From c5d9bc56c90bd1a4bb74b50c68abe60b005aa317 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vincent Petithory <>
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 18:28:01 +0200
Subject: Add the Fine Dress:

 * Add the Fine Dress and its dyed variants,
 * Add the Fine Dress to the npc dyer and to the npc bleacher.
 client-data                      |  2 +-
 world/map/db/item_db.txt         | 11 +++++++++++
 world/map/npc/001-1/bleacher.txt |  6 ++++++
 world/map/npc/009-2/selim.txt    |  6 ++++++
 4 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/client-data b/client-data
index 4eee1480..1a0c6caf 160000
--- a/client-data
+++ b/client-data
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 4eee148038b900e8ce0af2c068478782148a7a68
+Subproject commit 1a0c6caf0087ac99f0251eb0b14a53416b9375e8
diff --git a/world/map/db/item_db.txt b/world/map/db/item_db.txt
index 09ed84f9..0170750a 100644
--- a/world/map/db/item_db.txt
+++ b/world/map/db/item_db.txt
@@ -384,6 +384,7 @@
 867,    IceGladius,                     Ice Gladius,                        4,      2000,       1000,       1000,       100,    ,       1,      ,       0,      2,      2,          1,      1,      1,      {},                                                                     {bonus bLuk, 1;}
 868,    SilkGloves,                     Silk Gloves,                        5,      5000,       2500,       4,          ,       1,      ,       0,      0,      2,      4,          ,       0,      0,      {},                                                                     {}
 869,    Antlers,                        Antlers,                            3,      4000,       2000,       3000,       ,       ,       ,       ,       ,       ,       ,           ,       ,       ,       {},                                                                     {}
+870,    FineDress,                      Fine Dress,                         5,      10000,      5000,       35,         ,       8,      ,       3,      0,      2,      512,        ,       0,      0,      {},                                                                     {}
 // Add new entries above here. For dyed entries,add to the bottom of the 2000s.
@@ -675,6 +676,16 @@
 2237,   OrangeBowlerHatBrown,           Orange Bowler Hat Brown,            5,      2500,       1250,       30,         ,       10,     ,       2,      0,      2,      256,        ,       0,      0,      {},                                                                     {}
 2238,   PurpleBowlerHatBrown,           Purple Bowler Hat Brown,            5,      2500,       1250,       30,         ,       10,     ,       2,      0,      2,      256,        ,       0,      0,      {},                                                                     {}
 2239,   DarkGreenBowlerHatBrown,        Dark Green Bowler Hat Brown,        5,      2500,       1250,       30,         ,       10,     ,       2,      0,      2,      256,        ,       0,      0,      {},                                                                     {}
+2240,   FineRedDress,                   Fine Red Dress,                     5,      10000,      5000,       35,         ,       8,      ,       3,      0,      2,      512,        ,       0,      0,      {},                                                                     {}
+2241,   FineGreenDress,                 Fine Green Dress,                   5,      10000,      5000,       35,         ,       8,      ,       3,      0,      2,      512,        ,       0,      0,      {},                                                                     {}
+2242,   FineDarkBlueDress,              Fine Dark Blue Dress,               5,      10000,      5000,       35,         ,       8,      ,       3,      0,      2,      512,        ,       0,      0,      {},                                                                     {}
+2243,   FineYellowDress,                Fine Yellow Dress,                  5,      10000,      5000,       35,         ,       8,      ,       3,      0,      2,      512,        ,       0,      0,      {},                                                                     {}
+2244,   FineLightBlueDress,             Fine Light Blue Dress,              5,      10000,      5000,       35,         ,       8,      ,       3,      0,      2,      512,        ,       0,      0,      {},                                                                     {}
+2245,   FinePinkDress,                  Fine Pink Dress,                    5,      10000,      5000,       35,         ,       8,      ,       3,      0,      2,      512,        ,       0,      0,      {},                                                                     {}
+2246,   FineBlackDress,                 Fine Black Dress,                   5,      10000,      5000,       35,         ,       8,      ,       3,      0,      2,      512,        ,       0,      0,      {},                                                                     {}
+2247,   FineOrangeDress,                Fine Orange Dress,                  5,      10000,      5000,       35,         ,       8,      ,       3,      0,      2,      512,        ,       0,      0,      {},                                                                     {}
+2248,   FinePurpleDress,                Fine Purple Dress,                  5,      10000,      5000,       35,         ,       8,      ,       3,      0,      2,      512,        ,       0,      0,      {},                                                                     {}
+2249,   FineDarkGreenDress,             Fine Dark Green Dress,              5,      10000,      5000,       35,         ,       8,      ,       3,      0,      2,      512,        ,       0,      0,      {},                                                                     {}
 #ID,    Name,                           Label,                              Type,   Price,      Sell,       Weight,     ATK,    DEF,    Range,  Mbonus, Slot,   Gender, Loc,        wLV,    eLV,    View,   {UseScript},                                                            {EquipScript}
 // Add dyed entries above here. For regular entries,please use the < 1000s.
diff --git a/world/map/npc/001-1/bleacher.txt b/world/map/npc/001-1/bleacher.txt
index a63105d5..71925945 100644
--- a/world/map/npc/001-1/bleacher.txt
+++ b/world/map/npc/001-1/bleacher.txt
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ L_bleach_menu:
         "Bowler hat", L_bowler_hat,
         "Red lined sorcerer robe", L_red_lined_sorcerer_robe,
         "Bowler hat (brown)", L_bowler_hat_brown,
+        "Fine dress", L_fine_dress,
         "Nevermind", -;
     goto L_Close;
@@ -137,6 +138,11 @@ L_bowler_hat_brown:
     set @dyeBase, 2230;
     goto L_choose_color;
+    set @normal, 870;
+    set @dyeBase, 2240;
+    goto L_choose_color;
     mes "[Candide]";
     mes "\"And the color?\"";
diff --git a/world/map/npc/009-2/selim.txt b/world/map/npc/009-2/selim.txt
index 816e0e1b..d2f71d03 100644
--- a/world/map/npc/009-2/selim.txt
+++ b/world/map/npc/009-2/selim.txt
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ L_clothes_choice:
         "Bowler hat", L_bowlerhat,
         "Red lined sorcerer robe", L_redlinedsorcererrobe,
         "Bowler hat (brown)", L_bowlerhatbrown,
+        "Fine dress", L_finedress,
         "I'm fine for now, thanks.", -;
@@ -160,6 +161,11 @@ L_bowlerhatbrown:
     set @name$, "bowler hat (brown)";
     goto L_picked_item;
+    set @del, 870;
+    set @new, 2240;
+    set @name$, "fine dress";
     if (countitem(@del) == 0) goto L_havenone;
cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2