towel; L_Towel: getinventorylist; if (@inventorylist_count == 100) goto L_Full_Inv; mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"On May 25th it is a very special day - Towel Day.\""; next; mes "\"To celebrate this I'll ask you some questions about my favourite book, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. If you can answer them, I'll give you something very useful.\""; next; mes ""; mes "[Server]"; mes "The answers might need to have whitespaces."; mes "If you're using a client which confirms your answer when pressing space, change this setting before continuing."; mes ""; next; mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"The first one is easy.\""; next; cleararray @quiz_questions$[0], "", getarraysize(@quiz_questions$[0]); cleararray @quiz_answers$[0], "", getarraysize(@quiz_answers$[0]); setarray @quiz_questions$[0], "What two words are written in big friendly letters on the back cover?", "What's the name of the paranoid robot?", "What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?", "What is the first name of the author of the hitchhikers guide?", "What is the last name of the author of the hitchhikers guide?", "Who is the male human protagonist?", "Who is the female human protagonist?", "According to the Guide, space is ___?", "What is the name of the spaceship which was stolen by the president of the universe?", "How many heads does Zaphod Beeblebrox have?"; setarray @quiz_answers$[0], "Don't Panic", "Marvin", "42", "Douglas", "Adams", "Arthur Philip Dent", "Trillian", "Big", "Heart of Gold", "2"; callfunc "MultiQuiz"; if (@success == 0) goto L_Wrong_Answer; mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"You're absolutely right. The next one will be more tricky.\""; next; cleararray @quiz_questions$[0], "", getarraysize(@quiz_questions$[0]); cleararray @quiz_answers$[0], "", getarraysize(@quiz_answers$[0]); setarray @quiz_questions$[0], "What is the name of the rock group claiming to be the loudest band in the universe?", "What star is near Ford's home planet?", "Which country does the human protagonist come from?", "What is the name of the computer on The Heart of Gold?", "What color is a Babel Fish?", "What did the bowl of petunias think?", "What body orifice should a babel fish be inserted in to work properly?", "What is the name of the super computer?", "What were the second most intelligent creatures on Earth?", "What race creates the worst poetry in universe?", "What is the name of the Vogon home planet?", "What is the name of the Restaurant at the End of the Universe?"; setarray @quiz_answers$[0], "Disaster Area", "Betelgeuse", "England", "Eddie", "Yellow", "Oh no, not again", "Ear", "Deep Thought", "Dolphins", "Vogons", "Vogsphere", "Milliways"; callfunc "MultiQuiz"; if (@success == 0) goto L_Wrong_Answer; mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"Not bad, not bad. Let's see if you can answer an even more difficult one.\""; next; cleararray @quiz_questions$[0], "", getarraysize(@quiz_questions$[0]); cleararray @quiz_answers$[0], "", getarraysize(@quiz_answers$[0]); setarray @quiz_questions$[0], "Drinking what drink is like having your brain smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick?", "How many pints of beers should you drink before hitchhiking?", "What initials are carved into Zaphod Beeblebrox's brain?", "What is Ford Prefect's nickname?", "Who is responsible for the fjords of Norway?", "What game is played on earth as a relict of memories to an ancient war?", "What is the name of the triple-breasted whore from Eroticon VI?", "Who will insult every living being in the universe, because he is immortal and getting bored?", "What is the name of the piteous creature that is continually reincarnated and subsequently killed, each time unknowingly, by Arthur Dent?"; setarray @quiz_answers$[0], "Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster", "3", "ZB", "Ix", "Slartibartfast", "Cricket", "Eccentrica Gallumbits", "Wowbagger", "Agrajag"; callfunc "MultiQuiz"; if (@success == 0) goto L_Wrong_Answer; mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"Unbelievable! You're really a wise person.\""; next; mes "\"One last question, but this shouldn't be a problem for you.\""; next; mes "\"What is the most important item for every hitchhiker to have?\""; mes ""; mes "##BDrag & drop the item from your inventory##b."; requestitem .@answer$[0]; if (.@answer$[0] != "Towel" && .@answer$[0] != "HitchhikersTowel") goto L_Wrong_Answer; mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"There you are! A towel is really the most important item for a hitchhiker to have.\""; next; mes "\"Please take this.\""; // no full inventory check, this is done before the game set FLAGS, FLAGS | FLAG_TOWEL_COMPLETED; next; goto L_Explain; L_Explain: mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"This towel is even more useful than usual towels are. If you change its color, it uses a special techno-, ahm, let's say, it can help you to get to other places.\""; next; mes "\"Bring me some powder made from gemstones and a bottle of water, and I can prepare it for you.\""; next; mes "\"Depending on the color it will bring you to different places. It might wear out after a while and it'll loose its color, but I can prepare it for you again.\""; next; mes "\"Since I'm not familar with this plane-, ahm, with this area, I can't tell which places you will end up in.\""; goto L_Close; L_No_Event: mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"Hello. Isn't this a beautiful place?\""; next; mes "\"And it really comes in handy that I have my towel with me. A towel is about the most massively useful thing an inte- ahm, a person can have.\""; next; mes "\"You can read more about that in my favourite book, 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'.\""; if (FLAGS & FLAG_TOWEL_COMPLETED) menu "Thanks for the advice.",L_Close, "I have my towel with me too.",L_Dye; goto L_Close; L_Dye: mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"Wonderful! Let me have a look.\""; mes "He's taking a very interested look at your towel."; next; mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"I'm impressed. This is not an usual towel.\""; next; menu "Oh? Can you explain about it?",L_Explain, "I know. Could you dye it for me?",L_StartDyeTowel, "It's great, isn't it? I have to go now.",L_Close; L_No_Item: mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"Hu? It seems you haven't.\""; goto L_Close; L_Wrong_Answer: mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"Nah, that's wrong. Come back if you want to try again.\""; goto L_Close; L_Event_Done: mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"Ah, welcome back. Thanks again for your help.\""; next; mes "\"Shall I dye your towel?\""; menu "That would be great!", L_StartDyeTowel, "No, thanks.", L_Close; L_StartDyeTowel: mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"Alright, which color do you want?\""; // the other colors should be added when more places are released menu "Red",L_Red, "Yellow",L_Yellow, "White",L_White, "Blue",L_Blue, "Green",L_Green, "Purple",L_Purple, "Orange",L_Orange, "Pink",L_Pink, "Lime",L_Lime, "Teal",L_Teal, "I changed my mind.", L_Close; L_White: // Koga set @warpTowelName$, "WhiteHitchhikersTowel"; setarray @towelPowder$, "DiamondPowder"; setarray @towelPowderCnt, 2; goto L_DyeChecks; L_Red: // Barbarians set @warpTowelName$, "RedHitchhikersTowel"; setarray @towelPowder$, "RubyPowder"; setarray @towelPowderCnt, 2; goto L_DyeChecks; L_Green: // Candor set @warpTowelName$, "GreenHitchhikersTowel"; setarray @towelPowder$, "EmeraldPowder"; setarray @towelPowderCnt, 2; goto L_DyeChecks; L_Blue: // Blue Sages set @warpTowelName$, "BlueHitchhikersTowel"; setarray @towelPowder$, "SapphirePowder"; setarray @towelPowderCnt, 2; goto L_DyeChecks; L_Yellow: // Tulimshar Mines set @warpTowelName$, "YellowHitchhikersTowel"; setarray @towelPowder$, "TopazPowder"; setarray @towelPowderCnt, 2; goto L_DyeChecks; L_Purple: // Dimonds Inn set @warpTowelName$, "PurpleHitchhikersTowel"; setarray @towelPowder$, "AmethystPowder"; setarray @towelPowderCnt, 2; goto L_DyeChecks; L_Orange: // Graveyard set @warpTowelName$, "OrangeHitchhikersTowel"; setarray @towelPowder$, "RubyPowder", "TopazPowder"; setarray @towelPowderCnt, 1, 1; goto L_DyeChecks; L_Pink: // Terranite Cave set @warpTowelName$, "PinkHitchhikersTowel"; setarray @towelPowder$, "RubyPowder", "DiamondPowder"; setarray @towelPowderCnt, 1, 1; goto L_DyeChecks; L_Teal: // Mana Seed set @warpTowelName$, "TealHitchhikersTowel"; setarray @towelPowder$, "EmeraldPowder", "SapphirePowder"; setarray @towelPowderCnt, 1, 1; goto L_DyeChecks; L_Lime: // Pachua set @warpTowelName$, "LimeHitchhikersTowel"; setarray @towelPowder$, "EmeraldPowder", "TopazPowder"; setarray @towelPowderCnt, 1, 1; goto L_DyeChecks; L_DyeChecks: mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"Ok, I'll need a bottle of water first.\""; next; getinventorylist; // Check if there is enough space for dyed towel and empty bottle. // does not consider freed space due to powder deletion. set .@free_slots, (100 - @inventorylist_count); if (countitem("HitchhikersTowel") == 1) set .@free_slots, .@free_slots + 1; if (countitem("BottleOfWater") == 1) set .@free_slots, .@free_slots + 1; if (countitem(@warpTowelName$) > 0) set .@free_slots, .@free_slots + 1; if (countitem("EmptyBottle") > 0) set .@free_slots, .@free_slots + 1; if (.@free_slots < 2) goto L_Full_Inv; if (countitem("BottleOfWater") < 1) goto L_No_Water; set @powderCheckCount, 0; goto L_PowderChecks; L_PowderCheckAgain: mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"Now I need " + @towelPowderCnt[@powderCheckCount] + " " + @towelPowder$[@powderCheckCount] + ".\""; next; if((@powderCheckCount + 1) == getarraysize(@towelPowder$)) goto L_TowelChecks; set @powderCheckCount, (@powderCheckCount + 1); goto L_PowderChecks; L_PowderChecks: if (countitem(@towelPowder$[@powderCheckCount]) < @towelPowderCnt[@powderCheckCount]) goto L_No_Powder; goto L_PowderCheckAgain; L_TowelCheckAgain: set @towelCheckCount, (@towelCheckCount + 1); if(@towelCheckCount >= getarraysize(@towelReq$)) goto L_No_Towel; goto L_TowelChecks; L_TowelChecks: if (countitem(@towelReq$[@towelCheckCount]) > 0) goto L_DeletePowder; goto L_TowelCheckAgain; L_DeleteAgain: set @powderCheckCount, (@powderCheckCount - 1); goto L_DeletePowder; L_DeletePowder: delitem @towelPowder$[@powderCheckCount], @towelPowderCnt[@powderCheckCount]; if (@powderCheckCount) goto L_DeleteAgain; goto L_DyeTowel; L_DyeTowel: delitem @towelReq$[@towelCheckCount], 1; delitem "BottleOfWater", 1; getitem @warpTowelName$, 1; getitem "EmptyBottle", 1; mes "He takes your towel, the water and the gem powder, then he turns away and does something you can't see. After a few minutes, he turns to you again."; next; mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"Done! It'll use its color after being used, but just come back and I can dye it again for you.\""; goto L_Close; L_No_Water: mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"You don't have water.\""; goto L_Close; L_No_Powder: mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"You need to bring me enough gem powder in that color. Maybe someone used to mining can help you with that.\""; goto L_Close; L_No_Towel: mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"Where's your towel? It is really useful, you should always keep it with you.\""; goto L_Close; L_Full_Inv: mes "[Stranger]"; mes "\"You carry a lot of stuff with you, don't you? Maybe you should get rid of something.\""; goto L_Close; L_Close: set @IRONINGOT, 0; set @PINKANTENNA, 0; set @Exp, 0; set @random, 0; set @quizparam$, ""; set @warpTowelName$, ""; set @powderCheckCount, 0; set @towelCheckCount, 0; cleararray @towelPowder$, "", getarraysize(@towelPowder$); cleararray @towelPowderCnt, "", getarraysize(@towelPowderCnt); close; }