/* * The ManaPlus Client * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers * Copyright (C) 2011 The ManaPlus Developers * * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "gui/widgets/tabbedarea.h" #include "gui/widgets/tab.h" #include "log.h" #include <guichan/widgets/container.hpp> TabbedArea::TabbedArea() : gcn::TabbedArea(), mTabsWidth(0), mVisibleTabsWidth(0), mTabScrollIndex(0) { mWidgetContainer->setOpaque(false); addWidgetListener(this); mArrowButton[0] = new Button("<", "shift_left", this); mArrowButton[1] = new Button(">", "shift_right", this); add(mArrowButton[0]); add(mArrowButton[1]); widgetResized(NULL); } int TabbedArea::getNumberOfTabs() const { return static_cast<int>(mTabs.size()); } Tab *TabbedArea::getTab(const std::string &name) const { TabContainer::const_iterator itr = mTabs.begin(), itr_end = mTabs.end(); while (itr != itr_end) { if ((*itr).first->getCaption() == name) return static_cast<Tab*>((*itr).first); ++itr; } return NULL; } void TabbedArea::draw(gcn::Graphics *graphics) { if (mTabs.empty()) return; drawChildren(graphics); } gcn::Widget *TabbedArea::getWidget(const std::string &name) const { TabContainer::const_iterator itr = mTabs.begin(), itr_end = mTabs.end(); while (itr != itr_end) { if ((*itr).first->getCaption() == name) return (*itr).second; ++itr; } return NULL; } gcn::Widget *TabbedArea::getCurrentWidget() { gcn::Tab *tab = getSelectedTab(); if (tab) return getWidget(tab->getCaption()); else return NULL; } void TabbedArea::addTab(gcn::Tab* tab, gcn::Widget* widget) { if (!tab || !widget) return; gcn::TabbedArea::addTab(tab, widget); int width = getWidth() - 2 * getFrameSize(); int height = getHeight() - 2 * getFrameSize() - mTabContainer->getHeight(); widget->setSize(width, height); updateTabsWidth(); updateArrowEnableState(); } void TabbedArea::addTab(const std::string &caption, gcn::Widget *widget) { Tab *tab = new Tab; tab->setCaption(caption); mTabsToDelete.push_back(tab); addTab(tab, widget); } void TabbedArea::removeTab(Tab *tab) { int tabIndexToBeSelected = -1; if (tab == mSelectedTab) { int index = getSelectedTabIndex(); if (index == static_cast<int>(mTabs.size()) - 1 && mTabs.size() == 1) tabIndexToBeSelected = -1; else tabIndexToBeSelected = index - 1; } TabContainer::iterator iter; for (iter = mTabs.begin(); iter != mTabs.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->first == tab) { mTabContainer->remove(tab); mTabs.erase(iter); break; } } std::vector<gcn::Tab*>::iterator iter2; for (iter2 = mTabsToDelete.begin(); iter2 != mTabsToDelete.end(); ++iter2) { if (*iter2 == tab) { mTabsToDelete.erase(iter2); delete tab; break; } } if (tabIndexToBeSelected >= (signed)mTabs.size()) tabIndexToBeSelected = mTabs.size() - 1; if (tabIndexToBeSelected < -1) tabIndexToBeSelected = -1; if (tabIndexToBeSelected == -1) { mSelectedTab = 0; mWidgetContainer->clear(); } else { setSelectedTab(tabIndexToBeSelected); } adjustSize(); updateTabsWidth(); adjustTabPositions(); } void TabbedArea::logic() { logicChildren(); } void TabbedArea::mousePressed(gcn::MouseEvent &mouseEvent) { if (mouseEvent.isConsumed()) return; if (mouseEvent.getButton() == gcn::MouseEvent::LEFT) { gcn::Widget *widget = mTabContainer->getWidgetAt(mouseEvent.getX(), mouseEvent.getY()); gcn::Tab *tab = dynamic_cast<gcn::Tab*>(widget); if (tab) { setSelectedTab(tab); requestFocus(); } } } void TabbedArea::setSelectedTab(gcn::Tab *tab) { gcn::TabbedArea::setSelectedTab(tab); Tab *newTab = dynamic_cast<Tab*>(tab); if (newTab) newTab->setCurrent(); widgetResized(NULL); } void TabbedArea::widgetResized(const gcn::Event &event _UNUSED_) { int width = getWidth() - 2 * getFrameSize() - 2 * mWidgetContainer->getFrameSize(); int height = getHeight() - 2 * getFrameSize() - mWidgetContainer->getY() - 2 * mWidgetContainer->getFrameSize(); mWidgetContainer->setSize(width, height); gcn::Widget *w = getCurrentWidget(); if (w) w->setSize(width, height); // Check whether there is room to show more tabs now. int innerWidth = getWidth() - 4 - mArrowButton[0]->getWidth() - mArrowButton[1]->getWidth(); int newWidth = mVisibleTabsWidth; while (mTabScrollIndex && newWidth < innerWidth) { newWidth += mTabs[mTabScrollIndex - 1].first->getWidth(); if (newWidth < innerWidth) --mTabScrollIndex; } // Move the right arrow to fit the windows content. mArrowButton[1]->setPosition(width - mArrowButton[1]->getWidth(), 0); updateArrowEnableState(); adjustTabPositions(); } void TabbedArea::updateTabsWidth() { mTabsWidth = 0; for (TabContainer::const_iterator itr = mTabs.begin(), itr_end = mTabs.end(); itr != itr_end; ++itr) { if ((*itr).first) mTabsWidth += (*itr).first->getWidth(); } updateVisibleTabsWidth(); } void TabbedArea::updateVisibleTabsWidth() { mVisibleTabsWidth = 0; for (unsigned int i = mTabScrollIndex; i < mTabs.size(); ++i) { if (mTabs[i].first) mVisibleTabsWidth += mTabs[i].first->getWidth(); } } void TabbedArea::adjustTabPositions() { int maxTabHeight = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < mTabs.size(); ++i) { if (mTabs[i].first && mTabs[i].first->getHeight() > maxTabHeight) maxTabHeight = mTabs[i].first->getHeight(); } int x = mArrowButton[0]->isVisible() ? mArrowButton[0]->getWidth() : 0; for (unsigned i = mTabScrollIndex; i < mTabs.size(); ++i) { gcn::Tab* tab = mTabs[i].first; if (!tab) continue; tab->setPosition(x, maxTabHeight - tab->getHeight()); x += tab->getWidth(); } // If the tabs are scrolled, we hide them away. if (mTabScrollIndex > 0) { x = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < mTabScrollIndex; ++i) { gcn::Tab* tab = mTabs[i].first; if (tab) { x -= tab->getWidth(); tab->setPosition(x, maxTabHeight - tab->getHeight()); } } } } void TabbedArea::action(const gcn::ActionEvent& actionEvent) { Widget* source = actionEvent.getSource(); Tab* tab = dynamic_cast<Tab*>(source); if (tab) { setSelectedTab(tab); } else { if (actionEvent.getId() == "shift_left") { if (mTabScrollIndex) --mTabScrollIndex; } else if (actionEvent.getId() == "shift_right") { if (mTabScrollIndex < mTabs.size() - 1) ++mTabScrollIndex; } adjustTabPositions(); updateArrowEnableState(); } } void TabbedArea::updateArrowEnableState() { updateTabsWidth(); if (mTabsWidth > getWidth() - 4 - mArrowButton[0]->getWidth() - mArrowButton[1]->getWidth()) { mArrowButton[0]->setVisible(true); mArrowButton[1]->setVisible(true); } else { mArrowButton[0]->setVisible(false); mArrowButton[1]->setVisible(false); mTabScrollIndex = 0; } // Left arrow consistency check if (!mTabScrollIndex) mArrowButton[0]->setEnabled(false); else mArrowButton[0]->setEnabled(true); // Right arrow consistency check if (mVisibleTabsWidth < getWidth() - 4 - mArrowButton[0]->getWidth() - mArrowButton[1]->getWidth()) { mArrowButton[1]->setEnabled(false); } else { mArrowButton[1]->setEnabled(true); } } /* void TabbedArea::moveLeft(gcn::Tab *tab) { } void TabbedArea::moveRight(gcn::Tab *tab) { } */