# Dutch translation of The Mana World.
# Copyright (c) 2007 The Mana World Development Team
# This file is distributed under the same license as the The Mana World package.
# Bjørn Lindeijer <bjorn@lindeijer.nl>, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: The Mana World 0.1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: dev@manasource.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-05 04:50+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-07-15 12:21+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Yentl <y.v.t@scarlet.be>\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-03-05 19:28+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"

#: src/being.cpp:480
msgid "dodge"
msgstr ""

#: src/being.cpp:480
msgid "miss"
msgstr ""

#: src/client.cpp:724 src/gui/setup.cpp:47 src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:92
msgid "Setup"
msgstr "Configureren"

#: src/client.cpp:798
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connecting to server"
msgstr "Verbinden met de map server..."

#: src/client.cpp:829
#, fuzzy
msgid "Logging in"
msgstr "Inloggen"

#: src/client.cpp:862
msgid "Entering game world"
msgstr ""

#: src/client.cpp:953
#, fuzzy
msgid "Requesting characters"
msgstr "Kies Personage"

#: src/client.cpp:984
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connecting to the game server"
msgstr "Verbinden met de map server..."

#: src/client.cpp:994
#, fuzzy
msgid "Changing game servers"
msgstr "Server"

#: src/client.cpp:1029 src/client.cpp:1036 src/client.cpp:1171
#: src/gui/changeemaildialog.cpp:154 src/gui/changepassworddialog.cpp:144
#: src/gui/charcreatedialog.cpp:185 src/gui/register.cpp:225
#: src/gui/serverdialog.cpp:350 src/gui/unregisterdialog.cpp:134
#: src/net/manaserv/charhandler.cpp:183 src/net/manaserv/charhandler.cpp:226
#: src/net/tmwa/charserverhandler.cpp:137
#: src/net/tmwa/charserverhandler.cpp:154
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fout"

#: src/client.cpp:1045
msgid "Requesting registration details"
msgstr ""

#: src/client.cpp:1072
#, fuzzy
msgid "Password Change"
msgstr "Wachtwoord:"

#: src/client.cpp:1073
msgid "Password changed successfully!"
msgstr ""

#: src/client.cpp:1092
#, fuzzy
msgid "Email Change"
msgstr "Veranderen"

#: src/client.cpp:1093
#, fuzzy
msgid "Email changed successfully!"
msgstr "Lid is succesvol gepromoveerd."

#: src/client.cpp:1113
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unregister Successful"
msgstr "Registreren"

#: src/client.cpp:1114
msgid "Farewell, come back any time..."
msgstr ""

#: src/client.cpp:1297 src/client.cpp:1323 src/client.cpp:1367
#, c-format
msgid "%s doesn't exist and can't be created! Exiting."
msgstr ""

#: src/client.cpp:1494
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Invalid update host: %s"
msgstr "Ongeldige updatahost: "

#: src/client.cpp:1528 src/client.cpp:1534
msgid "Error creating updates directory!"
msgstr "Fout bij het creëren van de update map!"

#: src/client.cpp:1555
#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s doesn't exist and can't be created! Exiting."
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:264 src/commandhandler.cpp:477
msgid "Unknown command."
msgstr "Onbekend commando."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:294
msgid "-- Help --"
msgstr "-- Help --"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:295
msgid "/help > Display this help"
msgstr "/help > Deze help weergeven"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:297
msgid "/where > Display map name"
msgstr "/where > Mapnaam weergeven"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:298
msgid "/who > Display number of online users"
msgstr "/who > Aantal online gebruikers weergeven"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:299
msgid "/me > Tell something about yourself"
msgstr "/me > Vertel iets over jezelf"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:301
msgid "/clear > Clears this window"
msgstr "/clear > Maak dit venster leeg"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:303
msgid "/msg > Send a private message to a user"
msgstr "/msg > Zend een privébericht naar een gebruiker"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:304
msgid "/whisper > Alias of msg"
msgstr "/whisper > zelfde functie als msg"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:305
msgid "/w > Alias of msg"
msgstr "/w > zelfde als msg"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:306
msgid "/query > Makes a tab for private messages with another user"
msgstr "/query > Maakt een tabblad voor privéberichten met andere gebruikers"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:308
msgid "/q > Alias of query"
msgstr "/q > zelfde functie als query"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:310
msgid "/away > Tell the other whispering players you're away from keyboard."
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:313
msgid "/ignore > ignore a player"
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:314
msgid "/unignore > stop ignoring a player"
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:315
#, fuzzy
msgid "/ignoreall > Ignore all opened whisper tabs"
msgstr "/close > Sluit de fluistertab"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:316
msgid "/erase > Erase a player"
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:317
msgid "/befriend > Be friend a player"
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:318
msgid "/desregard > Disregard a player"
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:319
msgid "/neutral > Neutral a player"
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:321
msgid "/list > Display all public channels"
msgstr "/list > Alle publieke kanalen weergeven"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:322
msgid "/join > Join or create a channel"
msgstr "/join > Een kanaal creëren of bij aansluiten"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:324
#, fuzzy
msgid "/createparty > Create a new party"
msgstr "/create > Creëer een nieuwe groep"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:325
#, fuzzy
msgid "/createguild > Create a new guild"
msgstr "/create > Creëer een nieuwe groep"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:326
msgid "/party > Invite a user to party"
msgstr "/party > Een gebruiker uitnodigen in de groep"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:328
msgid "/toggle > Determine whether <return> toggles the chat log"
msgstr "/toggle > Bepalen of <return> de chatlog wisselt"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:330
msgid "/present > Get list of players present (sent to chat log, if logging)"
msgstr ""
"/present > Lijst weergeven met alle aanwezige spelers (opgeslagen in "
"chatlog, als logging aanstaat)"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:333
msgid "/announce > Global announcement (GM only)"
msgstr "/announce > Globale aankondiging (enkel GM)"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:335
#, fuzzy
msgid "/closeall > Close all opened whisper tabs"
msgstr "/close > Sluit de fluistertab"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:337
msgid "/all > Show all visible beings in debug tab"
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:339
msgid "/move > Move to given position"
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:340
msgid "/navigate > Draw path to given position"
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:341
msgid "/target > Set target to being"
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:342
msgid "/outfit > Wear outfit by index"
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:343
msgid "/emote > Show emote by index"
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:344
msgid "/follow > Follow player"
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:345
msgid "/imitation > Imitate player"
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:346
msgid "/heal > Heal player"
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:347
#, fuzzy
msgid "/mail > Send offline message to player"
msgstr "/msg > Zend een privébericht naar een gebruiker"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:351
msgid "For more information, type /help <command>."
msgstr "Voor meer informatie, typ /help <commando>."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:355
msgid "Command: /help"
msgstr "Commando: /help"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:356
msgid "This command displays a list of all commands available."
msgstr "Dit commando geeft een lijst weer van alle mogelijke commando's"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:358
msgid "Command: /help <command>"
msgstr "Commando: /help <commando>"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:359
msgid "This command displays help on <command>."
msgstr "Dit commando geeft help weer van <commando>"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:367
msgid "Command: /announce <msg>"
msgstr "Commando: /announce <msg>"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:368
msgid "*** only available to a GM ***"
msgstr "*** enkel mogelijk door een GM ***"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:369
msgid "This command sends the message <msg> to all players currently online."
msgstr ""
"Dit commando stuurt het bericht <msg> naar alle spelers momenteel online."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:374
msgid "Command: /clear"
msgstr "Commando: /clear"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:375
msgid "This command clears the chat log of previous chat."
msgstr "Dit commando maakt de chatlog van vorige chatsessies leeg"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:379
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command: /ignore <player>"
msgstr "Commando: /item <beleid>"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:380
#, fuzzy
msgid "This command ignores the given player regardless of current relations."
msgstr "Dit commando geeft het aantal spelers dat momenteel online is weer."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:385
msgid "Command: /join <channel>"
msgstr "Commando: /join <kanaal>"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:386
msgid "This command makes you enter <channel>."
msgstr "Dit commando voegt je toe op kanaal <kanaal>."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:387
msgid "If <channel> doesn't exist, it's created."
msgstr "Als <kanaal> niet bestaat, wordt het aangemaakt."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:391
msgid "Command: /list"
msgstr "Commando: /list"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:392
msgid "This command shows a list of all channels."
msgstr "Dit commando geeft een lijst weer van alle kanalen."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:396
msgid "Command: /me <message>"
msgstr "Commando /me <bericht>"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:397
msgid "This command tell others you are (doing) <msg>."
msgstr "Dit commando vertelt anderen dat je <msg> bent/doet."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:401
msgid "Command: /msg <nick> <message>"
msgstr "Commando: /msg <nick> <bericht>"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:402
msgid "Command: /whisper <nick> <message>"
msgstr "Commando: /msg <nick> <bericht>"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:403
msgid "Command: /w <nick> <message>"
msgstr "Commando: /w <nick> <bericht>"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:404
msgid "This command sends the text <message> to <nick>."
msgstr "Dit commando zendt de tekst <bericht> aan <nick>."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:405 src/commandhandler.cpp:437
#: src/gui/widgets/channeltab.cpp:82 src/gui/widgets/channeltab.cpp:91
#: src/net/tmwa/gui/guildtab.cpp:88 src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:82
msgid "If the <nick> has spaces in it, enclose it in double quotes (\")."
msgstr ""
"Als de <nick> spaties bevat, omsluit het dan met dubbele aanhalingstekens "

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:410
msgid "Command: /query <nick>"
msgstr "Commando: /query <nick>"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:411
msgid "Command: /q <nick>"
msgstr "Commando: /q <nick>"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:412
msgid "This command tries to make a tab for whispers betweenyou and <nick>."
msgstr ""
"Dit commando probeert een tabblad aan te maken voor alle whispers tussen jou "
"en <nick>"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:417
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command: /away <afk reason>"
msgstr "Commando: /w <nick> <bericht>"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:418
msgid "This command tells you're away from keyboard with the given reason."
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:420
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command: /away"
msgstr "Commando: /who"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:421
#, fuzzy
msgid "This command clears the away status and message."
msgstr "Dit commando zet het onderwerp naar <bericht>."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:425
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command: /createparty <name>"
msgstr "Commando: /create <groepsnaam>"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:426
#, fuzzy
msgid "This command creates a new party called <name>."
msgstr "Dit commando creëert een nieuwe groep genaamd <groepsnaam>"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:430
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command: /createguild <name>"
msgstr "Commando: /create <groepsnaam>"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:431
#, fuzzy
msgid "This command creates a new guild called <name>."
msgstr "Dit commando creëert een nieuwe groep genaamd <groepsnaam>"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:435
msgid "Command: /party <nick>"
msgstr "Commando: /party <nick>"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:436 src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:81
msgid "This command invites <nick> to party with you."
msgstr "Dit commando nodigt <nick> uit om een groep te vormen met jou."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:442
msgid "Command: /present"
msgstr "Commando: /present"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:443
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This command gets a list of players within hearing and sends it to chat log."
msgstr ""
"Dit commando haalt een lijst op van spelers die je kunnen horen en zendt dit "
"naar ofwel het logboek als dit opgeslagen wordt, of anders naar de chatlog."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:448
msgid "Command: /toggle <state>"
msgstr "Commando: /toggle <status>"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:449
msgid ""
"This command sets whether the return key should toggle the chat log, or "
"whether the chat log turns off automatically."
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:452
msgid ""
"<state> can be one of \"1\", \"yes\", \"true\" to turn the toggle on, or "
"\"0\", \"no\", \"false\" to turn the toggle off."
msgstr ""
"<status> kan \"1\", \"yes\", \"true\" zijn om het in te schakelen, of \"0\", "
"\"no\", \"false\" om het uit te schakelen."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:455
msgid "Command: /toggle"
msgstr "Commando: /toggle"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:456
msgid "This command displays the return toggle status."
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:460 src/gui/widgets/whispertab.cpp:127
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command: /unignore <player>"
msgstr "Commando: /item <beleid>"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:461
msgid "This command stops ignoring the given player if they are being ignored"
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:466
msgid "Command: /where"
msgstr "Commando: /where"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:467
msgid "This command displays the name of the current map."
msgstr "Dit commando geeft de naam weer van de huidige map."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:471
msgid "Command: /who"
msgstr "Commando: /who"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:472
msgid "This command displays the number of players currently online."
msgstr "Dit commando geeft het aantal spelers dat momenteel online is weer."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:478
msgid "Type /help for a list of commands."
msgstr "Type /help voor een lijst van commando's."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:546
msgid "Cannot send empty whispers!"
msgstr "Kan geen lege berichten sturen!"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:554
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot create a whisper tab for nick \"%s\"! It either already exists, or is "
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:574
#, c-format
msgid "Requesting to join channel %s."
msgstr "Aanvragen om bij kanaal %s toegevoegd te worden."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:590 src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:122
msgid "Party name is missing."
msgstr "Groepsnaam ontbreekt."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "Guild name is missing."
msgstr "Groepsnaam ontbreekt."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:614 src/commandhandler.cpp:721
#: src/commandhandler.cpp:762 src/commandhandler.cpp:792
msgid "Please specify a name."
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:655
msgid "Return toggles chat."
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:655
msgid "Message closes chat."
msgstr "Bericht sluit chat."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:666
msgid "Return now toggles chat."
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:672
msgid "Message now closes chat."
msgstr "Bericht sluit nu chat."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:700
#, fuzzy
msgid "friend"
msgstr "Vriend"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:705
msgid "disregarded"
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:710
#, fuzzy
msgid "neutral"
msgstr "Neutraal"

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:729
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Player already %s!"
msgstr "Fluisterbericht kon niet verzonden worden, genegeerd door gebruiker."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:743
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Player successfully %s!"
msgstr "Groep succesvol aangemaakt."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:751
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Player could not be %s!"
msgstr "Fluisterbericht kon niet verzonden worden, genegeerd door gebruiker."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:773
msgid "Player wasn't ignored!"
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:780
msgid "Player no longer ignored!"
msgstr ""

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:782
#, fuzzy
msgid "Player could not be unignored!"
msgstr "Fluisterbericht kon niet verzonden worden, genegeerd door gebruiker."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:799
#, fuzzy
msgid "Player already erased!"
msgstr "Fluisterbericht kon niet verzonden worden, genegeerd door gebruiker."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:810
#, fuzzy
msgid "Player successfully erased!"
msgstr "Groep succesvol aangemaakt."

#: src/commandhandler.cpp:812
#, fuzzy
msgid "Player could not be erased!"
msgstr "Fluisterbericht kon niet verzonden worden, genegeerd door gebruiker."

#: src/commandhandler.h:39
#, c-format
msgid "Options to /%s are \"yes\", \"no\", \"true\", \"false\", \"1\", \"0\"."
msgstr ""
"Opties voor /%s zijn \"yes\", \"no\", \"true\", \"false\", \"1\", \"0\"."

#: src/game.cpp:219 src/gui/widgets/chattab.cpp:390
msgid "General"
msgstr "Algemeen"

#: src/game.cpp:223 src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:47 src/gui/widgets/chattab.cpp:392
msgid "Debug"
msgstr ""

#: src/game.cpp:435
#, fuzzy
msgid "Screenshot saved as "
msgstr "Screenshot opgeslagen naar ~/"

#: src/game.cpp:443
msgid "Saving screenshot failed!"
msgstr "Opslaan van screenshot mislukt!"

#: src/game.cpp:482
#, fuzzy
msgid "The connection to the server was lost."
msgstr ""
"De verbinding met de server is verloren gegaan, het programma zal nu "

#: src/game.cpp:487
msgid "Network Error"
msgstr "Netwerkfout"

#: src/game.cpp:997
msgid "Ignoring incoming trade requests"
msgstr "Inkomende handelsaanvragen negeren"

#: src/game.cpp:1004
msgid "Accepting incoming trade requests"
msgstr "Inkomende handelsaanvragen accepteren"

#: src/game.cpp:1376
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could Not Load Map"
msgstr "Kan de map niet laden"

#: src/game.cpp:1377
#, c-format
msgid "Error while loading %s"
msgstr "Fout bij het laden van %s"

#: src/gui/beingpopup.cpp:89
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Party: %s"
msgstr "Groep (%s)"

#: src/gui/beingpopup.cpp:102
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Guild: %s"
msgstr "Guilds"

#: src/gui/beingpopup.cpp:114
#, c-format
msgid "Pvp rank: %d"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/botcheckerwindow.cpp:264
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bot Checker"
msgstr "Gespreksvenster"

#: src/gui/botcheckerwindow.cpp:294 src/gui/setup_players.cpp:59
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Naam"

#: src/gui/botcheckerwindow.cpp:295 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:45
#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:254
msgid "Attack"
msgstr "Aanvallen"

#: src/gui/botcheckerwindow.cpp:296 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:59
msgid "Talk"
msgstr "Spreken"

#: src/gui/botcheckerwindow.cpp:297
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Omhoog"

#: src/gui/botcheckerwindow.cpp:298
msgid "Result"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/botcheckerwindow.cpp:308 src/gui/npcdialog.cpp:116
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Reset"

#: src/gui/buy.cpp:53 src/gui/buy.cpp:60 src/gui/buy.cpp:94
#: src/gui/buysell.cpp:62
msgid "Buy"
msgstr "Kopen"

#: src/gui/buy.cpp:85 src/gui/buy.cpp:298 src/gui/sell.cpp:84
#: src/gui/sell.cpp:306
#, c-format
msgid "Price: %s / Total: %s"
msgstr "Prijs: %s / Totaal: %s"

#. TRANSLATORS: This is a narrow symbol used to denote 'increasing'.
#. You may change this symbol if your language uses another.
#: src/gui/buy.cpp:90 src/gui/itemamount.cpp:204 src/gui/itemamount.cpp:232
#: src/gui/npcdialog.cpp:106 src/gui/sell.cpp:87 src/gui/statuswindow.cpp:793
msgid "+"
msgstr ""

#. TRANSLATORS: This is a narrow symbol used to denote 'decreasing'.
#. You may change this symbol if your language uses another.
#: src/gui/buy.cpp:93 src/gui/itemamount.cpp:203 src/gui/itemamount.cpp:231
#: src/gui/npcdialog.cpp:107 src/gui/sell.cpp:88 src/gui/statuswindow.cpp:805
msgid "-"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/buy.cpp:95 src/gui/quitdialog.cpp:43 src/gui/quitdialog.cpp:48
#: src/gui/quitdialog.cpp:49 src/gui/sell.cpp:90 src/gui/serverdialog.cpp:244
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:275
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Afsluiten"

#: src/gui/buy.cpp:96 src/gui/sell.cpp:91 src/gui/statuswindow.cpp:446
#: src/gui/statuswindow.cpp:792 src/gui/statuswindow.cpp:823
msgid "Max"
msgstr "Maximum"

#: src/gui/buysell.cpp:37 src/gui/buysell.cpp:46
#: src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:112
msgid "Shop"
msgstr "Winkel"

#: src/gui/buysell.cpp:62 src/gui/sell.cpp:50 src/gui/sell.cpp:57
#: src/gui/sell.cpp:89
msgid "Sell"
msgstr "Verkopen"

#: src/gui/buysell.cpp:62 src/gui/changeemaildialog.cpp:56
#: src/gui/changepassworddialog.cpp:58 src/gui/charcreatedialog.cpp:79
#: src/gui/connectiondialog.cpp:44 src/gui/itemamount.cpp:206
#: src/gui/npcpostdialog.cpp:55 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1122
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1149 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1194
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1232 src/gui/quitdialog.cpp:54
#: src/gui/register.cpp:79 src/gui/setup.cpp:64 src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:786
#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:231 src/gui/textdialog.cpp:44
#: src/gui/unregisterdialog.cpp:56 src/gui/updatewindow.cpp:153
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuleren"

#: src/gui/changeemaildialog.cpp:45 src/gui/changeemaildialog.cpp:54
msgid "Change Email Address"
msgstr "Emailadres wijzigen"

#: src/gui/changeemaildialog.cpp:49 src/gui/changepassworddialog.cpp:52
#, c-format
msgid "Account: %s"
msgstr "Account: %s"

#: src/gui/changeemaildialog.cpp:51
#, fuzzy
msgid "Type new email address twice:"
msgstr "Typ nieuw emailadres tweemaal:"

#: src/gui/changeemaildialog.cpp:129
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "The new email address needs to be at least %d characters long."
msgstr "De gebruikersnaam moet uit ten minste %d tekens bestaan."

#: src/gui/changeemaildialog.cpp:136
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "The new email address needs to be less than %d characters long."
msgstr "De gebruikersnaam moet uit minder dan %d tekens bestaan."

#: src/gui/changeemaildialog.cpp:143
#, fuzzy
msgid "The email address entries mismatch."
msgstr "Het nieuwe emailadres bestaat al."

#: src/gui/changepassworddialog.cpp:47 src/gui/changepassworddialog.cpp:56
#: src/gui/charselectdialog.cpp:133
msgid "Change Password"
msgstr "Wijzig wachtwoord"

#: src/gui/changepassworddialog.cpp:61 src/gui/login.cpp:91
#: src/gui/register.cpp:73 src/gui/unregisterdialog.cpp:53
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Wachtwoord:"

#: src/gui/changepassworddialog.cpp:63
#, fuzzy
msgid "Type new password twice:"
msgstr "Typ nieuw wachtwoord tweemaal:"

#: src/gui/changepassworddialog.cpp:111
msgid "Enter the old password first."
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/changepassworddialog.cpp:117
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "The new password needs to be at least %d characters long."
msgstr "Het wachtwoord moet uit ten minste %d tekens bestaan."

#: src/gui/changepassworddialog.cpp:124
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "The new password needs to be less than %d characters long."
msgstr "Het wachtwoord moet uit minder dan %d tekens bestaan."

#: src/gui/changepassworddialog.cpp:131
msgid "The new password entries mismatch."
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/charcreatedialog.cpp:53
msgid "Create Character"
msgstr "Personage Aanmaken"

#: src/gui/charcreatedialog.cpp:67 src/gui/login.cpp:90
#: src/gui/register.cpp:72
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Naam:"

#. TRANSLATORS: This is a narrow symbol used to denote 'next'.
#. You may change this symbol if your language uses another.
#: src/gui/charcreatedialog.cpp:70 src/gui/charcreatedialog.cpp:75
#: src/gui/outfitwindow.cpp:77
msgid ">"
msgstr ""

#. TRANSLATORS: This is a narrow symbol used to denote 'previous'.
#. You may change this symbol if your language uses another.
#: src/gui/charcreatedialog.cpp:73 src/gui/charcreatedialog.cpp:76
#: src/gui/outfitwindow.cpp:76
msgid "<"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/charcreatedialog.cpp:74
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hair color:"
msgstr "Haarkleur:"

#: src/gui/charcreatedialog.cpp:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hair style:"
msgstr "Haarstijl:"

#: src/gui/charcreatedialog.cpp:78 src/gui/charselectdialog.cpp:445
#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:846
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Aanmaken"

#: src/gui/charcreatedialog.cpp:80 src/gui/register.cpp:95
msgid "Male"
msgstr "Mannelijk"

#: src/gui/charcreatedialog.cpp:81 src/gui/register.cpp:96
msgid "Female"
msgstr "Vrouwelijk"

#: src/gui/charcreatedialog.cpp:99 src/gui/charcreatedialog.cpp:257
#, c-format
msgid "Please distribute %d points"
msgstr "Nog %d punten te verdelen"

#: src/gui/charcreatedialog.cpp:186
msgid "Your name needs to be at least 4 characters."
msgstr "Je naam moet uit tenminste 4 tekens bestaan"

#: src/gui/charcreatedialog.cpp:248
msgid "Character stats OK"
msgstr "Attributen van personage OK"

#: src/gui/charcreatedialog.cpp:262
#, c-format
msgid "Please remove %d points"
msgstr "Verwijder alstublieft %d punten"

#: src/gui/charselectdialog.cpp:72
msgid "Confirm Character Delete"
msgstr "Bevestig het verwijderen van het personage"

#: src/gui/charselectdialog.cpp:73
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this character?"
msgstr "Weet je zeker dat je deze personage wilt verwijderen?"

#: src/gui/charselectdialog.cpp:121
msgid "Account and Character Management"
msgstr "Account en personage beheer"

#: src/gui/charselectdialog.cpp:132
msgid "Switch Login"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/charselectdialog.cpp:146 src/gui/unregisterdialog.cpp:47
#: src/gui/unregisterdialog.cpp:55
msgid "Unregister"
msgstr "Registreren"

#: src/gui/charselectdialog.cpp:155
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Email"
msgstr "Emailadres wijzigen"

#: src/gui/charselectdialog.cpp:375 src/gui/serverdialog.cpp:248
#: src/gui/setup_players.cpp:242 src/gui/shopwindow.cpp:117
#: src/gui/shopwindow.cpp:120 src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:234
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Verwijderen"

#: src/gui/charselectdialog.cpp:433
#, fuzzy
msgid "Choose"
msgstr "Sluiten"

#: src/gui/charselectdialog.cpp:436
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Level %d"
msgstr "Level: %d"

#: src/gui/charselectdialog.cpp:447 src/gui/charselectdialog.cpp:448
msgid "(empty)"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/chat.cpp:91
#, fuzzy
msgid "default"
msgstr "Standaard"

#: src/gui/chat.cpp:92
msgid "black"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/chat.cpp:93
#, fuzzy
msgid "red"
msgstr "Vriend"

#: src/gui/chat.cpp:94
#, fuzzy
msgid "green"
msgstr "Groen: "

#: src/gui/chat.cpp:95
#, fuzzy
msgid "blue"
msgstr "Blauw: "

#: src/gui/chat.cpp:96
msgid "gold"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/chat.cpp:97
#, fuzzy
msgid "yellow"
msgstr "laag"

#: src/gui/chat.cpp:98
#, fuzzy
msgid "pink"
msgstr "Hyperlink"

#: src/gui/chat.cpp:99
msgid "purple"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/chat.cpp:100
msgid "grey"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/chat.cpp:101
#, fuzzy
msgid "brown"
msgstr "Geworpen"

#: src/gui/chat.cpp:102
#, fuzzy
msgid "rainbow 1"
msgstr "Regenboog"

#: src/gui/chat.cpp:103
#, fuzzy
msgid "rainbow 2"
msgstr "Regenboog"

#: src/gui/chat.cpp:104
#, fuzzy
msgid "rainbow 3"
msgstr "Regenboog"

#: src/gui/chat.cpp:121 src/gui/itemamount.cpp:90 src/gui/login.cpp:75
#: src/gui/setup_players.cpp:215 src/gui/setup_theme.cpp:68
#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:163 src/gui/setup_video.cpp:188
#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:98 src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:137
#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:156
msgid "???"
msgstr "???"

#: src/gui/chat.cpp:131 src/gui/setup_chat.cpp:60
msgid "Chat"
msgstr "Chat"

#: src/gui/chat.cpp:554
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Present: %s; %d players are present."
msgstr "%d spelers zijn aanwezig."

#: src/gui/chat.cpp:890
#, c-format
msgid "Whispering to %s: %s"
msgstr "Fluisteren naar %s: %s"

#: src/gui/confirmdialog.cpp:44
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"

#: src/gui/confirmdialog.cpp:45
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nee"

#: src/gui/confirmdialog.cpp:49
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ignore"
msgstr "Genegeerd"

#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:63 src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:74
#, c-format
msgid "%d FPS (Software)"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:67
#, c-format
msgid "%d FPS (fast OpenGL)"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:70
#, c-format
msgid "%d FPS (old OpenGL)"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:77
#, c-format
msgid "%d FPS"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:78 src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:181
#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:204
#, fuzzy
msgid "Music:"
msgstr "Onderwerp: %s"

#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:79 src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:185
#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:206
#, fuzzy
msgid "Map:"
msgstr "Naam: %s"

#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:80 src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:183
#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:205
#, fuzzy
msgid "Minimap:"
msgstr "Kaartje"

#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:81
#, c-format
msgid "Cursor: (%d, %d)"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:82 src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:192
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Particle count: %d"
msgstr "Deeltjes effecten"

#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:84
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Map actors count: %d"
msgstr "Attributen van personage OK"

#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:90 src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:126
#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:131
#, fuzzy
msgid "Player Position:"
msgstr "Speler raakt Monster"

#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:91 src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:138
#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:163
#, fuzzy
msgid "Target:"
msgstr "Naar links"

#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:92 src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:143
#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:164
#, fuzzy
msgid "Target Id:"
msgstr "Speler viseren"

#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:93 src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:147
#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:152 src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:165
#, fuzzy
msgid "Target Level:"
msgstr "Speler viseren"

#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:94 src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:155
#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:166
#, fuzzy
msgid "Target Party:"
msgstr "Speler viseren"

#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:95 src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:158
#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:167
#, fuzzy
msgid "Target Guild:"
msgstr "Speler viseren"

#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:179 src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:202
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cursor:"
msgstr "Aangepaste cursor"

#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:196 src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:209
msgid "Map actors count:"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:217
#, c-format
msgid "Ping: %d ms"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:222
msgid "Ping: ? ms"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:225
#, c-format
msgid "In: %d bytes/s"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/debugwindow.cpp:227
#, c-format
msgid "Out: %d bytes/s"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/editdialog.cpp:44 src/gui/itemamount.cpp:205
#: src/gui/okdialog.cpp:42 src/gui/quitdialog.cpp:53 src/gui/textdialog.cpp:43
#: src/gui/trade.cpp:81 src/gui/trade.cpp:83
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

#: src/gui/equipmentwindow.cpp:72 src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:70
msgid "Equipment"
msgstr "Uitrusting"

#: src/gui/equipmentwindow.cpp:91 src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:96
#: src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:393 src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:402
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1070 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1169
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1209
msgid "Unequip"
msgstr "Afdoen"

#: src/gui/help.cpp:38
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Help"

#: src/gui/help.cpp:52 src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:135
#: src/gui/npcdialog.cpp:48 src/gui/shopwindow.cpp:108
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Sluiten"

#: src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:62 src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:72
msgid "Inventory"
msgstr "Inventaris"

#: src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:62
msgid "Storage"
msgstr "Opslag"

#: src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:89
msgid "Slots:"
msgstr "Sloten:"

#: src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:94 src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:395
#: src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:404 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1072
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1171 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1211
msgid "Equip"
msgstr "Uitrusten"

#: src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:95 src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:396
#: src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:400 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1075
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1144 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1175
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1214
msgid "Use"
msgstr "Gebruiken"

#: src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:109 src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:499
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1078 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1179
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1217
#, fuzzy
msgid "Drop..."
msgstr "Neerleggen"

#: src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:110 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1083
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1184 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1222
msgid "Split"
msgstr "Splitsen"

#: src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:111 src/gui/outfitwindow.cpp:56
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:409
msgid "Outfits"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:114
msgid "Weight:"
msgstr "Gewicht:"

#: src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:133 src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:490
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1087 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1187
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1225 src/gui/setup.cpp:65
msgid "Store"
msgstr "Opslaan"

#: src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:134 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1106
msgid "Retrieve"
msgstr "Afhalen"

#: src/gui/inventorywindow.cpp:501 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1080
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1181 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1219
#: src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:91
msgid "Drop"
msgstr "Neerleggen"

#: src/gui/itemamount.cpp:207
msgid "All"
msgstr "Alle"

#: src/gui/itemamount.cpp:258
msgid "Select amount of items to trade."
msgstr "Selecteer het aantal exemplaren om te verhandelen"

#: src/gui/itemamount.cpp:261
msgid "Select amount of items to drop."
msgstr "Selecteer het aantal exemplaren om neer te leggen"

#: src/gui/itemamount.cpp:264
msgid "Select amount of items to store."
msgstr "Selecteer hoeveelheid voorwerpen te bewaren."

#: src/gui/itemamount.cpp:267
msgid "Select amount of items to retrieve."
msgstr "Selecteer hoeveelheid voorwerpen terug te nemen."

#: src/gui/itemamount.cpp:270
msgid "Select amount of items to split."
msgstr "Selecteer hoeveelheid voorwerpen om te splitsen."

#: src/gui/itemamount.cpp:273
msgid "Add to buy shop."
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/itemamount.cpp:276
msgid "Add to sell shop."
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/itemamount.cpp:279
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unknown."
msgstr "Onbekende foutmelding"

#: src/gui/itempopup.cpp:145
msgid ", "
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/itempopup.cpp:152
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Weight: %s"
msgstr "Gewicht "

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:43 src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:65
#, fuzzy
msgid "Kill stats"
msgstr "Statusvenster"

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:61
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reset stats"
msgstr "Reset"

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:62
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reset timer"
msgstr "Reset"

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:66
#, fuzzy
msgid "Level: "
msgstr "Level: %d"

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:70
#, fuzzy
msgid "Exp: "
msgstr "Ervaring:"

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:71
#, fuzzy
msgid " Left: "
msgstr "Naar links"

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:74
msgid " exp, Avg Mob for 1%: ?"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:75 src/gui/killstats.cpp:128
msgid "Kills: ?, Total Exp: ?"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:76 src/gui/killstats.cpp:129
msgid "Avg Exp: ?, No. of Avg mob to next level: ?"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:77 src/gui/killstats.cpp:146
msgid "Kills/Min: ?, Exp/Min: ?"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:79
msgid "Exp speed per 1 min: ?"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:80
msgid "Time for next level per 1 min: ?"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:81
msgid "Exp speed per 5 min: ?"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:82
msgid "Time for next level per 5 min: ?"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:83
msgid "Exp speed per 15 min: ?"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:84
msgid "Time for Next level per 15 min: ?"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:86
msgid "Last kill exp: ?"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:87
msgid "Time before jacko spawn: ?"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:270
#, c-format
msgid "Exp Speed per 1 min: %d"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:275 src/gui/killstats.cpp:291
#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:307
#, c-format
msgid "  Time For Next Level: %f"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:281 src/gui/killstats.cpp:297
#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:313
msgid "  Time For Next Level: ?"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:286
#, c-format
msgid "Exp Speed per 5 min: %d"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:302
#, c-format
msgid "Exp Speed per 15 min: %d"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:331
msgid "Time before jacko spawn: jacko alive"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:335 src/gui/killstats.cpp:345
msgid "Time before jacko spawn: "
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:336
msgid "?"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/killstats.cpp:341
msgid "Time before jacko spawn: jacko spawning"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/login.cpp:56
msgid "Normal"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/login.cpp:57
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auto Close"
msgstr "Sluiten"

#: src/gui/login.cpp:58
msgid "Skip"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/login.cpp:83 src/gui/login.cpp:118
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Inloggen"

#: src/gui/login.cpp:87 src/gui/serverdialog.cpp:221
#: src/gui/widgets/chattab.cpp:166
msgid "Server:"
msgstr "Server:"

#: src/gui/login.cpp:92
msgid "Custom update host"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/login.cpp:106
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remember username"
msgstr "Onthoud Naam"

#: src/gui/login.cpp:107
msgid "Update:"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/login.cpp:116 src/gui/register.cpp:63 src/gui/register.cpp:78
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Aanmelden"

#: src/gui/login.cpp:117
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Server"
msgstr "Server"

#: src/gui/minimap.cpp:46 src/gui/minimap.cpp:86
msgid "Map"
msgstr "Map"

#: src/gui/ministatus.cpp:196
msgid "Need"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/npcdialog.cpp:46
msgid "Waiting for server"
msgstr "Wachten op server"

#: src/gui/npcdialog.cpp:47
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Volgende"

#: src/gui/npcdialog.cpp:49
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Indienen"

#: src/gui/npcdialog.cpp:54 src/gui/npcpostdialog.cpp:39
msgid "NPC"
msgstr "NPC"

#: src/gui/npcdialog.cpp:100 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:448
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Sluiten"

#. TRANSLATORS: Please leave the \n sequences intact.
#: src/gui/npcdialog.cpp:200
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"> Next\n"
msgstr "Volgende"

#: src/gui/npcpostdialog.cpp:45
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Aan:"

#: src/gui/npcpostdialog.cpp:52
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Verzenden"

#: src/gui/npcpostdialog.cpp:96
msgid "Failed to send as sender or letter invalid."
msgstr "Kon niet zenden als zender, of de brief is ongeldig."

#: src/gui/outfitwindow.cpp:78 src/gui/outfitwindow.cpp:832
#, c-format
msgid "Outfit: %d"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/outfitwindow.cpp:80 src/gui/outfitwindow.cpp:834
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Key: %s"
msgstr "Geld: %s"

#: src/gui/outfitwindow.cpp:83
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unequip first"
msgstr "Afdoen"

#: src/gui/outfitwindow.cpp:86
msgid "Away outfit"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:116 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:483
#, fuzzy
msgid "@@trade|Trade@@"
msgstr "@@trade|Handelen met %s@@"

#. TRANSLATORS: Attacking a player.
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:118 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:238
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:484
#, fuzzy
msgid "@@attack|Attack@@"
msgstr "@@attack|%s aanvallen@@"

#. TRANSLATORS: Whispering a player.
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:120 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "@@whisper|Whisper@@"
msgstr "@@use|Gebruiken@@"

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:124 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:488
#, fuzzy
msgid "@@heal|Heal@@"
msgstr "@@cancel|Annuleren@@"

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:130 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:296
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:494
msgid "@@friend|Befriend@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:131 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:137
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:155 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:297
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:303 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:321
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:495 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:501
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:519
msgid "@@disregard|Disregard@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:132 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:138
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:298 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:304
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:496 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:502
msgid "@@ignore|Ignore@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:133 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:139
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:145 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:150
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:299 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:305
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:311 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:316
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:497 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:503
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:509 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:514
#, fuzzy
msgid "@@erase|Erase@@"
msgstr "@@use|Gebruiken@@"

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:143 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:149
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:154 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:309
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:315 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:320
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:507 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:513
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:518
msgid "@@unignore|Unignore@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:144 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:156
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:310 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:322
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:508 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:520
#, fuzzy
msgid "@@ignore|Completely ignore@@"
msgstr "Voltooid"

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:164 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:330
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:528
msgid "@@follow|Follow@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:165 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:331
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:529
msgid "@@imitation|Imitation@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:175 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:548
#, fuzzy
msgid "@@party|Invite to party@@"
msgstr "/party > Een gebruiker uitnodigen in de groep"

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:180 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:553
msgid "@@kick party|Kick from party@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:195 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:338
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:567
msgid "@@guild-kick|Kick from guild@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:197 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:339
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:569
msgid "@@guild-pos|Change pos in guild >@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:202 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:343
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "@@guild|Invite to guild@@"
msgstr "/party > Een gebruiker uitnodigen in de groep"

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:209
msgid "@@admin-kick|Kick player@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:211
msgid "@@nuke|Nuke@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:212 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:232
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:530
msgid "@@move|Move@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:213 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:531
msgid "@@undress|Undress@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:218 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:229
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:350 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:536
msgid "@@buy|Buy@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:219 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:230
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:351 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:537
#, fuzzy
msgid "@@sell|Sell@@"
msgstr "@@use|Gebruiken@@"

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:227
#, fuzzy
msgid "@@talk|Talk@@"
msgstr "@@attack|%s aanvallen@@"

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:241
msgid "@@admin-kick|Kick@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:249 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:354
msgid "@@name|Add name to chat@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:253 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:273
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:358 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:381
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:400 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:413
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:431 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:579
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:603
msgid "@@cancel|Cancel@@"
msgstr "@@cancel|Annuleren@@"

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:268
#, c-format
msgid "@@player_%u|%s >@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:376
#, fuzzy
msgid "@@pickup|Pick up@@"
msgstr "@@pickup|%s oppakken@@"

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:377
msgid "@@chat|Add to chat@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:395
msgid "Map Item"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:396
msgid "@@rename map|Rename@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:397
msgid "@@remove map|Remove@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:410
msgid "@@load old outfits|Load old outfits@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:426 src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:90
msgid "Spells"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:427
msgid "@@load old spells|Load old spells@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:428
#, fuzzy
msgid "@@edit spell|Edit spell@@"
msgstr "@@use|Gebruiken@@"

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:446
msgid "@@chat close|Close@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:454
#, fuzzy
msgid "Disable highlight"
msgstr "Tab Accentuering"

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:460
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable highlight"
msgstr "Tab Accentuering"

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:466
msgid "@@leave party|Leave@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:587
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change guild position"
msgstr "Veranderen"

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:600
#, c-format
msgid "@@guild-pos-%d|%s@@"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:944
msgid "Rename map sign          "
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:945
msgid "Name:                    "
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1093
#, fuzzy
msgid "Store 10"
msgstr "Opslaan"

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1096
#, fuzzy
msgid "Store half"
msgstr "Opslaan"

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1098
#, fuzzy
msgid "Store all"
msgstr "Opslaan"

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1112
#, fuzzy
msgid "Retrieve 10"
msgstr "Afhalen"

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1115
#, fuzzy
msgid "Retrieve half"
msgstr "Afhalen"

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1117
#, fuzzy
msgid "Retrieve all"
msgstr "Afhalen"

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1120 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1188
#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1226
msgid "Add to chat"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1147 src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1192
msgid "Load old item shortcuts"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/popupmenu.cpp:1230
msgid "Load old drop shortcuts"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/quitdialog.cpp:50
msgid "Save state"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/quitdialog.cpp:51
msgid "Switch server"
msgstr "Van server wisselen"

#: src/gui/quitdialog.cpp:52
msgid "Switch character"
msgstr "Van personage wisselen"

#: src/gui/register.cpp:74
msgid "Confirm:"
msgstr "Bevestigen:"

#: src/gui/register.cpp:105
msgid "Email:"
msgstr "E-mail:"

#: src/gui/register.cpp:173
#, c-format
msgid "The username needs to be at least %d characters long."
msgstr "De gebruikersnaam moet uit ten minste %d tekens bestaan."

#: src/gui/register.cpp:181
#, c-format
msgid "The username needs to be less than %d characters long."
msgstr "De gebruikersnaam moet uit minder dan %d tekens bestaan."

#: src/gui/register.cpp:189 src/gui/unregisterdialog.cpp:118
#, c-format
msgid "The password needs to be at least %d characters long."
msgstr "Het wachtwoord moet uit ten minste %d tekens bestaan."

#: src/gui/register.cpp:197 src/gui/unregisterdialog.cpp:125
#, c-format
msgid "The password needs to be less than %d characters long."
msgstr "Het wachtwoord moet uit minder dan %d tekens bestaan."

#: src/gui/register.cpp:204
msgid "Passwords do not match."
msgstr "Wachtwoorden komen niet overeen."

#: src/gui/serverdialog.cpp:207
#, fuzzy
msgid "Choose Your Server"
msgstr "Kies jouw server"

#: src/gui/serverdialog.cpp:222
msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Poort:"

#: src/gui/serverdialog.cpp:223
#, fuzzy
msgid "Server type:"
msgstr "Server:"

#: src/gui/serverdialog.cpp:245
msgid "Load"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/serverdialog.cpp:246
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Verbinden..."

#: src/gui/serverdialog.cpp:247
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Server"
msgstr "Aangepaste cursor"

#: src/gui/serverdialog.cpp:351
msgid "Please type both the address and the port of a server."
msgstr "Typ aub zowel het adres van de server, als de poort."

#: src/gui/serverdialog.cpp:482
#, c-format
msgid "Downloading server list...%2.2f%%"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/serverdialog.cpp:488
#, fuzzy
msgid "Waiting for server..."
msgstr "Wachten op server"

#: src/gui/serverdialog.cpp:492
msgid "Preparing download"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/serverdialog.cpp:496
msgid "Error retreiving server list!"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/serverdialog.cpp:593
msgid "requires a newer version"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/serverdialog.cpp:595
#, c-format
msgid "requires v%s"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_audio.cpp:46
msgid "Enable Audio"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_audio.cpp:47
msgid "Enable game sfx"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_audio.cpp:48
msgid "Enable gui sfx"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_audio.cpp:49
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable music"
msgstr "Joystick activeren"

#: src/gui/setup_audio.cpp:50
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable mumble voice chat"
msgstr "Joystick activeren"

#: src/gui/setup_audio.cpp:52
msgid "Download music"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_audio.cpp:57
msgid "Audio"
msgstr "Audio"

#: src/gui/setup_audio.cpp:60
msgid "Sfx volume"
msgstr "Volume van geluiden"

#: src/gui/setup_audio.cpp:61
msgid "Music volume"
msgstr "Muziek volume"

#: src/gui/setup_audio.cpp:117
#, fuzzy
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Geen tekst"

#: src/gui/setup_audio.cpp:117
msgid "You may have to restart your client if you want to download new music"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_audio.cpp:130
msgid "Sound Engine"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_chat.cpp:64
msgid "Remove colors from received chat messages"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_chat.cpp:68
msgid "Log magic messages in debug tab"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_chat.cpp:75
msgid "Allow magic and GM commands in all chat tabs"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_chat.cpp:80
msgid "Show server messages in debug tab"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_chat.cpp:84
msgid "Enable chat Log"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_chat.cpp:88
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable trade tab"
msgstr "Kan niets kopen."

#: src/gui/setup_chat.cpp:92
msgid "Hide shop messages"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_chat.cpp:96
msgid "Show chat history"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_chat.cpp:100
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable battle tab"
msgstr "Kan niets kopen."

#: src/gui/setup_chat.cpp:104
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show battle events"
msgstr "Naam tonen"

#: src/gui/setup_chat.cpp:108
msgid "Show chat colors list"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_chat.cpp:111 src/gui/setup_chat.cpp:119
#: src/gui/setup_other.cpp:135 src/gui/setup_other.cpp:139
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_chat.cpp:114
msgid "Limit max chars in chat line"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_chat.cpp:123
msgid "Limit max lines in chat"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_colors.cpp:46
msgid "This is what the color looks like"
msgstr "Dit is hoe de kleur eruit ziet"

#: src/gui/setup_colors.cpp:51
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Kleuren"

#: src/gui/setup_colors.cpp:72
#, fuzzy
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Type: "

#: src/gui/setup_colors.cpp:83 src/gui/setup_colors.cpp:398
msgid "Static"
msgstr "Statisch"

#: src/gui/setup_colors.cpp:85 src/gui/setup_colors.cpp:86
#: src/gui/setup_colors.cpp:399
msgid "Pulse"
msgstr "Puls"

#: src/gui/setup_colors.cpp:87 src/gui/setup_colors.cpp:88
#: src/gui/setup_colors.cpp:400
msgid "Rainbow"
msgstr "Regenboog"

#: src/gui/setup_colors.cpp:89 src/gui/setup_colors.cpp:90
#: src/gui/setup_colors.cpp:400
msgid "Spectrum"
msgstr "Spectrum"

#: src/gui/setup_colors.cpp:94 src/gui/setup_colors.cpp:310
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delay:"
msgstr "Vertraging: "

#: src/gui/setup_colors.cpp:109
#, fuzzy
msgid "Red:"
msgstr "Rood: "

#: src/gui/setup_colors.cpp:124
#, fuzzy
msgid "Green:"
msgstr "Groen: "

#: src/gui/setup_colors.cpp:139
#, fuzzy
msgid "Blue:"
msgstr "Blauw: "

#: src/gui/setup_colors.cpp:305
msgid "Alpha:"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup.cpp:63
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Toepassen"

#: src/gui/setup.cpp:66
msgid "Reset Windows"
msgstr "Vensters in beginstand"

#: src/gui/setup_joystick.cpp:37 src/gui/setup_joystick.cpp:76
msgid "Press the button to start calibration"
msgstr "Druk op de knop om het kalibreren te starten"

#: src/gui/setup_joystick.cpp:38 src/gui/setup_joystick.cpp:74
msgid "Calibrate"
msgstr "Kalibreren"

#: src/gui/setup_joystick.cpp:39
msgid "Enable joystick"
msgstr "Joystick activeren"

#: src/gui/setup_joystick.cpp:41
msgid "Joystick"
msgstr "Joystick"

#: src/gui/setup_joystick.cpp:81
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Stoppen"

#: src/gui/setup_joystick.cpp:82
msgid "Rotate the stick"
msgstr "Maak rondjes met de stick"

#: src/gui/setup_keyboard.cpp:77
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "Toetsenbord"

#: src/gui/setup_keyboard.cpp:86
msgid "Assign"
msgstr "Toewijzen"

#: src/gui/setup_keyboard.cpp:90
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unassign"
msgstr "Toewijzen"

#: src/gui/setup_keyboard.cpp:94
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Standaard"

#: src/gui/setup_keyboard.cpp:130
msgid "Key Conflict(s) Detected."
msgstr "Conflict(en) tussen toetsen gevonden."

#: src/gui/setup_other.cpp:92
msgid "Misc"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_other.cpp:95
msgid "Show damage inflicted to monsters"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_other.cpp:100
msgid "Auto target only reachable monsters"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_other.cpp:104
#, fuzzy
msgid "Highlight map portals"
msgstr "Accentueren"

#: src/gui/setup_other.cpp:109
msgid "Highlight player attack range"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_other.cpp:114
msgid "Highlight monster attack range"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_other.cpp:118
msgid "Cycle player targets"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_other.cpp:121
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cycle monster targets"
msgstr "Naam tonen"

#: src/gui/setup_other.cpp:124
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable bot checker"
msgstr "Joystick activeren"

#: src/gui/setup_other.cpp:127
#, fuzzy
msgid "Highlight floor items"
msgstr "Accentueren"

#: src/gui/setup_other.cpp:130
msgid "Crazy move A program"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_other.cpp:141
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable shop mode"
msgstr "Handelen inschakelen/uitschakelen"

#: src/gui/setup_other.cpp:145
msgid "Enable buggy servers protection"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_other.cpp:149
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable debug log"
msgstr "Kan niets kopen."

#: src/gui/setup_other.cpp:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable server side attack"
msgstr "Kan niets kopen."

#: src/gui/setup_other.cpp:157
msgid "Auto fix position"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_other.cpp:161
msgid "Attack while moving"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_other.cpp:165
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable quick stats"
msgstr "Joystick activeren"

#: src/gui/setup_other.cpp:169
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show warps particles"
msgstr "als deeltje"

#: src/gui/setup_other.cpp:173
msgid "Accept sell/buy requests"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_other.cpp:177
msgid "Show monster hp bar"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_players.cpp:60
msgid "Relation"
msgstr "Relatie"

#: src/gui/setup_players.cpp:65
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr "Neutraal"

#: src/gui/setup_players.cpp:66
msgid "Friend"
msgstr "Vriend"

#: src/gui/setup_players.cpp:67
msgid "Disregarded"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_players.cpp:68
msgid "Ignored"
msgstr "Genegeerd"

#: src/gui/setup_players.cpp:69
msgid "Erased"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_players.cpp:238
msgid "Allow trading"
msgstr "Handelen toestaan"

#: src/gui/setup_players.cpp:240
msgid "Allow whispers"
msgstr "Fluisteren toestaan"

#: src/gui/setup_players.cpp:243
msgid "Old"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_players.cpp:245
msgid "Put all whispers in tabs"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_players.cpp:248
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show gender"
msgstr "Naam tonen"

#: src/gui/setup_players.cpp:253
msgid "Players"
msgstr "Spelers"

#: src/gui/setup_players.cpp:278
msgid "When ignoring:"
msgstr "Tijdens negeren:"

#: src/gui/setup_players.cpp:301
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show level"
msgstr "Naam tonen"

#: src/gui/setup_players.cpp:305
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show own name"
msgstr "Naam tonen"

#: src/gui/setup_players.cpp:309
#, fuzzy
msgid "Target dead players"
msgstr "Speler viseren"

#: src/gui/setup_theme.cpp:107
msgid "Theme"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_theme.cpp:109
msgid "Gui theme"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_theme.cpp:110
msgid "Main Font"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_theme.cpp:111
msgid "Bold font"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_theme.cpp:112
#, fuzzy
msgid "Particle font"
msgstr "Deeltjes effecten"

#: src/gui/setup_theme.cpp:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "Help font"
msgstr "Help"

#: src/gui/setup_theme.cpp:223
#, fuzzy
msgid "Theme Changed"
msgstr "Veranderen"

#: src/gui/setup_theme.cpp:224 src/gui/setup_video.cpp:714
#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:719
msgid "Restart your client for the change to take effect."
msgstr "Herstart de client om de wijzigingen in werking te doen treden."

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:143
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tiny (10)"
msgstr "Klein"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:144
#, fuzzy
msgid "Small (11)"
msgstr "Klein"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:145
#, fuzzy
msgid "Medium (12)"
msgstr "Middelmatig"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:146
#, fuzzy
msgid "Large (13)"
msgstr "Groot"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:147
msgid "Big (14)"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:148
msgid "Huge (15)"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:171
msgid "Software"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:172
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fast OpenGL"
msgstr "OpenGL"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:173
#, fuzzy
msgid "Safe OpenGL"
msgstr "OpenGL"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:200
msgid "No text"
msgstr "Geen tekst"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:202
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Tekst"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:204
msgid "Bubbles, no names"
msgstr "Bellen, geen namen"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:206
msgid "Bubbles with names"
msgstr "Bellen met namen"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:219
msgid "off"
msgstr "uit"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:221 src/gui/setup_video.cpp:238
msgid "low"
msgstr "laag"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:223 src/gui/setup_video.cpp:242
msgid "high"
msgstr "hoog"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:240
msgid "medium"
msgstr "gemiddeld"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:244
msgid "max"
msgstr "max"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:276
msgid "Full screen"
msgstr "Volledig scherm"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:277
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hw acceleration"
msgstr "Relatie"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:278
msgid "Custom cursor"
msgstr "Aangepaste cursor"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:280
msgid "Visible names"
msgstr "Zichtbare namen"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:282
msgid "Particle effects"
msgstr "Deeltjes effecten"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:284
msgid "Log NPC dialogue"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:285
msgid "Show pickup notification"
msgstr "Notificatie bij oprapen weergeven"

#. TRANSLATORS: Refers to "Show own name"
#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:287
msgid "in chat"
msgstr "in chat"

#. TRANSLATORS: Refers to "Show own name"
#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:289
msgid "as particle"
msgstr "als deeltje"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:291
msgid "Hide shield sprite"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:293
msgid "Low traffic mode"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:295
msgid "Sync player move"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:297
msgid "Draw hotkeys on map"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:299
msgid "Draw path"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:300
msgid "Show job"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:301
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable opacity cache"
msgstr "Joystick activeren"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:302
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show background"
msgstr "Achtergrond"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:307
#, fuzzy
msgid "FPS limit:"
msgstr "FPS limiet:"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:311 src/gui/setup_video.cpp:350
#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:646 src/gui/setup_video.cpp:809
#, fuzzy
msgid "Alt FPS limit: "
msgstr "FPS limiet:"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:321
msgid "Video"
msgstr "Video"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:326
msgid "Overhead text"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:327
msgid "Gui opacity"
msgstr "Dekking van de GUI"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:328
msgid "Ambient FX"
msgstr "Omgevingseffecten"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:329
#, fuzzy
msgid "Particle detail"
msgstr "Deeltjes details"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:330
msgid "Font size"
msgstr "Lettergrootte"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:348 src/gui/setup_video.cpp:351
#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:645 src/gui/setup_video.cpp:796
#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:807
#, fuzzy
msgid "None"
msgstr "Nee"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:528
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Failed to switch to windowed mode and restoration of old mode also failed!"
msgstr "modus en herstel van oude modus ook gefaald!"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:534
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Failed to switch to fullscreen mode and restoration of old mode also failed!"
msgstr "modus en herstel van oude modus ook gefaald!"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:545
#, fuzzy
msgid "Switching to Full Screen"
msgstr "Overgaan naar volledig scherm"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:546
msgid "Restart needed for changes to take effect."
msgstr "De veranderingen worden pas actief na opnieuw opstarten"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:558
#, fuzzy
msgid "Changing to OpenGL"
msgstr "Veranderen van OpenGL"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:559
msgid "Applying change to OpenGL requires restart."
msgstr "Het wisselen van of naar OpenGL wordt pas actief na opnieuw opstarten"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:697
msgid "Custom resolution (example: 1024x768)"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:698
msgid "Enter new resolution:                "
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:713 src/gui/setup_video.cpp:718
#, fuzzy
msgid "Screen Resolution Changed"
msgstr "Schermresolutie veranderd"

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:716
msgid "Some windows may be moved to fit the lowered resolution."
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:750
#, fuzzy
msgid "Particle Effect Settings Changed."
msgstr "Deeltjes effecten instellingen gewijzigd."

#: src/gui/setup_video.cpp:751
msgid "Changes will take effect on map change."
msgstr "Wijzigingen treden in werking bij het wisselen van map."

#: src/gui/shopwindow.cpp:71
msgid "Personal Shop"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/shopwindow.cpp:113
msgid "Buy items"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/shopwindow.cpp:114
msgid "Sell items"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/shopwindow.cpp:116 src/gui/shopwindow.cpp:119 src/gui/trade.cpp:85
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Toevoegen"

#: src/gui/shopwindow.cpp:118 src/gui/shopwindow.cpp:121
msgid "Announce"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/shopwindow.cpp:122
msgid "Show links in announce"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/shopwindow.cpp:706 src/net/manaserv/tradehandler.cpp:126
#: src/net/tmwa/tradehandler.cpp:121
msgid "Request for Trade"
msgstr "Handel aanvragen"

#: src/gui/shopwindow.cpp:707
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s wants to %s %s do you accept?"
msgstr "%s wil met jou handelen, aanvaard je dit?"

#: src/gui/skilldialog.cpp:227 src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:77
msgid "Skills"
msgstr "Vaardigheden"

#: src/gui/skilldialog.cpp:238
msgid "Up"
msgstr "Omhoog"

#: src/gui/skilldialog.cpp:290
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Skill points available: %d"
msgstr "Vaardigheidspunten: %d"

#: src/gui/skilldialog.cpp:374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Skill Set %d"
msgstr "Vaardigheidspunten: %d"

#: src/gui/skilldialog.cpp:384
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Skill %d"
msgstr "Vaardigheden"

#: src/gui/skilldialog.cpp:469
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Lvl: %d (%+d)"
msgstr "Level: %d"

#: src/gui/skilldialog.cpp:477
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Lvl: %d"
msgstr "Level: %d"

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:114 src/net/tmwa/gui/guildtab.cpp:47
msgid "Guild"
msgstr "Guild"

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:143
#, c-format
msgid "Invited user %s to guild %s."
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:157
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Guild %s quit requested."
msgstr "Guild aangemaakt."

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:184
msgid "Member Invite to Guild"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:185
#, c-format
msgid "Who would you like to invite to guild %s?"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:194
#, fuzzy
msgid "Leave Guild?"
msgstr "Guild aanmaken"

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:195
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to leave guild %s?"
msgstr "Weet u zeker dat u wilt afsluiten?"

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:212 src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:47
msgid "Party"
msgstr "Groep"

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:240
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Invited user %s to party."
msgstr "/party > Een gebruiker uitnodigen in de groep"

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:254
#, c-format
msgid "Party %s quit requested."
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:281
#, fuzzy
msgid "Member Invite to Party"
msgstr "/party > Een gebruiker uitnodigen in de groep"

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:282
#, c-format
msgid "Who would you like to invite to party %s?"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:291
msgid "Leave Party?"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:292
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to leave party %s?"
msgstr "Weet u zeker dat u wilt afsluiten?"

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:514
msgid "Nav"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:783
msgid "Create Guild"
msgstr "Guild aanmaken"

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:784 src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:1186
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create Party"
msgstr "Personage Aanmaken"

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:826 src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:87
msgid "Social"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:847
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invite"
msgstr "Gebruiker uitnodigen"

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:848
#, fuzzy
msgid "Leave"
msgstr "Groot"

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:975
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Accepted party invite from %s."
msgstr "Uitnodiging van %s aanvaard."

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:985
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Rejected party invite from %s."
msgstr "Uitnodiging van %s geweigerd."

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:1002
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Accepted guild invite from %s."
msgstr "Uitnodiging van %s aanvaard."

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:1012
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Rejected guild invite from %s."
msgstr "Uitnodiging van %s geweigerd."

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:1056
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Creating guild called %s."
msgstr "Fout bij het creëren van guild."

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:1079
#, c-format
msgid "Creating party called %s."
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:1093
#, fuzzy
msgid "Guild Name"
msgstr "Guild"

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:1094
#, fuzzy
msgid "Choose your guild's name."
msgstr "Kies jouw server"

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:1108
#, fuzzy
msgid "Received guild request, but one already exists."
msgstr "Uitnodiging tot groep ontvangen, maar er is er al één."

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:1114
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s has invited you to join the guild %s."
msgstr "%s heeft je uitgenodigd om je bij groep %s te voegen."

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:1120
#, fuzzy
msgid "Accept Guild Invite"
msgstr "Groepsuitnodiging aanvaarden"

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:1135
msgid "Received party request, but one already exists."
msgstr "Uitnodiging tot groep ontvangen, maar er is er al één."

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:1146
#, fuzzy
msgid "You have been invited you to join a party."
msgstr "%s heeft je uitgenodigd om je bij hun groep te voegen."

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:1150
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "You have been invited to join the %s party."
msgstr "%s heeft je uitgenodigd om je bij groep %s te voegen."

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:1158
#, c-format
msgid "%s has invited you to join their party."
msgstr "%s heeft je uitgenodigd om je bij hun groep te voegen."

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:1163
#, c-format
msgid "%s has invited you to join the %s party."
msgstr "%s heeft je uitgenodigd om je bij groep %s te voegen."

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:1172
msgid "Accept Party Invite"
msgstr "Groepsuitnodiging aanvaarden"

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:1187
msgid "Cannot create party. You are already in a party"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:1192
#, fuzzy
msgid "Party Name"
msgstr "Groep"

#: src/gui/socialwindow.cpp:1193
#, fuzzy
msgid "Choose your party's name."
msgstr "Kies jouw server"

#: src/gui/specialswindow.cpp:79 src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:83
msgid "Specials"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/statuswindow.cpp:126 src/gui/statuswindow.cpp:252
#: src/gui/statuswindow.cpp:311
#, c-format
msgid "Level: %d"
msgstr "Level: %d"

#: src/gui/statuswindow.cpp:127 src/gui/statuswindow.cpp:238
#: src/gui/statuswindow.cpp:278
#, c-format
msgid "Money: %s"
msgstr "Geld: %s"

#: src/gui/statuswindow.cpp:133
msgid "HP:"
msgstr "Leven:"

#: src/gui/statuswindow.cpp:140
msgid "Exp:"
msgstr "Ervaring:"

#: src/gui/statuswindow.cpp:154
msgid "MP:"
msgstr "Magie:"

#: src/gui/statuswindow.cpp:186 src/gui/statuswindow.cpp:327
#, c-format
msgid "Job: %d"
msgstr "Job: %d"

#: src/gui/statuswindow.cpp:187
msgid "Job:"
msgstr "Job:"

#: src/gui/statuswindow.cpp:241 src/gui/statuswindow.cpp:285
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Character points: %d"
msgstr "Attributen van personage OK"

#: src/gui/statuswindow.cpp:247
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Level: %d (GM %d)"
msgstr "Level: %d"

#: src/gui/statuswindow.cpp:299
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Correction points: %d"
msgstr "Vaardigheidspunten: %d"

#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:109
#, fuzzy
msgid "No Target"
msgstr "Naar links"

#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:110
#, fuzzy
msgid "Allow Target"
msgstr "Handelen toestaan"

#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:111
#, fuzzy
msgid "Need Target"
msgstr "Naar links"

#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:116
#, fuzzy
msgid "General Magic"
msgstr "Algemeen"

#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:117
#, fuzzy
msgid "Life Magic"
msgstr "Magie"

#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:118
#, fuzzy
msgid "War Magic"
msgstr "Magie"

#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:119
msgid "Transmute Magic"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:120
msgid "Nature Magic"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:121
msgid "Astral Magic"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:164
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command Editor"
msgstr "Commando: /item"

#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:181
#, fuzzy
msgid "magic"
msgstr "Magie"

#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:185
msgid "other"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:190
msgid "Symbol:"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:193
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command:"
msgstr "Commando: /who"

#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:196
msgid "Mana:"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:201
#, fuzzy
msgid "Target Type:"
msgstr "Speler viseren"

#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:206
msgid "Icon:"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:212
#, fuzzy
msgid "Magic level:"
msgstr "Maximum level"

#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:217
msgid "Magic School:"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:223
#, fuzzy
msgid "School level:"
msgstr "Naam tonen"

#: src/gui/textcommandeditor.cpp:228
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/trade.cpp:54
msgid "Propose trade"
msgstr "Handelen voorstellen"

#: src/gui/trade.cpp:55
msgid "Confirmed. Waiting..."
msgstr "Bevestigd. Wachten..."

#: src/gui/trade.cpp:56
msgid "Agree trade"
msgstr "Handel goedkeuren"

#: src/gui/trade.cpp:57
msgid "Agreed. Waiting..."
msgstr "Goedgekeurd. Wachten..."

#: src/gui/trade.cpp:60
msgid "Trade: You"
msgstr "Handel: Jij"

#: src/gui/trade.cpp:82 src/gui/trade.cpp:83 src/gui/widgets/tradetab.cpp:41
msgid "Trade"
msgstr "Handel"

#: src/gui/trade.cpp:107 src/gui/trade.cpp:148
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "You get %s"
msgstr "Jij krijgt %s."

#: src/gui/trade.cpp:108
msgid "You give:"
msgstr "Je geeft:"

#: src/gui/trade.cpp:112
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Veranderen"

#: src/gui/trade.cpp:312
msgid "Failed adding item. You can not overlap one kind of item on the window."
msgstr ""
"Kan dat voorwerp niet toevoegen. Je kan één type voorwerp niet overlappen in "
"het venster."

#: src/gui/trade.cpp:357
msgid "You don't have enough money."
msgstr "Je hebt niet genoeg geld."

#: src/gui/unregisterdialog.cpp:51
#, c-format
msgid "Name: %s"
msgstr "Naam: %s"

#: src/gui/updatewindow.cpp:132
msgid "Updating..."
msgstr "Actualiseren..."

#: src/gui/updatewindow.cpp:151
msgid "Connecting..."
msgstr "Verbinden..."

#: src/gui/updatewindow.cpp:154
msgid "Play"
msgstr "Spelen"

#: src/gui/updatewindow.cpp:534
msgid "##1  The update process is incomplete."
msgstr "##1 Het updateproces is onvolledig."

#. TRANSLATORS: Continues "you try again later.".
#: src/gui/updatewindow.cpp:536
msgid "##1  It is strongly recommended that"
msgstr "##1 Het is ten sterkste aanbevolen dat"

#. TRANSLATORS: Begins "It is strongly recommended that".
#: src/gui/updatewindow.cpp:538
#, fuzzy
msgid "##1  you try again later."
msgstr "##1 je later opnieuw probeert"

#: src/gui/updatewindow.cpp:663
msgid "Completed"
msgstr "Voltooid"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:109
msgid "Being"
msgstr "Wezen"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:110
#, fuzzy
msgid "Friend Names"
msgstr "Vriend"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:111
msgid "Disregarded Names"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:112
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ignored Names"
msgstr "Genegeerd"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "Erased Names"
msgstr "GM Namen"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:114
msgid "Other Players' Names"
msgstr "Namen van andere Spelers"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:115
msgid "Own Name"
msgstr "Eigen Naam"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:116
msgid "GM Names"
msgstr "GM Namen"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:117
msgid "NPCs"
msgstr "NPCs"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:118
msgid "Monsters"
msgstr "Monsters"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:119
#, fuzzy
msgid "Monster HP bar"
msgstr "Monster raakt Speler"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:121
msgid "Monster HP bar (second color)"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:122
#, fuzzy
msgid "Party Members"
msgstr "Groep"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:123
#, fuzzy
msgid "Guild Members"
msgstr "Guild"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:124
msgid "Particle Effects"
msgstr "Deeltjes effecten"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:125
msgid "Pickup Notification"
msgstr "Notificatie bij opnemen"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:126
msgid "Exp Notification"
msgstr "Ervaring Notificatie"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:127
#, fuzzy
msgid "Player Hits Monster"
msgstr "Speler raakt Monster"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:128
#, fuzzy
msgid "Monster Hits Player"
msgstr "Monster raakt Speler"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:130
#, fuzzy
msgid "Other Player Hits Local Player"
msgstr "Namen van andere Spelers"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:131
msgid "Critical Hit"
msgstr "Kritieke aanval"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:133
#, fuzzy
msgid "Local Player Hits Monster"
msgstr "Speler raakt Monster"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:135
#, fuzzy
msgid "Local Player Critical Hit"
msgstr "Speler raakt Monster"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:137
msgid "Local Player Miss"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:138
msgid "Misses"
msgstr "Missers"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:139
#, fuzzy
msgid "Portal Highlight"
msgstr "Tab Accentuering"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:141
#, fuzzy
msgid "Collision Highlight"
msgstr "Accentueren"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:143
#, fuzzy
msgid "Walkable Highlight"
msgstr "Tab Accentuering"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:145
msgid "Local Player Attack Range"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:147
msgid "Local Player Attack Range Border"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:149
#, fuzzy
msgid "Monster Attack Range"
msgstr "Monster raakt Speler"

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:151
msgid "Home Place"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:153
msgid "Home Place Border"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/userpalette.cpp:155
msgid "Road Point"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/whoisonline.cpp:70 src/gui/whoisonline.cpp:457
msgid "Who Is Online - Updating"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/whoisonline.cpp:90
msgid "Update"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/whoisonline.cpp:283
msgid "Who Is Online - "
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/whoisonline.cpp:471
msgid "Who Is Online - error"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/whoisonline.cpp:501
msgid "Who Is Online - Update"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/widgets/battletab.cpp:41
msgid "Battle"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/widgets/channeltab.cpp:49
msgid "/users > Lists the users in the current channel"
msgstr "/users > Lijst van gebruikers in het huidig kanaal weergeven"

#: src/gui/widgets/channeltab.cpp:50
msgid "/topic > Set the topic of the current channel"
msgstr "/topic > stel het onderwerp van het huidig kanaal in"

#: src/gui/widgets/channeltab.cpp:51
msgid "/quit > Leave a channel"
msgstr "/quit > Verlaat een kanaal"

#: src/gui/widgets/channeltab.cpp:52
msgid "/op > Make a user a channel operator"
msgstr "/op > Maakt een gebruiker een kanaalbeheerder"

#: src/gui/widgets/channeltab.cpp:53
msgid "/kick > Kick a user from the channel"
msgstr "/kick > Verwijdert een gebruiker van het kanaal"

#: src/gui/widgets/channeltab.cpp:63
msgid "Command: /users"
msgstr "Commando: /users"

#: src/gui/widgets/channeltab.cpp:64
msgid "This command shows the users in this channel."
msgstr "Dit commando geeft de gebruikers in het kanaal weer."

#: src/gui/widgets/channeltab.cpp:68
msgid "Command: /topic <message>"
msgstr "Commando: /topic <bericht>"

#: src/gui/widgets/channeltab.cpp:69
msgid "This command sets the topic to <message>."
msgstr "Dit commando zet het onderwerp naar <bericht>."

#: src/gui/widgets/channeltab.cpp:73
msgid "Command: /quit"
msgstr "Commando: /quit"

#: src/gui/widgets/channeltab.cpp:74
msgid "This command leaves the current channel."
msgstr "Dit commando verlaat het huidige kanaal."

#: src/gui/widgets/channeltab.cpp:75
msgid "If you're the last person in the channel, it will be deleted."
msgstr ""
"Als je de laatste persoon in het kanaal bent, zal het kanaal worden "

#: src/gui/widgets/channeltab.cpp:80
msgid "Command: /op <nick>"
msgstr "Commando: /op <nick>"

#: src/gui/widgets/channeltab.cpp:81
msgid "This command makes <nick> a channel operator."
msgstr "Dit commando maakt van <nick> een kanaalbeheerder."

#: src/gui/widgets/channeltab.cpp:84
msgid "Channel operators can kick and op other users from the channel."
msgstr ""
"Kanaalbeheerders kunnen andere gebruikers uit het kanaal verwijderen en "
"andere gebruikers kanaalbeheerders maken."

#: src/gui/widgets/channeltab.cpp:89
msgid "Command: /kick <nick>"
msgstr "Commando: /kick <nick>"

#: src/gui/widgets/channeltab.cpp:90
msgid "This command makes <nick> leave the channel."
msgstr "Dit commando maakt <nick> het kanaal verlaten."

#: src/gui/widgets/channeltab.cpp:119
msgid "Need a user to op!"
msgstr "Een gebruiker nodig om kanaalbeheerder te maken!"

#: src/gui/widgets/channeltab.cpp:126
msgid "Need a user to kick!"
msgstr "Een gebruiker nodig om uit het kanaal te verwijderen!"

#: src/gui/widgets/chattab.cpp:145
msgid "Global announcement:"
msgstr "Globale aankondiging:"

#: src/gui/widgets/chattab.cpp:151
#, c-format
msgid "Global announcement from %s:"
msgstr "Globale aankondiging van %s:"

#: src/gui/widgets/chattab.cpp:177
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s whispers: %s"
msgstr "%s fluistert: "

#: src/gui/widgets/whispertab.cpp:104
msgid "/ignore > Ignore the other player"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/widgets/whispertab.cpp:105
msgid "/unignore > Stop ignoring the other player"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/widgets/whispertab.cpp:106
msgid "/close > Close the whisper tab"
msgstr "/close > Sluit de fluistertab"

#: src/gui/widgets/whispertab.cpp:116
msgid "Command: /close"
msgstr "Commando: /close"

#: src/gui/widgets/whispertab.cpp:117
msgid "This command closes the current whisper tab."
msgstr "Dit commando sluit de huidige fluistertab."

#: src/gui/widgets/whispertab.cpp:121
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command: /ignore"
msgstr "Commando: /item"

#: src/gui/widgets/whispertab.cpp:122
#, fuzzy
msgid "This command ignores the other player regardless of current relations."
msgstr "Dit commando geeft het aantal spelers dat momenteel online is weer."

#: src/gui/widgets/whispertab.cpp:128
#, fuzzy
msgid "This command stops ignoring the other player if they are being ignored."
msgstr ""
"Dit commando begint de chat log op te slaan naar het bestand <bestandsnaam>."

#: src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:61
msgid "BC"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:61
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bot checker"
msgstr "Gespreksvenster"

#: src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:63
msgid "ONL"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:63
msgid "Who is online"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:65
msgid "KS"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:67
#, fuzzy
msgid "Smiles"
msgstr "Smilie"

#: src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:69
msgid "STA"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:69
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"

#: src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:70
msgid "EQU"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:72
msgid "INV"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:77
msgid "SKI"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:83
msgid "SPE"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:87
msgid "SOC"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:88
msgid "SH"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:88
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shortcuts"
msgstr "Sneltoets"

#: src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:90
msgid "SP"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:91
msgid "DR"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/windowmenu.cpp:92
msgid "SET"
msgstr ""

#: src/gui/worldselectdialog.cpp:74
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select World"
msgstr "OK selecteren"

#: src/gui/worldselectdialog.cpp:79
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Login"
msgstr "Veranderen"

#: src/gui/worldselectdialog.cpp:80
#, fuzzy
msgid "Choose World"
msgstr "Kies jouw server"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:41
msgid "Move Up"
msgstr "Omhoog"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:42
msgid "Move Down"
msgstr "Omlaag"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:43
msgid "Move Left"
msgstr "Naar links"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:44
msgid "Move Right"
msgstr "Naar rechts"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:46
msgid "Target & Attack"
msgstr "Viseren en Aanvallen"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:48
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move to Target"
msgstr "Naar links"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:50
msgid "Change Move to Target type"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:52
msgid "Move to Home location"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:54
msgid "Set home location"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:56
msgid "Move to navigation point"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:58
msgid "Smilie"
msgstr "Smilie"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:60
msgid "Stop Attack"
msgstr "Aanval stoppen"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:61
#, fuzzy
msgid "Target Closest"
msgstr "Dichtstbijzijnde viseren"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:63
msgid "Target NPC"
msgstr "NPC viseren"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:64
msgid "Target Player"
msgstr "Speler viseren"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:66
msgid "Pickup"
msgstr "Oprapen"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:67
msgid "Change Pickup Type"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:69
msgid "Hide Windows"
msgstr "Vensters verbergen"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:70
msgid "Sit"
msgstr "Zitten"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:71
msgid "Screenshot"
msgstr "Schermafdruk"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:72
msgid "Enable/Disable Trading"
msgstr "Handelen inschakelen/uitschakelen"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:74
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Map View Mode"
msgstr "Emailadres wijzigen"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:76
#, fuzzy
msgid "Item Shortcuts Key"
msgstr "Snelkopeling naar voorwerp %d"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:78 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:80
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:82 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:84
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:86 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:88
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:90 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:92
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:94 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:96
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:98 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:100
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:102 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:104
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:106 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:109
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:111 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:113
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:115 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:117
#, c-format
msgid "Item Shortcut %d"
msgstr "Snelkopeling naar voorwerp %d"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:118
msgid "Help Window"
msgstr "Help venster"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:119
msgid "Status Window"
msgstr "Statusvenster"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:121
msgid "Inventory Window"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:123
msgid "Equipment Window"
msgstr "Uitrustingsvenster"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:125
msgid "Skill Window"
msgstr "Vaardigheidsvenster"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:127
msgid "Minimap Window"
msgstr "Minimapvenster"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:129
msgid "Chat Window"
msgstr "Gespreksvenster"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:130
msgid "Item Shortcut Window"
msgstr "Voorwerpsnelkoppelingsvenster"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:132
msgid "Setup Window"
msgstr "Instellingenvenster"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:134
msgid "Debug Window"
msgstr "Debugvenster"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:136
#, fuzzy
msgid "Social Window"
msgstr "Vaardigheidsvenster"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:138
msgid "Emote Shortcut Window"
msgstr "Emoticonsnelkoppelingsvenster"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:140
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outfits Window"
msgstr "Statusvenster"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:142
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shop Window"
msgstr "Instellingenvenster"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:143
#, fuzzy
msgid "Quick drop Window"
msgstr "Vensters verbergen"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:145
#, fuzzy
msgid "Kills Stats Window"
msgstr "Statusvenster"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:147
#, fuzzy
msgid "Commands Window"
msgstr "Commando: /item"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:149
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bot Checker Window"
msgstr "Gespreksvenster"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:152
msgid "Who Is Online Window"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:154
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous Social Tab"
msgstr "Vorige chattab"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:155
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next Social Tab"
msgstr "Volgende chattab"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:157 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:159
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:161 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:163
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:165 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:167
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:169 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:171
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:173 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:175
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:177 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:179
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:182 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:184
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:186 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:188
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:190 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:192
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:194 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:196
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:198 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:200
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:202 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:204
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:206 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:209
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:212 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:215
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:217 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:219
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:221 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:223
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:225 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:227
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:229 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:231
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:233 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:236
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:238 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:240
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:242 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:244
#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:246 src/keyboardconfig.cpp:248
#, c-format
msgid "Emote Shortcut %d"
msgstr "Emoticon snelkoppeling %d"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:250
msgid "Wear Outfit"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:252
msgid "Copy Outfit"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:254
msgid "Copy Equiped to Outfit"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:256
msgid "Toggle Chat"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:258
msgid "Scroll Chat Up"
msgstr "Chat omhoogscrollen"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:260
msgid "Scroll Chat Down"
msgstr "Chat omlaagscrollen"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:262
msgid "Previous Chat Tab"
msgstr "Vorige chattab"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:264
msgid "Next Chat Tab"
msgstr "Volgende chattab"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:266
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous chat tab line"
msgstr "Vorige chattab"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:268
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next chat tab line"
msgstr "Volgende chattab"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:270
msgid "Chat Auto Complete"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:272
msgid "Deactivate Chat Input"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:274
msgid "Select OK"
msgstr "OK selecteren"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:276
msgid "Ignore input 1"
msgstr "Ingave 1 negeren"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:278
msgid "Ignore input 2"
msgstr "Ingave 2 negeren"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:280
msgid "Direct Up"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:281
#, fuzzy
msgid "Direct Down"
msgstr "Omlaag"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "Direct Left"
msgstr "Naar links"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:284
#, fuzzy
msgid "Direct Right"
msgstr "Naar rechts"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:286
msgid "Crazy moves"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:288
msgid "Change Crazy Move mode"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:290
msgid "Quick Drop N Items from 0 slot"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:292
msgid "Quick Drop N Items"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:294
msgid "Switch Quick Drop Counter"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:296
msgid "Quick heal target or self"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:298
msgid "Use #itenplz spell"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:300
msgid "Use magic attack"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:302
#, fuzzy
msgid "Switch magic attack"
msgstr "Van personage wisselen"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:304
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change move type"
msgstr "Server"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:306
msgid "Change Attack Weapon Type"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Attack Type"
msgstr "Viseren en Aanvallen"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:310
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Follow mode"
msgstr "Wijzig wachtwoord"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:312
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Imitation mode"
msgstr "Emailadres wijzigen"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:315
msgid "Disbale / Enable Game modifier keys"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:316
msgid "On / Off audio"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable / Disable away mode"
msgstr "Handelen inschakelen/uitschakelen"

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:320
msgid "Emulate right click from keyboard"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:322
msgid "Toggle camera mode"
msgstr ""

#: src/keyboardconfig.cpp:384
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Conflict \"%s\" and \"%s\" keys. Resolve them, or gameplay may result in "
"strange behaviour."
msgstr "Los deze problemen op, of het spel kan raar gedrag vertonen."

#: src/localplayer.cpp:325
msgid "You were killed by "
msgstr ""

#: src/localplayer.cpp:1305
msgid "Unable to pick up item."
msgstr "Kan het voorwerp niet oprapen."

#. TRANSLATORS: This sentence may be translated differently
#. for different grammatical numbers (singular, plural, ...)
#: src/localplayer.cpp:1315
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "You picked up %d [@@%d|%s@@]."
msgid_plural "You picked up %d [@@%d|%s@@]."
msgstr[0] "Je raapte %s [@@%d|%s@@] op."
msgstr[1] "Je raapte %s [@@%d|%s@@] op."

#: src/localplayer.cpp:2979
msgid "Away"
msgstr ""

#: src/localplayer.cpp:3617
#, fuzzy
msgid "You see "
msgstr "Jij krijgt %s."

#: src/main.cpp:44
msgid "manaplus [options] [mana-file]"
msgstr ""

#: src/main.cpp:45
msgid "[mana-file] : The mana file is an XML file (.mana)"
msgstr ""

#: src/main.cpp:46
msgid "              used to set custom parameters"
msgstr ""

#: src/main.cpp:47
msgid "              to the mana client."
msgstr ""

#: src/main.cpp:49
msgid "Options:"
msgstr "Opties:"

#: src/main.cpp:50
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -l --log-file       : Log file to use"
msgstr "  -C --config-file : Gebruikte configuratiebestand"

#: src/main.cpp:51
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -L --chat-log-dir   : Chat log dir to use"
msgstr "  -C --config-file : Gebruikte configuratiebestand"

#: src/main.cpp:52
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -v --version        : Display the version"
msgstr "  -v --version : Versie weergeven"

#: src/main.cpp:53
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -h --help           : Display this help"
msgstr "  -h --help : Deze help weergeven"

#: src/main.cpp:54
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -C --config-dir     : Configuration directory to use"
msgstr "  -C --config-file : Gebruikte configuratiebestand"

#: src/main.cpp:55
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -U --username       : Login with this username"
msgstr "  -U --username : Login met deze gebruikersnaam"

#: src/main.cpp:56
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -P --password       : Login with this password"
msgstr "  -P --password : Login met dit wachtwoord"

#: src/main.cpp:57
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -c --character      : Login with this character"
msgstr "  -c --character : Login met dit personage"

#: src/main.cpp:58
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -s --server         : Login server name or IP"
msgstr "  -s --server : Loginserver naam of IP-adres"

#: src/main.cpp:59
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -p --port           : Login server port"
msgstr "  -p --port : Loginserver poort"

#: src/main.cpp:60
#, fuzzy
msgid "     --update-host    : Use this update host"
msgstr "  -H --update-host : Gebruik deze updatehost"

#: src/main.cpp:61
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -D --default        : Choose default character server and character"
msgstr "  -D --default : Kies standaard personageserver en personage"

#: src/main.cpp:63
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -u --skip-update    : Skip the update downloads"
msgstr "  -u --skip-update : Sla update downloads over"

#: src/main.cpp:64
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -d --data           : Directory to load game data from"
msgstr "  -d --data : Map waarvan speldata geladen wordt"

#: src/main.cpp:66
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -L --localdata-dir  : Directory to use as local data directory"
msgstr "  -S --home-dir : Map te gebruiken als home"

#: src/main.cpp:68
#, fuzzy
msgid "     --screenshot-dir : Directory to store screenshots"
msgstr "  -S --home-dir : Map te gebruiken als home"

#: src/main.cpp:69
msgid "     --safemode       : Start game in safe mode"
msgstr ""

#: src/main.cpp:71
#, fuzzy
msgid "     --no-opengl      : Disable OpenGL for this session"
msgstr "  -O --no-opengl : OpenGL uitschakelen voor deze sessie"

#: src/net/manaserv/attributes.cpp:159 src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:247
msgid "Strength"
msgstr "Kracht"

#: src/net/manaserv/attributes.cpp:166
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Strength %+.1f"
msgstr "Kracht %+d"

#: src/net/manaserv/attributes.cpp:172 src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:248
msgid "Agility"
msgstr "Behendigheid"

#: src/net/manaserv/attributes.cpp:179
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Agility %+.1f"
msgstr "Behandigheid %+d"

#: src/net/manaserv/attributes.cpp:185 src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:251
msgid "Dexterity"
msgstr "Vaardigheid"

#: src/net/manaserv/attributes.cpp:192
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Dexterity %+.1f"
msgstr "Vaardigheid %+d"

#: src/net/manaserv/attributes.cpp:198 src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:249
msgid "Vitality"
msgstr "Vitaliteit"

#: src/net/manaserv/attributes.cpp:205
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Vitality %+.1f"
msgstr "Vitaliteit %+d"

#: src/net/manaserv/attributes.cpp:211 src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:250
msgid "Intelligence"
msgstr "Intelligentie"

#: src/net/manaserv/attributes.cpp:218
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Intelligence %+.1f"
msgstr "Intelligentie %+d"

#: src/net/manaserv/attributes.cpp:224
#, fuzzy
msgid "Willpower"
msgstr "Wilskracht:"

#: src/net/manaserv/attributes.cpp:231
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Willpower %+.1f"
msgstr "Wilskracht %+d"

#: src/net/manaserv/beinghandler.cpp:314 src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:104
msgid "You are dead."
msgstr "Je bent dood."

#: src/net/manaserv/beinghandler.cpp:315 src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:105
msgid "We regret to inform you that your character was killed in battle."
msgstr ""
"We betreuren het om je te melden dat jouw personage is gestorven in een "

#: src/net/manaserv/beinghandler.cpp:317 src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:107
msgid "You are not that alive anymore."
msgstr "Je bent niet langer levend."

#: src/net/manaserv/beinghandler.cpp:318 src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:108
msgid "The cold hands of the grim reaper are grabbing for your soul."
msgstr "De koude handen van Pietje de Dood grijpen naar jouw ziel."

#: src/net/manaserv/beinghandler.cpp:319 src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:109
msgid "Game Over!"
msgstr "Game Over!"

#: src/net/manaserv/beinghandler.cpp:320 src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:111
msgid ""
"No, kids. Your character did not really die. It... err... went to a better "
msgstr ""
"Neen, kinderen. Jouw personage is niet echt gestorven. Het... euhm... is "
"naar een beter plaats gegaan."

#: src/net/manaserv/beinghandler.cpp:322 src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:113
msgid ""
"Your plan of breaking your enemies weapon by bashing it with your throat "
msgstr ""
"Jouw plan om vijandelijke wapens te vernietignen door ermee tegen jouw keel "
"te slaan is mislukt."

#: src/net/manaserv/beinghandler.cpp:324 src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:115
msgid "I guess this did not run too well."
msgstr "Dit verliep niet zoals gepland."

#: src/net/manaserv/beinghandler.cpp:325 src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:117
msgid "Do you want your possessions identified?"
msgstr "Wil je dat jouw bezittingen geïdentificeerd worden?"

#: src/net/manaserv/beinghandler.cpp:326 src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:119
msgid "Sadly, no trace of you was ever found..."
msgstr "Spijtig genoeg, was er geen spoor van jou gevonden..."

#: src/net/manaserv/beinghandler.cpp:328 src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:121
msgid "Annihilated."
msgstr "Verslagen"

#: src/net/manaserv/beinghandler.cpp:329 src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:123
msgid "Looks like you got your head handed to you."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/manaserv/beinghandler.cpp:331 src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:125
msgid ""
"You screwed up again, dump your body down the tubes and get you another one."
msgstr ""
"Je hebt het weer verknald, dump jouw lichaam  en ga er een nieuw halen."

#: src/net/manaserv/beinghandler.cpp:336
#, fuzzy
msgid "Press OK to respawn."
msgstr " Druk op OK om te respawnen"

#: src/net/manaserv/beinghandler.cpp:337
#, fuzzy
msgid "You Died"
msgstr "Je stierf"

#: src/net/manaserv/charhandler.cpp:144 src/net/manaserv/charhandler.cpp:218
#, fuzzy
msgid "Not logged in."
msgstr "Reeds aangemeld"

#: src/net/manaserv/charhandler.cpp:147
msgid "No empty slot."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/manaserv/charhandler.cpp:150
msgid "Invalid name."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/manaserv/charhandler.cpp:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "Character's name already exists."
msgstr "Gebruikersnaam bestaat al"

#: src/net/manaserv/charhandler.cpp:156
msgid "Invalid hairstyle."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/manaserv/charhandler.cpp:159
msgid "Invalid hair color."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/manaserv/charhandler.cpp:162
msgid "Invalid gender."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/manaserv/charhandler.cpp:165
#, fuzzy
msgid "Character's stats are too high."
msgstr "Attributen van personage OK"

#: src/net/manaserv/charhandler.cpp:168
#, fuzzy
msgid "Character's stats are too low."
msgstr "Attributen van personage OK"

#: src/net/manaserv/charhandler.cpp:171
#, c-format
msgid "At least one statis out of the permitted range: (%u - %u)."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/manaserv/charhandler.cpp:177
msgid "Invalid slot number."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/manaserv/charhandler.cpp:180 src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:98
#: src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:130 src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:166
#: src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:286 src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:323
#: src/net/tmwa/loginhandler.cpp:99 src/net/tmwa/loginhandler.cpp:187
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unknown error."
msgstr "Onbekende foutmelding"

#: src/net/manaserv/charhandler.cpp:209 src/net/tmwa/charserverhandler.cpp:149
msgid "Info"
msgstr "Info"

#: src/net/manaserv/charhandler.cpp:209
#, fuzzy
msgid "Player deleted."
msgstr "Personage verwijderd."

#: src/net/manaserv/charhandler.cpp:221
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selection out of range."
msgstr "Selecteer het aantal exemplaren om te verhandelen"

#: src/net/manaserv/charhandler.cpp:224
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Unknown error (%d)."
msgstr "Onbekende foutmelding"

#: src/net/manaserv/charhandler.cpp:260
msgid "No gameservers are available."
msgstr "Geen gameservers beschikbaar."

#: src/net/manaserv/chathandler.cpp:185 src/net/manaserv/chathandler.cpp:308
#: src/net/manaserv/guildhandler.cpp:264
#, c-format
msgid "Topic: %s"
msgstr "Onderwerp: %s"

#: src/net/manaserv/chathandler.cpp:190 src/net/manaserv/chathandler.cpp:268
#, fuzzy
msgid "Players in this channel:"
msgstr "Speler raakt Monster"

#: src/net/manaserv/chathandler.cpp:207
#, fuzzy
msgid "Error joining channel."
msgstr "Commando: /join <kanaal>"

#: src/net/manaserv/chathandler.cpp:213
#, fuzzy
msgid "Listing channels."
msgstr "Aanvragen om bij kanaal %s toegevoegd te worden."

#: src/net/manaserv/chathandler.cpp:225
msgid "End of channel list."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/manaserv/chathandler.cpp:298
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s entered the channel."
msgstr "%s heeft zich bij de groep gevoegd."

#: src/net/manaserv/chathandler.cpp:303
#, c-format
msgid "%s left the channel."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/manaserv/chathandler.cpp:319
#, c-format
msgid "%s has set mode %s on user %s."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/manaserv/chathandler.cpp:330
#, c-format
msgid "%s has kicked %s."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/manaserv/chathandler.cpp:336
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unknown channel event."
msgstr "Onbekend commando."

#: src/net/manaserv/guildhandler.cpp:84 src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:104
msgid "Guild created."
msgstr "Guild aangemaakt."

#: src/net/manaserv/guildhandler.cpp:89
msgid "Error creating guild."
msgstr "Fout bij het creëren van guild."

#: src/net/manaserv/guildhandler.cpp:99
msgid "Invite sent."
msgstr "Uitnodiging verzonden."

#: src/net/manaserv/guildhandler.cpp:206
msgid "Member was promoted successfully."
msgstr "Lid is succesvol gepromoveerd."

#: src/net/manaserv/guildhandler.cpp:211
msgid "Failed to promote member."
msgstr "Kon lid niet promoveren."

#: src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Wrong magic_token."
msgstr "Verkeerd magie_teken"

#: src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:92 src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:276
#, fuzzy
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Reeds aangemeld"

#: src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:95
#, fuzzy
msgid "Account banned."
msgstr "Account verlopen"

#: src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:120
#, fuzzy
msgid "New password incorrect."
msgstr "Nieuw wachtwoord is incorrect"

#: src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:123 src/net/tmwa/loginhandler.cpp:93
#, fuzzy
msgid "Old password incorrect."
msgstr "Oud wachtwoord incorrect"

#: src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:127 src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:159
msgid "Account not connected. Please login first."
msgstr "Account niet verbonden. Log eerst in aub."

#: src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:152
#, fuzzy
msgid "New email address incorrect."
msgstr "Nieuw emailadres is incorrect"

#: src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:155
#, fuzzy
msgid "Old email address incorrect."
msgstr "Oud emailadres is incorrect"

#: src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:163
#, fuzzy
msgid "The new email address already exists."
msgstr "Het nieuwe emailadres bestaat al."

#: src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:244
msgid ""
"Client registration is not allowed. Please contact server administration."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:270 src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:307
#, fuzzy
msgid "Client version is too old."
msgstr "Te oude Client versie"

#: src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:273
#, fuzzy
msgid "Wrong username or password."
msgstr "Verkeerde gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord"

#: src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:279
#, fuzzy
msgid "Account banned"
msgstr "Account verlopen"

#: src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:282
msgid "Login attempt too soon after previous attempt."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:310
#, fuzzy
msgid "Wrong username, password or email address."
msgstr "Verkeerde gebruikersnaam, wachtwoord of emailadres"

#: src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:313
#, fuzzy
msgid "Username already exists."
msgstr "Gebruikersnaam bestaat al"

#: src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:316
#, fuzzy
msgid "Email address already exists."
msgstr "emailadres bestaat al"

#: src/net/manaserv/loginhandler.cpp:319
msgid "You took too long with the captcha or your response was incorrect."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/manaserv/partyhandler.cpp:89
msgid "Joined party."
msgstr "Bijgevoegd bij groep."

#: src/net/manaserv/partyhandler.cpp:107
#, c-format
msgid "%s joined the party."
msgstr "%s heeft zich bij de groep gevoegd."

#: src/net/manaserv/partyhandler.cpp:125
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s rejected your invite."
msgstr "%s wees jouw uitnodiging af."

#: src/net/manaserv/tradehandler.cpp:106
msgid "Accepting incoming trade requests."
msgstr "Inkomende handelsaanvragen accepteren."

#: src/net/manaserv/tradehandler.cpp:108
msgid "Ignoring incoming trade requests."
msgstr "Inkomende handelsaanvragen negeren."

#: src/net/manaserv/tradehandler.cpp:127 src/net/tmwa/tradehandler.cpp:122
#, c-format
msgid "%s wants to trade with you, do you accept?"
msgstr "%s wil met jou handelen, aanvaard je dit?"

#: src/net/manaserv/tradehandler.cpp:145
#, c-format
msgid "Trading with %s"
msgstr "Handelen met %s"

#: src/net/manaserv/tradehandler.cpp:159 src/net/tmwa/tradehandler.cpp:273
msgid "Trade canceled."
msgstr "Handel geannuleerd."

#: src/net/manaserv/tradehandler.cpp:166 src/net/tmwa/tradehandler.cpp:283
msgid "Trade completed."
msgstr "Handel voltooid."

#: src/net/tmwa/adminhandler.cpp:64
msgid "Kick failed!"
msgstr "Kick gefaald!"

#: src/net/tmwa/adminhandler.cpp:66
msgid "Kick succeeded!"
msgstr "Kick succesvol!"

#: src/net/tmwa/buysellhandler.cpp:122
msgid "Nothing to sell."
msgstr "Niets te verkopen."

#: src/net/tmwa/buysellhandler.cpp:129
msgid "Thanks for buying."
msgstr "Bedankt voor de aankopen."

#: src/net/tmwa/buysellhandler.cpp:137
msgid "Unable to buy."
msgstr "Kan niets kopen."

#: src/net/tmwa/buysellhandler.cpp:143
msgid "Thanks for selling."
msgstr "Bedankt voor het verkopen."

#: src/net/tmwa/buysellhandler.cpp:145
msgid "Unable to sell."
msgstr "Kan niets verkopen."

#: src/net/tmwa/charserverhandler.cpp:106
msgid "Access denied. Most likely, there are too many players on this server."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/tmwa/charserverhandler.cpp:110
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot use this ID."
msgstr "Kan deze ID niet gebruiken"

#: src/net/tmwa/charserverhandler.cpp:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unknown char-server failure."
msgstr "Onbekende foutmelding"

#: src/net/tmwa/charserverhandler.cpp:137
msgid "Failed to create character. Most likely the name is already taken."
msgstr "Kan personage niet aanmaken. Waarschijnlijk bestaat de naam al."

#: src/net/tmwa/charserverhandler.cpp:149
msgid "Character deleted."
msgstr "Personage verwijderd."

#: src/net/tmwa/charserverhandler.cpp:154
msgid "Failed to delete character."
msgstr "Kon personage niet verwijderen."

#: src/net/tmwa/charserverhandler.cpp:286
msgid "Strength:"
msgstr "Sterkte:"

#: src/net/tmwa/charserverhandler.cpp:287
msgid "Agility:"
msgstr "Agiliteit:"

#: src/net/tmwa/charserverhandler.cpp:288
msgid "Vitality:"
msgstr "Vitaliteit:"

#: src/net/tmwa/charserverhandler.cpp:289
msgid "Intelligence:"
msgstr "Intelligentie:"

#: src/net/tmwa/charserverhandler.cpp:290
msgid "Dexterity:"
msgstr "Dexteriteit:"

#: src/net/tmwa/charserverhandler.cpp:291
msgid "Luck:"
msgstr "Geluk:"

#: src/net/tmwa/chathandler.cpp:103
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Whisper could not be sent, %s is offline."
msgstr "Fluisterbericht kon niet verzonden worden, gebruiker is offline."

#: src/net/tmwa/chathandler.cpp:111
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Whisper could not be sent, ignored by %s."
msgstr "Fluisterbericht kon niet verzonden worden, genegeerd door gebruiker."

#: src/net/tmwa/chathandler.cpp:333
#, fuzzy
msgid "MVP player."
msgstr "Speler"

#: src/net/tmwa/chathandler.cpp:337
#, fuzzy
msgid "MVP player: "
msgstr "Speler"

#: src/net/tmwa/chathandler.cpp:390 src/net/tmwa/chathandler.cpp:396
#: src/net/tmwa/chathandler.cpp:401 src/net/tmwa/chathandler.cpp:407
#: src/net/tmwa/chathandler.cpp:412 src/net/tmwa/chathandler.cpp:418
#: src/net/tmwa/chathandler.cpp:425 src/net/tmwa/chathandler.cpp:431
msgid "Channels are not supported!"
msgstr "Kanalen worden niet ondersteund!"

#: src/net/tmwa/gamehandler.cpp:92
#, c-format
msgid "Online users: %d"
msgstr ""

#: src/net/tmwa/gamehandler.cpp:102
#, fuzzy
msgid "Game"
msgstr "Naam"

#: src/net/tmwa/gamehandler.cpp:102
#, fuzzy
msgid "Request to quit denied!"
msgstr "Handel aanvragen"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:104
#, c-format
msgid "Strength %+d"
msgstr "Kracht %+d"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:105
#, c-format
msgid "Agility %+d"
msgstr "Behandigheid %+d"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:106
#, c-format
msgid "Vitality %+d"
msgstr "Vitaliteit %+d"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:107
#, c-format
msgid "Intelligence %+d"
msgstr "Intelligentie %+d"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:108
#, c-format
msgid "Dexterity %+d"
msgstr "Vaardigheid %+d"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:109
#, c-format
msgid "Luck %+d"
msgstr "Geluk %+d"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:135
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "Authenticatie mislukt"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:138
#, fuzzy
msgid "No servers available."
msgstr "Geen servers beschikbaar"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:142
#, fuzzy
msgid "Someone else is trying to use this account."
msgstr "Iemand anders probeert deze account te gebruiken"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:145
#, fuzzy
msgid "This account is already logged in."
msgstr "Deze account is reeds aangemeld"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:148
#, fuzzy
msgid "Speed hack detected."
msgstr "Speedhack gedetecteerd"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:151
#, fuzzy
msgid "Duplicated login."
msgstr "Dubbele login"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:154
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unknown connection error."
msgstr "Onbekenden connectiefout"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:220
msgid "Got disconnected from server!"
msgstr "De verbinding met de server werd verbroken!"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:252
msgid "Luck"
msgstr "Geluk"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:255
#, fuzzy
msgid "Defense"
msgstr "Verdediging:"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:256
#, fuzzy
msgid "M.Attack"
msgstr "Magische Aanval:"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:257
#, fuzzy
msgid "M.Defense"
msgstr "Magische Verdediging:"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:258
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "% Accuracy"
msgstr "% Nauwkeurigheid:"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:259
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "% Evade"
msgstr "% Ontwijking:"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:260
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "% Critical"
msgstr "Kritieke aanval"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:261
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attack Delay"
msgstr "Aanval %+d"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:263
#, fuzzy
msgid "Walk Delay"
msgstr "Aanval %+d"

#: src/net/tmwa/generalhandler.cpp:265
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attack Range"
msgstr "Monster raakt Speler"

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/guildtab.cpp:74 src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:66
msgid "/help > Display this help."
msgstr "/help > Geeft deze help weer."

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/guildtab.cpp:75
#, fuzzy
msgid "/invite > Invite a player to your guild"
msgstr "/invite > Nodig een speler uit voor jouw groep"

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/guildtab.cpp:76
#, fuzzy
msgid "/leave > Leave the guild you are in"
msgstr "/leave > Verlaat de groep waarin je je bevindt"

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/guildtab.cpp:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "/kick > Kick some one from the guild you are in"
msgstr "/kick > Verwijder iemand vanuit de groep waarin je bent"

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/guildtab.cpp:86 src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:80
msgid "Command: /invite <nick>"
msgstr "Commando: /invite <nick>"

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/guildtab.cpp:87
#, fuzzy
msgid "This command invites <nick> to the guild you're in."
msgstr "Dit commando nodigt <nick> uit om een groep te vormen met jou."

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/guildtab.cpp:93 src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:87
msgid "Command: /leave"
msgstr "Commando: /leave"

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/guildtab.cpp:94
#, fuzzy
msgid "This command causes the player to leave the guild."
msgstr "Dit commando zorgt ervoor dat de speler de groep verlaat."

#: src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:109 src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:114
#, fuzzy
msgid "You already in guild."
msgstr "Fout bij het creëren van guild."

#: src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:119
msgid "Emperium check failed."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:124
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unknown server response."
msgstr "Onbekend uitnodigingsantwoord van %s."

#: src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:202
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Guild name: %s"
msgstr "Guild"

#: src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:204
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Guild master: %s"
msgstr "Guild"

#: src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:206
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Guild level: %d"
msgstr "Level: %d"

#: src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:208
#, c-format
msgid "Online members: %d"
msgstr ""

#: src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:210
#, c-format
msgid "Max members: %d"
msgstr ""

#: src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:212
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Average level: %d"
msgstr "Maximum level"

#: src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:214
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Guild exp: %d"
msgstr "Guild"

#: src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:216
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Guild next exp: %d"
msgstr "Guild aangemaakt."

#: src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:218
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Guild castle: %s"
msgstr "Guild aangemaakt."

#: src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:433
msgid "Could not inivte user to guild."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:438
msgid "User rejected guild invite."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:443
#, fuzzy
msgid "User is now part of your guild."
msgstr "%s is nu een lid van jouw groep."

#: src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:448
msgid "Your guild is full."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:453
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unknown guild invite response."
msgstr "Onbekend uitnodigingsantwoord van %s."

#: src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:475
#, fuzzy
msgid "You have left the guild."
msgstr "Je hebt de groep verlaten."

#: src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:489
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s has left your guild."
msgstr "%s heeft jouw groep verlaten."

#: src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:521
msgid "You was kicked from guild."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/tmwa/guildhandler.cpp:535
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s has kicked from your guild."
msgstr "%s is nu een lid van jouw groep."

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:67
msgid "/invite > Invite a player to your party"
msgstr "/invite > Nodig een speler uit voor jouw groep"

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:68
msgid "/leave > Leave the party you are in"
msgstr "/leave > Verlaat de groep waarin je je bevindt"

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:69
msgid "/kick > Kick some one from the party you are in"
msgstr "/kick > Verwijder iemand vanuit de groep waarin je bent"

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:70
msgid "/item > Show/change party item sharing options"
msgstr "/item > Geeft weer/wijzigt de opties voor voorwerpdeling"

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:71
msgid "/exp > Show/change party experience sharing options"
msgstr "/exp > Geeft weer/wijzigt de ervaringsdelingsopties"

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:88
msgid "This command causes the player to leave the party."
msgstr "Dit commando zorgt ervoor dat de speler de groep verlaat."

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:92
msgid "Command: /item <policy>"
msgstr "Commando: /item <beleid>"

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:94
msgid "This command changes the party's item sharing policy."
msgstr "Dit commando wijzigt het voorwerpdelingsbeleid van de groep."

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:95
msgid ""
"<policy> can be one of \"1\", \"yes\", \"true\" to enable item sharing, or "
"\"0\", \"no\", \"false\" to disable item sharing."
msgstr ""
"<beleid> kan een van de volgende zijn om voorwerpdeling in te schakelen: "
"\"1\", \"yes\", \"true\". Of om voorwerpdeling uit te schakelen: \"0\", \"no"
"\", \"false\"."

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:98
msgid "Command: /item"
msgstr "Commando: /item"

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:99
msgid "This command displays the party's current item sharing policy."
msgstr ""
"Dit commando geeft het huidige voorwerpdelingsbeleid van de groep weer."

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:104
msgid "Command: /exp <policy>"
msgstr "Commando: /exp <beleid>"

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:105
msgid "This command changes the party's experience sharing policy."
msgstr "Dit commando wijzigt het ervaringsdelingsbeleid van de groep."

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:107
msgid ""
"<policy> can be one of \"1\", \"yes\", \"true\" to enable experience "
"sharing, or \"0\", \"no\", \"false\" to disable experience sharing."
msgstr ""
"<beleid> kan een van de volgende zijn om ervaringsdeling in te schakelen: "
"\"1\", \"true\", \"yes\". Of om ervaringsdeling uit te schakelen: \"0\", "
"\"false\", \"no\"."

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:110
msgid "Command: /exp"
msgstr "Commando: /exp"

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:111
msgid "This command displays the party's current experience sharing policy."
msgstr ""
"Dit commando geeft het huidige ervaringsdelingbeleid van de groep weer."

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:145 src/net/tmwa/partyhandler.cpp:263
msgid "Item sharing enabled."
msgstr "Voorwerpdeling ingeschakeld."

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:148 src/net/tmwa/partyhandler.cpp:273
msgid "Item sharing disabled."
msgstr "Voorwerpdeling uitgeschakeld."

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:151 src/net/tmwa/partyhandler.cpp:283
msgid "Item sharing not possible."
msgstr "Voorwerpdeling is niet mogelijk."

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:154
#, fuzzy
msgid "Item sharing unknown."
msgstr "Voorwerpdeling ingeschakeld."

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:184 src/net/tmwa/partyhandler.cpp:225
msgid "Experience sharing enabled."
msgstr "Ervaringsdeling ingeschakeld."

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:187 src/net/tmwa/partyhandler.cpp:235
msgid "Experience sharing disabled."
msgstr "Ervaringsdeling uitgeschakeld."

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:190 src/net/tmwa/partyhandler.cpp:245
msgid "Experience sharing not possible."
msgstr "Ervaringsdeling is niet mogelijk."

#: src/net/tmwa/gui/partytab.cpp:193
#, fuzzy
msgid "Experience sharing unknown."
msgstr "Ervaringsdeling ingeschakeld."

#: src/net/tmwa/inventoryhandler.cpp:334
msgid "Failed to use item."
msgstr "Kan voorwerp niet gebruiken."

#: src/net/tmwa/inventoryhandler.cpp:457
msgid "Unable to equip."
msgstr "Kan dit niet uitrusten."

#: src/net/tmwa/loginhandler.cpp:90
msgid "Account was not found. Please re-login."
msgstr "Account was niet gevonden. Probeer opnieuw in te loggen aub."

#: src/net/tmwa/loginhandler.cpp:96
#, fuzzy
msgid "New password too short."
msgstr "Nieuw wachtwoord is te kort"

#: src/net/tmwa/loginhandler.cpp:161
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unregistered ID."
msgstr "Ongeregistreerde ID"

#: src/net/tmwa/loginhandler.cpp:164
#, fuzzy
msgid "Wrong password."
msgstr "Onjuist wachtwoord"

#: src/net/tmwa/loginhandler.cpp:167
#, fuzzy
msgid "Account expired."
msgstr "Account verlopen"

#: src/net/tmwa/loginhandler.cpp:170
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rejected from server."
msgstr "Geweerd van server"

#: src/net/tmwa/loginhandler.cpp:173
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You have been permanently banned from the game. Please contact the GM team."
msgstr ""
"Je bent permanent geband van het spel. Neem aub contact op met het GM team."

#: src/net/tmwa/loginhandler.cpp:177
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You have been temporarily banned from the game until %s.\n"
"Please contact the GM team via the forums."
msgstr ""
"Je bent tijdelijk geband van het spel tot %s.\n"
"Neem aub contact op met het GM team via de forums."

#: src/net/tmwa/loginhandler.cpp:184
#, fuzzy
msgid "This user name is already taken."
msgstr "Deze gebruikersnaam bestaat al"

#: src/net/tmwa/network.cpp:147
msgid "Empty address given to Network::connect()!"
msgstr ""

#: src/net/tmwa/network.cpp:351
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unable to resolve host \""
msgstr "Kan niets verkopen."

#: src/net/tmwa/network.cpp:421
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection to server terminated. "
msgstr "Verbinden met de map server..."

#: src/net/tmwa/partyhandler.cpp:84
msgid "Could not create party."
msgstr "Kan geen groep aanmaken."

#: src/net/tmwa/partyhandler.cpp:86
msgid "Party successfully created."
msgstr "Groep succesvol aangemaakt."

#: src/net/tmwa/partyhandler.cpp:153
#, c-format
msgid "%s is already a member of a party."
msgstr "%s is al een lid van een groep."

#: src/net/tmwa/partyhandler.cpp:158
#, c-format
msgid "%s refused your invitation."
msgstr "%s wees jouw uitnodiging af."

#: src/net/tmwa/partyhandler.cpp:163
#, c-format
msgid "%s is now a member of your party."
msgstr "%s is nu een lid van jouw groep."

#: src/net/tmwa/partyhandler.cpp:168
#, c-format
msgid "%s cant joid your party because party is full."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/tmwa/partyhandler.cpp:173
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "QQQ Unknown invite response for %s."
msgstr "Onbekend uitnodigingsantwoord van %s."

#: src/net/tmwa/partyhandler.cpp:333
msgid "You have left the party."
msgstr "Je hebt de groep verlaten."

#: src/net/tmwa/partyhandler.cpp:345
#, c-format
msgid "%s has left your party."
msgstr "%s heeft jouw groep verlaten."

#: src/net/tmwa/partyhandler.cpp:421
#, c-format
msgid "An unknown member tried to say: %s"
msgstr "Een onbekend lid probeerde te zeggen: %s"

#: src/net/tmwa/partyhandler.cpp:503
#, c-format
msgid "%s is not in your party!"
msgstr "%s is niet in jouw groep!"

#: src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:110
msgid "Insert coin to continue."
msgstr "Werp een muntstuk in om verder te spelen."

#: src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:128
msgid "You're not dead yet. You're just resting."
msgstr "Je bent nog niet dood. Je bent maar aan het rusten."

#: src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:129
msgid "You are no more."
msgstr "Je bent niet langer."

#: src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:130
msgid "You have ceased to be."
msgstr "Je hebt opgehouden te zijn."

#: src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:131
msgid "You've expired and gone to meet your maker."
msgstr "Je bent verlopen en gaat een bezoekje maken bij jouw schepper."

#: src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:132
msgid "You're a stiff."
msgstr "Je bent stokstijf."

#: src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:133
msgid "Bereft of life, you rest in peace."
msgstr "Beroofd van het leven, rust je in vrede."

#: src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:134
msgid "If you weren't so animated, you'd be pushing up the daisies."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:135
msgid "Your metabolic processes are now history."
msgstr "Jouw metabolische processen behoren nu tot het verleden."

#: src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:136
msgid "You're off the twig."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:137
msgid "You've kicked the bucket."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:138
msgid ""
"You've shuffled off your mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the "
"bleedin' choir invisibile."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:140
msgid "You are an ex-player."
msgstr "Je bent een ex-speler."

#: src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:141
msgid "You're pining for the fjords."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:327 src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:336
#: src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:415
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Bericht"

#: src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:328
msgid ""
"You are carrying more than half your weight. You are unable to regain health."
msgstr ""
"Je draagt meer dan de helft van jouw eigen gewicht. Je kan geen leven "

#: src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:337
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are carrying less than half your weight. You are can regain health."
msgstr ""
"Je draagt meer dan de helft van jouw eigen gewicht. Je kan geen leven "

#: src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:442
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "You picked up %s."
msgstr "Je raapte op: "

#: src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:448
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "You spent %s."
msgstr "Jij krijgt %s."

#: src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:493
msgid "Cannot raise skill!"
msgstr ""

#: src/net/tmwa/playerhandler.cpp:613
msgid "Equip arrows first."
msgstr ""

#: src/net/tmwa/specialhandler.cpp:149
msgid "Trade failed!"
msgstr "Handel mislukte!"

#: src/net/tmwa/specialhandler.cpp:152
msgid "Emote failed!"
msgstr "Emoticon gefaald!"

#: src/net/tmwa/specialhandler.cpp:155
msgid "Sit failed!"
msgstr "Zitten niet mogelijk!"

#: src/net/tmwa/specialhandler.cpp:158
msgid "Chat creating failed!"
msgstr "Chatcreatie mislukte!"

#: src/net/tmwa/specialhandler.cpp:161
msgid "Could not join party!"
msgstr "Kan je niet bij de groep voegen!"

#: src/net/tmwa/specialhandler.cpp:164
msgid "Cannot shout!"
msgstr "Kan niet roepen!"

#: src/net/tmwa/specialhandler.cpp:177
msgid "You have not yet reached a high enough lvl!"
msgstr "Je hebt nog geen hoog genoeg level bereikt!"

#: src/net/tmwa/specialhandler.cpp:181
msgid "Insufficient HP!"
msgstr "Onvoldoende leven!"

#: src/net/tmwa/specialhandler.cpp:184
msgid "Insufficient SP!"
msgstr "Onvoldoende Vaardigheidspunten!"

#: src/net/tmwa/specialhandler.cpp:187
msgid "You have no memos!"
msgstr "Je hebt geen memo's!"

#: src/net/tmwa/specialhandler.cpp:190
msgid "You cannot do that right now!"
msgstr "Je kan dat nu niet doen!"

#: src/net/tmwa/specialhandler.cpp:193
msgid "Seems you need more money... ;-)"
msgstr "Het lijkt erop dat je meer geld nodig hebt... ;-)"

#: src/net/tmwa/specialhandler.cpp:196
msgid "You cannot use this skill with that kind of weapon!"
msgstr "Je kan die vaardigheid niet gebruiken met dit type wapen!"

#: src/net/tmwa/specialhandler.cpp:200
msgid "You need another red gem!"
msgstr "Je hebt een andere rode edelsteen nodig!"

#: src/net/tmwa/specialhandler.cpp:203
msgid "You need another blue gem!"
msgstr "Je hebt een andere blauwe edelsteen nodig!"

#: src/net/tmwa/specialhandler.cpp:206
msgid "You're carrying to much to do this!"
msgstr "Je draagt teveel bij je om dit te doen!"

#: src/net/tmwa/specialhandler.cpp:209
msgid "Huh? What's that?"
msgstr "Huh? Wat is dat?"

#: src/net/tmwa/specialhandler.cpp:220
msgid "Warp failed..."
msgstr "Warp mislukt..."

#: src/net/tmwa/specialhandler.cpp:223
msgid "Could not steal anything..."
msgstr "Kon niets stelen..."

#: src/net/tmwa/specialhandler.cpp:226
msgid "Poison had no effect..."
msgstr "Gif had geen effect..."

#: src/net/tmwa/tradehandler.cpp:145
msgid "Trading isn't possible. Trade partner is too far away."
msgstr "Handelen is niet mogelijk. Partner is te ver weg."

#: src/net/tmwa/tradehandler.cpp:149
msgid "Trading isn't possible. Character doesn't exist."
msgstr "Handelen is niet mogelijk. Personage bestaat niet."

#: src/net/tmwa/tradehandler.cpp:153
msgid "Trade cancelled due to an unknown reason."
msgstr "Handel onderbroken vanwege een onbekende reden."

#: src/net/tmwa/tradehandler.cpp:161
#, c-format
msgid "Trade: You and %s"
msgstr "Handelen: Jij en %s"

#: src/net/tmwa/tradehandler.cpp:171
#, c-format
msgid "Trade with %s cancelled."
msgstr "Handel met %s geannuleerd."

#: src/net/tmwa/tradehandler.cpp:184
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unhandled trade cancel packet."
msgstr "Onbehandelde handelannulatiepakket."

#: src/net/tmwa/tradehandler.cpp:241
msgid "Failed adding item. Trade partner is over weighted."
msgstr "Kan voorwerp niet toevoegen. Handelspartner is al te zwaar beladen."

#: src/net/tmwa/tradehandler.cpp:246
msgid "Failed adding item. Trade partner has no free slot."
msgstr "Kan voorwerp niet toevoegen. Handelspartner heeft geen vrij slot."

#: src/net/tmwa/tradehandler.cpp:251
#, fuzzy
msgid "Failed adding item. You cant trade this item."
msgstr ""
"Kan dat voorwerp niet toevoegen. Je kan één type voorwerp niet overlappen in "
"het venster."

#: src/net/tmwa/tradehandler.cpp:255
msgid "Failed adding item for unknown reason."
msgstr "Kan voorwerp niet toevoegen voor een onbekende reden."

#: src/playerrelations.cpp:404
#, fuzzy
msgid "Completely ignore"
msgstr "Voltooid"

#: src/playerrelations.cpp:418
msgid "Print '...'"
msgstr ""

#: src/playerrelations.cpp:438
msgid "Blink name"
msgstr ""

#: src/playerrelations.cpp:483
msgid "Floating '...' bubble"
msgstr ""

#: src/playerrelations.cpp:486
msgid "Floating bubble"
msgstr ""

#: src/resources/beinginfo.cpp:32 src/resources/itemdb.cpp:210
#: src/resources/monsterdb.cpp:78
msgid "unnamed"
msgstr "naamloos"

#: src/resources/itemdb.cpp:55
#, c-format
msgid "Attack %+d"
msgstr "Aanval %+d"

#: src/resources/itemdb.cpp:56
#, c-format
msgid "Defense %+d"
msgstr "Verdediging %+d"

#: src/resources/itemdb.cpp:57
#, c-format
msgid "HP %+d"
msgstr "Leven %+d"

#: src/resources/itemdb.cpp:58
#, c-format
msgid "MP %+d"
msgstr "Magie %+d"

#: src/resources/itemdb.cpp:155
msgid "Unknown item"
msgstr "Onbekend voorwerp"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Particle detail: %s"
#~ msgstr "Deeltjes details"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Ambient FX: %s"
#~ msgstr "Omgevingseffecten"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Emote Shortcut  %d"
#~ msgstr "Emoticon snelkoppeling %d"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Player position:"
#~ msgstr "Speler raakt Monster"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Music: %s"
#~ msgstr "Onderwerp: %s"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Map: %s"
#~ msgstr "Naam: %s"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Minimap: %s"
#~ msgstr "Kaartje"

#~ msgid "/record > Start recording the chat to an external file"
#~ msgstr "/record > De chat beginnen opnemen naar een extern bestand"

#~ msgid "Command: /record <filename>"
#~ msgstr "Commando: /record <bestandsnaam>"

#~ msgid "This command starts recording the chat log to the file <filename>."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dit commando begint de chat log op te slaan naar het bestand "
#~ "<bestandsnaam>."

#~ msgid "Command: /record"
#~ msgstr "Commando: /record"

#~ msgid "This command finishes a recording session."
#~ msgstr "Dit commando beëindigt het opslaan van de chatlog."

#~ msgid "Attendance written to record log."
#~ msgstr "Aanwezigheid geschreven in logbestand."

#~ msgid "Finishing recording."
#~ msgstr "Opname voltooid."

#~ msgid "Not currently recording."
#~ msgstr "Momenteel niet aan het opnemen."

#~ msgid "Already recording."
#~ msgstr "Reeds aan het opnemen."

#~ msgid "Starting to record..."
#~ msgstr "Opname starten..."

#~ msgid "Failed to start recording."
#~ msgstr "Kan de opname niet starten."

#~ msgid "Recording..."
#~ msgstr "Opnemen..."

#~ msgid "Stop recording"
#~ msgstr "Stoppen met opnemen"

#~ msgid "Find Path to Mouse"
#~ msgstr "Pad naar Muis vinden"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "HP"
#~ msgstr "Leven:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "MP"
#~ msgstr "Magie:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Exp"
#~ msgstr "Ervaring:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Money"
#~ msgstr "Geld: %d"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Job"
#~ msgstr "Job:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Level"
#~ msgstr "Level: %d"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Player successfully ignored!"
#~ msgstr "Groep succesvol aangemaakt."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Player could not be ignored!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Fluisterbericht kon niet verzonden worden, genegeerd door gebruiker."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "  -C --config-file    : Configuration file to use"
#~ msgstr "  -C --config-file : Gebruikte configuratiebestand"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "  -l --chat-log-dir   : Chat log dir to use"
#~ msgstr "  -C --config-file : Gebruikte configuratiebestand"

#~ msgid "Sound"
#~ msgstr "Geluid"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Access denied."
#~ msgstr "Toegang geweigerd"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unknown failure to select character."
#~ msgstr "Onbekende fout bij het selecteren van personage"

#~ msgid "Inviting like this isn't supported at the moment."
#~ msgstr "Op deze manier iemand uitnodigen wordt momenteel niet ondersteund."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "You can only invite when you are in a party!"
#~ msgstr "%s heeft je uitgenodigd om je bij hun groep te voegen."

#~ msgid "Willpower:"
#~ msgstr "Wilskracht:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Server is full."
#~ msgstr "Server is volzet"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Trade with %s..."
#~ msgstr "Handelen met %s"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Whisper %s"
#~ msgstr "Fluister"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invite %s to join your party"
#~ msgstr "%s is niet in jouw groep!"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Kick player"
#~ msgstr "Kick gefaald!"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Kick monster"
#~ msgstr "Monsters"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Pick up %s"
#~ msgstr "Oprapen"

#~ msgid "Cannot send empty chat!"
#~ msgstr "Kan geen leeg chatbericht sturen!"

#~ msgid "Text Shadow"
#~ msgstr "Tekstschaduw"

#~ msgid "Text Outline"
#~ msgstr "Tekstuitlijning"

#~ msgid "Progress Bar Labels"
#~ msgstr "Vooruitgangsbalk Labels"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Item Too Expensive"
#~ msgstr "Voorwerp te duur"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Item Is Equipped"
#~ msgstr "Voorwerp wordt al gedragen"

#~ msgid "GM"
#~ msgstr "GM"

#~ msgid "Player"
#~ msgstr "Speler"

#~ msgid "Whisper"
#~ msgstr "Fluister"

#~ msgid "Is"
#~ msgstr "is gelijk aan"

#~ msgid "Server"
#~ msgstr "Server"

#~ msgid "Unknown Item Type"
#~ msgstr "Onbekend type voorwerp"

#~ msgid "Generics"
#~ msgstr "Generiek"

#~ msgid "Hats"
#~ msgstr "Hoeden"

#~ msgid "Usables"
#~ msgstr "Gebruiksvoorwerpen"

#~ msgid "Shirts"
#~ msgstr "Shirts"

#~ msgid "Pants"
#~ msgstr "Broeken"

#~ msgid "Shoes"
#~ msgstr "Schoenen"

#~ msgid "Shields"
#~ msgstr "Schilden"

#~ msgid "Rings"
#~ msgstr "Ringen"

#~ msgid "Necklaces"
#~ msgstr "Kettingen"

#~ msgid "Arms"
#~ msgstr "Wapens"

#~ msgid "Ammo"
#~ msgstr "Ammunitie"

#~ msgid "HP Bar"
#~ msgstr "Levensbalk"

#~ msgid "3/4 HP Bar"
#~ msgstr "3/4 Levensbalk"

#~ msgid "1/2 HP Bar"
#~ msgstr "1/2 Levensbalk"

#~ msgid "1/4 HP Bar"
#~ msgstr "1/4 Levensbalk"

#~ msgid "no"
#~ msgstr "nee"

#~ msgid "Buddy"
#~ msgstr "Vriend"

#~ msgid "Buddy List"
#~ msgstr "Vriendenlijst"

#~ msgid "Description: %s"
#~ msgstr "Beschrijving: %s"

#~ msgid "Effect: %s"
#~ msgstr "Effect: %s"

#~ msgid "Previous"
#~ msgstr "Vorige"

#~ msgid "New"
#~ msgstr "Nieuw"

#~ msgid "Job Level: %d"
#~ msgstr "Beroep niveau: %d"

#~ msgid "Present: "
#~ msgstr "Aanwezig: "

#~ msgid "Quit Guild"
#~ msgstr "Guild verlaten"

#~ msgid "Ok"
#~ msgstr "OK"

#~ msgid "Recent:"
#~ msgstr "Recent:"

#~ msgid "@@use|Equip@@"
#~ msgstr "@@use|Uitrusten@@"

#~ msgid "@@drop|Drop@@"
#~ msgstr "@@drop|Neerleggen@@"

#~ msgid "Select Server"
#~ msgstr "Server Selecteren"

#~ msgid "Failed to switch to "
#~ msgstr "Kan niet wisselen naar "

#~ msgid "windowed"
#~ msgstr "in venster"

#~ msgid "fullscreen"
#~ msgstr "volledig scherm"

#~ msgid "Weapons"
#~ msgstr "Wapens"

#~ msgid "Stats"
#~ msgstr "statistieken"

#~ msgid "Total"
#~ msgstr "Totaal"

#~ msgid "Cost"
#~ msgstr "Kosten"

#~ msgid "Attack:"
#~ msgstr "Aanval:"

#~ msgid "% Reflex:"
#~ msgstr "% Reflex:"

#~ msgid "Remaining Status Points: %d"
#~ msgstr "Overblijvende statuspunten: %d"

#~ msgid " host: "
#~ msgstr " host: "

#~ msgid "Buddys"
#~ msgstr "Vrienden"

#~ msgid "Party Window"
#~ msgstr "Groepsvenster"

#~ msgid "Unarmed"
#~ msgstr "Ongewapend"

#~ msgid "Knife"
#~ msgstr "Mes"

#~ msgid "Sword"
#~ msgstr "Zwaard"

#~ msgid "Staff"
#~ msgstr "Staf"

#~ msgid "Whip"
#~ msgstr "Zweep"

#~ msgid "Bow"
#~ msgstr "Boog"

#~ msgid "Shooting"
#~ msgstr "Schieten"

#~ msgid "Mace"
#~ msgstr "Goedendag"

#~ msgid "Axe"
#~ msgstr "Bijl"

#~ msgid "Unknown Skill"
#~ msgstr "Onbekende vaardigheid"

#~ msgid " can't be created, but it doesn't exist! Exiting."
#~ msgstr " kan niet gecreëerd worden, maar het bestaat niet! Verlaten."

#~ msgid "Couldn't set "
#~ msgstr "Kan niet instellen van "

#~ msgid " video mode: "
#~ msgstr " video modus: "

#~ msgid "mana"
#~ msgstr "mana"

#~ msgid "Connecting to character server..."
#~ msgstr "Verbinden met de karakter server..."

#~ msgid "Connecting to account server..."
#~ msgstr "Verbinden met de account server..."

#~ msgid "/new > Alias of create"
#~ msgstr "/new > Zelfde functie als create"

#~ msgid "Command: /new <party-name>"
#~ msgstr "Commando: /new <groepsnaam>"

#~ msgid "a"
#~ msgstr "een"

#~ msgid "Unnamed"
#~ msgstr "Naamloos"

#~ msgid "Scroll radius"
#~ msgstr "Scroll radius"

#~ msgid "Scroll laziness"
#~ msgstr "Scroll vertraging"