015-1.gat,97,97,0 script #MagicSword#_M 127,{ if (getskilllv(SKILL_MAGIC)) goto L_message; close; L_message: set @Q_MASK, NIBBLE_6_MASK; set @Q_SHIFT, NIBBLE_6_SHIFT; set @Q_status, (QUEST_MAGIC & @Q_MASK) >> @Q_SHIFT; set @STATUS_INITIAL, 0; set @STATUS_LEARNED_FLAREDART, 1; set @STATUS_LEARNED_MAGICBLADE, 2; if (@Q_status == @STATUS_INITIAL) goto L_Initial; if (@Q_status == @STATUS_LEARNED_FLAREDART) goto L_FlareStage; if (@Q_status == @STATUS_LEARNED_FLAREDART) goto L_MagicBladeStage; mes "[Magic Sword]"; mes "\"I have taught thee all I can teach for now.\""; next; close; L_Initial: mes "[Magic Sword]"; mes "At this point, the river deepens, slowing down to a leisurely pace. In its center you notice an unusual stone, waves breaking around it."; mes "Sticking out of the rock is a sword hilt."; next; mes "[Magic Sword]"; mes "Suddenly, you hear a strange, metallic voice in your head, the voice of a woman."; mes "\"A blissful day to thee, mortal!\""; next; mes "[Magic Sword]"; mes "\"What is it is that brings thee to this place?\""; next; menu "Who are you?", L_noq, "Nothing in particular.", L_Initial_nothing, "I was just exploring...", L_Initial_nothing, "I am trying to learn magic!", L_Initial_learn; close; L_noq: mes "[Magic Sword]"; mes "The voice sounds slightly amused."; mes "\"How sad to hear how manners have degenerated in recent centuries. Farewell for now, dear mortal.\""; next; close; L_Initial_nothing: mes "[Magic Sword]"; mes "\"Then I wish thee well in thy travels, wanderer!\""; next; close; L_Initial_learn: mes "[Magic Sword]"; mes "\"Magic? Unless I am very mistaken thou already possessest some magic. Yet perhaps I can grant thee some slight aid by providing a magical invocation?\""; next; mes "[Magic Sword]"; mes "\"Alas, my nature is not quite conductive for spells of healing or protection, though I can bestow upon thee the powers for a rather more martial kind of power.\""; mes "\"But first... why is it that thou seekest this power?\""; next; mes "Never mind.", L_Farewell; "To become stronger!", L_Initial_selfish, "To kill!", L_Initial_selfish, "I don't know yet...", L_Initial_dontknow, "To protect the ones I love!", L_Initial_protect; close; L_Initial_selfish: mes "[Magic Sword]"; mes "\"Please return when thou art taking thy quest for magic a little more seriously.\""; next; close; L_Initial_dontknow: mes "[Magic Sword]"; mes "\"A fair and honest thought at so early a point in thine quest.\""; goto L_Initial_ok; L_Initial_protect: mes "[Magic Sword]"; mes "\"Quite a high and laundable goal thou hast chosen for thyself! I do hope that thou canst live up to it.\""; L_Initial_ok: mes "\"Hark, then, mortal! For I shall bestow upon thee the secret of the flare dart spell!\""; next; mes "[Magic Sword]"; mes "\"Oh, my apologies-- that was a little overly dramatic. But I do not get to talk to thy kin anymore all that often.\""; next; mes "[Magic Sword]"; mes "\"For the flare dart spell throw a handful of sulphur powder up into the air, and say, '" + getspellinvocation("flare-dart") + "'.\""; set @Q_status, @STATUS_LEARNED_FLAREDART; callsub S_update_var; next; close; L_FlareStage: menu; "Uhm... Hello, Sword?", L_FlareStage_hello, "Can you teach me more magic?", L_FlareStage_impolite, "Where can I get sulphur powder?", L_FlareStage_impolite; close; L_FlareStage_impolite: mes "[Magic Sword]"; mes "You hear a metallic chime in your head. After a second, you come to the conclusion that it was probably the sword sighing."; mes "\"Greetings to thee, too, mortal, and farewell until thou hast learned some proper manners.\""; next; close; L_FlareStage_hello: mes "[Magic Sword]"; mes "\"Well met once more, mortal! What brings thee here?\""; next; menu "Can you teach me more magic?", L_FlareStage_moremagic, "Where can I find sulphur powder?", L_FlareStage_sulphur, "Farewell!", L_Farewell; close; L_FlareStage_moremagic: mes "[Magic Sword]"; mes "\"I can indeed! But first I must see if thou art worthy. Find my brother, and talk to him! If thou canst find him, she shall teach thee another spell.\""; next; goto L_Farewell; L_FlareStage_sulphur: mes "[Magic Sword]"; mes "\"I do not know, though I suggest to seek out a local alchemist, if there is any.\""; next; goto L_Farewell; L_Farewell: mes "[Magic Sword]"; mes "\"Farewell for now!\""; next; close; S_update_var: set QUEST_MAGIC, (QUEST_MAGIC & ~(@Q_MASK) | (@Q_status << @Q_SHIFT)); return; }