/* * The ManaPlus Client * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 The ManaPlus Developers * * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef MAIN_H #define MAIN_H /** * \mainpage * * \section General General information * * During the game, the current Map is displayed by the main Viewport, which * is the bottom-most widget in the WindowContainer. Aside the viewport, the * window container keeps track of all the \link Window Windows\endlink * displayed during the game. It is the <i>top</i> widget for Guichan. * * A Map is composed of several layers of \link Image Images\endlink (tiles), * a layer with collision information and \link Sprite Sprites\endlink. The * sprites define the visible part of \link Being Beings\endlink and * \link FloorItem FloorItems\endlink, they are drawn from top to bottom * by the map, interleaved with the tiles in the fringe layer. */ #define SMALL_VERSION "" #define CHECK_VERSION "" #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "../config.h" #else // HAVE_CONFIG_H #ifdef PACKAGE_VERSION #undef PACKAGE_VERSION #endif // PACKAGE_VERSION #define PACKAGE_VERSION SMALL_VERSION; #endif // HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "localconsts.h" #if defined __APPLE__ #define PACKAGE_OS "Mac OS X" #elif defined(__ANDROID__) || defined(ANDROID) #define PACKAGE_OS "Android" #elif defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) && defined(__GLIBC__) #define PACKAGE_OS "kFreeBSD" #elif defined __FreeBSD__ || defined __DragonFly__ #define PACKAGE_OS "FreeBSD" #elif defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD) #define PACKAGE_OS "NetBSD" #elif defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__OPENBSD) #define PACKAGE_OS "OpenBSD" #elif defined __linux__ || defined __linux #define PACKAGE_OS "Linux" #elif defined __CYGWIN__ #define PACKAGE_OS "Cygwin" #elif defined(__sun) || defined(sun) #define PACKAGE_OS "SunOS" #elif defined(_AIX) || defined(__AIX) || defined(__AIX__) \ || defined(__aix) || defined(__aix__) #define PACKAGE_OS "AIX" #elif defined(__sgi) || defined(__sgi__) || defined(_SGI) #define PACKAGE_OS "IRIX" #elif defined(__hpux) || defined(__hpux__) #define PACKAGE_OS "HP-UX" #elif defined(__BeOS) || defined(__BEOS__) || defined(_BEOS) #define PACKAGE_OS "BeOS" #elif defined(__QNX__) || defined(__QNXNTO__) #define PACKAGE_OS "QNX" #elif defined(__tru64) || defined(_tru64) || defined(__TRU64__) #define PACKAGE_OS "Tru64" #elif defined(__riscos) || defined(__riscos__) #define PACKAGE_OS "RISCos" #elif defined(__sinix) || defined(__sinix__) || defined(__SINIX__) #define PACKAGE_OS "SINIX" #elif defined(__UNIX_SV__) #define PACKAGE_OS "UNIX_SV" #elif defined(__bsdos__) #define PACKAGE_OS "BSDOS" #elif defined(_MPRAS) || defined(MPRAS) #define PACKAGE_OS "MP-RAS" #elif defined(__osf) || defined(__osf__) #define PACKAGE_OS "OSF1" #elif defined(_SCO_SV) || defined(SCO_SV) || defined(sco_sv) #define PACKAGE_OS "SCO_SV" #elif defined(__ultrix) || defined(__ultrix__) || defined(_ULTRIX) #define PACKAGE_OS "ULTRIX" #elif defined(__XENIX__) || defined(_XENIX) || defined(XENIX) #define PACKAGE_OS "Xenix" #elif defined(bsdi) || defined(__bsdi) || defined(__bsdi__) #define PACKAGE_OS "BSDI" #elif defined(_arch_dreamcast) #define PACKAGE_OS "Dreamcast" #elif defined(__OS2__) #define PACKAGE_OS "OS/2" #elif defined(osf) || defined(__osf) || defined(__osf__) #define PACKAGE_OS "OSF" #elif defined(riscos) || defined(__riscos) || defined(__riscos__) #define PACKAGE_OS "RISC OS" #elif defined(__SVR4) #define PACKAGE_OS "Solaris" #elif defined __GNU__ #define PACKAGE_OS "GNU Hurd" #elif defined __HAIKU__ #define PACKAGE_OS "Haiku" #elif defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ || defined __NT__ \ || defined WIN64 || defined _WIN64 || defined __WIN64__ \ || defined __MINGW32__ || defined _MSC_VER #define PACKAGE_OS "Windows" #elif defined __native_client__ #define PACKAGE_OS "nacl" #else // OTHER #define PACKAGE_OS "Other" #endif // defined __APPLE__ // define DEBUG_LEAKS 1 // define DEBUG_CONFIG 1 // define DEBUG_FONT 1 // define DEBUG_FONT_COUNTERS 1 // define DEBUG_ALPHA_CACHE 1 // define DEBUG_OPENGL_LEAKS 1 #ifdef USE_SDL2 #define SDL_NAME "SDL2" #else // USE_SDL2 #define SDL_NAME "SDL1.2" #endif // USE_SDL2 #if defined(ENABLE_PUGIXML) #define XML_NAME "pugixml" #elif defined(ENABLE_LIBXML) #define XML_NAME "libxml2" #elif defined(ENABLE_TINYXML2) #define XML_NAME "tinyxml2" #else // defined(ENABLE_PUGIXML) #define XML_NAME "unknown" #endif // defined(ENABLE_PUGIXML) #ifdef SIMD_SUPPORTED #define SIMD_NAME ", SIMD" #else // SIMD_SUPPORTED #define SIMD_NAME "" #endif // SIMD_SUPPORTED #define PACKAGE_EXTENDED_VERSION "ManaPlus (" PACKAGE_OS \ "; %s; " SDL_NAME ", " XML_NAME SIMD_NAME "; 4144 v" SMALL_VERSION ")" #define PACKAGE_VERSION_4144 "ManaPlus 4144-" SMALL_VERSION "" #define FULL_VERSION "ManaPlus " SMALL_VERSION " " PACKAGE_OS ", " \ SDL_NAME ", " XML_NAME SIMD_NAME #ifdef ANDROID #ifdef PKG_DATADIR #undef PKG_DATADIR #endif // PKG_DATADIR #ifdef LOCALEDIR #undef LOCALEDIR #endif // LOCALEDIR #define LOCALEDIR "locale" #endif // ANDROID #ifndef PKG_DATADIR #define PKG_DATADIR "" #endif // PKG_DATADIR #endif // MAIN_H